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This experiment explored the stimulatory effect of brooding newly hatched young on plasma prolactin concentration in male and female pied flycatchers, Ficedula hypoleuca. By exchanging offspring between nestboxes, one group of parents was exposed to 1- to 3-day-old nestlings for 12 days. Females in this group continued night-time brooding during these 12 days. The females, but not the males (who do not participate in brooding nestlings), after 6 days had higher plasma prolactin concentrations than control birds which had shown a 50% reduction in night-time brooding at this stage. By Day 12, however, prolactin concentration had decreased to the same level as in control birds, even though these females were still brooding 3-day-old nestlings. Female flycatchers given 3-day-old nestlings on the day their own eggs hatched showed an earlier reduction in night-time brooding and an earlier decrease in plasma prolactin than did control birds. An early decrease in prolactin was also seen in the males of this experimental group.  相似文献   
Plasma levels of prolactin and FSH in free-living Pied flycatchers were studied in relation to breeding stage, clutch size and diurnal variations. In the female, the concentration of prolactin started to increase during the egg-laying and reached maximal values at the end of the incubation period. After hatching prolactin levels decreased. Male Pied flycatchers showed an increase in plasma levels of prolactin at the time when they returned to their home-territories, i.e. at the end of the incubation period. Males still occupying secondary territories at this time had low levels of prolactin. In the males, as in the females, plasma levels of prolactin decreased after hatching.
Male Pied flycatchers showed at all times higher plasma levels of FSH than did females. In both sexes FSH levels were high during the early part of the breeding season and started to decrease after the egg-laying period. After hatching time plasma levels of FSH were below the sensitivity of the assay. No differences in FSH were found between males occupying secondary territories and males in home-territories.
In incubating females FSH, but not prolactin, showed a distinct unimodal daily cycle.
No differences were found in plasma levels of prolactin and FSH between females incubating different sized clutches.  相似文献   
It is well known that leptin has the capacity to reduce food intake, cause body weight loss, and increase energy expenditure in several vertebrate species. In this study, we investigated the effects of chronically elevated leptin levels on behavior and physiology of Asian Blue Quail (Coturnix chinensis). Fifteen male quail were treated with chicken leptin dissolved in phosphate-buffered saline (PBS) via subcutaneously inserted osmotic pumps that released approximately 1 microg/g body weight/day during a 14-day period. Another 15 males acted as controls and their pumps released PBS only. All males were housed together with two females. We observed a decrease in body weight and feeding behavior in leptin-treated birds, but not in control birds, after 2 days of treatment. Thereafter, all birds increased in weight. Males treated with leptin were more active and more likely to preen the day after the beginning of the treatment. Plasma cholesterol levels in leptin birds decreased during the first week of treatment and plasma triglycerides tended to remain lower compared to the controls during the whole 2-week period of treatment. Glucose levels appeared stable during the observation period. Leptin-treated males remained closer to accompanying females than did control males, and females together with leptin males took longer to lay their first egg compared to females together with control males. This is the first article showing the effect of leptin on cholesterol and triglyceride levels in birds. We also observed a change in the activity and male-female interaction pattern in tested quail.  相似文献   
The mechanisms underlying honest signal expression remain elusive and may involve the integration of social and physiological costs. Corticosterone is a socially modulated metabolic hormone that mediates energy investment and behavior and may therefore function to deter dishonest signal expression. We examined the relationship between corticosterone and green badge coloration in male sand lizards (Lacerta agilis), hypothesizing that physiological and behavioral costs resulting from elevated baseline glucocorticoids function in maintenance of honest signal expression. We found that large‐badged males had higher corticosterone titer, with this relationship apparent at the end of the season and absent early in the season. Large‐badged males also suffered higher ectoparasite load (number of tick nymphs), despite being in better condition than small‐badged males. Ectoparasite load was positively related to corticosterone titer early in the season at the time of badge formation. High‐condition individuals had lower corticosterone and lower numbers of ectoparasites than low‐condition individuals, suggestive of conditional variation in ability to withstand costs of corticosterone. We found an opposing negative relationship between corticosterone titer and endoparasite load. Corticosterone titer was also negatively associated with male mobility, a fitness‐determining behavior in this species. Because badge size is involved in mediating agonistic social interactions in this species, our results suggest that badge‐dependent variation in corticosterone is likely reflective of variation in social conditions experienced over the course of the season. Our results implicate corticosterone in maintenance of signal honesty, both early in the season through enforcement of physiological costs (ectoparasite load) and during the season through behavioral costs (male mobility). We propose that socially modulated variation in corticosterone critically functions in mediation of signal honesty without requiring a direct role for corticosterone in trait expression.  相似文献   
Plasma levels of luteinizing hormone (LH) and steroid hormones were measured by radioimmunoassay in a series of plasma samples collected from a free-living population of Pied flycatchers, Ficedula hypoleuca. Both males and females have similar circulating levels of LH and testosterone when they arrive in the breeding area. However, as territories and pair bonds are established, and as courtship and nest-building ensue, the plasma levels of testosterone in males become elevated over those of females, although a lesser peak also occurs in females. As the egg laying phase and incubation begin, plasma levels of LH and testosterone decline sharply in both sexes. On the other hand polyterritorial males, that establish secondary territories, maintain higher levels of LH and testosterone than males remaining in the home-territory, at least until they return to the home-territory, usually at the middle part of the incubation period. By this time polyterritorial males also have basal levels of these hormones. Curiously, females on home-territories show a small, but significant, rise of circulating LH and testosterone at the time the males return.
In males, plasma levels of corticosterone are elevated from the time of arrival on the breeding grounds until the end of the nest-building period. Thereafter corticosterone levels decline in males staying on the home-territory but remain elevated in polyterritorial males until the latter return to the home-territory. In contrast, circulating levels of corticosterone in females are only elevated for brief period during egg laying.  相似文献   
Advances in the phenology of organisms are often attributed to climate change, but alternatively, may reflect a publication bias towards advances and may be caused by environmental factors unrelated to climate change. Both factors are investigated using the breeding dates of 25 long-term studied populations of Ficedula flycatchers across Europe. Trends in spring temperature varied markedly between study sites, and across populations the advancement of laying date was stronger in areas where the spring temperatures increased more, giving support to the theory that climate change causally affects breeding date advancement.  相似文献   
The immunocompetence-handicap hypothesis suggests that the honesty of quality signals could be guaranteed if testosterone (T) suppresses immune function while enhancing male ornaments. In addition, it has been proposed that the cost of enhancing ornaments should be highest for males with small ornaments. Recently, the assertion that T causes obligate immunosuppression has been questioned. In this study, we tested whether elevated T levels would increase susceptibility to a viral infection, and whether this hypothesized effect would be most pronounced in males with small ornaments. We surgically inserted T implants into 15 male greenfinches (Carduelis chloris) and control implants into a further 15 males. All birds were then infected with a naturally occurring virus (Sindbis virus, Alphavirus genus), and each bird's daily viraemia (blood virus concentration) was measured for seven days. The specific antibody response was measured for eight weeks. T-implanted males did not exhibit increased viraemia or decreased antibody response, and males with small and large ornaments did not respond differently to T implantation. We did, however, find that T implantation decreased viraemia early in the course of the infection and increased viraemia late in the infection. Thus, our results demonstrate that T may act both to increase and to decrease viraemia.  相似文献   
Measuring day length is critical for timing annual changes in physiology and behavior in many species. Recently, rapid changes in several photoperiodically-controlled genes following exposure to a single long day have been described. Components of this 'first day release' model have so far only been tested in highly domesticated species: quail, sheep, goats and rodents. Because artificial selection accompanying domestication acts on genes related to photoperiodicity, we must also study this phenomenon in wild organisms for it to be accepted as universal. In a songbird, the great tit (Parus major), we tested whether a) these genes are involved in photoperiodic time measurement (PTM) in a wild species, and b) whether predictable species and population differences in expression patterns exist. Using quantitative RT-PCR, we compared gene expression after a single long day in male great tits from Sweden (57°42'N) with that from a German (47°43'N) population. Hypothalamic gene expression key for PTM changed only in the northern population, and occurred earlier after dawn during the single long day than demonstrated in quail; however, gonadotropins (secretion and synthesis) were stimulated in both populations, albeit with different timing. Our data are the first to show acute changes in gene expression in response to photostimulation in any wild species not selected for study of photoperiodism. The pronounced differences in gene expression in response to a single long day between two populations raise exciting new questions about potential environmental selection on photoperiodic cue sensitivity.  相似文献   
The present study determines how populations of Great Tits (Parus major) breeding in southern, mid and northern European latitudes have adjusted their reproductive endocrinology to differences in the ambient temperature during the gonadal cycle. A study based on long-term breeding data, using the Colwell predictability model, showed that the start of the breeding season has a high predictability (≈ 0.8-0.9) at all latitudes, and that the environmental information factor (Ie) progressively decreased from mid Italy (Ie > 4) to northern Finland (Ie < 1). The results indicate that integration of supplementary information, such as ambient temperature, with photoperiodic initial predictive information (day length), becomes progressively more important in maintaining the predictability of the breeding season with decreasing latitude. This hypothesis was verified by exposing photosensitive Great Tits from northern Norway, southern Sweden and northern Italy to sub-maximal photo-stimulatory day lengths (13L:11D) under two different ambient temperature regimes (+ 4 °C and + 20 °C). Changes in testicular size, plasma levels of LH and testosterone were measured. The main results were: (1) Initial testicular growth rate, as well as LH secretion, was affected by temperature in the Italian, but not in birds from the two Scandinavian populations. (2) Maximum testicular size, maximum LH and testosterone levels were maintained for a progressively shorter period of time with increasing latitude, regardless of whether the birds were kept on a low or a high ambient temperature. (3) In birds from all latitudes, the development of photorefractoriness, as indicated by testicular regression and a decrease in plasma levels of LH and testosterone, started much earlier (with the exception for LH Great Tits from northern Scandinavia) when kept on + 20 °C than when kept on + 4 °C. The prolonging effects of a low temperature was more pronounced in Mediterranean birds, than in birds from Scandinavia, and more pronounced in Great Tits from southern Scandinavia than in Great Tits from northern Scandinavia. Ecological implications of the results are discussed, as well as possible impact of global warming on the breeding success of European Great Tits from different breeding latitudes.  相似文献   
Plasma levels of LH, DHT, testosterone, and corticosterone were measured for all members in free-living winter flocks of willow tits, Parus montanus. Hormonal data were related to (1) flock size and (2) age/sex differences. The winter flock defends a large winter territory and shows a well-established social hierarchy in which adults consistently dominate first-year birds. One winter group normally consists of four individuals, two adults and two juveniles. In flocks containing four or five members juvenile willow tits had significantly higher corticosterone values than adults. In small-sized groups, containing three members, all individuals had high plasma levels of corticosterone. No other effects of flock size was found. When data were treated on an age/sex basis, i.e., flock size was not considered, juvenile females were found to have significantly higher plasma levels of testosterone than adult birds, and also significantly higher levels of DHT than juvenile males and adult females. Also, juvenile willow tits had significantly higher plasma levels of corticosterone than adult birds.  相似文献   
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