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A crude enzyme preparation from mung bean cotyledons was separated into peroxidative and non-peroxidative IAA oxidase on a DEAE-cellulose column. Both fractions differed in their pH optima, Km and Vmax. The Km and Vmax of non-peroxidative IAA oxidase were higher than those of peroxidative IAA oxidase. Peroxidative IAA oxidase showed a linear increase in absorption at 247 and 254 nm after a short lag of 2–3 min. The addition of catalytic amounts of hydrogen peroxide eliminated the lag period and also enhanced the rate of IAA degradation. The non-peroxidative IAA oxidase fraction, however, did not exhibit any significant increase in absorption at 247 and 254 nm and showed a lag period of 5 min which was not affected by hydrogen peroxide. Instead, addition of the same catalytic amount of hydrogen peroxide inhibited the rate of IAA degradation. The peroxidative IAA oxidase fraction exhibited the reaction kinetics characteristic of peroxidase-catalysed IAA degradation. The rate of IAA oxidation by purified non-peroxidative IAA oxidase was very low. The slow rate of catalysis shown by non-peroxidative IAA oxidase appears to be due to the presence of inhibitor(s).  相似文献   
Mice given daily i.p. injections of immunoglobulins against ovine LH on Days 3-7 of pregnancy were devoid of implantation sites on Day 8 whereas mice treated with antibodies to hCG had embryos of normal number and appearance on Day 8. These antibody treatments reduced the mean +/- s.d. serum progesterone concentrations from 65.4 +/- 15.3 ng/ml (control globulins) to 8.6 +/- 4.9 ng/ml (anti-LH) and 9.2 +/- 3.1 ng/ml (anti-hCG) on Day 8 and had no differential effect on serum oestrogen levels on Day 4. However, the mice treated with anti-hCG did not litter; resorption of the embryos took place between Days 10 and 14 of pregnancy. Indirect immunofluorescence and quantitative immunoenzymic assays showed the presence of anti-ovine LH and anti-hCG reacting antigens in the mouse feto-placental unit. On Day 6, the values of reacting antigens (mean +/- s.d. absorbance units/10 micron section of embryo) were 0.050 +/- 0.002 with control globulins, 0.059 +/- 0.002 with anti-hCG-Ig and 0.196 +/- 0.018 with anti-LH-Ig; the corresponding values on Day 12 were 0.075 +/- 0.009, 0.402 +/- 0.02 and 0.416 +/- 0.015. The quantitative disposition of the reacting antigens to the two types of anti-gonadotrophins seems to bear a temporal relationship to their respective antifertility action. The pregnancy terminating action of immunoglobulins to ovine LH (Days 6, 7 & 8) and hCG (Days 8, 9 & 10) was counteracted by administration of 2 mg medroxyprogesterone acetate on Days 6, 9 and 12, indicating the importance of progesterone in the maintenance of pregnancy in the mouse.  相似文献   
Summary Vero and BHK-21 cells are not attached and spreaded equally on the same microcarrier. BHK-21 cells require a microenvironment similar to the mammalian tissue for attachment and spreading. Cellular affinity, which control adhesion to the surface, varied with the growth phase, membrane integrity and the type of microcarrier.  相似文献   
Although quite a lot is known about the genetic structure of the polytypic species Mus musculus at the periphery of its range, the centre of origin and dispersion of the species remains unknown. To investigate the amount of genetic subdivision that occurs in the central parts of its range, we analysed the genetic variation in four new samples of mice coming from Iran, Pakistan, northern and southern India using 35 autosomal protein loci and restriction fragment length polymorphisms of three genes of the Vβ gene complex of the immune system. The variation was then compared with that found in the subspecies occupying the peripheral regions of the species range. The two samples from the northern part of the Indian subcontinent were shown to be more heterozygous than the samples from any of the other regions. They also contain the majority of the alleles that exist in the differentiated subspecies at the periphery of the species range. A neighbour-joining analysis on Nei's genetic distances and a factorial analysis of correspondences on the allelic composition of each sample both place the Pakistani and Indian populations in a phylogenetically and genetically central position compared to the peripheral subspecies. These results suggest that the populations in this geographically central area have retained most of the ancestral polymorphisms, which in turn indicates that the Indian subcontinent is probably the cradle of the species. The nature of the genetic relationships between the various populations throughout the species range and the possibility that they form an incipient ring species are also discussed. Our results are in agreement with the classical model of geographic differentiation where genetic divergence in allopatry is considered to be the prime cause of subspecies formation that may eventually lead to partial reproductive isolation on secondary contact.  相似文献   
Two different methods were used to study directly alpha-thrombin modulation of polyphosphoinositide breakdown in membranes prepared from Chinese hamster lung (CHL) fibroblasts. In the first one we labelled the lipid pool by incubating the intact cells with myo-[3H]inositol prior to membrane isolation; in the other we used exogenous [3H]PIP2 with phosphatidylethanolamine (1:10) added as liposomes to freshly isolated membranes. A Ca2+-dependent PIP2 and PIP phospholipase C activity was characterized by measuring the rate of formation of inositol tris- and bisphosphate. Basal phospholipase C activity was stimulated up to 3-fold by GTP or GTP-gamma-S. Of the two mitogens, alpha-thrombin and EGF, known to stimulate DNA synthesis in Chinese hamster fibroblasts, only alpha-thrombin is a potent activator of PIP2 breakdown in intact cells. Consistent with this observation, alpha-thrombin but not EGF potentiated GTP-gamma-S-dependent phospholipase C activity in membrane preparations. These results strongly support the hypothesis that a GTP-binding protein couples alpha-thrombin receptor to PIP2 hydrolysis. Because both methods used to assay phospholipase C gave identical results, we conclude that the coupling is at the level of PIP2-phosphodiesterase activity.  相似文献   
Calcium-dependent inactivation has been described as a negative feedback mechanism for regulating voltage-dependent calcium influx in cardiac cells. Most recent evidence points to the C-terminus of the alpha1C subunit, with its EF-hand binding motif, as being critical in this process. The EF-hand binding motif is mostly conserved between the C-termini of six of the seven alpha1 subunit Ca2+ channel genes. The role of E1537 in the C-terminus of the alpha1C calcium channel inactivation was investigated here after expression in Xenopus laevis oocytes. Whole-cell currents were measured in the presence of 10 mM Ba2+ or 10 mM Ca2+ after intracellular injection of 1,2-bis(2-aminophenoxy)ethane-N,N,N',N'-tetraacetic acid. Against all expectations, our results showed a significant reduction in the rate of voltage-dependent inactivation as measured in Ba2+ solutions for all E1537 mutants, whereas calcium-dependent inactivation appeared unscathed. Replacing the negatively charged glutamate residue by neutral glutamine, glycine, serine, or alanine significantly reduced the rate of Ba2+-dependent inactivation by 1.5-fold (glutamine) to 3.5-fold (alanine). The overall rate of macroscopic inactivation measured in Ca2+ solutions was also reduced, although a careful examination of the distribution of the fast and slow time constants suggests that only the slow time constant was significantly reduced in the mutant channels. The fast time constant, the hallmark of Ca2+-dependent inactivation, remained remarkably constant among wild-type and mutant channels. Moreover, inactivation of E1537A channels, in both Ca2+ and Ba2+ solutions, appeared to decrease with membrane depolarization, whereas inactivation of wild-type channels became faster with positive voltages. All together, our results showed that E1537 mutations impaired voltage-dependent inactivation and suggest that the proximal part of the C-terminus may play a role in voltage-dependent inactivation in L-type alpha1C channels.  相似文献   
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