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Several modification of the arrangements of α-helical molecules were found in the solid films of poly (γ-ethyl-L -glutamate), depending on the casting solvent and the temperature. The helical conformation is somewhat looser than the normal 18-residue, 5-turn α-helix. Using x-ray diffraction, the types of molecular arrangements were classified into tetragonal, pseudohexagonal, and hexagonal ones. Tetragonal packing was observed in the filmm (form T) prepared by casting the solution in trifluorethanol or dichlorethane. The sample obtained from chloroform solution is a well-ordered, pseudohexagonal modification (form I). Forms I and T change into a poorly crystalline form III by annealing at temperatures above 130° C. It is particularly noteworthy that the less-ordered form III exhibits a thermoreversible transition around 110°C into a well-ordered form H with the hexagonal molecular packing.  相似文献   
The ability of epithelia to migrate and cover wounds is essential to maintaining their functions as physical barriers. Wounding induces many cues that may affect the transition to motility, including the immediate mechanical perturbation, release of material from broken cells, new interactions with adjacent extracellular matrix, and breakdown of physical separation of ligands from their receptors. Depending on the exact nature of wounds, some cues may be present only transiently or insignificantly. In many epithelia, activation of the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) is a central event in induction of motility, and we find that its continuous activation is required for progression of healing of wounds in sheets of corneal epithelial cells. Here, we examine the hypothesis that edges, which are universally and continuously present in wounds, are a cue. Using a novel culture model we find that their presence is sufficient to cause activation of the EGFR and increased motility of cells in the absence of other cues. Edges that are bordered by agarose do not induce activation of the EGFR, indicating that activation is not due to loss of any specific type of cell–cell interaction but rather due to loss of physical constraints.  相似文献   
Metaphase chromosomes of Syrian hamster and BALB/c mice were hybridized in situ with radiolabeled probes derived from cloned intracisternal A-particle (IAP) genes of the corresponding species. The DNAs of these species are known to contain about 900 and 1,000 copies, respectively, of the retrovirus-like IAP sequence elements per haploid genome. Multiple IAP sequences were found on all chromosomes of both hamster and mouse. In the hamster, more than half of the IAP sequences were located in regions of non-centromeric constitutive heterochromatin, at an average concentration per unit chromosome length 5 times greater than in the euchromatic regions. The other dispersed sequences showed marked local variations in concentration along the chromosome lengths; both discrete foci and large grain clusters were observed as well as regions apparently lacking IAP sequences. Within the resolution of the techniques, IAP sequences appeared to be more evenly distributed over the mouse chromosomes; however, some prominent variations in concentration were seen. The number of potentially active IAP genes in the Syrian hamster, and by extension in the mouse, may be restricted by the preferential location of IAP sequences in genetically inert regions of the genome.  相似文献   
Summary In the thyroid follicles of species of cyclostomes, a hagfish and a lamprey, the distribution of stable iodine was examined by electron-probe X-ray microanalysis. A high concentration of stable iodine, heterogeneously distributed, was observed in the follicular cells of hagfish thyroid follicles. In the lamprey a low concentration of iodine was seen in the follicular lumina. The relative values for stable iodine determined in this way corresponded to values obtained by a chemical analytical method.  相似文献   
Crossing experiments and food-choice tests show that two sympatric species of phytophagous ladybird beetles, Epilachna niponica and E. yasutomii, are reproductively isolated by host-plant specificity. Adult beetles selected their natural hosts when given choices, though some accepted the host of the other species when no choice was offered. In each species, survival of larvae to the second instar was significantly higher on their own host plant. No evidence for sexual isolation, gametic isolation, hybrid inviability, or reduced hybrid fertility was detected. Reproductive isolation by host specificity is an important prerequisite for certain models of sympatric speciation. Although the present example supports the plausibility of such models, an allopatric origin of host-plant specificity cannot be discounted.  相似文献   
Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) accessory genes including nef, vif, and vpr are important factors that determine the replication and pathogenesis of HIV-1. The state of activation is also important for the replication of HIV-1. We evaluated the properties of nef-, vif-, and vpr-minus macrophage-tropic HIV-1(JR) CSF in primary CD4+ Th1- or Th2-like cell cultures which had been activated through CD3 molecules in the presence of interleukin-2 (IL-2) and IL-12 (Th1-like culture) or IL-4 (Th2-like culture), respectively. In activated Th1- or Th2-like cultures, replication of nef-minus HIV-1(JR-CSF) was markedly lower than that of wild-type HIV-1. Subsequent analysis by site-directed mutagenesis showed that (i) the presence of an acidic amino acid-rich domain (amino acid residues 72 to 75) in the Nef protein was critical for the enhancement of viral DNA synthesis, resulting in increased virus growth rate, and (ii) prolines that form part of Src homology 3 binding domain were not essential for viral replication. We also confirmed the importance of sites by using an HIV-1-infected animal model, the hu-PBL-SCID mouse system, representing HIV-1 replication and pathogenesis in activated CD4+ T cells in vivo. These results indicate that Nef accelerates viral replication in activated CD4+ T cells.  相似文献   
Intracisternal type A particles are retrovirus-like structures found in embryonic cells and many tumors of Mus musculus but having no clear relationship with other retroviruses of this mouse species. We have observed a partial nucleotide sequence homology between the high-molecular-weight (32S and 35S) RNA components of intracisternal A-particles from a neuroblastoma cell line and the 70S RNA fraction from M432, a type of retrovirus endogenous to the Asian mouse Mus cervicolor. M432 complementary DNA (cDNA) was hybridized to the extent of 30% by the A-particle RNAs. The hybrids showed a lower thermal stability (DeltaT(m), 7 degrees C) than those formed with homologous RNA. The reaction was commensurate with that found between M432 cDNA and divergent sequences in the M. musculus genome. The capacity to hybridize M432 cDNA was closely correlated with the concentration of A-particle sequences in the cytoplasmic RNA of several M. musculus cell types. The major RNA fraction of M432 virus showed a reciprocal partial reaction with the A-particle cDNA's; the virus, which was grown in NIH/3T3 (M. musculus) cells, also contained a small proportion of apparently authentic A-particle nucleotide sequences. A subset of A-particle sequences seemed to be almost totally lacking in the main M432 RNA. The A-particle cDNA's hybridized extensively with divergent sequences in M. cervicolor cellular DNA, indicating that this mouse species may contain not only the partially homologous M432 virogene, but also a more complete genetic equivalent of the intracisternal A-particle.  相似文献   
A computer system DIROM for oligonucleotide-directed mutagenesisand artificial gene design has been designed for better experimentalplanning and control. DIROM permits searching for optimal oligonucleotideswith respect to certain important parameters, namely sufficientenergy of oligonucleotide-target hybridization, the secondarystructure of oligonuc-tide and target DNA, the presence of alternatebinding sites in the target DNA and terminal G/C pairs. It canalso be used to plan polymerase chain reaction experiments,for optimal primer selection, in sequencing, etc. DIROM enablesone to search for both existing and potential restriction sites,to perform vector + target sequence construction. The systemconsists of a set of original algorithms that formalize theempirical knowledge of oligonucleotide action as primers.  相似文献   
The SARS‐CoV‐2 infection cycle is a multistage process that relies on functional interactions between the host and the pathogen. Here, we repurposed antiviral drugs against both viral and host enzymes to pharmaceutically block methylation of the viral RNA 2''‐O‐ribose cap needed for viral immune escape. We find that the host cap 2''‐O‐ribose methyltransferase MTr1 can compensate for loss of viral NSP16 methyltransferase in facilitating virus replication. Concomitant inhibition of MTr1 and NSP16 efficiently suppresses SARS‐CoV‐2 replication. Using in silico target‐based drug screening, we identify a bispecific MTr1/NSP16 inhibitor with anti‐SARS‐CoV‐2 activity in vitro and in vivo but with unfavorable side effects. We further show antiviral activity of inhibitors that target independent stages of the host SAM cycle providing the methyltransferase co‐substrate. In particular, the adenosylhomocysteinase (AHCY) inhibitor DZNep is antiviral in in vitro, in ex vivo, and in a mouse infection model and synergizes with existing COVID‐19 treatments. Moreover, DZNep exhibits a strong immunomodulatory effect curbing infection‐induced hyperinflammation and reduces lung fibrosis markers ex vivo. Thus, multispecific and metabolic MTase inhibitors constitute yet unexplored treatment options against COVID‐19.  相似文献   
MyD88 is a Toll/IL-1 receptor (TIR) domain-containing adapter common to signaling pathways via Toll-like receptor (TLR) family. However, accumulating evidence demonstrates the existence of a MyD88-independent pathway, which may explain unique biological responses of individual TLRs, particularly TLR3 and TLR4. TIR domain-containing adapter protein (TIRAP)/MyD88 adapter-like, a second adapter harboring the TIR domain, is essential for MyD88-dependent TLR2 and TLR4 signaling pathways, but not for MyD88-independent pathways. Here, we identified a novel TIR domain-containing molecule, named TIR domain-containing adapter inducing IFN-beta (TRIF). As is the case in MyD88 and TIRAP, overexpression of TRIF activated the NF-kappaB-dependent promoter. A dominant-negative form of TRIF inhibited TLR2-, TLR4-, and TLR7-dependent NF-kappaB activation. Furthermore, TRIF, but neither MyD88 nor TIRAP, activated the IFN-beta promoter. Dominant-negative TRIF inhibited TLR3-dependent activation of both the NF-kappaB-dependent and IFN-beta promoters. TRIF associated with TLR3 and IFN regulatory factor 3. These findings suggest that TRIF is involved in the TLR signaling, particularly in the MyD88-independent pathway.  相似文献   
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