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Amiloride fluxes across erythrocyte membranes   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Amiloride is known to inhibit both the influx of Na+ and the activation of mitogenesis in many cultured cell lines. This paper describes experiments in which the permeability coefficient of amiloride was determined from measurements of tracer fluxes across human erythrocytes and resealed ghosts. From an analysis of these fluxes, a permeability coefficient of 10(-7) cm/s for the uncharged form of amiloride was deduced. Based upon this measured permeability value, we present calculations of intracellular accumulation times of amiloride in cells of differing surface-to-volume ratio.  相似文献   
Hepatic alcohol dehydrogenase activity and mass content change coordinately during development in male rats. Enzyme activity and mass content increase continuously after birth to 100 and 80% of maximal values within 6 weeks (2.6 ± 0.4 μmole/min/g liver and 92 ± 20 μg/g liver), respectively. When expressed per milligram of soluble proteins, both parameters peak at 3 weeks (0.052 ± 0.002 μmole/min/mg protein and 2.0 ± 0.4 μg/mg protein) and then decrease gradually to plateau levels. These decreases probably arise from a “surge” in soluble liver protein levels that occurs after weaning. Similar developmental patterns also occur in female rats. These findings are the first quantitative measurements of this enzyme in developing animals.  相似文献   
Several workers have suggested that cell membranes have a high proton conductance. Our interest in this concept arose from the possibility that the nutrient (submucosal-facing) membrane of the gastric mucosa may have a high proton or hydroxyl ion conductance which would play a role in the regulation of the acid-base balance of the cell. We found that wide changes in the H+ concentration of the fluid bathing the nutrient side of the in vitro frog gastric mucosa did not result in significant changes in p.d. However, a maintained change of the H+ concentration of the bathing fluid would be expected to produce only a temporary change in p.d. Since a diffusion barrier is present on the nutrient side the temporary change in p.d. might be masked. An analysis of this possibility was made on the basis of a conceptual model and as a result of the analysis it is concluded that the proton (and/or OH?) conductance of the nutrient membrane of the frog gastric mucosa is not a significant fraction of its total conductance. The present status of the proton conductance hypothesis with respect to striated muscle and to the secretory membrane of the gastric mucosa is reviewed.  相似文献   
Image understanding system for histopathology   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
An image understanding machine vision system for histological diagnoses is based on three interacting expert systems: a diagnostic expert system utilizing terms familiar to pathologists, an interpretive expert system relating human diagnostic concepts to computable histometric features and a scene segmentation expert system which extracts the diagnostic information from the imagery. The control software for the image understanding system resides on a multiprocessor computer. This article details measures to maintain system efficiency and to accommodate the requirements of interprocess communication and processing task scheduling.  相似文献   
The Bacteroides conjugal tetracycline resistance (Tcr) elements appear not to be plasmids. In many cases, resistance to erythromycin (Emr) is cotransferred with Tcr. Using a newly constructed shuttle cosmid, pNJR1, we cloned 44 to 50 kilobase pairs of a conjugal Tcr Emr element on overlapping cosmid clones. Cosmid libraries were made in Escherichia coli with DNA from the original clinical Bacteroides thetaiotaomicron DOT strain containing Tcr Emr-DOT or from a Bacteroides uniformis Tcr Emr-DOT transconjugant strain. The cosmid clones were mobilized from E. coli into B. uniformis in groups of 10 to 20 per filter mating, with selection for Tcr or Emr transconjugants. The Tcr and Emr genes were cloned both separately and together on 30-kilobase-pair fragments. Several of the Tcr clones also contained transfer genes that permitted self-transfer of the cosmid from B. uniformis donors to E. coli or B. uniformis recipients. Neither the Tcr nor the Emr gene conferred resistance on E. coli, and the transfer-proficient clones did not self-transfer out of E. coli. Southern blot analysis was used to compare DNA from independently isolated Bacteroides strains carrying conjugal Tcr or Tcr Emr elements and their respective B. uniformis transconjugants. Results of these analyses indicate that there are large regions of homology, including regions outside the Tcr and Emr genes, but that the elements are not identical. Some Tcr clones contained a region which hybridized to chromosomal DNA from the wild-type B. uniformis recipient strain that did not carry the Tcr Emr-DOT element. This region of homology appeared not to be a junction fragment. It was not required in a Bacteroides recipient for successful transfer of the Tcr Emr element. Although we are not sure we have cloned a junction fragment between the Tcr Emr-DOT element and the B. uniformis chromosome, the preliminary function and restriction map appears to be linear.  相似文献   
Though numerous studies have shown that gene transfer occurs between distantly related bacterial genera under laboratory conditions, the frequency and breadth of horizontal transfer events in nature remain unknown. Previous evidence for natural intergeneric transfers came from studies of genes in human pathogens, bacteria that colonize the same host. We present evidence that natural transfer of a tetracycline resistance gene, tetQ, has occurred between bacterial genera that normally colonize different hosts. A DNA sequence comparative approach was taken to examine the extent of horizontal tetQ dissemination between species of Bacteroides, the predominant genus of the human colonic microflora, and between species of Bacteroides and of the distantly related genus Prevotella, a predominant genus of the microflora of the rumens and intestinal tracts of farm animals. Virtually identical tetQ sequences were found in a number of isolate pairs differing in taxonomy and geographic origin, indicating that extensive natural gene transmission has occurred. Among the exchange events indicated by the evidence was the very recent transfer of an allele of tetQ usually found in Prevotella spp. to a Bacteroides fragilis strain.  相似文献   
Summary Cystic fibrosis (CF) involves abnormalities in mucus production and secretion of the airway. Studies of the regulation of airway mucin production and secretion has been difficult due to the lack of in vitro models of the airway epithelial cells which express functional differentiation. Because the majority of the mucin in the airway is apparently produced by the submucosal glands, we have focused our attention on the development of cell culture models of human airway submucosal glands. This report describes the propagation of CF airway submucosal gland epithelial cells which continue to express mucin production. The CF bronchus was obtained from a 31-yr-old patient who received a double lung transplant. The glands were dissected out and primary cultures prepared by the explant/outgrowth procedure. The cells were immortalized by infection with Adl2-SV40 hybrid virus. The cultures are maintained in serum-free keratinocyte basal medium supplemented with insulin (5μg/ml), hydrocortisone (0.5μg/ml), epidermal growth factor (10 ng/ml), bovine pituitary extract (25μg/ml), and antibiotics. Cultures were passaged using 0.125% trypsin in Ca+2 and Mg+2-free Hanks’, balanced salt solution. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) analysis demonstrated that the cells were homozygous for the ΔF508 mutation. Morphologic observations showed that the cells were epithelial and were interconnected by sparsely distributed desmosomes. Their cytoplasm contained secretory-type structures including abundant Golgi, rough endoplasmic reticulum, and secretory vesicles. Immunofluorescent studies determined that all cells were positive for cytokeratins, mucin glycoconjugates, and cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator. The cultures secreted substantial amounts of mucin glycoproteins and expressed the MUC-2 mucin gene. Patch clamp experiments revealed that the cells expressed defective Cl channels which were not activated by Forskolin.  相似文献   
Circular dichroism (CD) spectra of d(CCCCGGGG) in the presence of Co(NH3)6(3+) are very similar to spectra of r(CCCCGGGG). In contrast, B-form characteristics are observed for d(CCCCGGGG) in the presence of Na+ and Mg2+, even at high salt concentrations. Spermidine induces modest changes of the CD of d(CCCCGGGG). The NMR chemical shifts of the nonexchangeable protons of d(CCCCGGGG) in the absence and presence of Co(NH3)6(3+) were assigned by proton two-dimensional (2D) NOESY and COSY measurements. The chemical shifts of the GH8 protons of d(CCCCGGGG) move upfield upon titration with Co(NH3)6Cl3. The sums of the sugar H1' coupling constants decrease with added Co(NH3)6Cl3. Cross peak intensities in the 2D proton NOESY spectra show a transformation from B-DNA to A-DNA characteristics upon the addition of Co(NH3)6Cl3. The temperature-dependent 59Co transverse and longitudinal relaxation rates demonstrate that Co(NH3)6(3+) is site-bound to the oligomer. Such localization is not a general feature of Co(NH3)6(3+) binding to oligonucleotides. 59Co NMR relaxation and CD measurements demonstrate chiral discrimination by d(CCCCGGGG) for the two stereoisomers of Co(en)3(3+). Both stereoisomers bind tightly as judged by 59Co NMR, and both cause large (but nonequivalent) changes in the CD of this oligomer.  相似文献   
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