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The interactions of actin filaments with actin-binding protein (filamin) and caldesmon under the influence of tropomyosin were studied in detail using falling-ball viscometry, binding assay and electron microscopy. Caldesmon decreased the binding constant of filamin with F-actin. In contrast, the maximum binding ability of filamin to F-actin was decreased by tropomyosin. The filamin-induced gelation of actin filaments was inhibited by caldesmon. Tropomyosin also inhibited this gelation. The effect of caldesmon became stronger under the influence of tropomyosin. Furthermore, both caldesmon and tropomyosin additionally decreased the filamin binding to F-actin. From these results, caldesmon and tropomyosin appeared to influence filamin binding to F-actin with different modes of actin. In addition, there was no sign of direct interactions between filamin, caldesmon and tropomyosin as judged from gel filtration. Under the influence of caldesmon and tropomyosin, calmodulin conferred Ca2+ sensitivity on the filamin-induced gelation of actin filaments.  相似文献   
A metal-tolerant fern, Athyrium yokoscense, is capable of growingin highly copper-contaminated soil, but cupric chloride inhibitedthe activities of some enzymes extracted from the fern. Thefunction in the detoxification of copper of two copper-bindingsubstances was investigated by examination of their effectson various enzymes assayed in vitro, i.e. acid phosphatase (orthophosphoric-monoesterphosphohydrolase [acid optimum], EC [EC] ), glucose-6-phosphatedehydrogenase (D-glucose-6-phosphate: NADP+ 1-oxidoreductase,EC [EC] ) and isocitrate dehydrogenase (threo-Ds-isocitrate:NADP+ oxidoreductase [decarboxylating], EC [EC] ). The twocopper-binding substances, whose apparent molecular weightsare 9.5 kDa and 2 kDa, were previously obtained from the solublecytoplasmic fraction of the fern root. The 9.5-kDa substance,which is a cysteine-rich peptide induced as a result of exposureof the fern to copper, was found to suppress almost entirelythe inhibitory effects of the metal on the enzymes. The suppressoractivity of the peptide was nearly as effective as that of ethylenediaminetetraaceticacid. The 2-kDa substance, which is also found in fern thathas not been exposed to copper, had a more modest suppressoractivity. These results indicate that the 9.5-kDa substancemay contribute to the copper-tolerance of the fern growing incopper-contaminated soil. (Received August 26, 1988; Accepted March 17, 1989)  相似文献   
Dermatan sulfate proteoglycan chains were detected in tissue sections treated with chondroitin B-lyase (0.01 units/ml) in 20 mM Tris-HCl (pH 8.0) for 1 hr, followed by staining with antibody 9A2 specific for unsaturated uronic acid coupled to N-acetylgalactosamine-4 sulfate. In contrast, after treatment with chondroitin B-lyase, no positive staining was observed with antibodies 3B3 and 1B5 which react to the unsaturated uronic acid coupled to N-acetylgalactosamine 6-sulfate and unsaturated uronic acid coupled to N-acetylgalactosamine, respectively. The distribution of dermatan sulfate thus revealed was confirmed by comparison with that found by monoclonal antibody 6B6 which reacts with small proteoglycans carrying dermatan sulfate side chains. The localization of positive staining in fibrous connective tissues was almost identical with these two procedures.  相似文献   
Summary Subcellular structures of type II alveolar epithelial cells in the rat lung were analyzed at six evenly spaced times over 24 h (light period: 06.00 h–18.00 h), using a morphometric technique. The cell volumes were maximal at 16.00 h and minimal at 08.00 h. The volume and surface densities of rough endoplasmic reticulum and mitochondria were low during the light period, and high during the dark period. Morphometric parameters of multivesicular bodies did not significantly fluctuate over 24 h, but they increased from 04.00 h to 08.00 h. The volume densities of lamellar bodies increased from 16.00 h to 20.00 h, and decreased from 00.00 h to 08.00 h. The change in numerical densities of lamellar bodies was inversely correlated to that in the volume densities. As shown by electron microscopy, small lamellar bodies predominated at 08.00 h, larger lamellar bodies increasing at 16.00h. Composite bodies often appeared at 08.00 h and 12.00 h. Type II cells thus appear to fluctuate, showing three phases over 24 h: formation, accumulation and secretion of lamellar bodies. In particular, it is noteworthy that the accumulation stage occurs during the resting phase of the rat, whereas the secretion stage occurs during its body-active phase.  相似文献   
Fertilization of the medaka egg in 10% Ringer's solution generates a depolarization of 4 mV just before the appearance of a characteristically longer hyperpolarization (25). The depolarization appears to be the result of a nonspecific leak triggered by sperm stimulation and the amplitude of the depolarization is thought to be independent of [Ca2+]o (25). We have investigated the ionic dependence of this depolarization. An initial small depolarization (3–4 mV; duration, 5–8 sec) is followed by a rising phase of a spike-like depolarization in the range of 10–60 mV. The amplitude of this spike-like depolarization is propodional to log [Ca2+], ranging from 0.33–18 mM. Calcium antagonists, e.g. 10 mM cobalt or 10 μg/ml verapamil in 10% Ringer do not block the depolarization in the presence of 1.1 mM CaCl2.  相似文献   
With fluorescence and interference reflection microscopy (IRM), we compared the regional distribution of calspectin, its interacting proteins (nonerythroid protein 4.1 and calpactin), alpha-actinin, and vinculin in NRK cells and their avian sarcoma virus (ASV)- or temperature-sensitive (ts) Rous sarcoma virus (RSV)-transformed cells. The localization of these cytoskeletal proteins was determined with the specific antibodies. In NRK cells, alpha-actinin and vinculin were concentrated at adhesion plaques. By contrast, calspectin was distributed throughout the cytoplasm, but not concentrated at adhesion plaques. In ASV- and ts RSV-transformed cells, all three cytoskeletal proteins were concentrated at dot structures representing cellular feet. Nonerythroid protein 4.1 and calpactin were diffusely distributed throughout the cytoplasm of NRK cells and their transformed counterparts. In the case of calpactin, a part of this protein was excluded near regions of the terminal ends of stress fibers. These two proteins did not show the restricted location at the dot structures of transformed cells. From these findings, it is apparent that the accumulation of calspectin into dot structures is a specific event for cell transformation induced by the src protein.  相似文献   
To gain more insight into the relation between plasma membranechanges and cold hardiness in mulberry trees (Morus bombysisKoidz. cv Goroji), biochemical and biophysical changes in theplasma membrane were studied during cold deacclimation in spring.The majority of the changes in the plasma membranes that occurredduring the cold acclimation process in the fall/winter werereversed following deacclimation in the spring. Significantdecreases in phospholipid content, degree of unsaturation inphospholipid fatty acids, and membrane fluidity were observedin the plasma membranes during cold deacclimation. The sterolto phospholipid ratio increased with decreasing cold hardiness.Reverse changes were also detected in the majority of proteinand glycoprotein components. These reversible changes in theplasma membranes are considered to be involved in the mechanismof cold hardiness of plants. 1Contribution No. 2766 from the Institute of Low TemperatureScience. (Received July 10, 1985; Accepted October 25, 1985)  相似文献   
In a previous study, we identified a new mammalian myosin heavy chain, termed myosin I heavy chain-like protein (MIHC), by molecular cloning of a bovine intestinal cDNA clone. In this investigation, we examined the relationship between MIHC and the 110-kDa intestinal brush-border protein, which possesses a myosin-like ATPase activity. We raised antibodies against a chemically synthesized oligopeptide representing a part of the MIHC sequence. These antibodies reacted specifically in immunoblots with the 110-kDa protein in both purified 110-kDa protein-calmodulin complex and crude microvillar protein extracts. Staining of tissue sections with these antibodies was specifically localized to the brush-border microvilli of small intestines, indicating an identical cellular localization for both MIHC and the 110-kDa protein. Furthermore, analysis of the MIHC sequence revealed two putative calmodulin-binding sites, which is consistent with the fact that the 110-kDa protein forms a complex with calmodulin. These results strongly support the conclusion that MIHC is identical to the 110-kDa protein and suggest that not only the conventional myosin system but also the MIHC (110-kDa protein)-calmodulin complex may play an important role in ATP-dependent and Ca2+-induced brush-border contraction.  相似文献   
We analysed the glycolipid composition of glioma cells (N-370 FG cells), which are derived from a culture of transformed human fetal glial cells. The neutral and acidic glycolipid fractions were isolated by column chromatography on DEAE-Sephadex and analysed by high-performance thin-layer chromatography (HPTLC). The neutral glycolipid fraction contained 1.6 µg of lipid-bound glucose/galactose per mg protein and consisted of GlcCer (11.4% of total neutral glycolipids), GalCer (21.5%), LacCer (21.4%), Gb4 (21.1%), and three unknown neutral glycolipids (23%). These unknown glycolipids were characterized as Lewisx (fucosylneolactonorpentaosyl ceramide; Lex), difucosylneolactonorhexaosyl ceramide (dimeric Lex), and neolactonorhexaosyl ceramide (nLc6) by an HPTLC-overlay method for glycolipids using specific mouse anti-glycolipid antibodies against glycolipid and/or liquid-secondary ion (LSI) mass spectrometry. The ganglioside fraction contained 0.6 µg of lipid-bound sialic acid per mg protein with GD1a as the predominant ganglioside species (83% of the total gangliosides) and GM3, GM2, and GM1 as minor components. Trace amounts of sialyl-Lex and the complex type of sialyl-Lex derivatives were also present. Immunocytochemical studies revealed that GD1a and GalCer were primarily localized on the surface of cell bodies. Interestingly, Lex glycolipids and sialyl-Lex were localized not only on the cell bodies but also on short cell processes. Especially, sialyl-Lex glycolipid was located on the tip of fine cellular processes. The unique localization of the Lex glycolipids suggests that they may be involved in cellular differentiation and initiation of cellular growth in this cell line.  相似文献   
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