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BackgroundDespite availability of clinical practice guidelines for hypertension management, blood pressure (BP) control remains sub-optimal (<30%) even in high-income countries. This study aims to assess the effectiveness of a potentially scalable multicomponent intervention integrated into primary care system compared to usual care on BP control.Methods and findingsA cluster-randomized controlled trial was conducted in 8 government clinics in Singapore. The trial enrolled 916 patients aged ≥40 years with uncontrolled hypertension (systolic BP (SBP) ≥140 mmHg or diastolic BP (DBP) ≥90 mmHg).Multicomponent intervention consisted of physician training in risk-based treatment of hypertension, subsidized losartan-HCTZ single-pill combination (SPC) medications, nurse training in motivational conversations (MCs), and telephone follow-ups. Usual care (controls) comprised of routine care in the clinics, no MC or telephone follow-ups, and no subsidy on SPCs. The primary outcome was mean SBP at 24 months’ post-baseline. Four clinics (447 patients) were randomized to intervention and 4 (469) to usual care. Patient enrolment commenced in January 2017, and follow-up was during December 2018 to September 2020. Analysis used intention-to-treat principles. The primary outcome was SBP at 24 months. BP at baseline, 12 and 24 months was modeled at the patient level in a likelihood-based, linear mixed model repeated measures analysis with treatment group, follow-up, treatment group × follow-up interaction as fixed effects, and random cluster (clinic) effects.A total of 766 (83.6%) patients completed 2-year follow-up. A total of 63 (14.1%) and 87 (18.6%) patients in intervention and in usual care, respectively, were lost to follow-up. At 24 months, the adjusted mean SBP was significantly lower in the intervention group compared to usual care (−3.3 mmHg; 95% CI: −6.34, −0.32; p = 0.03). The intervention led to higher BP control (odds ratio 1.51; 95% CI: 1.10, 2.09; p = 0.01), lower odds of high (>20%) 10-year cardiovascular risk score (OR 0.67; 95% CI: 0.47, 0.97; p = 0.03), and lower mean log albuminuria (−0.22; 95% CI: −0.41, −0.02; p = 0.03). Mean DBP, mortality rates, and serious adverse events including hospitalizations were not different between groups. The main limitation was no masking in the trial.ConclusionsA multicomponent intervention consisting of physicians trained in risk-based treatment, subsidized SPC medications, nurse-delivered motivational conversation, and telephone follow-ups improved BP control and lowered cardiovascular risk. Wide-scale implementation of a multicomponent intervention such as the one in our trial is likely to reduce hypertension-related morbidity and mortality globally.Trial registrationTrial Registration: Clinicaltrials.gov NCT02972619.

Tazeen H Jafar and colleagues present findings from a cluster-randomized controlled trial conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of an intervention designed to manage hypertension.  相似文献   
Virulent strains of Newcastle disease virus (NDV) can cause devastating disease in chickens worldwide. Although the current vaccines are substantially effective, they do not completely prevent infection, virus shedding and disease. To produce genotype-matched vaccines, a full-genome reverse genetics system has been used to generate a recombinant virus in which the F protein cleavage site has been changed to that of avirulent vaccine virus. In the other strategy, the vaccines have been generated by replacing the F and HN genes of a commercial vaccine strain with those from a genotype-matched virus. However, the protective efficacy of a chimeric virus vaccine has not been directly compared with that of a full-genome virus vaccine developed by reverse genetics. Therefore, in this study, we evaluated the protective efficacy of genotype VII matched chimeric vaccines by generating three recombinant viruses based on avirulent LaSota (genotype II) strain in which the open reading frames (ORFs) encoding the F and HN proteins were replaced, individually or together, with those of the circulating and highly virulent Indonesian NDV strain Ban/010. The cleavage site of the Ban/010 F protein was mutated to the avirulent motif found in strain LaSota. In vitro growth characteristics and a pathogenicity test indicated that all three chimeric viruses retained the highly attenuated phenotype of the parental viruses. Immunization of chickens with chimeric and full-length genome VII vaccines followed by challenge with virulent Ban/010 or Texas GB (genotype II) virus demonstrated protection against clinical disease and death. However, only those chickens immunized with chimeric rLaSota expressing the F or F plus HN proteins of the Indonesian strain were efficiently protected against shedding of Ban/010 virus. Our findings showed that genotype-matched vaccines can provide protection to chickens by efficiently preventing spread of virus, primarily due to the F protein.  相似文献   
Conformation restriction of linear N-alkylanilide MK2 inhibitors to their E-conformer was developed. This strategy enabled rapid advance in identifying a series of potent non-ATP competitive inhibitors that exhibited cell based activity in anti-TNFα assay.  相似文献   
Genetic characterization of a signal transduction pathway requires the isolation of mutations in the pathway. Characterization of these mutated genes and their loci enumerates the components of the pathway and leads to an understanding of the role of each gene locus in the pathway under study. We have designed and developed a strategy based on resistance to the chemical flucytosine for the identification of mutations in a given pathway. In this study, the Escherichia coli codA gene, which encodes the enzyme cytosine deaminase, was fused to the light-intensity-regulated gene promoter psbDII. Cytosine deaminase converts 5'-fluorocytosine to the toxic product 5-fluorouracil. Wild-type cells containing an intact signal transduction pathway that regulates the psbDII promoter will die in the presence of this chemical. Cells that carry mutations in the pathway that inactivate the psbDII promoter will not express the codA gene and, consequently, will live on 5'-fluorocytosine, allowing the isolation and subsequent characterization of mutations in this signaling pathway. Utilizing this selection method, we have successfully isolated and characterized mutations in the psbDII pathway. This selection scheme can be used with a tissue-specific or phase-specific promoter fused to the codA gene to direct the timing of expression of codA to obtain mutants defective in temporal or cell-specific expression of a particular pathway. This scheme also allows the isolation of mutants even when a clearly identifiable phenotype is not available. The selection scheme presented here extends the molecular tools available for the genetic dissection of signal transduction pathways.  相似文献   
Dendritic cells (DC) can produce Th-polarizing cytokines and direct the class of the adaptive immune response. Microbial stimuli, cytokines, chemokines, and T cell-derived signals all have been shown to trigger cytokine synthesis by DC, but it remains unclear whether these signals are functionally equivalent and whether they determine the nature of the cytokine produced or simply initiate a preprogrammed pattern of cytokine production, which may be DC subtype specific. Here, we demonstrate that microbial and T cell-derived stimuli can synergize to induce production of high levels of IL-12 p70 or IL-10 by individual murine DC subsets but that the choice of cytokine is dictated by the microbial pattern recognition receptor engaged. We show that bacterial components such as CpG-containing DNA or extracts from Mycobacterium tuberculosis predispose CD8alpha(+) and CD8alpha(-)CD4(-) DC to make IL-12 p70. In contrast, exposure of CD8alpha(+), CD4(+) and CD8alpha(-)CD4(-) DC to heat-killed yeasts leads to production of IL-10. In both cases, secretion of high levels of cytokine requires a second signal from T cells, which can be replaced by CD40 ligand. Consistent with their differential effects on cytokine production, extracts from M. tuberculosis promote IL-12 production primarily via Toll-like receptor 2 and an MyD88-dependent pathway, whereas heat-killed yeasts activate DC via a Toll-like receptor 2-, MyD88-, and Toll/IL-1R domain containing protein-independent pathway. These results show that T cell feedback amplifies innate signals for cytokine production by DC and suggest that pattern recognition rather than ontogeny determines the production of cytokines by individual DC subsets.  相似文献   
The protective effect of PUFA concentrate prepared from fish oil on isoproterenol-induced myocardial infarction in male albino rats was investigated with respect to changes in the levels of diagnostic marker enzymes, cholesterol, triglycerides, free fatty acids, phospholipids, reduced glutathione (GSH) and lipid peroxides (LPO). Administration of PUFA concentrate significantly prevented the isoproterenol-induced elevation in the levels of plasma diagnostic marker enzymes (ALT [93.5%], AST [95.6%], LDH [94.7%] and CPK [96.1%]). PUFA concentrate feeding exerted a significant antilipidemic effect against isoproterenol-induced myocardial infarction by reducing the levels of lipid components in plasma (cholesterol [71.5%], triglycerides [79.7%] and free fatty acids [70.7%] and heart tissue (cholesterol [81.4%], triglycerides [76.3%] and free fatty acids [78.6%]). A tendency to prevent the isoproterenol-induced phospholipids depletion (74.4%) in the myocardium of experimental rats was also observed. The level of lipid peroxidation was also found to be significantly lower in PUFA treated animals (2.72+/-0.15nmol/ml in plasma; 1.18+/-0.08nmol/mg protein in heart tissue) as compared to that of isoproterenol-injected groups (5.77+/-0.43nmol/ml in plasma; 2.14+/-0.15nmol/mg protein in heart tissue) of rats. Also the level of reduced GSH significantly higher in the heart tissue of PUFA administered experimental rats (5.65+/-0.98 microg/g) as compared to myocardial infarction induced control rats (2.39+/-0.18 microg/g). The results of the present study indicate that the overall cardioprotective effect of PUFA concentrate is probably related to its ability to inhibit lipid accumulation by its hypolipidaemic property.  相似文献   
A series of 2-piperidinopiperidine-5-arylthiadiazoles was synthesized and subjected to a structure-activity relationship (SAR) investigation. The potency of this series was improved to the single digit nanomolar range. The key analogs were shown to be free of P450 issues, and they also maintained good ex vivo activity and brain penetration.  相似文献   
Despite the identification of a number of guidance molecules, a comprehensive picture has yet to emerge to explain the precise anatomy of the olfactory map. From a misexpression screen of 1,515 P{GS} lines, we identified 23 genes that, when forcibly expressed in the olfactory receptor neurons, disrupted the stereotyped anatomy of the Drosophila antennal lobes. These genes, which have not been shown previously to control olfactory map development, encode novel proteins as well as proteins with known roles in axonal outgrowth and cytoskeletal remodeling. We analyzed Akap200, which encodes a Protein Kinase A-binding protein. Overexpression of Akap200 resulted in fusion of the glomeruli, while its loss resulted in misshapen and ectopic glomeruli. The requirement of Akap200 validates our screen as an effective approach for recovering genes controlling glomerular map patterning. Our finding of diverse classes of genes reveals the complexity of the mechanisms that underlie olfactory map development.  相似文献   
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