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Escherichia coli K-12 has the ability to migrate on semisolid media by means of swarming motility. A systematic and comprehensive collection of gene-disrupted E. coli K-12 mutants (the Keio collection) was used to identify the genes involved in the swarming motility of this bacterium. Of the 3,985 nonessential gene mutants, 294 were found to exhibit a strongly repressed-swarming phenotype. Further, 216 of the 294 mutants displayed no significant defects in swimming motility; therefore, the 216 genes were considered to be specifically associated with the swarming phenotype. The swarming-associated genes were classified into various functional categories, indicating that swarming is a specialized form of motility that requires a wide variety of cellular activities. These genes include genes for tricarboxylic acid cycle and glucose metabolism, iron acquisition, chaperones and protein-folding catalysts, signal transduction, and biosynthesis of cell surface components, such as lipopolysaccharide, the enterobacterial common antigen, and type 1 fimbriae. Lipopolysaccharide and the enterobacterial common antigen may be important surface-acting components that contribute to the reduction of surface tension, thereby facilitating the swarm migration in the E. coli K-12 strain.  相似文献   
Hybridization between divergent lineages generates new allelic combinations. One mechanism that can hinder the formation of hybrid populations is mitonuclear incompatibility, that is, dysfunctional interactions between proteins encoded in the nuclear and mitochondrial genomes (mitogenomes) of diverged lineages. Theoretically, selective pressure due to mitonuclear incompatibility can affect genotypes in a hybrid population in which nuclear genomes and mitogenomes from divergent lineages admix. To directly and thoroughly observe this key process, we de novo sequenced the 747‐Mb genome of the coastal goby, Chaenogobius annularis, and investigated its integrative genomic phylogeographics using RNA‐sequencing, RAD‐sequencing, genome resequencing, whole mitogenome sequencing, amplicon sequencing, and small RNA‐sequencing. Chaenogobius annularis populations have been geographically separated into Pacific Ocean (PO) and Sea of Japan (SJ) lineages by past isolation events around the Japanese archipelago. Despite the divergence history and potential mitonuclear incompatibility between these lineages, the mitogenomes of the PO and SJ lineages have coexisted for generations in a hybrid population on the Sanriku Coast. Our analyses revealed accumulation of nonsynonymous substitutions in the PO‐lineage mitogenomes, including two convergent substitutions, as well as signals of mitochondrial lineage‐specific selection on mitochondria‐related nuclear genes. Finally, our data implied that a microRNA gene was involved in resolving mitonuclear incompatibility. Our integrative genomic phylogeographic approach revealed that mitonuclear incompatibility can affect genome evolution in a natural hybrid population.  相似文献   
Although recent studies suggest that hyperlipidemia is a risk factor for osteoarthritis (OA), the link between OA and hyperlipidemia is not fully understood. As the number of activated, circulating myeloid cells is increased during hyperlipidemia, we speculate that myeloid cells contribute to the pathology of OA. Here, we characterized myeloid cells in STR/Ort mice, a murine osteoarthritis model, under hyperlipidemic conditions. Ratios of myeloid cells in bone marrow, the spleen, and peripheral blood were determined by flow cytometry. To examine the influence of the hematopoietic environment, including abnormal stem cells, on the hematopoietic profile of STR/Ort mice, bone marrow transplantations were performed. The relationship between hyperlipidemia and abnormal hematopoiesis was examined by evaluating biochemical parameters and spleen weight of F2 animals (STR/Ort x C57BL/6J). In STR/Ort mice, the ratio of CD11b+Gr1+ cells in spleens and peripheral blood was increased, and CD11b+Gr1+ cells were also present in synovial tissue. Splenomegaly was observed and correlated with the ratio of CD11b+Gr1+ cells. When bone marrow from GFP-expressing mice was transplanted into STR/Ort mice, no difference in the percentage of CD11b+Gr1+ cells was observed between transplanted and age-matched STR/Ort mice. Analysis of biochemical parameters in F2 mice showed that spleen weight correlated with serum total cholesterol. These results suggest that the increase in circulating and splenic CD11b+Gr1+ cells in STR/Ort mice originates from hypercholesterolemia. Further investigation of the function of CD11b+Gr1+ cells in synovial tissue may reveal the pathology of OA in STR/Ort mice.  相似文献   


Monocarboxylate transporters (MCTs) transport monocarboxylates such as lactate, pyruvate and ketone bodies. These transporters are very attractive therapeutic targets in cancer. Elucidations of the functions and structures of MCTs is necessary for the development of effective medicine which targeting these proteins. However, in comparison with MCT1, there is little information on location of the function moiety of MCT4 and which constituent amino acids govern the transport function of MCT4. The aim of the present work was to determine the molecular mechanism of L-lactate transport via hMCT4.

Experimental approach

Transport of L-lactate via hMCT4 was determined by using hMCT4 cRNA-injected Xenopus laevis oocytes. hMCT4 mediated L-lactate uptake in oocytes was measured in the absence and presence of chemical modification agents and 4,4′-diisothiocyanostilbene-2,2′-disulphonate (DIDS). In addition, L-lactate uptake was measured by hMCT4 arginine mutants. Immunohistochemistry studies revealed the localization of hMCT4.


In hMCT4-expressing oocytes, treatment with phenylglyoxal (PGO), a compound specific for arginine residues, completely abolished the transport activity of hMCT4, although this abolishment was prevented by the presence of L-lactate. On the other hand, chemical modifications except for PGO treatment had no effect on the transport activity of hMCT4. The transporter has six conserved arginine residues, two in the transmembrane-spanning domains (TMDs) and four in the intracellular loops. In hMCT4-R278 mutants, the uptake of L-lactate is void of any transport activity without the alteration of hMCT4 localization.


Our results suggest that Arg-278 in TMD8 is a critical residue involved in substrate, L-lactate recognition by hMCT4.  相似文献   
miR-146a plays important roles in cancer as it directly targets NUMB, an inhibitor of Notch signaling. miR-146a is reportedly regulated by a G>C polymorphism (SNP; rs2910164). This polymorphism affects various cancers, including colorectal cancer (CRC). However, the clinical significance of miR-146a polymorphism in CRC remains unclear. A total of 59 patients with CRC were divided into 2 groups: a CC/CG genotype (n = 32) and a GG genotype (n = 27), based on the miR-146a polymorphism. cDNA microarray analysis was performed using 59 clinical samples. Significantly enriched gene sets in each genotype were extracted using GSEA. We also investigated the association between miR-146a polymorphism and miR-146a, NUMB expression or migratory response in CRC cell lines. The CC/CG genotype was associated with significantly more synchronous liver metastasis (p = 0.007). A heat map of the two genotypes showed that the expression profiles were clearly stratified. GSEA indicated that Notch signaling and JAK/STAT3 signaling were significantly associated with the CC/CG genotype (p = 0.004 and p = 0.023, respectively). CRC cell lines with the pre-miR-146a/C revealed significantly higher miR-146a expression (p = 0.034) and higher NUMB expression and chemotactic activity. In CRC, miR-146a polymorphism is involved in liver metastasis. Identification of this polymorphism could be useful to identify patients with a high risk of liver metastasis in CRC.  相似文献   
Karyopherin-dependent molecular transport through the nuclear pore complex is maintained by constant recycling pathways of karyopherins coupled with the Ran-dependent cargo catch-and-release mechanism. Although many studies have revealed the bidirectional dynamics of karyopherins, the entire kinetics of the steady-state dynamics of karyopherin and cargo is still not fully understood. In this study, we used fluorescence recovery after photobleaching and fluorescence loss in photobleaching on live cells to provide convincing in vivo proof that karyopherin-mediated nucleocytoplasmic transport of cargoes is bidirectional. Continuous photobleaching of the cytoplasm of live cells expressing NLS cargoes led to progressive decrease of nuclear fluorescence signals. In addition, experimentally obtained kinetic parameters of karyopherin complexes were used to establish a kinetic model to explain the entire cargo import and export transport cycles facilitated by importin β. The results strongly indicate that constant shuttling of karyopherins, either free or bound to cargo, ensures proper balancing of nucleocytoplasmic distribution of cargoes and establishes effective regulation of cargo dynamics by RanGTP.  相似文献   
Journal of Industrial Microbiology & Biotechnology - Bacterial secondary metabolites (SM) are rich sources of drug leads, and in particular, numerous metabolites have been isolated from...  相似文献   
Flavobacterium psychrophilum is the causative agent of the fish diseases called bacterial cold-water disease and rainbow trout fry syndrome. It has been reported that some isolates of F. psychrophilum are resistant to quinolones; however, the mechanism of this quinolone resistance has been unexplained. In this study, we examined the quinolone susceptibility patterns of 27 F. psychrophilum strains isolated in Japan and the United States. Out of 27 isolates, 14 were resistant to both nalidixic acid (NA) and oxolinic acid (OXA), and the others were susceptible to NA and OXA. When amino acid sequences deduced from gyrA nucleotide sequences of all isolates tested were analyzed, two amino acid substitutions (a threonine residue replaced by an alanine or isoleucine residue in position 83 of GyrA [Escherichia coli numbering] and an aspartic acid residue replaced by a tyrosine residue in position 87) were observed in the 14 quinolone-resistant isolates. These results strongly suggest that, as in other gram-negative bacteria, DNA gyrase is an important target for quinolones in F. psychrophilum.  相似文献   
ATP-dependent glucokinase is suggested to have evolved from a hypothetical polyphosphate (polyP)-dependent glucokinase (polyP-GK) via a bifunctional polyP/ATP glucokinase (polyP/ATP-GK). Here we showed that polyP-GK is present in a polyP-accumulating bacterium, Microlunatus phosphovorus. The polyP-GK produced glucose-6-P(i) from glucose and polyP, but it could not phosphorylate glucose with ATP. The polyP-GK was most closely related to the polyP/ATP-GK of Mycobacterium tuberculosis.  相似文献   
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