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Root elongation of Alaska pea seedling was suppressed by higherconcentrations of growth retardants, CCC and ancymidol, thanthose required for shoot elongation. Gibberellic acid (GA3)led to recovery of ancymidol-inhibited elongation, with theconcentration (1 nM) required for roots being lower than thatfor shoots (10 µM). Ancymidol caused swelling of corticalcells in the elongating zone of the root, while GA3 completelycanceled this. These results suggest that roots require muchless gibberellin than shoots for normal elongation growth. Growth kinetics recorded by a computer-regulated rhizometerindicated that the lag periods for growth suppression by ancymidoland growth recovery by GA3 were about 10 h and 7 h, respectively. The composition of the cell wall sugars changed remarkably alongthe root axis from the tip to the base. The arabinose contentwas highest in the tip and rapidly decreased toward the base,whereas galactose complementarily increased toward the base.The thickened zone of ancymidol-treated roots had a higher galactosecontent than GA3-treated slender roots. Other neutral sugarswere not significantly influenced by ancymidol and/or GA3. Theseresults suggest that ancymidol makes cells short and thick withgalactose-rich cell walls while GA3 keeps cells extensible andslender with galactose-poor cell walls. (Received March 3, 1987; Accepted December 4, 1987)  相似文献   
1. CD spectra showed that the fowl protamine, galline, has an unordered structure rich in reverse turns in neutral solution. Eight reverse turns were predicted to be present in the galline molecule on the basis of its amino acid sequence. Spectrophotometric analyses revealed that galline efficiently bound to DNA in 0.25 mM EDTA/10 mM Tricine-HCl, pH 7.4, but hardly so in 30 mM NaCl/3 mM sodium citrate, pH 7.0. Citrate ions bound specifically to the galline molecule, causing a conformational change in it. As a result, galline could not interact with DNA. 2. The concentration of unbound galline in a mixture of DNA and galline in 100 mM NaCl/50 mM Tricine-HCl, pH 7.4, at 37 C was determined by measurement of the intrinsic fluorescence of tyrosine residues of galline in the supernatant after ultracentrifugation of the mixture. The Scatchard plot showed positive co-operativity in the binding of galline to DNA and the binding parameters were determined: the co-operative binding constant (Kc) = 3.3 X 10(7)M-1, the co-operativity factor (q) = 800, and the number of nucleotides of DNA occupied by one galline molecule (n) = 28. The Kc and q values were intermediate between those for clupeine Z from herring sperm and S-methyl protamine from boar sperm. That is, the binding constants of protamine as to DNA decrease in the order of herring, fowl, and boar, while the co-operativities in binding increase in that order.  相似文献   
Non-protein-bound iron in human synovial fluid was determined using high-performance liquid chromatography with electrochemical detection. The procedure was based on the separation of the iron—diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid (DPTA) complex formed directly on a chromatographic column containing an anion-exchange resin followed by electrochemical detection. The method enabled more than 0.1 μM Fe(III) to be determined with an injection volume of 10 μl. A mixture of synovial fluid, 20 μM DTPA and acetate buffer was incubated in the presence and absence of superoxide (O2) generated by a xanthine—xanthine oxidase system and was ultrafiltered through a 30 000 molecular mass cut-off filter. No iron was detected in the ultrafiltrate at physiological pH. However, the presence of iron was observed in the ultrafiltrate at low pH, and O2 and decreased pH, iron may be released into the synovial fluid.  相似文献   
Seed dispersal and early revegetation processes were studied in an area devastated by a debris avalanche that occurred on volcano Ontake, Central Japan in 1984. The avalanche was initiated by a volcanic earthquake, and a 3.4 x 107 m3 land mass destroyed the vegetation over 700 ha. The revegetation of the first five years was slow in the area of higher elevation (subalpine area). Both the speed of revegetation and the species richness of trapped seeds varied with the elevation. The post-disturbance vegetation on the deposit with surface soil or plant fragments was richer in species than that without any surface soil. Almost all of the seeds caught by sticky traps and most of the species with frequent occurrence in the vegetation after disturbance were wind dispersed. Wind dispersal was especially important on the deposit without surface soil or plant fragments.  相似文献   
1. Aldose reductase and aldehyde reductase were purified to homogeneity from human testis. 2. The molecular weight of aldose reductase and aldehyde reductase were estimated to be 36,000 and 38,000 by SDS-PAGE, and the pI values of these enzymes were found to be 5.9 and 5.1 by chromatofocusing, respectively. 3. Aldose reductase had activity for aldo-sugars, whereas aldehyde reductase was virtually inactive for aldo-sugars. The Km values of aldose reductase for D-glucose, D-galactose and D-xylose were 57, 49 and 6.2 mM, respectively. Aldose reductase utilized both NADPH and NADH as coenzymes, whereas aldehyde reductase only NADPH. 4. Sulfate ion caused 3-fold activation of aldose reductase, but little for that of aldehyde reductase. 5. Sodium valproate inhibited significantly aldehyde reductase, but not aldose reductase. Aldose reductase was inhibited strongly by aldose reductase inhibitors being in clinical trials at concentrations of the order of 10(-7)-10(-9) M. Aldehyde reductase was also inhibited by these inhibitors, but its susceptibility was less than aldose reductase. 6. Reaction of aldose reductase with pyridoxal 5'-phosphate (PLP) resulted ca 2.5-fold activation, but aldehyde reductase did not cause the activation. PLP-treated aldose reductase has lost the susceptibility to aldose reductase inhibitor.  相似文献   
Southern blot analysis under low-stringency conditions using a previously isolated n-alkane-inducible cytochrome P450 (P450alk) gene as a probe revealed the presence of multiple P450alk-related genes in the genome of Candida maltosa. Nine P450alk-related genes (one reported previously and eight in the present report) were isolated from a genomic library constructed from this strain, and these were classified on the basis of sequence similarities into three pairs of putative allelic genes and three nonallelic genes. Two pairs of these alleles were tandemly arranged in the genome. The complete nucleotide sequences of one of these pairs were determined and compared to other members of this P450 family (CYP52) in C. maltosa and C. tropicalis. Northern blot analysis further showed that these genes were regulated by carbon sources. These results provide evidence for a P450alk (CYP52) multigene family in C. maltosa.  相似文献   
In Torenia stem segments cultured on a defined medium from whichammonium nitrate and growth regulators were omitted, adventitiousbuds were readily formed from epidermal tissue, with subsequentdifferentiation of floral buds. Using this plant material, thecorrelation between the time of application of various chemicalsand the time-course of floral bud differentiation was investigated.Histological examination showed that adventitious buds werevegetative during the first two weeks of the culture, and floralprimordia appeared after about three to four weeks of culture.We divided the flowering process in Torenia stem segments intothe following 3 phases: the first phase (first 2 weeks) duringwhich adventitious buds are formed, the second phase (3rd and4th weeks) during which floral buds are initiated and the thirdphase (5th to 12th weeks) during which floral buds develop.Then we added IAA, zeatin, ammonium nitrate or a high concentrationof sucrose to the medium during one, two or three of these phases.Ammonium nitrate added during the third phase suppressed floralbud development, but the high concentration of sucrose givenduring this phase stimulated it. These two chemicals influencedonly the development of floral buds previously initiated. Theapplication of IAA during the first phase promoted both theinitiation and development of floral buds. However, its applicationafter 2 weeks of culture failed to promote floral bud formation.Zeatin inhibited floral bud formation in a manner similar toammonium nitrate, but if it was added to the medium only duringthe first phase, it slightly promoted the initiation and developmentof floral buds. (Received July 7, 1981; Accepted October 12, 1981)  相似文献   
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