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The floral vascular anatomy of 12 species representing each ofAsarum s. str.,Asiasarum, Geotaenium, Heterotropa andHexastylis are compared to clarify intergeneric relationships. The five genera have basically similar structures in floral morphology and vasculature, and consistently have a six-carpelled compound ovary and the associated similar placental vasculature. They show, however, a significant difference in the position and the constituent of the “ventral” carpellary bundles in the placental axis betweenAsiasarum-Heterotropa-Hexastylis andAsarum-Geotaenium. InAsiasarum, Heterotropa andHexastylis the ventral bundles of each carpel are basically free and antilocular as expected in the least specialized compound ovary of angiosperms; in contrast, inAsarum andGeotaenium the ventral carpellary bundles are antiseptal and heterogenous (i.e., formed by the lateral fusion of ventral bundles of adjacent carpels). Shared probable apomorphic floral vasculature, as well as shared single style-column, suggests the closest mutual relationships betweenAsarum andGeotaenium. In terms of floral morphology and anatomy,Asiasarum, Heterotropa andHexastylis retain plesiomorphies. Possible chromosomal evolution in the related genera is also discussed.  相似文献   
Tissue levels of atrial natriuretic polypeptide (ANP) messenger RNA (ANPmRNA) and ANP in the rat heart were measured simultaneously. In Wistar rats, ANPmRNA of the same size (approximately 0.95 kbp) was detected in all four chambers of the rat heart. The ANPmRNA level was the highest in the right atrium, and the left atrial level was slightly lower than the right atrial level. Ventricular levels were more than two orders of magnitude lower than atrial levels. Tissue ANP concentrations of four chambers were roughly parallel to ANPmRNA levels. In spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR) with the elevated plasma ANP level, the ANPmRNA level in the left atrium was substantially increased. The left/right ratio of atrial ANPmRNA level in SHR (150%) was higher than that in control Wistar Kyoto rats (WKY) (90%). In contrast, the left/right ratio of atrial ANP concentration was decreased in SHR (44%) compared with that in WKY (84%). The ratio of ANP to ANPmRNA levels in the left atrium of SHR was about three times smaller than that in the right atrium of SHR, and those in bilateral atria of WKY. These results indicate that the biosynthesis and secretion of ANP from the left atrium is preferentially increased in SHR. Thus, simultaneous determination of ANPmRNA and ANP levels is a refined strategy of investigation for the biosynthesis, storage and secretion of ANP.  相似文献   
Summary The chemical nature of the thickened plasma membrane of cornified cells in stratified squamous epithelium was investigated in comparison with that in noncornified epithelium. Localizations of transglutaminase, molecular weight 92000 daltons, and detection of epidermal cysteine proteinase inhibitor were effected with a monoclonal antibody and a monospecific rabbit anti-inhibitor immunoglobulin, respectively, directed to the antigens. N-(7-dimethylamino-4-methylcoumarinyl) maleimide was used to demonstrate S-S cross-linking. In all keratinizing epithelia, the enzyme and inhibitor were deposited on membranes of granular cells. S-S bonds were formed in cornification with the appearance of electron-dense material by the inner leaflet. Both enzyme and inhibitors occurred on the corneal epithelium, but S-S linkage and the thickened plasma membrane did not form even at the last stage of maturation. On the other hand, the internal vaginal epithelium in the proestrous stage without keratinization contained the enzyme, but neither inhibitor nor S-S linkage. Both antigens and S-S bonds were detected when keratinization proceeded during estrus. The staining patterns in the epithelium near the vaginal introitus were identical to those in the skin. Cuboidal and simple epithelia exhibited none of those constituents. The findings indicated that heterogenous components contribute to modification of the plasma membrane of cornified cells, but S-S cross-linkages are associated exclusively with formation of the ultrastructurally unique membrane structure. In addition, findings suggested hormonal regulation in the chemical modification of the membrane in estrogen-sensitive internal vaginal epithelium.  相似文献   
Hairy roots were obtained following inoculation of the stems of Lobelia inflata L. with Agrobacterium rhizogenes strain ATCC 15834. These hairy roots contained agropine and mannopine. In addition, lobeline was detected by HPLC and confirmed by mass spectrometry. Various media were tested for the growth of hairy roots as well as for the content of lobeline in hairy roots. The growth rate of hairy roots cultured in Nitsch and Nitsch's medium was approximately one third of those cultured in other media. The lobeline content of hairy roots (18–54 g/g dry weight) cultured in these media was the same order of magnitude compared with that of roots of L. inflata (24 g/g dry weight) cultivated in pots. The hairy roots cultured in Nitsch and Nitsch's medium were morphologically different from those cultured in other media.Abbreviations MS medium Murashige and Skoog's medium - 1/2 MS medium one-half strength of the standard Murashige and Skoog's medium - B5 medium Gamborg's B5 medium - NN medium Nitsch and Nitsch's medium - FW fresh weight - DW dry weight  相似文献   
Human blood mononuclear cells were separated into Leu-11+7-NK, Leu-11-7+, and Leu-11-7-T cells by means of a combination of the Percoll gradient method and C-mediated cytolysis using mAb. When purified Leu-11+7-NK, Leu-11-7+, and Leu-11-7-T cells were cultured with rIL 2 (500 U/ml) for 6 days in a medium supplemented with 10% FCS, Leu-11+7-NK cells responded at the maximum level and Leu-11-7+ cells responded moderately as shown by both cell-proliferation response and cytotoxic activity generated. On the other hand, Leu-11-7-T cells did not respond at all to rIL-2. However, when Leu-11-7-T cells were cultured with rIL-2 in a medium supplemented with 10% autologous serum, they showed considerable responsiveness to rIL-2. In addition, much greater response to Leu-11-7-T cells were produced by the addition of monocytes. Monocyte cytokines, neither IL 1, IFN-gamma, TNF, nor their combination were able to substitute for monocytes in the induction culture. In contrast, the response level of Leu-11+7- NK cells remained unchanged irrespective of supplementation with autologous serum to medium or the addition of monocytes to the culture. These results indicated that culture conditions in the experiments significantly affected the results as to determination of lymphokine-activated killer cell precursors, especially the result pertaining to the conversion of T lymphocytes to lymphokine-activated killer cells. Under appropriate conditions, not only NK cells but also T cells are important precursors of lymphokine-activated killer cells.  相似文献   
Imprint preparations were used in addition to frozen sections in the intraoperative diagnosis of 37 cases of benign and malignant lesions of the thyroid gland, including adenomatous goiter, follicular adenoma, follicular carcinoma and papillary carcinoma. In the imprints, the cytologic features specific for carcinoma, as compared with benign lesions, were (1) the folding of the nuclear contour, (2) the increased density of the cytoplasmic matrix and (3) the frequent appearance of cell clusters of larger size. The size and frequency of cell clusters were morphometrically analyzed by a computer image analyzer. There was an increasing number of large clusters, plus the appearance of clusters of more than 300 micron in diameter, in both follicular and papillary carcinoma. In benign lesions, on the contrary, the majority of cells were isolated or in small clusters, the diameter of which never exceeded 300 micron in diameter. These results demonstrate that (1) the imprint cytology of the thyroid gland is useful in making a rapid intraoperative diagnosis and (2) the introduction of computer-assisted quantitative analysis is of practical value in the diagnosis of malignancy.  相似文献   
In the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, a double-strand chromosome break created by the HO endonuclease is frequently repaired in mitotically growing cells by recombination between flanking homologous regions, producing a deletion. We showed that single-stranded regions were formed on both sides of the double-strand break prior to the formation of the product. The kinetics of the single-stranded DNA were monitored in strains with the recombination-deficient mutations rad52 and rad50 as well as in the wild-type strain. In rad50 mutants, single-stranded DNA was generated at a slower rate than in the wild type, whereas rad52 mutants generated single-stranded DNA at a faster rate. Product formation was largely blocked in the rad52 mutant. In the rad50 rad52 double mutant, the effects were superimposed in that the exonucleolytic activity was slowed but product formation was blocked. rad50 appears to act before or at the same stage as rad52. We constructed strains containing two ura3 segments on one side of the HO cut site and one ura3 region on the other side to characterize how flanking repeats find each other. Deletions formed preterentially between the homologous regions closest to the double-strand break. By varying the size of the middle ura3 segment, we determined that recombination initiated by a double-strand break requires a minimum homologous length between 63 and 89 bp. In these competition experiments, the frequency of recombination was dependent on the length of homology in an approximately linear manner.  相似文献   
Guanidinoethanesulfonic acid (GES) is known to induce convulsive seizures when administered intracisternally to rabbits and cats. The effects of GES on behavior, electroencephalographic recording and brain monoamine levels were examined in mice. When GES (900 nmol) was intraventricularly injected into mice, focal clonic movements of the face, vibrissae and ears together with twitching of the limbs were observed 0.5–1 min after the injection. Hypersensitivity was observed up to 7 min after the injection, after which the mice behaved normally. GES also induced sporadic spike discharges on electrocorticogram. The levels of 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT) of the GES-injected mice were lower than those of the saline-injected mice in the hippocampus, diencephalon, pons-medulla oblongata and cerebellum 5 min after the injection. No changes in the norepinephrine or dopamine levels were found after the GES injection. The level of 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid increased in the striatum and cerebellum 5 min after the GES injection. These results suggest that GES-induced convulsive activities enhance the serotonergic neuroactivity in order to suppress the convulsions.  相似文献   
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