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Establishment of pregnancy in cattle has been proposed to depend on production of a conceptus protein, bovine trophoblast protein-1 (bTP-1), which has a high degree of sequence homology with bovine interferon-alpha (bIFN-alpha), especially the alpha II subfamily. A preparation of bovine conceptus secretory proteins enriched for bTP-1 has antiviral and physico-chemical properties similar to other bIFN-alpha. Antiviral activity is initially detectable in uterine flushings on Day 14 of pregnancy, when the conceptus measures 4-5 mm in length, and increases as the conceptus elongates through Day 18. Day 17 conceptuses produce more than 10(6) U antiviral activity during 24 h of culture. All IFNs induce the enzyme 2',5'-oligoadenylate synthetase, which catalyzes production of 2',5'-oligo(A), which in turn is involved in antiviral and growth inhibitory effects of IFNs. This enzyme activity is induced in Madin-Darby bovine kidney cells by the partially purified bTP-1 preparation similarly to IFN-alpha, -beta, and -gamma. Likewise, the partially purified bTP-1 and bIFN-alpha 1 induce 2',5'-oligo(A) synthetase activity in monolayers of endometrial epithelial and stromal cells. Compared to epithelial cells, stromal cells have higher baseline activity of 2'-5'-oligo(A) synthetase activity (p less than 0.01) and show a greater degree of induction in the presence of either the partially purified bTP-1 or bIFN-alpha 1 (p less than 0.01). Also, 2',5'-oligo(A) synthetase of endometrial stromal cells is induced to a greater degree by our enriched bTP-1 preparation than by bIFN-alpha 1 (p less than 0.01).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   
Aquaspirillum magnetotacticum MS-1 cells cultured microaerobically (dissolved O2 tension 1% of saturation), expressed proteins with superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity. The majority (roughly 95%) of total cell superoxide dismutase activity was located in the cell periplasm with little or no activity in the cell cytoplasm. Irontype SOD (FeSOD) contributed 88% of the total activity activity detected, although a manganese-type SOD (MnSOD) was present in the periplasm as well. Cells cultured at a higher dissolved O2 tension (10% of saturation) expressed increased activity of the MnSOD relative to that of the FeSOD.  相似文献   
Oligonucleotide-directed mutagenesis of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae was used to generate an abnormal iso-1-cytochrome c having an Arg-77 replacement of the normal Lys-77; this Lys-77 residue is evolutionarily conserved in most eukaryotic cytochromes c and is trimethylated in fungal and plant cytochromes c. Examination of strains having a single chromosomal copy of the gene encoding the Arg-77 protein indicated that the altered protein was synthesized at the normal rate and that it had normal or near normal activity in vivo. Examination of enzymatic activities in vitro with cytochrome b2, cytochrome c peroxidase, and cytochrome c oxidase indicated that the altered iso-1-cytochrome c has equal or enhanced catalytic efficiencies. Thus, replacement of the evolutionarily conserved residue Lys-77 produces no or only minor effects both in vivo and in vitro.  相似文献   
In this paper, we review briefly the current state of knowledge about sexual differentiation in eutherian mammals, and then describe the situation in detail in two marsupial species: the North American opossum and the tammar wallaby. The conventional explanation for the genesis of all male somatic sexual dimorphisms in mammals is that they are a consequence of the systemic action of testicular hormones. In the absence of testes, the embryo will develop a female phenotype. We present evidence for the tammar wallaby that calls into question the universal applicability of this hormonal theory of mammalian sexual differentiation. We have shown that extensive somatic sexual dimorphisms precede by many days the first morphological evidence of testicular formation, which does not occur until around the third day of pouch life. Male foetuses, and pouch young on the day of birth, already have a well-developed gubernaculum and processus vaginalis, paired scrotal anlagen, and a complete absence of mammary anlagen, whereas female foetuses and newborn pouch young have a poorly developed gubernaculum and processus vaginalis, no scrotal anlagen, and well-developed mammary anlagen. Because it seems unlikely that the male gonad could begin hormone secretion until after the Sertoli and Leydig cells are developed, our results strongly suggest that some sexually dimorphic somatic characteristics develop autonomously, depending on their genotype rather than the hormonal environment to which they are exposed. We have been able to confirm the hormonal independence of the scrotum, pouch and mammary gland by administering testosterone propionate daily by mouth to female pouch young from the day of birth; although the Wolffian duct was hyperstimulated, there was no sign of scrotal development, or pouch or mammary inhibition. When male pouch young were treated with oestradiol benzoate in a similar fashion, there was hyperstimulation of the Müllerian duct and inhibition of testicular migration and development, but no sign of scrotal inhibition or pouch or mammary development. Our results in the tammar wallaby are consistent with the earlier studies on the opossum, whose significance was not appreciated at the time. Further evidence in support of this hormonal independence comes from earlier studies of spontaneously occurring intersexes in several species of marsupial, including the opossum and the tammar wallaby. An XXY individual had intra-abdominal testes and complete masculinization of the male reproductive tract internally, but externally there was a pouch and mammary glands and no scrotum.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   
The composition of the outer membrane channels formed by the OmpF and OmpC porins is important in peptide permeation, and elimination of these proteins from the Escherichia coli outer membrane results in a cell in which the primary means for peptide permeation through this cell structure has been lost. E. coli peptide transport mutants which harbor defects in genes other than the ompF/ompC genes have been isolated on the basis of their resistance to toxic tripeptides. The genetic defects carried by these oligopeptide permease-negative (Opp-) strains were found to map in two distinct chromosomal locations. One opp locus was trp linked and mapped to the interval between att phi 80 and galU. Complementation studies with F'123 opp derivatives indicated that this peptide transport locus resembles that characterized in Salmonella typhimurium as a tetracistronic operon (B. G. Hogarth and C. F. Higgins, J. Bacteriol. 153:1548-1551, 1983). The second opp locus, which we have designated oppE, was mapped to the interval between dnaC and hsd at 98.5 min on the E. coli chromosome. The differences in peptide utilization, sensitivity and resistance to toxic peptides, and the L-[U-14C]alanyl-L-alanyl-L-alanine transport properties observed with these Opp-E. coli strains demonstrated that the transport systems encoded by the trp-linked opp genes and by the oppE gene(s) have different substrate preferences. Mutants harboring defects in both peptide transport loci defined in this study would not grow on nutritional peptides except for tri-L-methionine, were totally resistant to toxic peptides, and would not actively transport L-[U-14C]alanyl-L-alanyl-L-alanine.  相似文献   
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