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A low pH method of liposome-membrane fusion (Schneider et al., 1980, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. 77:442) was used to enrich the mitochondrial inner membrane lipid bilayer 30-700% with exogenous phospholipid and cholesterol. By varying the phospholipid-to- cholesterol ratio of the liposomes it was possible to incorporate specific amounts of cholesterol (up to 44 mol %) into the inner membrane bilayer in a controlled fashion. The membrane surface area increased proportionally to the increase in total membrane bilayer lipid. Inner membrane enriched with phospholipid only, or with phospholipid plus cholesterol up to 20 mol %, showed randomly distributed intramembrane particles (integral proteins) in the membrane plane, and the average distance between intramembrane particles increased proportionally to the amount of newly incorporated lipid. Membranes containing between 20 and 27 mol % cholesterol exhibited small clusters of intramembrane particles while cholesterol contents above 27 mol % resulted in larger aggregations of intramembrane particles. In phospholipid-enriched membranes with randomly dispersed intramembrane particles, electron transfer activities from NADH- and succinate-dehydrogenase to cytochrome c decreased proportionally to the increase in distance between the particles. In contrast, these electron- transfer activities increased with decreasing distances between intramembrane particles brought about by cholesterol incorporation. These results indicate that (a) catalytically interacting redox components in the mitochondrial inner membrane such as the dehydrogenase complexes, ubiquinone, and heme proteins are independent, laterally diffusible components; (b) the average distance between these redox components is effected by the available surface area of the membrane lipid bilayer; and (c) the distance over which redox components diffuse before collision and electron transfer mediates the rate of such transfer.  相似文献   
Over 80% of the values of approximate digestibility (AD), efficiency of conversion of assimilated food to biomass (ECD) and efficiency of conversion of ingested food (ECI) calculated using energy terms are greater than the corresponding dry weight (DW) values, based on data for over 65 species (38 studies; number of comparative values: AD=139, ECD=128 and ECI=169). Largest positive differences (energy > DW values) are 30 (AD, ECD) and 24 (ECI) percentage points and largest negative differences (energy < DW values) are 9 (AD), 11 (ECD) and 8 (ECI) percentage points. These differences generally are least for ECI (71% of the differences fall between 0 and +5 percentage points), and AD (68%), followed by ECD (only 47% fall between 0 and +5), and they may vary with temperature, food and other factors. The differences tend to increase (esp. for ECD and ECI) when comparing later with earlier instars. Energy > DW efficiency values are commonly expected for AD because of the generally greater energy content of food than feces, and for ECD and ECI because of the generally greater energy content of insect biomass than ingested and assimilated food. Deviations from predicted differences in surveyed literature data are discussed in terms of possible methodological sources of error.
Résumé Plus de 80% des valeurs de la digestibilité approchée (AD), de l'efficacité de la conversion de la nourriture assimilée en biomasse (ECD) et de l'efficacité de la conversion de l'aliment ingéré (ECI), calculées en termes énergétiques, et obtenus à partir de données sur 65 espèces, sont supérieures aux valeurs des poids secs correspondants (DW): 38 études; valeurs comparatives: AD=139, ECD=128, ECI=169. Les plus importantes différences positive (énergie>valuers DW) sont de 30 (AD, ECD) et de 24 (ECI) centièmes (les différences négatives les plus fortes = 9 (AD), 11 (ECD) et 8 (ECI); ces différences sont moindres pour ECI (71% des différences tombent à 0 et +5 centièmes), et AD (68%), suivi de ECD (seulement 47% tombent entre 0 et +5). Ces différences peuvent varier avec la température, l'alimentation et d'autres facteurs; les différences tendent à croître (particulièrement pour ECD et ECI) quant on les compare plus tard avec des stades plus précoces. Energie > aux valeurs d'efficacité DW sont généralement attendues pour AD par suite du contenu énergétique supérieur de l'aliment à celui des excréments, et pour ECD et ECI par suite du contenu énergétique généralement plus élevé pour la biomasse de l'insecte que pour l'aliment ingéré et assimilé. Les écarts par rapport aux différences prédites dans les données de la littérature examinée sont analysées en considérant les sources possibles d'erreurs méthodologiques.
Rearing larvae of Ips calligraphus (Germar) (Coleoptera: Scolytidae) in bolts of typical slash pine, Pinus elliottii Engelm. var. elliottii, with thin (TN; 0.5–1.5 mm) phloem (inner bark) relative to adult beetle body width significantly reduced body weight and lipid content of emerging adults compared with thick (TK; 2.5–3.5 mm) phloem-reared adults. Unmated (pre-nuptial) TK beetles averaged 2-fold longer daily and life-time flight duration than TN beetles. Daily flights were highly variable, averaging <20 min (longest daily flight=173 min). TK and TN beetles initiated flight, and the greatest number flew, on the first or second day after emergence form their rearing bolt; % of beetles flying and survival gradually declined to zero by day 9. Males (both TK and TN) averaged 2.5 days of flight, ca. 1 day longer than females. Fliers lived ca. 2-fold longer than non-fliers. Among TK and TN fliers, significant but weak positive correlations occurred between body weight and lifetime flight duration. Poor correlation between lifetime flight duration and longevity suggests little physiological cost to flight, but effects on fecundity were not assessed. Flight by mated, egg-laying (post-nuptial) beetles was substantially delayed (peaking on day 6), suggesting degeneration and subsequent regeneration of flight muscles.
Résumé Le comportement de vol d'Ips calligraphus GERMAR (Scolytidae) a été examiné au laboratoire par une technique de vol captif. La génération parentale avait été artificiellement introduite, suivant la taille des adultes (1,6 à 2,1 mm) dans des morceaux de Pinus elliottii Engelm. variété elliottii au phloeme épais (TK=2,5 à 3,5 mm) ou fin (TN=0,5 à 1,5 mm) les larves se sont développées dans ces morceaux de pin. Le poids et la teneur en lipide des adultes obtenus à partir de TN étaient significativement inférieure à ceux de TK. Le poids des mâles les plus gros a été plus réduit que celui des femelles; les mâles les plus petits semblaient être moins efficaces dans l'initiation des attaques sur les arbres, et les femelles les plus petites ont eu une fécondité réduite.Les durées de vol quotidiennes pendant la vie des mâles TK vierges étaient en moyenne deux fois plus longues que celles des mâles TN. Les durées de vol quotidiennes étaient très variables: en moyenne moins de 20 minutes, mais la plus longue a été de 173 mn. En moyennes les adultes TN et TK ont commencé à voler, et volaient en plus grand nombre, le premier et le second jour après l'émergence. Ensuite la fréquence d'adultes volants et le pourcentage de surviveants, ont graduellement diminué jusqu'à tomber à zéro le neuvième jour. Les mâles TN et TK avaient des vols quotidiens plus longs et volaient environ 1 jour de plus que les femelles. L'activité de vol accrue des mâles reflète leur besoin de trouver dans la nature des arbres convenables; les vols des femelles peuvent généralement être plus brefs, étant plus directement orientés comme une réponse aux phéromones mâles.Les voiliers ont vécu environ 2 fois plus longtemps que les non-voiliers. Parmi les voiliers TK et TN il y avait une corrélation positive étroite entre le poids du corps et la durée totale des vols. Il n'y en a qu'une faible corrélation entre cette durée totale des vols et la longévité, suggérant un faible coût physiologique du vol. L'influence de cette durée des vols et du prélèvement consécutif de lipides sur la fécondité n'a pas été examinée. L'initiation au vol chez les individus fécondés a été sérieusement retardée (maximum le sixième jour) par rapport aux vierges, ce qui suggère un dégénérescence des muscles du vol associée à la reproduction, suivie d'une régénération importante, comme cela a été signalé chez d'autres Scolytes.Ces résultats contribuent à notre compréhension des facteurs conditionnant le comportement de vol et d'autres aspects fondamentaux de la biologie des insectes des pins. Une telle connaissance est nécessaire au développement d'une politique efficace de protection.
In Chironomus tentans salivary gland cells, the cytoplasm can be dissected into concentric zones situated at increasing distances from the nuclear envelope. After RNA labeling, the newly made ribosomal subunits are found in the cytoplasm mainly in the neighborhood of the nucleus with a gradient of increasing abundance towards the periphery of the cell. The gradient for the small subunit lasts for a few hours and disappears entirely after treatment with puromycin. The large subunit also forms a gradient but one which is only partially abolished by puromycin. The residual gradient which which is resistant to the addition of the drug is probably due to the binding of some large ribosomal units to the membranes of the endoplasmic reticulum (J.-E. Edstrom and u. Lonn. 1976. J. Cell Biol. 70:562-572, and U. Lonn and J.-E. Edstrom. 1976. J. Cell. Biol. 70:573-580). If growth is inhibited by starvation, only the puromycin-sensitive type gradient is observed for the large subunit, suggesting that the attachment of these newly made subunits to the endoplasmic reticulum membranes will not occur. If, on the other hand, the drug-resistant gradient is allowed to form in feeding animals, it is conserved during a subsequent starvation for longer periods than in control feeding animals. This observation provides a further support for an effect of starvation on the normal turnover of the large subunits associated with the endoplasmic reticulum. These results also indicate a considerable structural stability in the cytoplasm of these cells worth little or no gross redistribution of cytoplasmic structures over a period of at least 6 days.  相似文献   
Male/female pairs of adult milkweed bugs, Oncopeltus faciatus were offered reduced food rations (100 mg milkweed seeds/week, 50 mg seeds/week, and 25 mg seeds/week) at 232C, 14L : 10D photoperiod. The high rate of food consumption normally occurring during the teneral period (first 8 days posteclosion) and subsequent food consumption were reduced on both reduced rations. Initial fresh weight was lost by bugs on both reduced rations and their weekly fresh body weight tended to remain less than bugs on the 100 mg seeds/week ration.Normal onset of egg production (about 3 weeks posteclosion) was delayed 6 weeks and normal length of a female's life (13–14 weeks) was increased 7–8 weeks on the 25 mg seeds/week ration. Rate of egg production exhibited a linear decrease with decrease in food ration on both reduced rations due to an increased interclutch interval, while fresh egg weight, duration of egg stage, number of eggs/clutch and percentage of clutches containing fertile eggs were little affected.Gross egg production efficiency (efficiency of conversion of ingested food into eggs = dry mg egg production × 100/dry mg food ingested) was high on both the 100 and 50 mg seeds/week rations (27.9% and 21.1%, respectively) and low (7.7%) on the 25 mg seeds/week ration. These data are discussed in the context of the reciprocal interaction between nutrient intake and egg production.  相似文献   
Antigen-specific blockade of T cells in vivo using dimeric MHC peptide   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Ag-specific immune tolerance in clinical organ transplantation is currently an unrealized but critical goal of transplant biology. The specificity and avidity of multimerized MHC-peptide complexes suggests their potential ability to modulate T cell sensitization and effector functions. In this study, we examined the ability of MHC-peptide dimers to modulate T cell function both in vitro and in vivo. Soluble MHC dimers induced modulation of surface TCR expression and inhibited T cell cytolytic activity at nanomolar concentrations in vitro. Furthermore, engagement of TCR by soluble dimers resulted in phosphorylation of the TCR zeta-chain and recruitment and phosphorylation of zeta-associated protein-70 to the signaling complex, the latter of which increased upon dimer cross-linking. Significantly, Ag-specific inhibition of an alloreactive TCR-transgenic T cell population in vivo resulted in consequent outgrowth of an allogeneic tumor. The prolonged Ag-specific suppression of expansion and/or effector function of cognate T cells in vivo suggests that soluble MHC dimers may be a means of inducing sustained Ag-specific T cell unresponsiveness in vivo.  相似文献   
Women with multiple sclerosis have significantly diminished disease activity during pregnancy. The purpose of our study was to identify the underlying mechanism for the diminished disease activity. We found that during the period of late pregnancy there is protection against paralysis, during both the induction and effector phases of relapsing experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis, a mouse model of multiple sclerosis. We did not find any changes in the cytokine secretion profiles or the proliferative activity of autoreactive T cells from mice induced during late pregnancy compared with virgin controls. In mice mated after disease onset, the inflammatory histologic lesions did not clear, despite marked clinical improvement during pregnancy. We found evidence for a serum factor present in late pregnancy that suppresses T cell activation. In the presence of sera taken from mice late in pregnancy, the proliferative response and IL-2 production of proteolipid protein p139-151-specific T cells were significantly diminished as compared with stimulation in the presence of normal mouse sera. In conclusion, serum from late pregnancy has the capacity to down-regulate T cell responses and might be associated with the amelioration of disease activity in experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis.  相似文献   
Native species of rodents and lagomorphs in the Americas are the typical hosts of Cuterebra spp. larvae. Although these bot flies are relatively host specific, they occasionally parasitize other native and introduced mammals (including domestic animals and humans), an affliction termed cuterebrosis. Cuterebra spp. larvae generally cause benign, subcutaneous lesions (warbles), but when infesting domestic cats, they can invade the eyes, respiratory tract, and cerebral tissues, causing severe, and in some cases fatal, injury. Despite more than 2 dozen published reports of feline cuterebrosis, the type (rodent- or lagomorph-infesting) or species parasitizing domestic cats has rarely been determined. Here, I identify a larva removed from a kitten in southern Wisconsin as belonging to a lagomorph-infesting Cuterebra species, most likely C. abdominalis, based especially on features of the cuticular platelets covering its exterior, and its geographic location. This seems to be only the third substantiated report of feline cuterebrosis in more than 50 yr in which a larva has been identified beyond "Cuterebra spp." In each case, lagomorph-infesting species were involved, suggesting that domestic cats may not be susceptible to rodent-infesting Cuterebra species. However, because these studies are limited in number and geographic area, additional research is required to establish the spectrum of Cuterebra species involved in feline cuterebrosis.  相似文献   


Neisseria meningitidis is a human pathogen that can infect diverse sites within the human host. The major diseases caused by N. meningitidis are responsible for death and disability, especially in young infants. In general, most of the recent work on N. meningitidis focuses on potential antigens and their functions, immunogenicity, and pathogenicity mechanisms. Very little work has been carried out on Neisseria primary metabolism over the past 25 years.  相似文献   


Due to the limited number of experimental studies that mechanically characterise human atherosclerotic plaque tissue from the femoral arteries, a recent trend has emerged in current literature whereby one set of material data based on aortic plaque tissue is employed to numerically represent diseased femoral artery tissue. This study aims to generate novel vessel-appropriate material models for femoral plaque tissue and assess the influence of using material models based on experimental data generated from aortic plaque testing to represent diseased femoral arterial tissue.


Novel material models based on experimental data generated from testing of atherosclerotic femoral artery tissue are developed and a computational analysis of the revascularisation of a quarter model idealised diseased femoral artery from a 90% diameter stenosis to a 10% diameter stenosis is performed using these novel material models. The simulation is also performed using material models based on experimental data obtained from aortic plaque testing in order to examine the effect of employing vessel appropriate material models versus those currently employed in literature to represent femoral plaque tissue.


Simulations that employ material models based on atherosclerotic aortic tissue exhibit much higher maximum principal stresses within the plaque than simulations that employ material models based on atherosclerotic femoral tissue. Specifically, employing a material model based on calcified aortic tissue, instead of one based on heavily calcified femoral tissue, to represent diseased femoral arterial vessels results in a 487 fold increase in maximum principal stress within the plaque at a depth of 0.8 mm from the lumen.


Large differences are induced on numerical results as a consequence of employing material models based on aortic plaque, in place of material models based on femoral plaque, to represent a diseased femoral vessel. Due to these large discrepancies, future studies should seek to employ vessel-appropriate material models to simulate the response of diseased femoral tissue in order to obtain the most accurate numerical results.
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