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排序方式: 共有99条查询结果,搜索用时 11 毫秒
The biosynthesis of the haemagglutinin glycoproteins of infectious influenza virus particles involves proteolytic cleavage of the primary translation products and the amino acid sequences at the two sites of processing are presented. In addition, details of the primary structure of the haemagglutinin of A/Japan/305/57 (H2N1) are reported and compared with information available for haemagglutinins of other subtypes.  相似文献   
Influenza virus haemagglutinin mediates infection of cells by fusion of viral and endosomal membranes, triggered by low pH which induces a conformational change in the protein. We report studies of this change by electron microscopy, neutron scattering, sedimentation and photon correlation on X-31 (H3N2) haemagglutinin, both intact and bromelain cleaved, in various assemblies. HAs in all preparations showed a thinning at low pH, and a marked elongation which was removed on tryptic digestion, revealing altered features in the remaining stem portion of the molecule. A tentative model of the change is proposed, with reference to the known X-ray structure at neutral pH, in which major changes occur in the stem tertiary structure, while the top portion is only affected in its quaternary structure.  相似文献   
The amino acid sequence has been determined of the precursor of a nuclear encoded 20 kDa subunit of complex I from bovine heart mitochondria. The sequence of the mature protein is related to a protein of uncertain function, hitherto known as psbG, encoded in the chloroplast genomes of higher plants. Open reading frames encoding homologues of psbG have also been detected in bacteria and in the mitochondrial genome of Paramecium tetraurelia. The chloroplast psbG gene is found between ndhC and ndhJ, which encode homologues of ND3, a hydrophobic subunit of complex I encoded in the bovine mitochondrial genome, and of the nuclear encoded 30 kDa subunit of complex I. This 20 kDa protein is the eleventh out of the forty or more subunits of bovine complex I with a chloroplast encoded homologue, and its sequence provides further support for the presence in chloroplasts of a multisubunit enzyme related to complex I that could be involved in chlororespiration. The strict conservation of three cysteines suggests that the subunit might be an iron-sulphur protein.  相似文献   
Structural basis for membrane fusion by enveloped viruses.   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
Enveloped viruses such as HIV-1, influenza virus, and Ebola virus express a surface glycoprotein that mediates both cell attachment and fusion of viral and cellular membranes. The membrane fusion process leads to the release of viral proteins and the RNA genome into the host cell, initiating an infectious cycle. This review focuses on the HIV-1 gp41 membrane fusion protein and discusses the structural similarities of viral membrane fusion proteins from diverse families such as Retroviridae (HIV-1), Orthomyxoviridae (influenza virus), and Filoviridae (Ebola virus). Their structural organization suggests that they have all evolved to use a similar strategy to promote fusion of viral and cellular membranes. This observation led to the proposal of a general model for viral membrane fusion, which will be discussed in detail.  相似文献   
The covalent attachment of carbohydrate to proteins is a very common co- or post-translational event in the biosynthesis of glycoproteins. The type and heterogeneity of these oligosaccharides can affect a range of physico-chemical and biological properties of a glycoprotein. Thus the development of sensitive, reliable and robust analytical methods for carbohydrate analysis is important in the pharmaceutical industry, especially in the recombinant production of experimental and therapeutic glycoproteins. In this report we have reviewed methodology for the in-gel enzymatic release of N-linked oligosaccharides from glycoproteins separated by electrophoresis. These oligosaccharides are derivatised by reductive amination using 3-acetamido-6-aminoacridine (AA-Ac), a novel, highly fluorescent probe. A major advantage of this technique is that glycan derivatives are amenable to analysis by an array of chromatographic and mass spectrometric methods, allowing the resolution and characterisation of a wide variety of glycan structures. It is hoped that in due course the methodology described will be applied to proteomics studies, especially in identifying the role of carbohydrate in protein function and disease.  相似文献   
The envelope glycoprotein, gp160, of simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) shares approximately 25% sequence identity with gp160 from the human immunodeficiency virus, type I, indicating a close structural similarity. As a result of binding to cell surface CD4 and co-receptor (e.g. CCR5 and CXCR4), both SIV and human immunodeficiency virus gp160 mediate viral entry by membrane fusion. We report here the characterization of gp160e, the soluble ectodomain of SIV gp160. The ectodomain has been expressed in both insect cells and Chinese hamster ovary (CHO)-Lec3.2.8.1 cells, deficient in enzymes necessary for synthesizing complex oligosaccharides. Both the primary and a secondary proteolytic cleavage sites between the gp120 and gp41 subunits of gp160 were mutated to prevent cleavage and shedding of gp120. The purified, soluble glycoprotein is shown to be trimeric by chemical cross-linking, gel filtration chromatography, and analytical ultracentrifugation. It forms soluble, tight complexes with soluble CD4 and a number of Fab fragments from neutralizing monoclonal antibodies. Soluble complexes were also produced of enzymatically deglycosylated gp160e and of gp160e variants with deletions in the variable segments.  相似文献   
The structure of a complex between the hemagglutinin of influenza virus and the Fab of a neutralizing antibody was determined by X-ray crystallography at 2.8 A resolution. This antibody and another which has only 56% sequence identity bind to the same epitope with very similar affinities and in the same orientation. One third of the interactions is conserved in the two complexes; a significant proportion of the interactions that differ are established by residues of the H3 complementarity-determining regions (CDR) which adopt distinct conformations in the two antibodies. This demonstrates that there is a definite flexibility in the selection of antibodies that bind to a given epitope, despite the high affinity of their complexes. This flexibility allows the humoral immune response to be redundant, a feature that may be useful in achieving longer lasting protection against evolving viral pathogens.  相似文献   
The envelope glycoproteins of the human immunodeficiency virus and the related simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) mediate viral entry into host cells by fusing viral and target cell membranes. We have reported expression, purification, and characterization of gp140 (also called gp160e), the soluble, trimeric ectodomain of the SIV envelope glycoprotein, gp160 (B. Chen et al., J. Biol. Chem. 275:34946-34953, 2000). We have now expressed and purified chimeric proteins of SIV gp140 and its variants with the catalytic subunit (C) of Escherichia coli aspartate transcarbamoylase (ATCase). The fusion proteins (SIV gp140-ATC) bind viral receptor CD4 and a number of monoclonal antibodies specific for SIV gp140. The chimeric molecule also has ATCase activity, which requires trimerization of the ATCase C chains. Thus, the fusion protein is trimeric. When ATCase regulatory subunit dimers (R(2)) are added, the fusion protein assembles into dimers of trimers as expected from the structure of C(6)R(6) ATCase. Negative-stain electron microscopy reveals spikey features of both SIV gp140 and SIV gp140-ATC. The production of the fusion proteins may enhance the possibilities for structure determination of the envelope glycoprotein either by electron cryomicroscopy or X-ray crystallography.  相似文献   
Bovine complex I is an assembly of 46 different proteins. Seven of them are encoded in mitochondrial DNA, and the rest are nuclear gene products that are imported into the organelle. Fourteen of the nuclear encoded subunits have modified N termini. Many of these post-translational modifications have been deduced previously from intact protein masses. These assignments have been verified by mass spectrometric analysis of peptides. Thirteen of them are N-alpha-acetylated, and a 14th, subunit B18, is N-alpha-myristoylated. Subunit B18 forms part of the membrane arm of the complex, and the myristoyl group may attach subunit B18 to the membrane. One subunit, B12, has a particularly complex pattern of post-translational modification that has not been analyzed before. It is a mixture of the N-alpha-acetylated form and the form with a free N terminus. In addition, it has one, two, or three methyl groups attached to histidine residues at positions 4, 6, and 8 in various combinations. The predominant form is methylated on residues 4 and 6. There is no evidence for the methylation of histidine 2. Subunit B12 is also part of the membrane arm of complex I, and it probably spans the membrane once, but as its orientation is not known, the methylation sites could be in either the matrix or the intermembrane space. These experiments represent another significant step toward establishing the precise chemical composition of mammalian complex I.  相似文献   
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