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The balance between mitochondrial fission and fusion is disrupted during mitosis, but the mechanism governing this phenomenon in plant cells remains enigmatic. Here, we used mitochondrial matrix‐localized Kaede protein (mt‐Kaede) to analyze the dynamics of mitochondrial fission in BY‐2 suspension cells. Analysis of the photoactivatable fluorescence of mt‐Kaede suggested that the fission process is dominant during mitosis. This finding was confirmed by an electron microscopic analysis of the size distribution of mitochondria in BY‐2 suspension cells at various stages. Cellular proteins interacting with Myc‐tagged dynamin‐related protein 3A/3B (AtDRP3A and AtDRP3B) were immunoprecipitated with anti‐Myc antibody‐conjugated beads and subsequently identified by microcapillary liquid chromatography–quadrupole time‐of‐flight mass spectrometry (CapLC Q‐TOF) MS/MS. The identified proteins were broadly associated with cytoskeletal (microtubular), phosphorylation, or ubiquitination functions. Mitotic phosphorylation of AtDRP3A/AtDRP3B and mitochondrial fission at metaphase were inhibited by treatment of the cells with a CdkB/cyclin B inhibitor or a serine/threonine protein kinase inhibitor. The fate of AtDRP3A/3B during the cell cycle was followed by time‐lapse imaging of the fluorescence of Dendra2‐tagged AtDRP3A/3B after green‐to‐red photoconversion; this experiment showed that AtDRP3A/3B is partially degraded during interphase. Additionally, we found that microtubules are involved in mitochondrial fission during mitosis, and that mitochondria movement to daughter cell was limited as early as metaphase. Taken together, these findings suggest that mitotic phosphorylation of AtDRP3A/3B promotes mitochondrial fission during plant cell mitosis, and that AtDRP3A/3B is partially degraded at interphase, providing mechanistic insight into the mitochondrial morphological changes associated with cell‐cycle transitions in BY‐2 suspension cells.  相似文献   
Low infiltration of lymphocytes into cancers is associated with poor prognosis, but the reasons why some patients exhibit a low and others a high infiltration of tumors are unknown. Previously we mapped four loci (Lynf1–Lynf4) controlling lymphocyte infiltration of mouse lung tumors. These loci do not encode any of the molecules that are involved in traffic of lymphocytes. Here we report a genetic relationship between these loci and the control of production of IFNγ in allogeneic mixed lymphocyte cultures (MLC). We found that IFNγ production by lymphocytes of O20/A mice is lower than by lymphocytes of OcB-9/Dem mice (both H2 pz ) stimulated in MLC by irradiated splenocytes of C57BL/10SnPh (H2 b ) or BALB/cHeA (H2 d ) mice, or by ConA. IFNγ production in MLCs of individual (O20 × OcB-9)F2 mice stimulated by irradiated C57BL/10 splenocytes and genotyped for microsatellite markers revealed four IFNγ-controlling loci (Cypr4-Cypr7), each of which is closely linked with one of the four Lynf loci and with a cluster of susceptibility genes for different tumors. This suggests that inherited differences in certain lymphocyte responses may modify their propensity to infiltrate tumors and their capacity to affect tumor growth.  相似文献   
一个1B/1R小麦-黑麦染色体易位的鉴定   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
本研究对冬小麦品系73(36)9-1的1B/1R易位染色体进行了遗传分析。发现73(36)9-1有一对随体染色体,它的两个亲本矮丰四号及洛夫林10(Lovrin lo)分别有两对和一对随体染色体。观察用矮丰四号回交的F_1,绝大部分花粉母细胞的中期染色体都能正常配对,而用洛夫林10回交的,除了多数产生两个单价体之外,正常配对的情况也能经常看到。同时还发现,73(36)9-1和“中国春”双端体(CSDT)的1BL能很好地配对并形成一个棒状的异形二价体,而它和CSDT 1BS的染色体则主要产生20″+1′+t′的构型,从而证明易位发生在1B染色体的短臂,并且该易位的片段来自黑麦染色体1RL。本文还讨论了该易位发生的可能途径,推断是由于在F_1花粉母细胞中的两个单价体(一个是小麦染色体1B,一个是黑麦染色体1R)同时进行错分裂之后产生的两种端着丝点染色体(1BL和1RL)重新并合形成的,因而冬小麦73(36)9-1可能是一个自发产生的易位系。  相似文献   
A stable human T-cell hybridoma was established by cell fusion between activated human peripheral blood lymphocytes from an allogeneic bone marrow transplantation patient and the JD1-17 cell line, a subclone of the human T leukemia Jurkat cell line. This hybrid clone 1-8, which bore the surface phenotype of suppressor cells (CD8+HNK1+), spontaneously secreted a factor which, at high dilutions, suppressed the responses of T and B cells induced by mitogens and alloantigens. This suppressor factor was found to be heat-resistant (56 degrees C, 30 min), stable at alkaline but not acid pH, unaffected by 2-mercaptoethanol, and sensitive to trypsin. Preparative isoelectric focusing revealed an isoelectric point of 5.35. The suppressor activity was selectively absorbed by blast T cells. By gel filtration on Sephacryl S-200 and HPLC, the suppressor activity was found in two peaks corresponding to 40-45 kDa (monomer) and 90-95 kDa (dimer).  相似文献   
The avidin-biotin-peroxidase complex immunoperoxidase technique was employed to determine the intercellular distribution of thioesterase II in rat mammary glands. This enzyme is responsible for shifting the product specificity of the fatty-acid synthetase enzyme complex from long to medium chain fatty acids. Thioesterase II was found exclusively in the cells lining the lumen of the ductal and alveolar structures in glands from mature virgin (150 days old) and pregnant rats. The ductal cell staining intensity was considerably less than that of the alveolar cells in the mature virgin rat glands. No immunoreactive thioesterase II was found in the stromal, adipose, vascular, or myoepithelial components of the gland in the developmental stages examined. In the glands from immature virgin rats (40-45 days old) thioesterase II was again found only in the epithelial cells lining the lumen of the ductal and end-bud structures although this layer was usually more than one cell thick. Quantitative determination of thioesterase II activity in cytosol preparations revealed similar levels in mammary fragments from enzymatically-dissociated glands obtained from mature virgins and in end buds derived from immature virgins, but somewhat higher levels in mammary structures derived from late-pregnant animals. These immunohistological and biochemical results demonstrate thioesterase II's usefulness as a mammary epithelial cell-specific marker.  相似文献   
封宇  周广泉  周志权   《广西植物》1989,(1):87-94
从土壤和病株上分离到10个线虫的天敌真菌菌株,其中有三个菌株较有希望,烛台霉属(Candelabrello sp.)一个。孤孢属(Monacrosporium spp.)两个,菌株代号分别为CN_7;CN_(?)和CN_5。 据试验:CN_7较好,菌丝体生长的温度范围是20~33℃,最适宜的温度范围是25~30℃,以式捕捉环捕食线虫,对培养基选择性不强,最适宜的pH值是6.0~7.5,但在pH4.5~8.0都能进收缩行捕捉,捕捉器官形成量多,捕虫势强且稳定,在水中也能形成捕捉环并捕食线虫。  相似文献   
自病人气管灌洗物中分离出一株嗜肺性军团杆菌   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文报道了用自制的蓝藻军团杆菌选择性培养基从病人气管灌洗物中分离到一株嗜肺性军团杆菌(Legionella pneumophila)并与BCYE及硝酸铁琼脂平板等培养基作了比较,发现该菌在蓝藻军团杆菌选择性培养基上生长最好。生化、动物试验;细菌学、血清学的鉴定和诊断及临床治疗效果观察均与军团病杆菌(LDB)的鉴定标准相符合,证明经分离得的是一株嗜肺性军团杆菌血清6型菌株。  相似文献   
A method is described for the highly selective modification of the alpha-amino groups at the N-termini of unprotected peptides to form stable, modified peptide intermediates which can be covalently coupled to other molecules or to a solid support. Acylation with iodoacetic anhydride at pH 6.0 occurs with 90-98% selectivity for the alpha-amino group, depending on the N-terminal residue (as shown with a series of model hexapeptides containing a competing Lys residue). Although Cys residues must be protected (reversibly or irreversibly) before the anhydride reaction, there are no detectable side reactions of the alpha-amino moiety--of the reagent or of modified peptide--with the side chains of His, Met, or Lys. The reaction works well in denaturants, so that inhibitory effects of noncovalent structure can be minimized. In a second step the iodoacetyl-peptide can be reacted with a thiol group on a protein, on a solid chromatography matrix, on a spectroscopic probe, etc. This is illustrated by reaction of a series of N alpha-iodoacetyl-peptides with murine interferon-gamma, which contains a C-terminal Cys residue. Data are presented which suggest that this iodoacetic anhydride scheme is superior in selectivity for alpha-amino groups to conventional chemical approaches to cross-linking such as use of 2-iminothiolane or N-hydroxysuccinimide-activated carboxylic acid esters. The reaction is ideally suited for modifying peptide fragments, as pure species or as mixtures, derived from proteolytic or chemical fragmentation of proteins. Furthermore, polypeptides synthesized biosynthetically, for example via recombinant DNA techniques, can be cross-linked in this way.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   
We measured changes with growth in lung function and airway reactivity after acute canine parainfluenza virus type 2 (CPI2, n = 5), canine adenovirus type 2 (CAV2, n = 7), and sequential CAV2-CPI2 (n = 6) infections or no infection (controls, n = 6) in beagle puppies (age approximately 79 days). In the CPI2 and CAV2 groups, a lower respiratory illness developed by day 3 postinfection with clinical recovery by day 14. In the CAV2-CPI2 group, puppies were inoculated initially with CAV2 and 12 days later with CPI2. In this group, illness persisted until day 14 after infection with CPI2. Lung resistance (RL), dynamic (Cdyn) and static (Cst) lung compliance, functional residual capacity (FRC), and responsiveness to aerosolized histamine were measured before infection and at periodic intervals until 239 +/- 43 days of age. Lung function data were analyzed using a longitudinal random effects model. In all groups, FRC, Cst, and Cdyn increased with age. In all infected groups, the regression slopes for Cdyn were steeper than in controls. RL decreased linearly with age without group slope differences. Histamine reactivity increased with age, but there were no differences in slope among groups. Lung pathological studies showed areas of obliterative bronchiolitis and chronic small airways inflammation particularly in the CAV2 and CAV2-CPI2 groups. Thus, viral bronchiolitis produces chronic small airways inflammation in beagle puppies and alters the changes in lung function occurring with growth. Histamine reactivity increases with age and is not modified by viral infection.  相似文献   
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