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The angular resolution of ground-based optical telescopes is limited by the degrading effects of the turbulent atmosphere. In the absence of an atmosphere, the angular resolution of a typical telescope is limited only by diffraction, i.e., the wavelength of interest, λ, divided by the size of its primary mirror''s aperture, D. For example, the Hubble Space Telescope (HST), with a 2.4-m primary mirror, has an angular resolution at visible wavelengths of ~0.04 arc seconds. The atmosphere is composed of air at slightly different temperatures, and therefore different indices of refraction, constantly mixing. Light waves are bent as they pass through the inhomogeneous atmosphere. When a telescope on the ground focuses these light waves, instantaneous images appear fragmented, changing as a function of time. As a result, long-exposure images acquired using ground-based telescopes - even telescopes with four times the diameter of HST - appear blurry and have an angular resolution of roughly 0.5 to 1.5 arc seconds at best.Astronomical adaptive-optics systems compensate for the effects of atmospheric turbulence. First, the shape of the incoming non-planar wave is determined using measurements of a nearby bright star by a wavefront sensor. Next, an element in the optical system, such as a deformable mirror, is commanded to correct the shape of the incoming light wave. Additional corrections are made at a rate sufficient to keep up with the dynamically changing atmosphere through which the telescope looks, ultimately producing diffraction-limited images.The fidelity of the wavefront sensor measurement is based upon how well the incoming light is spatially and temporally sampled1. Finer sampling requires brighter reference objects. While the brightest stars can serve as reference objects for imaging targets from several to tens of arc seconds away in the best conditions, most interesting astronomical targets do not have sufficiently bright stars nearby. One solution is to focus a high-power laser beam in the direction of the astronomical target to create an artificial reference of known shape, also known as a ''laser guide star''. The Robo-AO laser adaptive optics system2,3 employs a 10-W ultraviolet laser focused at a distance of 10 km to generate a laser guide star. Wavefront sensor measurements of the laser guide star drive the adaptive optics correction resulting in diffraction-limited images that have an angular resolution of ~0.1 arc seconds on a 1.5-m telescope.  相似文献   
A simple and rapid chiral high‐performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) method was developed and validated for bioanalysis of clopidogrel enantiomers on rat dried blood spots (DBS). Clopidogrel enantiomers were extracted from DBS using ethanol: methanol (80:20, v/v) and separated on a Chiralcel OJ‐H column containing cellulose tris (4‐methly benzoate) as a polysaccharide stationary phase using n‐hexane–ethanol‐diethylamine (70:30, 0.1 v/v) as a mobile phase at a flow rate of 1.0 mL/min. The detection was carried out at 220 nm using a photodiode array (PDA) detector while the elution order of the enantiomers was determined by a polarimeter connected to PDA in series. The effect of hematocrit on extraction of clopidogrel enantiomers from DBS was evaluated and no interference from endogenous substances was noticed. The overall accuracy of (R) and (S) enantiomers of clopidogrel from DBS were 91.6 and 89.2%, respectively. The calibration curves were linear over the concentration range of 1–500 µg/mL for both enantiomers. The results show that the method is specific, precise, and reproducible (intra‐ and interday precision relative standard deviations (RSDs) <10.0%). The stability of racemic clopidogrel was performed under all storage conditions and the results were found to be well within the acceptance limits. Chirality 26:102–107, 2014.© 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   
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