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A low-pressure microwave-induced helium plasma serves as an excitation source for metal chlorides, nitrates, and sulfates vaporized from a filament, resulting in fractional vaporization and differential sensitivities of detection of the elements depending on the vapor pressures of their salts. The shapes of the single emission peaks, which are simple in the presence of potassium chloride, become complex and may double in number.  相似文献   
The protease elaborated by Vibrio mimicus is known to possess hemagglutinating ability to chicken erythrocytes, the well-known HA/protease. A non-protease hemagglutinin (HA) with strong agglutinating ability towards rabbit erythrocytes was obtained from 32 hr culture supernatant of a pathogenic environmental strain of V. mimicus. This HA (V. mimicus HA: VMHA) appeared stable at relatively higher temperature and agglutinated the erythrocytes from rabbit, guinea pig and mouse but not the erythrocytes from chicken, bovine, horse and sheep. Simple sugars, metal ions and chelating agents failed to inhibit the activity of VMHA. The activity of VMHA was found to be sensitive to digestion by proteolytic enzymes including HA/protease. These results provide evidence for the existence of novel HA other than HA/protease in V. mimicus.  相似文献   
 On the basis of a temporal model of animal behavior we conducted temporal analysis of eye movements in schizophrenic subjects (n=10) and normal controls (n=10). We found a fractal property in schizophrenic subjects, the fixation time of eye movement during reading ambiguous and difficult sentences showing a clear inverse power law distribution. An exponential distribution of a nonfractal nature was found in normal controls. Received: 21 July 1995/Accepted in revised form: 30 April 1996  相似文献   
The development of the bovine ileal mucosa was studied with particular reference to maturation during the fetal and neonatal period. In this region, by 4-5 months of fetal development, vacuolation of the epithelial cells had occurred on the villi, and the goblet and absorptive cells in the crypts were present. By 6-9 months, the villi were longer and more numerous than in the previous stages. At the same time, the vacuolated cells could be seen predominantly on the upper half of each villus. The absorptive cells and goblet cells were more distinct in the crypt and lower half of each villus. Moreover, the goblet cells showed differences in mucin, while in the submucosa the lymphoid follicles were seen to have enlarged to become a prominent feature of the Peyer's patches at this stage. At birth, in suckled animals, the ileal cells on the lower area of each villus and in the crypt appeared more like mature cells. In contrast, there were numerous inclusion bodies in epithelial cells on the upper half of each villus. They appeared in the apical portion of the cytoplasm as vacuoles with stainable or dense contents. By 1 week, however, epithelial cells no longer contained inclusion bodies, and absorptive and goblet cell populations had begun to emerge from the crypts. These histological results suggest that the bovine ileal mucosa has two distinct turning points during its development in the fetus and the neonate. Initially all the mucosal structures are present in fetuses at 6-7 months of gestation, and then the vacuolated cells covering the ileal villi are replaced by mature, nonpinocytosing epithelium which emerges from the crypts on or before the 7th day after birth (ileal closure).  相似文献   
A few reports have suggested the possibility that feeding conditions might affect the sexual maturation of free-ranging Japanese monkeys in provisionized troops. In the present study, the sexual maturation of male monkeys at Takasakiyama in 1984, nine years after the start of restriction of artificial feeding, was examined externally and histologically and the results were compared with data obtained in 1971, when artificial foods were abundantly given. Spermatogenesis was not observed in any of the males under 4.5 years old in the present study, whereas it was noted in some premature 3.5-year-old males and in all males over 4.5 years old in the 1971 study. The age of sexual maturation thus rose by one or more years over the 13-year period from 1971 to 1984. The lag in sexual maturation of the males at Takasakiyama in 1984 could have been induced by the restriction of artificial feeding.  相似文献   
We isolated the small subunit of ribulose-1, 5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (RuBisCO SSu) from a fern,Asplenium cataractarum and determined its 34 N-terminal amino acid sequence. We obtained a cDNA clone that contains the entire coding region of the SSu from the same fern species, using synthetic oligonucleotide probes derived from the above amino acid sequence. It contains a 525 bp open reading frame capable of coding for a polypeptide with 174 amino acids, 31 bp 5′-and 206 bp 3′-noncoding regions. It was also elucidated that the precursor to the SSu contains a transit peptide of 53 amino acid residues and a mature protein of 121 residues. We compared the deduced amino acid sequence of the fern SSu with those of 11 other vascular plant species (including gymnosperms, monocots and dicots). As low as 55% homology was observed between those of a fern and seed plants. Constancy of the amino acid substitution rate in RuBisCO SSu was supported by our relative rate test. Amino acid substitution rate per year per site for RuBisCO SSu was calculated to be 0.81×10−9 assuming that the separation between pteridophytes and seed plants arose 380 million years ago.  相似文献   
Summary Immunocytochemical studies were performed to describe the characteristics of cell types and their distribution in the pars distalis of Japanese long-fingered bat, Miniopterus schreibersii fuliginosus, collected at various stages of the reproductive cycle. Six distinct cell types have been identified in the pars distalis by the unlabeled immunoperoxidase technique and by the ABC method. Growth hormone (GH) and prolactin (PRL) cells were immunostained with antisera against chicken GH and ovine PRL. The GH-immunoreactive cells were round or oval orangeophilic cells distributed throughout the pars distalis with prominent aggregation in the posterolateral region. The PRL cells were pleomorphic carminophilic cells that occurred in small groups within the central and dorsocaudal regions of the pars distalis. They were sparsely distributed in the central region of the pars distalis in the hibernating bats, but increased significantly in the pregnant and lactating bats. The adrenocorticotropic (ACTH) cells were large round or polygonal amphophilic cells in the rostroventral and ventrolateral regions of the pars distalis. The thyrotropic (TSH) cells were small rounded or polygonal and distributed mainly in the ventrolateral region of the pars distalis. Luteinizing hormone (LH) and follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) cells were identified immunocytochemically with antisera against the specific beta subunits of ovine LH and rat FSH. There were two populations of LH and FSH cells, one aggregated in the zona tuberalis and the other scattered singly throughout the rest of the pars distalis. The aggregated cells were immunoreactive with both antisera directed to LH and FSH, while scattered cells were reactive solely with antiserum to either LH or FSH and exhibited seasonal variations. In females, the proportional volume of the pars distalis occupied by LH cells was significantly reduced during pregnancy and lactation. No evidence of involution was observed in pars distalis cells except for PRL cells in males or females during hibernation.  相似文献   
We have established a new method for preparing Physarum myosin whose actin-activated ATPase activity is inhibited by micromolar levels of Ca2+. This Ca2+-inhibition is mediated by the Ca2+ binding to the myosin rather than by the Ca2+-dependent modification of the phosphorylated state of the myosin (Kohama, K., and Kendrick-Jones, J. (1986) J. Biochem. (Tokyo) 99, 1433-1446). Ca2+-binding light chain (CaLC) has been suggested to be primary importance in this Ca2+ inhibition (Kohama, K., Takano-Ohmuro, H., Tanaka, T., Yamaguchi, T., and Kohama, T. (1986) J. Biol. Chem. 261, 8022-8027). The amino acid sequence of CaLC was determined; it was composed of 147 amino acid residues and the N terminus was acetylated. The molecular weight was calculated to be 16,131. The homology of CaLC in the amino acid sequence with 5,5'-dithiobis-(2-nitrobenzoic acid) light chain and alkali light chain of skeletal muscle myosin were rather low, i.e., 25% and 30%, respectively. Interestingly, however, the CaLC sequence was 40% homologous with brain calmodulin. This amino acid sequence was confirmed by sequencing the cloned phage DNA accommodating cDNA coding CaLC. Northern and Southern blot analysis indicated that 0.8-kilobase pair mRNA was transcribed from a single CaLC gene. This is the first report on the amino acid sequence of myosin light chain of lower eukaryotes and nucleotide sequence of its mRNA.  相似文献   
Responses of seed germination to salinity were examined using 37 species collected from salt marshes, cliffs, and fore (unstable) and hind (stable) sand dunes along Japanese coasts. For comparison, seed germination of nine inland species was also examined. The soil salinities in salt marshes ranged from 150 to 300 mmol/L NaCl, whereas those in fore and hind dunes ranged from 0 to 150 mmol/L NaCl, with a few exceptions. Cliff soils showed relatively high salinities up to 300 mmol/L NaCl. Ciff and foredune soils that encountered a typhoon and storm showed high salinities >300 mmol/L NaCl. Salt tolerance in seed germination of coastal plants was ordered by comparing the responses of percentage and rate of germination to salinity conditions up to 200 mmol/L NaCl, being in the order of salt marsh>cliff>foredune≅hind dune≅inland. Thse results indicate that salt tolerance in seed germination of coastal plants is closely related to the salinity conditions of their habitats. Germination experiments under favorable conditions showed that a high percentage of the seeds of salt marsh species germinate rapidly, those of diff species germinate slowly and those of foredune species exhibit a low percentage and low rate of germination. It seems that these germination characteristics contribute to the success of germination at the ‘safe site’ and the subsequent survivorship of emerged plants in their natural habitats.  相似文献   
Rotational cytoplasmic streaming in leaves of Egeria densa wasinduced by light as well as by L-histidine (L-His). During bothtreatement with light and with L-His chloroplasts on the periclinalface were dislodged and moved to the anticlinal face where rotationalcytoplasmic streaming occurred. The effective concentrationof L-His was about 0.01 mM and the effect was almost saturatedat 0.1 mM. A derivative of L-His, 3-methyl-L-histidine, wasslightly less effective than L-His. By contrast, 1-methyl-L-histidinewas almost ineffective for induction of streaming, not onlyin Egeria but also in Vallisneria. Our resutlts are in markedcontrast to Fitting's result (1936) that 1-M-L-His is more effectivethan L-His. In Egeria, 1-methyl-L-His counteracted the stimulativeeffect of L-His. 1-Methyl-L-His penetrated into leaf cells ofEgeria to the same extent as 3-methyl-L-His and to a greaterextent than L-His. This observation excludes the possibilitythat the impermeability of leaves to 1-M-L-His might be responsiblefor its ineffectiveness. 1-M-L-His did not interfere with photodinesis.Differences in the mechanism of induction of rotational streamingby L-His and by light are discussed. 4 Present address: Fukui Institute of Technology, Gakuen, Fukui,910 Japan (Received July 16, 1990; Accepted December 20, 1990)  相似文献   
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