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A highly efficient method of regenerating fertile, phenotypically normal plants from shoot apex cultures of T. aestivum was developed. The hypodermal layer (L2) of the vegetative apex containing germ line precursor cells could be located with bright field microscopy and targeted for microinjection. Fluorescently labelled dextrans were used as markers to develop a microinjection procedure which did not disrupt nuclear or cytoplasmic structure. This procedure was used to inject plasmid DNA into L2 cells. Capillary microinjection did not shear the plasmid DNA and delivery of DNA was confirmed by polymerase chain reaction analysis of DNA isolated from injected apices. The significance of these findings in relation to the development of cereal transformation systems will be discussed.  相似文献   
As part of a study of the peptidase content of Escherichia coli K-12, two peptidase-deficient amino acid auxotrophs isolated and characterized by Miller as pepD- (strain CM17) and pepD- pepN- pepA- pepB- pepQ- (strain CM89) were examined for the presence of several peptidases previously obtained from strain K-12 in this laboratory. The soluble fraction of each mutant was found to lack the broad-specificity strain K-12 dipeptidase DP and the strain CM89 fraction also lacked activity characteristic of the strain K-12 aminopeptidases AP, L, and OP; like strain CM17, strain CM89 contained the tripeptide-specific aminopeptidase TP. Strain CM89 (but not CM17) appeared to contain little if any activity attributable to the ribosome-bound aminopeptidase I of strain K-12. Whereas loss of DP, AP, OP, and aminopeptidase I activity may be attributed to the pepD-, pepB-, pepN-, and pepA- mutations, respectively, the reason for the loss of L activity remains uncertain. Grown responses of strain CM89 in liquid media containing di- or tripeptides were in accord with absence of enzymes catalyzing rapid hydrolysis of dipeptides. In synthetic liquid media supplemented with the required amino acids per se or with peptone, cultures of both CM strains grew more slowly than strain K-12 and produced smaller cell-yields than those produced by strain K-12.  相似文献   
Lipid emulsions were prepared with compositions similar to the triacylglycerol-rich plasma lipoproteins, but also incorporating added small amounts of monoacylglycerols. Control emulsions without monoacylglycerol were metabolized similarly to natural chylomicrons or very-low-density lipoproteins when injected intravenously in rats. The emulsion triacylglycerols and cholesteryl esters were both removed rapidly from the bloodstream, with the removal rates of triacylglycerols faster than those of cholesteryl esters. Much of the removed cholesteryl ester was found in the liver, but only a small fraction of the triacylglycerol, consistent with hepatic uptake of the triacylglycerol-depleted remnants of the injected emulsion. Emulsions incorporating added monooleoylglycerol or stearic acid were metabolized similarly. Added 1- or 2-monostearoylglycerol had no effect on triacylglycerol removal from plasma, but the removal rate of cholesteryl esters was decreased and less cholesteryl ester was found in the liver. These effects are similar to those recently described when emulsions and chylomicrons contained triacylglycerols with a saturated acyl chain at the glycerol 2-position, suggesting that saturated monoacylglycerol produced by the action of lipoprotein lipase may cause triacylglycerol-depleted remnant particles to remain in the plasma instead of being rapidly taken up by the liver.  相似文献   
Leaf expiants from vegetative plants of the short-day plantStreptocarpus nobilis (C. B. Clarke) developed flower budsin vitro when cultured in 8 h photoperiods. Tn non-inductive photoperiods only vegetative buds were formed.In vitro photoinduction was demonstrated by giving the expiants short-day (SD) cycles and then transferring them to non-inductive photoperiods for expression of flowering. On medium containing 6-benzylaminopurine (BAP) organogenesis was initiated during the photoinductive treatments. Photoinduction of leaf tissue without adventitious bud development was obtained on medium without BAP. The photoinductive state of the leaf tissue was fairly stable, being expressed after 2–3 weeks in non-inductive photoperiods when adventitious buds were formed. The quantitativein vitro flowering response to the endogenous floral stimuli, resulting from photoinduction, could provide the basis of a bioassay for presumptive flower inducing chemicals.  相似文献   
The food selection behaviour of male fifth instar nymphs of Locusta migratoria was monitored on the host plant wheat and on the non-host plants Senecio vulgaris, S. jacobaea and Brassica oleracea. The non-hosts were rejected, but the mode of rejection altered with time in a way which suggested associative learning. This hypothesis was tested and the results discussed in relation to classical theories of learning.
La sélection des aliments chez les criquets: Le rôle de l'apprentissage dans le comportement de rejet
Résumé Des larves mâles de cinquième stade de Locusta migratoria ont été placées dans des cages avec des végétaux qui pouvaient être changées sans troubler les insectes. Le contact avec des pieds de blé entraînait généralement une palpation suivie de morsures et alors d'alimentation continue. Les plantes non-hôtes Senecio vulgaris, S. jacobaea et Brassica oleracea étaient rejetées, d'abord après morsures suivant la palpation, mais ultérieurement par palpation seule. Nous avons vérifié l'hypothèse que la sensation obtenue par palpation était initialement inadéquate pour provoquer le rejet, ce qui était assuré par les morsures ultérieures mais qu'avec l'expérience l'insecte apprenait à lier la sensation de palpation avec celle de morsures et progressivement rejetait après palpation seule. Ainsi les 8 premiers contacts avec des aliments désagréables ont été observés, soit quant S. vulgaris était présenté continuellement, soit quand S. vulgaris était remplacé par une autre plante désagréable après 4 contacts. Une analyse mathématique des résultats révèle une tendance au rejet par palpation seule à travers les contacts successifs, et que cette tendance est interrompue et se restaure quand l'espace végétal est changé. Ces résultats sond discutés dans le contexte des théories de l'apprentissage et on en a conclu que le phénomène observé est le résultat d'un apprentissage associatif.
Erythro-9-(2-hydroxy-3-nonyl)-adenine (EHNA) has been used by many workers as enzyme inhibitor in vitro to simulate the in vivo situation in inherited adenosine deaminase (ADA) deficiency. In this study the metabolism of 8-14C deoxyadenosine (dAR) has been followed in cultured lymphocytes from patients deficient in enzymes associated with the catabolism and salvage of dAR, in the absence and presence of 10 microM EHNA. The results show that EHNA, at these concentrations, does not prevent the catabolism of dAR and thus does not provide a valid model for investigating the toxicity to the immune system in inherited ADA deficiency.  相似文献   
Antitumor properties of vindesine-monoclonal antibody conjugates   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Summary The anticancer alkaloid vindesine (VDS) was conjugated to four mouse monoclonal antibodies recognizing human tumor-associated antigens. The antibodies were 96.5 (antimelanoma, IgG2a); 791T/36 (antiosteogenic sarcoma, IgG2b); 11.285.14, and 14.95.55 (anticarcinoembryonic antigen, IgG1 and IgG2a respectively). Conjugates VDS-96.5 and VDS-791T/36 were tested in vitro and shown to be specifically cytotoxic for target cells expressing the appropriate antigen. The in vivo effects of the antibodies and conjugates were tested against human tumor xenografts in athymic or immunodeprived mice using multiple treatments. Conjugate VDS-96.5 retarded the initial growth of a melanoma xenograft, whereas free antibody was without effect. Similarly, VDS-791T/36 but not free antibody retarded the growth of osteogenic sarcoma 791T. The most marked antitumor effects observed were those obtained with VDS conjugates of the anti-CEA antibodies against a colorectal tumor xenograft. Antibody 14.95.55 suppressed tumor growth both alone and as a VDS conjugate, whereas 11.285.14 produced only a slight effect alone but an almost complete and lasting suppression of tumor growth as a VDS conjugate. Free VDS had little effect at nontoxic levels. Acute studies showed that VDS-11.285.14 conjugate was considerably less toxic than free VDS in Balb/c mice.  相似文献   
We present a method by which it is possible to describe the binding of fatty acids to phospholipid bilayers. Binding constants for oleic acid and a number of fatty acids used as spectroscopic probes are deduced from electrophoresis measurements. There is a large shift in pK value for the fatty acids on binding to the phospholipid bilayers, consistent with stronger binding of the uncharged form of the fatty acid. For dansylundecanoic acid, fluorescence titrations are consistent with the binding constants derived from the electrophoresis experiments. For 12-(9-anthroyloxy)stearic acid, fluorescence and electrophoresis data are inconsistent, and we attribute this to quenching of fluorescence at high molar ratios of 12-anthroylstearic acid to phospholipid in the bilayer.  相似文献   
The fatty acid composition of filamentous bacterial masses from two very hot Yellowstone Park springs is not unusual despite the extreme environment. Both populations have a series of C(14) to C(20) straight-chain acids with a maximum at C(18), and a series of saturated iso acids with a maximum at C(17) in one case and C(19) in the other. The fatty acid pattern of this anomalous group of organisms is like that of bacteria but not of blue-green algae. Both populations have similar polar lipids and identical carotenoids. It is speculated that these organisms may be adapted to their high-temperature environment by means of stable lipoprotein membrane systems.  相似文献   
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