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The time dependency of the spontaneous aggregation of the fibrillogenic β-Amyloid peptide, Aβ1–40, was measured by turbidity, circular dichroism, HPLC, and fluorescence polarization. The results by all methods were comparable and they were most consistent with a kinetic model where the peptide first slowly forms an activated monomeric derivative (AM), which is the only species able to initiate, by tetramerization, the formation of linear aggregates. The anti-Aβ antibody 6E10, raised against residues 1–17, at concentrations of 200–300 nM delayed significantly the aggregation of 50 μM amyloid peptide. The anti–Aβ antibody 4G8, raised against residues 17–24, was much less active in that respect, while the antibody A162, raised against the C-terminal residues 39–43 of the full-length Aβ was totally inactive at those concentrations. Concomitant with the aggregation experiments, we also measured the time dependency of the Aβ1–40–induced toxicity toward SH-EP1 cells and hippocampal neurons, evaluated by SYTOX Green fluorescence, lactate dehydrogenase release, and activation of caspases. The extent of cell damage measured by all methods reached a maximum at the same time and this maximum coincided with that of the concentration of AM. According to the kinetic scheme, the latter is the only transient peptide species whose concentration passes through a maximum. Thus, it appears that the toxic species of Aβ1–40 is most likely the same transient activated monomer that is responsible for the nucleation of fibril formation. These conclusions should provide a structural basis for understanding the toxicity of Aβ1–40 in vitro and possibly in vivo.  相似文献   
Motorcyclists who work in some offices sometimes complained of coldness, pain and numbness of upper limbs. We studied how to discriminate between vibration syndrome and local fatigue of the motorcyclists. Subjects are 42 motorcyclists of an office in Aichi prefecture. 25 of them held several letters in their left hand when they delivered the letters. They complained of coldness, pain and numbness in the left upper limbs more than in the right limbs (p less than 0.01). We think that it is the local fatigue rather than the disorder of vibration syndrome that causes such symptoms. So it is very important to recognize the existence of local fatigue in order to know how to discriminate between vibration syndrome and local fatigue of the motorcyclists.  相似文献   
A clinical isolate of Staphylococcus aureus resistant to gentamicin, kanamycin and 3′,4′-dideoxykanamycin B contained two enzymes capable of inactivating gentamicin, i.e., an aminoglycoside 2″-phosphotransferase and aminoglycoside acetyltransferase.  相似文献   
The activity of ammoniagenesis from guanine nucleotides was found to increase significantly in rat brain after infusion of kainic acid into the striatum. Among the enzymes involved in degrading guanine nucleotides, nucleoside diphosphatase was markedly increased in the lesioned striatum. The enzyme activity began to increase 2 days after the infusion, and reached the maximum on the 13th day, the level being 4 times as high as that of the intact contralateral region. The increased activity was due to Type L enzyme, judging from its substrate specificity. Puromycin and cycloheximide inhibited this increase, indicating that the increased activity resulted from an increase in the net synthesis of the enzyme. These findings suggest that Type L NDPase might play some important roles in gliosis after neuronal lesion.  相似文献   
From nonimmunocompromised individuals, we have recently identified a possible archetypal JC virus DNA sequence from which various regulatory sequences of JC virus isolates derived from patients with progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy (PML) could have evolved. In this study, we analyzed the regulatory sequences of JCV DNAs cloned from urine samples of a PML risk group (renal transplant patients on immunosuppressive therapy). A number of JC virus DNAs were molecularly cloned from virions excreted in the urine of eight patients. Furthermore, fragments containing the regulatory region were amplified by the polymerase chain reaction and subsequently molecularly cloned from cell-associated JC virus excreted in the urine of two patients. The regulatory regions in all clones were analyzed with restriction enzymes, and those in representative clones were sequenced. We found that clones with the archetypal regulatory sequence were predominant in all urine samples, but a few clones carried regulatory sequences that diverged from the archetypal sequence by deletion or duplication. The finding that sequence rearrangement in the archetypal regulatory region occurs in the course of infection in immunosuppressed hosts is consistent with the adaptation hypothesis which has been put forward to explain the divergence of the regulatory regions in PML-derived JC virus isolates.  相似文献   
Myelin-associated glycoprotein (MAG) was measured by radioimmunoassay in the human CNS and peripheral nervous system (PNS). The level of MAG, expressed as ng/microgram of total protein, was approximately 20-fold higher in whole homogenates of cerebral white matter (4.7 +/- 0.60) than of peripheral nerve (0.12-0.28). MAG concentrations were only slightly higher in the isolated myelin fractions from these tissues: CNS myelin, 5.6 ng/microgram; PNS myelin, 0.37 ng/microgram. The levels of MAG were measured in nine plaques, periplaque regions, and areas of macroscopically normal-appearing white matter (NAWM) from six separate multiple sclerosis brains and compared with the levels of other myelin proteins in the same samples. MAG and other myelin proteins were reduced to very low levels in plaques. The levels of MAG and basic protein (BP) and the activity of 2',3'-cyclic nucleotide 3'-phosphodiesterase (CNP) in periplaque areas were significantly lower than those in control white matter, and MAG and BP levels were also significantly reduced in NAWM. In a periplaque region and NAWM from the most rapidly progressing case of multiple sclerosis examined, the MAG content was between 30 and 35% of the control level, whereas BP and PLP levels and CNP activity were between 50 and 85% of control values. The reduction of MAG content in periplaque regions from all nine multiple sclerosis plaques examined was significantly greater than the reductions of BP level and CNP activity. In NAWM samples, the mean reduction of MAG content was also greater than the reductions of BP level and CNP activity, but the difference was only statistically significant in comparison to CNP.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   
In view of the recent finding that prostaglandin D2 is stereospecifically converted to 9α,11β-prostaglandin F2, an isomer of prostaglandin F2α, a highly specific and sensitive radioimmunoassay for 9α,11β-prostaglandin F2 was developed and applied to determine the content of this prostaglandin in various rat tissues. Antisera against 9α-11β-prostaglandin F2 were raised in rabbits immunized with the bovine serum albumin conjugate, and [3H]9α,11β-prostaglandin F2 was enzymatically prepared from [3H]prostaglandin D2. The assay detected 9α,11β-prostaglandin F2 over the range of 20 pg to 1 ng, and the antiserum showed less than 0.04% cross-section with prostaglandin F2α, prostaglandin F2β and 9β,11β-prostaglandin F2. To avoid postmortem changes, tissues were frozen in liquid nitrogen immediately after removal. The basal level of 9α,11β-prostaglandin F2 was hardly detectable in various tissues of the rat examined, including spleen, lung, liver and brain; although it was found to be 0.31 ± 0.06 ng/g wet weight in the small intestine. During convulsion induced by pentylenetetrazole, enormous amounts of prostaglandin D2 (ca. 180 ng/g wet weight) and prostaglandin F2α (ca. 70 ng/g) were produced in the brain; however, 9α,11β-prostaglandin F2 was detected neither there nor in the blood. This result demonstrates that the conversion to 9α,11β-prostaglandin F2 is a minor pathway, if one at all, of prostaglandin D2 metabolism in the rat brain.  相似文献   
Two polypeptide isoforms of myelin-associated glycoprotein (MAG) with molecular masses of 72 and 67 kDa are produced by alternative splicing of the exon 12 portion. Our previous work has demonstrated that in the quaking mouse brain this alternative splicing is lacking and that the mRNA coding the large MAG isoform (L-MAG) is scarcely expressed, whereas that of small MAG isoform (S-MAG) is overexpressed. In the present study, we prepared antisera specific to the S-MAG and L-MAG amino acid residues, respectively. Immunoblots showed that the L-MAG band was scarcely detectable in the quaking mouse brain, whereas the S-MAG band had an apparently higher molecular mass than in the normal control. Our immunohistochemical study also showed that L-MAG was scarcely stained in the quaking mouse brain. These results seemed to reflect a reduction in content of L-MAG mRNA and abnormal glycosylation in the quaking mouse brain.  相似文献   
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