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OBJECTIVE--To assess the efficacy of a short course chemotherapy regimen for treating tuberculosis of the lymph nodes in children. DESIGN--Open, collaborative, outpatient clinical trial. SETTING--Outpatient department of the Tuberculosis Research Centre, paediatric surgery departments of the Institute of Child Health and Hospital for Children and the Government Stanley Hospital, Madras, South India. PATIENTS--Children aged 1-12 years with extensive, multiple site, superficial tuberculous lymphadenitis confirmed by biopsy (histopathology or culture). INTERVENTIONS--Patients were treated with a fully supervised intermittent chemotherapy regimen consisting of streptomycin, rifampicin, isoniazid, and pyrazinamide three times a week for two months followed by streptomycin and isoniazid twice a week for four months on an outpatient basis. Surgery was limited to biopsy of nodes for diagnosis and assessment. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES--Response to chemotherapy was assessed by regression of lymph nodes and healing of sinuses and abscesses during treatment and follow up. Compliance with treatment and frequency of adverse reactions were also estimated. RESULTS--197 Patients were admitted to the study and 168 into the analysis. The regimen was well tolerated and compliance was good with 101 (60%) patients receiving the prescribed chemotherapy within 15 days of the stipulated period of six months. Those whose chemotherapy extended beyond that period received the same total number of doses. Clinical response was favourable in most patients at the end of treatment. Sinuses and abscesses healed rapidly. Residual lymphadenopathy (exceeding 10 mm diameter) was present in 50 (30%) patients at the end of treatment; these nodes were biopsied. Fresh nodes, increase in size of nodes, and sinuses and abscesses occurred both during treatment and follow up. After 36 months of follow up after treatment only 5 (3%) patients required retreatment for tuberculosis. CONCLUSION--Tuberculous lymphadenitis in children can be successfully treated with a short course chemotherapy regimen of six months.  相似文献   
Summary The hormonal control of evagination of the imaginal leg discs of the fleshflySarcophaga crassipalpis was studied by means of ectopic transplantation of discs from mature larvae or prepupae onto prepupal hosts. Evagination was influenced by the age of the donor and the developmental commitment of the host. Discs from non-diapuse as well as diapause-committed donors did not differ in their capacity to evaginate and differentiate. Mature larval discs from either type of donor could evaginate only when transplanted onto non-diapause hosts; they failed to evaginate on diapause-committed hosts even though host discs evaginated in situ about 40 h after transplantation. Discs from white prepupae evaginated whether transplanted onto non-diapause or onto diapause-committed hosts.  相似文献   
Byssinosis is a disabling occupational lung disease caused by cotton dust. It is a well-known occupational respiratory disease in cotton industry workers caused by cotton dust pollution. Many studies have been documented the effects of cotton dust on pulmonary function among workers employed in cotton-spinning mills. However, little data exist on the prevalence of this disorder in female workers particularly in western part of India. The present study was conducted to analyze the effects of exposure to cotton dust on pulmonary functions among female workers. The study was designed to assess the effects of exposure to cotton dust on lung functions among female cotton industry workers. Study group comprises 50 Female workers of cotton industry and control group comprises 50 age matched females who were neither worked in cotton industry nor exposed to cotton dust. Information was collected using standardized questionnaires, physical examination and spirometric measurements. Student''s T test was used to find the difference between spirometric parameters. All the respiratory parameters (FVC, FEV1, FEV1/FVC ratio, FEF 25-75 % PEFR and MVV) were reduced in cotton industry workers as compared with control subjects (p<0.0001) and no significant difference of SpO2 between groups. Cotton dust exposure makes huge impact on respiratory parameters of the cotton industry workers. This deterioration in respiratory health deteriorates with increasing duration of exposure. The health hazards caused by cotton dust should be controlled by creating awareness among the workers & employers.  相似文献   
Atrial arrhythmias, primarily atrial fibrillation, have been independently associated with structural remodeling and with inflammation. We hypothesized that sustained inflammatory signaling by tumor necrosis factor (TNF) would lead to alterations both in underlying atrial myocardial structure and in atrial electrical conduction. We performed ECG recording, intracardiac electrophysiology studies, epicardial mapping, and connexin immunohistochemical analyses on transgenic mice with targeted overexpression of TNF in the cardiac compartment (MHCsTNF) and on wild-type (WT) control mice (age 8-16 wk). Atrial and ventricular conduction abnormalities were always evident on ECG in MHCsTNF mice, including a shortened atrioventricular interval with a wide QRS duration secondary to junctional rhythm. Supraventricular arrhythmias were observed in five of eight MHCsTNF mice, whereas none of the mice demonstrated ventricular arrhythmias. No arrhythmias were observed in WT mice. Left ventricular conduction velocity during apical pacing was similar between the two mouse groups. Connexin40 was significantly downregulated in MHCsTNF mice. In contrast, connexin43 density was not significantly altered in MHCsTNF mice, but rather dispersed away from the intercalated disks. In conclusion, sustained inflammatory signaling contributed to atrial structural remodeling and downregulation of connexin40 that was associated with an increased prevalence of atrial arrhythmias.  相似文献   
The anthrax protective antigen (PA) is a key component of the tripartite anthrax toxin. Monoclonal antibody (mAb) 14B7 and its engineered, affinity-matured variants have been shown to be effective in blocking PA binding to cellular receptors and mitigating anthrax toxicity. Here, we perform computational structural modeling of the mAb 14B7-PA interaction. Our objectives are to determine the structure of the 14B7-PA complex, to deduce a structural explanation for the affinity maturation from the docking models, and to study the effect of inaccuracies in the antibody homology model on docking. We used the RosettaDock program to dock PA with the mAb 14B7 crystal structure or homology model. Our simulations generate two distinct binding orientations consistent with experimental residue mutations that diminish 14B7-PA binding. Furthermore, the models suggest new site-directed mutations to positively identify one of these two solutions as the correct 14B7-PA docking orientation. The models indicate that PA regions 648-660 and 712-720 may be important for 14B7 binding in addition to the known PA epitope, and the binding interfaces are similar to that seen in the PA complex with cellular receptor CMG2. Antibody residues involved in affinity maturation do not contact the antigen in the docking models, suggesting that affinity maturation in the 14B7 family does not result from direct enhancements of antibody-antigen contacts. Docking the homology model produces low-resolution representations of the crystal structure docking orientations, but homology model docking is frustrated by antibody H3 loop conformation errors. This work demonstrates the usefulness and limitations of computational structure prediction for the development of antibody therapeutics, and reemphasizes the need for flexible backbone docking algorithms to achieve high-resolution docking using homology models.  相似文献   
Summary Using a novel grafting procedure for histoblasts, we have transplanted the fifth dorsal or ventral histoblast nests to heterotopic positions in the abdomen of the prepupa of the housefly to find out how rigid are these imaginai cells in their commitment to form their respective segmental pattern. Our results clearly show that these histoblasts survive in their new positions and form patterns according to their original determined state.  相似文献   
Alternaria leaf blight, a disease of oilseed Brassicas is caused by a necrotrophic phytopathogenic fungus Alternaria brassicae. The details of its pathogenesis and defence responses elicited in the host upon infection have not been thoroughly investigated. Here, Arabidopsis accession Gre-0 was identified to be highly susceptible to A. brassicae. A comparative histopathological analysis for disease progression and plant responses to A. brassicae in Arabidopsis and Brassica juncea revealed significant similarities between the two compatible pathosystems. Interestingly, in both the compatible hosts, ROS accumulation, cell death and callose deposition correlated with the development of the disease. Based on our results we propose that Arabidopsis-Alternaria brassicae can be an apt model pathosystem since it emulates the dynamics of the pathogen interaction with its natural host- Brassicas. The existing genetic diversity in Arabidopsis can be a starting point to screen for variation in responses to Alternaria leaf blight. Furthermore, several tools available for Arabidopsis can facilitate the dissection of genetic and molecular basis of resistance.  相似文献   
Gene-modified tumor cells as cellular vaccine   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
 The identification and characterization of many tumor antigens and the parallel explosion of knowledge of the cellular and molecular mechanisms of antigen recognition by the immune system have given renewed hopes that immunogenetherapy could be a promising modality to treat certain tumors. Many different novel strategies have been developed to derive genetically modified tumor cells and use them as cellular vaccines to induce useful antitumor immunity in a variety of animal tumor models. This review discusses induction of tumor immunity by injecting tumor cells that are genetically engineered to secrete various cytokines and to express major histocompatibility complex molecules and/or costimulatory molecules. While there has been a great success in inducing excellent antitumor immunity in a variety of tumor models, there are some difficulties and limitations in the application of these gene-modified tumor cells for the treatment of preexisting tumors. A number of improvements and modifications are already underway to overcome some of these problems. Received: 6 August 1996 / Accepted: 20 September 1996  相似文献   
Peripheral and central pathfinding by sensory axons from appendages was investigated in the fly Sarcophaga bullata . (a) Supernumerary appendages (haltere, wing, antenna and leg) were produced by imaginal disc transplantation at various ectopic sites, (b) Leg neuropil was deafferented by leg disc extirpation and in its place another leg disc was implanted. (c) The basal stalk of a leg disc connecting it with the thoracic ganglion was transected. Using cobalt chloride and HRP backfilling methods the pathways taken by the afferents from these experimentally altered appendages was examined. The results indicate that the larval nerves and the imaginal disc stalks act as guides for growing axons to locate their correct entry sites within the ventral ganglion. In the absence of these guides the axons follow any peripheral nerve, such as abdominal nerve, and enter the ganglion at inappropriate sites. However, within the ganglion they take particular routes, almost identical to those taken by axons from in situ appendages suggesting the existance of some kind of a labelled pathway. Deafferentation does not make the leg neuropil more attractive to ingrowing ectopic sensory axons.  相似文献   
Urinary bladder imaging is critical to diagnose urinary tract disorders, and bladder cancer. There is a great need for safe, non‐invasive, and sensitive imaging technique which enables bladder imaging. Photoacoustic imaging is a rapidly growing imaging technique for various biological applications. It can be combined with clinical ultrasound imaging system for hand‐held, dual modal ultrasound‐photoacoustic real‐time imaging. Structural (bladder wall) and functional (accretion of nanoparticles) bladder imaging is shown here with combined ultrasound and photoacoustic imaging in rats. Photoacoustic images of bladder wall is shown using black ink as the contrast agent. Chicken tissues were stacked on the abdomen of the animal to demonstrate the feasibility of photoacoustic imaging till a depth of 2 cm. Also, the feasibility of photoacoustic imaging for a common bladder disorder, vesicoureteral reflux is studied using urinary tract mimicking phantom. It is also shown that a clinical ultrasound system can be used for photoacoustic imaging of non‐invasive clearance study of gold nanorods from circulation by monitoring the gradual accumulation of the gold nanorods in the bladder. The time taken for accumulation of nanorods in the bladder can be used as an indicator of the clearance rate of the nanoparticle circulation from the body.   相似文献   
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