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We isolated and sequenced 26 microsatellites from two genomic libraries of peach cultivar 'Redhaven', enriched for AC/GT and AG/CT repeats, respectively. For 17 of these microsatellites, it was possible to demonstrate Mendelian inheritance. Microsatellite polymorphism was assayed in 50 peach and nectarine cultivars. Of the 1300 PCRs carried out, all but two produced amplified products of the expected size. All microsatellites were polymorphic, showing 2-8 alleles per locus. Heterozygosity ranged from 0.04-0.74 (mean 0.47); the discrimination power (PD) ranged from 0.04-0.84 (mean 0.60). Cultivar heterozygosity varied greatly, with one cultivar ('Independence') being homozygous at all loci. The set of microsatellites discriminated all cultivars investigated, except several sport mutations, i.e., 'Dixitime' vs. 'Springcrest', 'Compact Redhaven' vs. 'Redhaven', and two pairs of cultivars, 'Venus' vs. 'Orion' and 'Elegant Lady' vs. 'Rome Star', whose pedigrees are controversial. We were able to analyze the paternity of several cultivars. In most cases, the parenthood was confirmed. The comparison of three long-living 'Redhaven' accessions supplied by different repositories did not provide any evidence of somatic instability of microsatellites. Hence, microsatellites, ranked according to their information content, are recommended as markers of choice for peach fingerprinting and suggestions are provided for interpreting band profiles and the correct sizing of alleles.  相似文献   
Pear scab resistance QTLs via a European pear (Pyrus communis) linkage map   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Pear scab caused by Venturia pyrina is an economically important disease throughout the world and can cause severe crop loss in susceptible cultivars. The varying range of susceptibility to pear scab in F1 populations has made it possible to identify quantitative trait loci (QTLs). Ninety-five seedlings derived from the cross ‘Abbè Fétel’ (AF) × ‘Max Red Bartlett’ (MRB) were evaluated for scab resistance in greenhouse tests, with 39% being classified as resistant, 33 as moderately susceptible and 28 as highly susceptible. Amplified fragment length polymorphisms (157) and simple sequence repeats (41) were used to construct two maps, one of 908.1 cM (AF) and the other of 879.8 cM (MRB). The analysis of the resistance data collected made it possible to identify two major QTLs on linkage groups 3 and 7 associated with resistance to V. pyrina. Both QTLs explained 88% of the phenotypic variance and the log of odds values were higher than 10, suggesting the involvement of two major genes in pear scab resistance. L. Pierantoni and L. Dondini have contributed equally to this work.  相似文献   
European pear (Pyrus communis L.) is among the important fruit species for which only few genetic studies have been carried out. Available evidence indicates that simple sequence repeats (SSR) are very useful as molecular markers because they are codominant, highly polymorphic, abundant and reproducible. The present paper reports more than 100 apple SSR markers in two populations of European pear; a total of 41 SSR markers were then positioned on a genetic linkage map of the cross Passe Crassane × Harrow Sweet and 31 in the map Abbè Fétel × Max Red Bartlett. Syntenic relationships between pear and apple maps have been considered for the chromosomes carrying two or more SSR markers. The alignment among the two maps supports the colinearity of the two genomes with respect both to identification and to orientation of the linkage groups.  相似文献   
Effect of some plant growth regulator treatments on apple fruit ripening   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The activity of IAA oxidase (IAAox), peroxidases (POD), and polyphenoloxidases (PPO), as affected by different pre-harvest growth regulator treatments (ABA, AVG, NAA, PDJ), was determined in on-tree ripening apples (cv. Golden Delicious) before and during the ethylene climacteric. The production of ethylene was inhibited by AVG and delayed by NAA, whereas ABA and PDJ treatments caused, in the on-tree remaining fruits, a marked fruit drop and a decrease or a slight increase in ethylene levels respectively. While all treatments reduced POD activity, jasmonate increased IAAox and PPO activity. The inhibitory effect of NAA on all enzyme activity seems related to interference with C2H2 action or to a reduced sensitivity of the fruit abscission zone tissues to the hormone. The observed high fruit drop induced by ABA treatment made it impossible to detect differences in enzyme activity. AVG-treated fruits showed no substantial effects on IAAox and PPO activity in comparison to the control, a finding that seems to be related to a delay in all senescence processes caused by the very low level of the inhibited ethylene production. In control fruits IAAox activity increased during the initial ripening stages and decreased thereafter, POD activity increased throughout ripening and PPO showed little variation.  相似文献   
The recent analysis of the S-locus region of apple and Japanese pear, two species of Pyrinae (Rosaceae), suggested multiple and different F-box genes (called SFBBs) as candidates for the male determinant (pollen S) of RNase-based gametophytic self-incompatibility in these two species. Here, we followed a phylogenetic approach to take advantage of the pattern of molecular evolution of the S-locus of Pyrinae in characterizing SFBB homologs belonging to S-haplotypes of apple and three species of Pyrus (European, Japanese, and Chinese pears). Our results suggested that the S-locus region of Pyrinae contains no less than six SFBB members and that its structure seems to be rather conserved between apple and pear species. In accordance with the prevailing theory on S-haplotype evolution, the pollen S is expected to have coevolved with the S-RNase and to show some common features derived from the long-term evolution under frequency-dependent balancing selection, i.e., high sequence diversity, evidence of positive selection, and shared ancestral polymorphisms. Using this conceptual framework, we present evidence that some SFBB genes may be better candidates for pollen S in Pyrinae than others. Overall, the SFBB genes analyzed exhibited much lower sequence diversity than their associated S-RNases; likewise, they showed little or no evidence of positive selection. However, evidence of coevolution with the S-RNase clearly emerged for two of them. Altogether our results suggested different evolutionary histories for different SFBBs putatively derived from their distinct involvement in self-incompatibility.  相似文献   
The existence of different levels of susceptibility to fire blight (Erwinia amylovora) in European pear (Pyrus communis L.) cultivars suggests that it is possible to identify QTLs related to resistance in pear germplasm. Given the polygenic nature of this trait, we designed two genetic maps of the parental lines 'Passe Crassane' (susceptible) and 'Harrow Sweet' (resistant) using SSRs, MFLPs, AFLPs, RGAs and AFLP-RGAs markers. RGA-related markers should theoretically map in chromosome regions coding for resistance genes. The 'Passe Crassane' map includes 155 loci, for a total length of 912 cM organised in 18 linkage groups, and the 'Harrow Sweet' map 156 loci, for a total length of 930 cM divided in 19 linkage groups; both maps have a good genome coverage when compared to the more detailed apple maps. Four putative QTLs related to fire blight resistance were identified in the map. A suite of molecular markers, including two AFLP-RGAs, capable of defining resistant and susceptible haplotypes in the analysed population was developed.  相似文献   
Apple scab resistance is one of the most well-characterized plant–pathogen interactions in a woody plant species. While the HcrVf2 gene from the wild apple Malus floribunda 821 has proved capable of conferring scab resistance to the susceptible cv. Gala after genetic transformation, its identification represents only the first step in understanding the molecular mechanisms and, hence, the network of genes underlying the defence response. We used a PCR-based suppression subtractive hybridization to identify apple genes that are differentially expressed after Venturia inaequalis inoculation. Subtractive hybridization was performed between cDNA from challenged leaves of HcrVf2-resistant transgenic Gala and susceptible cv. Gala plants. A library of 523 unigenes was constructed and characterized by assigning a putative function via comparison with public databases. This set of pathogen-modulated apple genes includes many defence-related genes and is therefore an important source of information for understanding the molecular basis of the MalusV. inaequalis interaction. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   
A chromosomal region originating from Malus floribunda 821 confers Vf scab resistance to many isolates of Venturia inaequalis. Twelve DNA markers located in this region were used to scan the equivalent of 31 cM in 98 Malus accessions. This allowed a molecular diagnosis of a source of resistance in apple germplasm with the aid of pedigree information, and in the context of a limited marker survey representing other chromosomes. At least five marker alleles were present in all scab-resistant breeding selections or varieties arising from M. floribunda. The validity of findings based on RAPD markers was confirmed with SCAR assays and Southern-hybridisation experiments. The order of markers determined in previous mapping studies was confirmed and sets of recombinants identified that establish reliable fine-mapping orders within 0.7 cM of the resistance locus. None of the marker alleles were present in the accessions that are either susceptible or possess weak polygenic resistance to scab. The presence of some alleles corresponding to those present at least 5.3 cM from Vf in M. floribunda was detected in some accessions. Other major sources of scab resistance do not appear to possess alleles in common with the Vf region, which will simplify future allelism tests. The results are discussed in the context of the introgression of resistance loci together with marker-assisted selection. The use of breeding pedigrees to assist in fine-scale mapping and map-based cloning is discussed. Received: 16 February 1999 / Accepted: 11 March 1999  相似文献   
The aim of this study was to determine the effect of human milk feeding during NICU hospitalization on neurodevelopment at 24 months of corrected age in very low birth weight infants. A cohort of 316 very low birth weight newborns (weight ≤ 1500 g) was prospectively enrolled in a follow-up program on admission to the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit of S. Orsola Hospital, Bologna, Italy, from January 2005 to June 2011. Neurodevelopment was evaluated at 24 months corrected age using the Griffiths Mental Development Scale. The effect of human milk nutrition on neurodevelopment was first investigated using a multiple linear regression model, to adjust for the effects of gestational age, small for gestational age, complications at birth and during hospitalization, growth restriction at discharge and socio-economic status. Path analysis was then used to refine the multiple regression model, taking into account the relationships among predictors and their temporal sequence. Human milk feeding during NICU hospitalization and higher socio-economic status were associated with better neurodevelopment at 24 months in both models. In the path analysis model intraventricular hemorrhage—periventricular leukomalacia and growth restriction at discharge proved to be directly and independently associated with poorer neurodevelopment. Gestational age and growth restriction at birth had indirect significant effects on neurodevelopment, which were mediated by complications that occurred at birth and during hospitalization, growth restriction at discharge and type of feeding. In conclusion, our findings suggest that mother’s human milk feeding during hospitalization can be encouraged because it may improve neurodevelopment at 24 months corrected age.  相似文献   
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