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In order to investigate the efficiency of a single selenium (Se) administration in restoring selenium status, Se and antioxidant enzymes were studied in an animal model of Se depletion. In Se-depleted animals receiving or not a single parenteral administration of Se, plasma, red blood cell (RBC), and tissue Se levels were measured concurrently with glutathione peroxidase (GPx) and superoxide dismutase (SOD) activities. The oxidative stress was assessed by thiobarbituric acid-reactive species (TBARs), total thiol groups, glutathione, and tocopherol measurements. Our study showed that Se depletion with alterations in the antioxidant defense system (Se and GPx activity decreases) led to an increase of lipid peroxidation, a decrease of the plasma vitamin E level, and SOD activation. Sodium selenite injection resulted after 24 h in an optimal plasma Se level and a reactivation of GPx activity. In liver, brain, and kidney, Se levels in injected animals were higher than those in reference animals. However, this single administration of Se failed to decrease free radical damage induced by Se depletion. Therefore, in burned patients who exhibit an altered Se status despite a daily usually restricted Se supplementation, the early administration of a consistent Se amount to improve the GPx activity should be of great interest in preventing the impairment of the antioxidant status.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: The replicative helicase in eukaryotic cells is comprised of minichromosome maintenance (Mcm) proteins 2 through 7 (Mcm2-7) and is a key target for regulation of cell proliferation. In addition, it is regulated in response to replicative stress. One of the protein kinases that targets Mcm2-7 is the Dbf4-dependent kinase Cdc7 (DDK). In a previous study, we showed that alanine mutations of the DDK phosphorylation sites at S164 and S170 in Saccharomyces cerevisiae Mcm2 result in sensitivity to caffeine and methyl methanesulfonate (MMS) leading us to suggest that DDK phosphorylation of Mcm2 is required in response to replicative stress. RESULTS: We show here that a strain with the mcm2 allele lacking DDK phosphorylation sites (mcm2AA) is also sensitive to the ribonucleotide reductase inhibitor, hydroxyurea (HU) and to the base analogue 5-fluorouracil (5-FU) but not the radiomimetic drug, phleomycin. We screened the budding yeast non-essential deletion collection for synthetic lethal interactions with mcm2AA and isolated deletions that include genes involved in the control of genome integrity and oxidative stress. In addition, the spontaneous mutation rate, as measured by mutations in CAN1, was increased in the mcm2AA strain compared to wild type, whereas with a phosphomimetic allele (mcm2EE) the mutation rate was decreased. These results led to the idea that the mcm2AA strain is unable to respond properly to DNA damage. We examined this by screening the deletion collection for suppressors of the caffeine sensitivity of mcm2AA. Deletions that decrease spontaneous DNA damage, increase homologous recombination or slow replication forks were isolated. Many of the suppressors of caffeine sensitivity suppressed other phenotypes of mcm2AA including sensitivity to genotoxic drugs, the increased frequency of cells with RPA foci and the increased mutation rate. CONCLUSIONS: Together these observations point to a role for DDK-mediated phosphorylation of Mcm2 in the response to replicative stress, including some forms of DNA damage. We suggest that phosphorylation of Mcm2 modulates Mcm2-7 activity resulting in the stabilization of replication forks in response to replicative stress.  相似文献   
Hereditary and sporadic laminopathies are caused by mutations in genes encoding lamins, their partners, or the metalloprotease ZMPSTE24/FACE1. Depending on the clinical phenotype, they are classified as tissue‐specific or systemic diseases. The latter mostly manifest with several accelerated aging features, as in Hutchinson–Gilford progeria syndrome (HGPS) and other progeroid syndromes. MicroRNAs are small noncoding RNAs described as powerful regulators of gene expression, mainly by degrading target mRNAs or by inhibiting their translation. In recent years, the role of these small RNAs has become an object of study in laminopathies using in vitro or in vivo murine models as well as cells/tissues of patients. To date, few miRNAs have been reported to exert protective effects in laminopathies, including miR‐9, which prevents progerin accumulation in HGPS neurons. The recent literature has described the potential implication of several other miRNAs in the pathophysiology of laminopathies, mostly by exerting deleterious effects. This review provides an overview of the current knowledge of the functional relevance and molecular insights of miRNAs in laminopathies. Furthermore, we discuss how these discoveries could help to better understand these diseases at the molecular level and could pave the way toward identifying new potential therapeutic targets and strategies based on miRNA modulation.  相似文献   
Carotenoid‐based integumental coloration is often associated with individual performance in various animals. This is because the limited amount of the pigment has to be allocated to different vital functions. However, most of the evidence for the carotenoid‐based trade‐off comes from vertebrate studies, and it is unclear if this principle can be applied to insects. This possibility was investigated in Orgyia antiqua L. (Lepidoptera: Lymantriidae). The larvae of this species are polyphenic in their coloration, varying from a highly conspicuous combination of yellow hair tufts on black background to cryptic appearance with brown hair tufts. The conspicuous larvae are aposematic, advertising their aversive hairiness. The maintenance of different colour morphs in O. antiqua requires explanation, as an aposematic signal is expected to evolve towards monomorphism. Chromatographic analysis showed that the yellow coloration of the hair is based on the carotenoid pigment lutein (α‐carotene‐3,3’‐diol). The colour of hair tufts was dependent on their carotenoid content. This justifies an expectation of carotenoid‐based physiological trade‐offs between aposematic coloration and individual performance. To test this hypothesis, we monitored life histories of differently coloured larvae reared on various host plants, recording their body sizes, growth rates, and mortalities in each instar. There was a significant but relatively low heritability of tuft coloration, which allowed us to expect environmental effects. We found no phenotypic associations between hair tuft colour and performance indices in O. antiqua larvae, neither did the quality of host plant affect the frequency of colour morphs. However, the frequency of colour morphs differed between larval instars. Our results suggest that carotenoid‐mediated physiological trade‐offs are not involved in the maintenance of colour morphs in O. antiqua larvae, and factors other than individual condition should be responsible for the observed variability.  相似文献   
Hereditary hemochromatosis (HFE) is an inherited disorder whose gene lies in the proximity of the histocompatability antigen (HLA) class I region, on 6p21.3. Despite efforts in refining the HFE region, a number of informative DNA markers, linked to the disease locus and amenable to use in an assay based on the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) is available. The gene content of this region is high, and the HFE gene has not so far been identified. We have used a strategy based on PCR protocols potentially able to detect both polymorphisms and expressed sequences. This approach has been applied to a 700-kb stretch (approximately) of DNA corresponding to the insert of a Centre d'Etude du Polymorphisme Humain yeast artificial chromosome (225 B1) of the possible candidate region. Five new polymorphisms have been detected among 20 specific fragments isolated. Four of them are tightly linked to the HFE locus. Because of the strong linkage disequilibrium with the disease demonstrated by these markers, they could represent starting points for the identification and characterization of the HFE gene. The remaining non-polymorphic fragments, being amplifiable and in most cases linked to NotI sites, may be useful starting points for the generation of a genomic contig of band 6p21.3 and for gene identification.  相似文献   
Linkage relationships of X-linked choroideremia to DXYS1 and DXS3   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Summary Choroideremia is a distinct blinding condtion with an X-linked pattern of inheritance. We have analyzed two RFLPs, DXS3 and DXYS1, for linkage with the choroideremia locus (TCD) within three kindreds. A maximum LOD score of 3.98 was obtained at . Contrary to previous reports, the present data demonstrate that these two RFLPs are not tightly linked to the choroideremia gene locus.  相似文献   
Besides its role as a barrier against potential pathogens, intestinal flora is presumed to protect the host by priming the immunological defense mechanisms. In this respect, the influence of intestinal flora on macrophage precursors was examined, and its modulating effect was compared on LPS-induced cytokine production by macrophages derived from bone marrow and spleen precursors (BMDM and SDM respectively). The regulation of IL-1, IL-6, TNF-alpha and IL-12 production in macrophages from germ-free and from three groups of flora-associated mice, conventional, conventionalized and E. coli-mono-associated mice, was investigated. The whole flora inhibited IL-1, TNF-alpha and IL-12 secretion by BMDM, whereas it had a stimulatory effect on IL-12 secretion by SDM. Implantation of E. coli alone enhanced cytokine secretion by BMDM but had a more limited effect than whole flora on SDM, enhancing only TNF-alpha and IL-12 secretion. Study of expression of mRNA showed a correlation with protein secretion for IL-6 but not for TNF-alpha and IL-1. IL-12 enhancement in BMDM seemed to be dependent on regulation of p35 mRNA expression while it was correlated to increased p40 mRNA expression in SDM. The results demonstrated that intestinal flora modulated bone marrow and spleen macrophage cytokine production in a differential manner and suggested a role for bacteria other than E. coli among the whole flora. The contrasting effects exerted by the intestinal flora on bone marrow and spleen precursors are an interesting observation in view of the different functions of these organs in immunity. The finding that intestinal flora enhanced IL-12 production in spleen is also potentially important since this cytokine is implicated in the determination of the relative levels of Th1 and Th2 responses and plays a pivotal role in host defense against intracellular microorganisms.  相似文献   
The objective of the present study was to measure the relationship between selenium status and oxidative stress in two rat models of thermal injury. A non-lethal third-degree burn injury involving 20% (experiment 1) or 40% (experiment 2) of total body surface area (TBSA) was applied to male Wistar rats. Selenium level, glutathione peroxidase (GPx) activity in plasma, red blood cells (RBC) and tissues (liver, kidney, muscle, and brain), and plasma selenoalbumin (Se-alb) were measured in control rats and in burned rats respectively 6 hours after injury and daily from day 1 to day 5. In parallel, lipid and protein oxidative damages, monitored by plasma and tissue thiobarbituric acid reactive species (TBARs) levels and plasma total thiol groups were assessed.

We observed a decrease of plasma Se and Se-albumin 6 hours after burn injury. In parallel, plasma GPx activity rapidly decreased and remained significantly lower than in control rats. These alterations were enhanced by the burn injury severity. Plasma TBARs followed the same pattern as that of plasma cholesterol, with an initial decrease and an increase at day 3 in 40% TBSA burned rats. Plasma thiol groups decreased in the two experiments indicating plasma protein oxidation.

These results confirm an early oxidative stress in burn injury, and suggest an early selenium mobilization, which might counteract this oxidative stress. These data underline the crucial need of a restored selenium status in burned patients immediately after the burn injury.  相似文献   

Seasonal polyphenism constitutes a specific type of phenotypic plasticity in which short‐lived organisms produce different phenotypes in different times of the year. Seasonal generations of such species frequently differ in their overall lifespan and in the values of traits closely related to fitness. Seasonal polyphenisms provide thus excellent, albeit underused model systems for studying trade‐offs between life‐history traits. Here, we compare immunological parameters between the two generations of the European map butterfly (Araschnia levana), a well‐known example of a seasonally polyphenic species. To reveal possible costs of immune defence, we also examine the concurrent differences in several life‐history traits. Both in laboratory experiments and in the field, last instar larvae heading towards the diapause (overwintering) had higher levels of both phenoloxidase (PO) activity and lytic activity than directly developing individuals. These results suggest that individuals from the diapausing generation with much longer juvenile (pupal) period invest more in their immune system than those from the short‐living directly developing generation. The revealed negative correlation between pupal mass and PO activity may be one of the reasons why, in this species, the diapausing generation has a smaller body size than the directly developing generation. Immunological parameters may thus well mediate trade‐offs between body size‐related traits.  相似文献   
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