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In the current study, two cyclic tripeptides respectively harboring a thiourea-type and a carboxamide-type of catalytic mechanism-based sirtuin inhibitory warheads as the central residue were found to behave as potent (low μM level) inhibitors against the tRNA-activated human SIRT7 deacetylase activity. Despite exhibiting a potent pan-inhibition against the deacylase activities of the five tested human sirtuins (i.e. SIRT1/2/3/6/7), these two compounds represent the first examples of potent SIRT7 inhibitors ever identified thus far, and their identification could facilitate the future development of more potent and selective SIRT7 inhibitors.  相似文献   
Toxoplasma gondii is an obligatory intracellular apicomplexan parasite which exploits host cell surface components in cell invasion and intracellular parasitization. Sulfated glycans such as heparin and heparan sulfate have been reported to inhibit cell invasion by T. gondii and other apicomplexan parasites such as Plasmodium falciparum. The aim of this study was to investigate the heparin‐binding proteome of T. gondii. The parasite‐derived components were affinity‐purified on the heparin moiety followed by MS fingerprinting of the proteins. The heparin‐binding proteins of T. gondii and P. falciparum were compared based on functionality and affinity to heparin. Among the proteins identified, the invasion‐related parasite ligands derived from tachyzoite/merozoite surface and the secretory organelles were prominent. However, the profiles of the proteins were different in terms of affinity to heparin. In T. gondii, the proteins with highest affinity to heparin were the intracellular components with functions of parasite development contrasted to that of P. falciparum, of which the rhoptry‐derived proteins were prominently identified. The profiling of the heparin‐binding proteins of the two apicomplexan parasites not only explained the mechanism of heparin‐mediated host cell invasion inhibition, but also, to a certain extent, revealed that the action of heparin on the parasite extended after endocytosis.  相似文献   
几丁聚糖作生物涂层的潜在应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文综述了生物涂层的作用、种类和应用,阐述了亲水生物涂层的机理和应用,介绍了几丁聚糖的基本性能和国内外近年来用几丁聚糖作为涂层膜的研究现状,同时探索了几丁聚糖对医疗装置进行生物涂层的可能性,并预测了其潜在应用。  相似文献   
There are two common designs for association mapping of complex diseases: case-control and family-based designs. A case-control sample is more powerful to detect genetic effects than a family-based sample that contains the same numbers of affected and unaffected persons, although additional markers may be required to control for spurious association. When family and unrelated samples are available, statistical analyses are often performed in the family and unrelated samples separately, conditioning on parental information for the former, thus resulting in reduced power. In this report, we propose a unified approach that can incorporate both family and case-control samples and, provided the additional markers are available, at the same time corrects for population stratification. We apply the principal components of a marker matrix to adjust for the effect of population stratification. This unified approach makes it unnecessary to perform a conditional analysis of the family data and is more powerful than the separate analyses of unrelated and family samples, or a meta-analysis performed by combining the results of the usual separate analyses. This property is demonstrated in both a variety of simulation models and empirical data. The proposed approach can be equally applied to the analysis of both qualitative and quantitative traits.  相似文献   
口腔微生物群落的动态平衡是维持口腔健康的关键因素。益生元是一类具有选择性、能够促进体内有益菌代谢增殖从而改善宿主健康的有机物质,主要通过调节口腔微生物生长代谢、抑制口腔菌斑生物膜形成、调节宿主免疫反应、参与硝酸盐-亚硝酸盐-一氧化氮代谢循环通路、调节氧化应激反应等途径调控口腔微生态,从而对口腔常见疾病,如龋齿、牙周病、口腔黏膜病的防治起到积极作用。本文主要就近年来益生元在口腔健康中的作用及相关机制的研究情况进行综述。  相似文献   
为了解姜状三七(Panax zingiberensis)根茎的皂苷类化学成分,采用正相硅胶、反相硅胶和凝胶等色谱方法从其根茎的乙醇提取物中得到9个皂苷类化合物,根据理化性质和波谱数据,其结构分别鉴定为人参皂苷SL1 (1)、人参皂苷Rh1 (2)、三七皂苷R8 (3)、竹节参皂苷IVa (4)、越南人参皂苷R10 (5)、人参皂苷Rg1 (6)、菠菜皂苷A 28-O-β-d-葡萄糖苷 (7)、齐墩果酸28-O-β-d-葡萄糖苷 (8)和姜状三七苷R1 (9)。化合物13578为首次从该植物中分离得到, 其中化合物5为奥克梯隆醇型皂苷,此类皂苷在该植物中未见报道。  相似文献   
在对云南紫金牛属植物进行资源调查的基础上,评价该属植物的资源动态、现状,为本属资源的深入研究提供参考.采用踏查、详查和访问调查以获取相关资料.实地调查表明,在调查的几个地区中,仅在文山州的西畴县和老君山以及红河州的元阳县发现有紫金牛属资源分布;所采集的6种植物资源中矮地茶、朱砂根、柳叶紫金牛的生物产量较高.云南紫金牛属植物资源分布带狭窄,生境要求严格;各地资源破坏严重,贮量正在缩减.  相似文献   
用遮阳网设置不同透光率(自然全光照的1%、3%、8%、12%和22%)处理,对不同光照条件下三七〔Panax notoginseng(Burk.)F.H.Chen〕幼苗形态指标(株高、冠幅、块根长、主根长、块根直径、茎基径、单株须根数和单株须根长)、干物质积累(不同器官干质量)和分配以及叶片性状(单株叶面积、比叶面积和叶绿素相对含量SPAD值)的变化进行了研究。结果表明:在透光率不同的条件下三七幼苗的形态指标、不同器官干质量及分配以及叶片性状均有明显变化。其中,块根直径、单株须根长、单株须根数、不同器官(块根、须根、根、叶片和茎)干质量和植株总干质量均随透光率增大逐渐提高;株高在透光率22%条件下最高;冠幅和单株叶面积在透光率3%条件下最大;主根长、茎基径、根冠比、根质比及SPAD值均在透光率8%条件下最高;茎质比和叶质比在透光率3%和1%条件下较大;比叶面积随透光率增大逐渐降低。综合分析结果揭示:三七是一种典型的喜阴植物,种植过程中适当遮阳有利于其生长和干物质积累,其中透光率8%对三七幼苗生长较为适宜。  相似文献   
为有效保护和持续利用药用植物云南岩陀及其近缘种质资源提供基础数据,采用巢式方差分析和聚类分析等方法对岩陀及其近缘种质资源共4个种(包括变种)的15个居群150个单株16种表型性状进行表型多样性分析.结果表明:不同种间表型性状变异均超过20%,变异由大到小依次为光腹鬼灯檠、岩陀、羽叶鬼灯檠、七叶鬼灯檠;居群间表型性状变异较高,其地上部分干重、单株根状茎数变异较大,变异系数均超过50%;小叶表面毛被状态变异系数为100%、小叶背沿脉柔毛色变异系数为0,因此这些性状为种和变种分类的重要依据;4个种的居群内变异系数均大于居群间,变异主要来源于居群内.种的表型多样性指数相对较高,其中根粗最高,叶表面毛被状态和叶背面沿脉柔毛色最低,总体平均多样性指数为1.39;不同种间表型多样性指数变化在1.23-1.44,岩陀最高,七叶鬼灯檠最低;通过聚类分析可将15个居群分为4类.结果暗示:岩陀及其近缘种质资源的遗传改良应适当地减少抽样居群数,增加居群内的家系数,重视居群内优良单株的选择;种质资源的保护应尽量保护一个居群的完整性.  相似文献   
应用同源序列克隆法克隆了铁皮石斛蔗糖磷酸合成酶(SPS)基因cDNA全长,并进行了原核表达分析,为进一步研究该基因的时空表达、功能分析及多糖合成机理提供理论依据。结果表明:(1)铁皮石斛SPS基因cDNA全长3 502bp,编码区3 186bp,GenBank登录号JF423929。该基因编码1 061个氨基酸,与文心兰的SPS基因氨基酸序列的一致性最高为93%,与其他科植物SPS基因的氨基酸序列的一致性均高于60%。(2)原核诱导表达结果显示,SPS基因在大肠杆菌中的重组蛋白分子质量约为118.7kD,其表达与序列分析推测的结论一致。(3)生物信息学分析表明,铁皮石斛SPS基因的二级结构包括了螺旋、β-折叠和无规则卷曲,是非跨膜结构的亲水性不稳定蛋白,有2个功能结构域,分别是蔗糖合成功能域及糖基转移功能域。  相似文献   
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