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Corynebacterium equi IFO 3730 was found to oxidize a wide variety of sec-alcohols, including alkanols, substituted alkanols, alkenols and cyclic alcohols, in moderate to high yields. Among them, the sec-alcohols which have longer carbon chains were oxidized more smoothly than those with smaller numbers of carbon. Although both enantiomers of unsymmetrically disubstituted carbinols were oxidized, the S form of 2-dodecanol was converted to the corresponding ketone a little faster than the other enantiomer.  相似文献   
Lectin binding patterns in normal human endometrium were examined by light and electron microscopy using seven different lectins (ConA, WGA, RCA, PNA, UEA-1, DBA, and SBA). For light microscopic observations, criteria based on the incidence and intensity of cells positive for the lectin staining were adopted to evaluate the different staining patterns of the proliferative and secretory endometria obtained by the avidin-biotin-peroxidase complex (ABC) technique. At the light microscopic level, ConA, WGA, and RCA stained endometrial glandular cells in both phases. The number of PNA-positive cells with the binding sites entirely limited to the apical surface tended to be reduced slightly in the secretory phase. UEA-1 weakly stained the apical surface of glandular cells in the proliferative phase but not in the secretory phase. Among the lectins used in this study, DBA and SBA displayed remarkable changes between the phases. That is, in the proliferative phase they produced only a faint or slight positive stain at the apical surface, but the incidence and intensity of DBA- and the SBA-positive glandular cells increased in the secretory phase. By electron microscopy, the reaction product of ConA was observed in the plasma membrane, endoplasmic reticulum, nuclear envelope, and the Golgi apparatus, and the binding sites of RCA and DBA were observed in the plasma and Golgi membranes. Between both phases, the reactivity of ConA and RCA showed almost no change. However, the secretory endometrial cells containing the DBA-positive Golgi apparatus were markedly increased in number compared with the proliferative ones bearing the lectin-positive organelles.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   
A new cell line designated RTSG established in vitro from the pleural effusion of a patient with metastatic ovarian epithelial cancer has been subcultured 46 times for more than 2 years. The cells grew in a monolayered sheet, showing a tendency to pile up, with the population doubling in 48 hrs. Electron-microscopically, desmosomes were characteristically observed, suggesting the cells were of epithelial origin. Chromosomal analysis revealed aneuploidy with a tetraploid mode. The heterotransplanted tumors in nude mice were histopathologically classified as a poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, whereas the original tumor consisted mainly of mucinous and serous cystadenocarcinoma and only partly of poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma. The cells secreted hCG (38.8 mIU/day/10(6) cells) and beta-hCG (6.1 ng/day/10(6) cells) in spent medium. Immunocytologic +-and-histochemical staining for tumor markers of the original tumor, the cultured cells and the transplanted tumors also revealed the localization of not only hCG and beta-hCG but also CA19-9 and CA-125 whose values had been elevated in the preoperative serum (hCG: 10 mIU/ml, CA19-9: 6,400 U/ml, CA-125: 225 U/ml). Results of PAS, Alcian-blue and Mucicarmine strains indicated that most of the PAS-positive substances in the cultured cells and the transplanted tumors were consistent with glycogen while the original tumor mainly contained mucin except for the lesion of poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma with glycogen. These results suggested that the cultured cells might originate from poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma cells in the original tumor.  相似文献   
Summary The bald mutants from streptomycin (SM)-producingStreptomyces griseus 2247 obtained by incubation at high temperature (36° C), designated as HT strains, lost resistance to their own antibiotic and scarcely produced the antibiotic. Although SM susceptibility in the mutant was due to loss of SM 6-phosphotransferase activity produced in the cell, the gene coding for the enzyme cloned from an HT strain was surely expressed inS. lividans 1326 as a host. Northern blot analysis showed that the corresponding RNA is not detected in the mutant, indicating that though the gene encoding SM 6-phosphotransferase, at least, the structural gene is not deleted in the cell, the expression is silent.  相似文献   
In 15 patients with hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) and 14 patients with liver cirrhosis (LC), urinary excretions of delta-aminolevulinic acid (ALA), porphobilinogen (PBG), uroporphyrin (UP), coproporphyrin (CP), and erythrocyte contents of CP and protoporphyrin (PP) were examined. In patients with HCC, urinary excretions of ALA and PBG and erythrocyte contents of CP and PP were not increased, but urinary excretions of UP and CP were significantly increased more than those of LC patients. Urinary excretions of UP and CP had no correlations with liver function tests and excretion of UP correlated slightly with blood hemoglobin level. After administration of ALA intravenously, urinary excretions of UP and CP were clearly increased in patients with HCC compared to normal controls. A Red fluorescent area was present at the cancerous area but not in the noncancerous cirrhotic area in a patient with HCC. These results suggest that aberrant porphyrin metabolism occurred in patients with HCC compared to other liver diseases.  相似文献   
Selective tritylation of methyl β-sophoroside (1) and subsequent acetylation gave the 3,4,2′,3′,4′-penta-O-acetyl-6,6′-di-O-trityl derivative, which was O-detritylated, and the product p-toluenesulfonylated, to give methyl 3,4,2′,3′,4′-penta-O-acetyl-6,6′-di-O-p-tolylsulfonyl-β-sophoroside (4) in 63% net yield. Compound 4 was also obtained in 69% yield by p-toluenesulfonylation of 1, followed by acetylation. Several, 6,6′-disubstituted derivatives of 1 were synthesized by displacement reactions of 4 with various nucleophiles. Treatment of 4 with sodium methoxide afforded methyl 3,6:3′,6′-dianhydro-β-sophoroside. Several 6- and 6′-monosubstituted derivatives of 1 were prepared, starting from the 4,6-O-benzylidene derivative of 1.  相似文献   
Two interesting microfungi are described as new to Japan:Talaromyces galapagensis (anam.Penicillium galapagense), isolated from soil in Shizuoka; andPenicillium megasporum, isolated from marine sludge in Nagasaki. Some observations are recorded, particularly on ascomatal initials ofT. galapagensis, which are similar to those described forTalaromyces flavus.(48): Kaneko, S., Mycoscience 36: 359–360, 1995.  相似文献   
A new species ofTalaromyces (Ascomycetes; Trichocomaceae) with aPenicillium anamorph,T. lagunensis, is described and illustrated. This fungus is characterized by its extremely restricted growh on Czapek-yeast extract agar, light yellow to light orange ascomata with a telaperidium, catenate, pyriform or ellipsoidal asci, ellipsoidal or subglobose ascospores with a microtuberculate wall, short conidiophores with an irregular, mostly monoverticillate to biverticillate penicillus, and subglobose to ovoid conidia. The holotype was isolated from forest soil in the Philippines.  相似文献   
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