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An agar-degrading marine bacterium identified as a Microscilla species was isolated from coastal California marine sediment. This organism harbored a single 101-kb circular DNA plasmid designated pSD15. The complete nucleotide sequence of pSD15 was obtained, and sequence analysis indicated a number of genes putatively encoding a variety of enzymes involved in polysaccharide utilization. The most striking feature was the occurrence of five putative agarase genes. Loss of the plasmid, which occurred at a surprisingly high frequency, was associated with loss of agarase activity, supporting the sequence analysis results.  相似文献   
Collisions between replication forks and topoisomerase-drug-DNA ternary complexes result in the inhibition of DNA replication and the conversion of the normally reversible ternary complex to a nonreversible form. Ultimately, this can lead to the double strand break formation and subsequent cell death. To understand the molecular mechanisms of replication fork arrest by the ternary complexes, we have investigated molecular events during collisions between DNA helicases and topoisomerase-DNA complexes. A strand displacement assay was employed to assess the effect of topoisomerase IV (Topo IV)-norfloxacin-DNA ternary complexes on the DnaB, T7 gene 4 protein, SV40 T-antigen, and UvrD DNA helicases. The ternary complexes inhibited the strand displacement activities of these DNA helicases. Unlike replication fork arrest, however, this general inhibition of DNA helicases by Topo IV-norfloxacin-DNA ternary complexes did not require the cleavage and reunion activity of Topo IV. We also examined the reversibility of the ternary complexes after collisions with these DNA helicases. UvrD converted the ternary complex to a nonreversible form, whereas DnaB, T7 gene 4 protein, and SV40 T-antigen did not. These results suggest that the inhibition of DnaB translocation may be sufficient to arrest the replication fork progression but it is not sufficient to generate cytotoxic DNA lesion.  相似文献   
Finding medications or vaccines that may decrease the infectious period of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) could potentially reduce transmission in the broader population. We developed a computational model of the U.S. simulating the spread of SARS-CoV-2 and the potential clinical and economic impact of reducing the infectious period duration. Simulation experiments found that reducing the average infectious period duration could avert a median of 442,852 [treating 25% of symptomatic cases, reducing by 0.5 days, reproductive number (R0) 3.5, and starting treatment when 15% of the population has been exposed] to 44.4 million SARS-CoV-2 cases (treating 75% of all infected cases, reducing by 3.5 days, R0 2.0). With R0 2.5, reducing the average infectious period duration by 0.5 days for 25% of symptomatic cases averted 1.4 million cases and 99,398 hospitalizations; increasing to 75% of symptomatic cases averted 2.8 million cases. At $500/person, treating 25% of symptomatic cases saved $209.5 billion (societal perspective). Further reducing the average infectious period duration by 3.5 days averted 7.4 million cases (treating 25% of symptomatic cases). Expanding treatment to 75% of all infected cases, including asymptomatic infections (R0 2.5), averted 35.9 million cases and 4 million hospitalizations, saving $48.8 billion (societal perspective and starting treatment after 5% of the population has been exposed). Our study quantifies the potential effects of reducing the SARS-CoV-2 infectious period duration.  相似文献   
From December 1983 to December 1984 a study on parasites, diseases and health status was conducted on sympatric populations of sambar deer (Cervus unicolor) and white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) from St. Vincent Island, Franklin County, Florida. Ten sambar and six white-tailed deer were examined. White-tailed deer had antibodies to epizootic hemorrhagic disease virus and bluetongue virus. Serologic tests for antibodies to the etiologic agents of bovine virus diarrhea, infectious bovine rhinotracheitis, vesicular stomatitis, parainfluenza 3, brucellosis, and leptospirosis were negative in both species of deer. White-tailed deer harbored 19 species of parasites; all were typical of the parasite fauna of this species in coastal regions of the southeastern United States. Sambar deer harbored 13 species of parasites, which apparently were derived largely from white-tailed deer. The only exception was Dermacentor variabilis which occurs frequently on wild swine on the island. The general health status of sambar deer appeared to be better than that of white-tailed deer. This was hypothesized to result from the sambar deer's utilization of food resources unavailable or unacceptable to white-tailed deer and to the absence and/or lower frequency of certain pathogens in sambar deer.  相似文献   
In order to understand fully the generally high level of encephalization observed in living primates, we must determine why early primates exhibited moderately large relative brain sizes compared to their early Tertiary contemporaries. The relatively high degree of encephalization in early primates may be related at least in part to the fact that they were highly unusualamong mammals in combining a small body size with a strongly precocial reporductive strategy. Other small, precocial mammals also exhibit moderately high levels of encephalization; but primates appear to have been truly uniquein being the only such small-sized and highly precocial group to give rise to extensive radiations of larger descendants. This is a key element in understanding primate brain evolution, because the initial “head start” of the early primates was translated up to larger sizes in descendants. The possible relationships among encephalization, precociality, small size, and arboreality are discussed, particularly in light of recent debates concerning the validity of the superorder Archonta. This work emphasizes that we need to consider relative brain size as but one element in a complex synergistic network of morphological and life-history features.  相似文献   
Ionophore (A23187)-mediated calcium influx induced rapid neurite outgrowth in NB2a/d1 cells. This outgrowth was prevented by colchicine but not by cycloheximide, demonstrating a requirement for microtubule assembly but not de novo synthesis. Cytochalasin B induced rapid, colchicine-sensitive outgrowth, indicating that depolymerization of the submembrane actin network may be sufficient to allow neurite outgrowth under conditions which permitted microtubule assembly. Neurites induced by serum-deprivation or calcium influx were rapidly retracted by colchicine unless cytochalasin B was first added, indicating that the actin network may provide the retractile force which mediates neurite retraction following microtubule depolymerization. We conclude that neurite outgrowth can be initiated in NB2a/d1 cells by calcium influx, and may involve alterations in actin and microtubule dynamics.  相似文献   
The binding to DNA of a mixed function ligand (NETGA) is described, in which a potential intercalating group, an acridine moiety, is incorporated at the carboxyl terminus of the minor groove binding oligopeptide netropsin skeleton. Scatchard analysis of absorption data provided evidence of two modes of binding to DNA with K1 = 9.1 x 10(5) M-1 at low r values (0.003-0.1), and a binding site size n = 10, indicative of binding of both moeities. At high binding ratios (greater than 0.1), K2 = 0.9 x 10(5) M-1 and n = 5 corresponding to external binding. Complementary strand MPE footprinting on a pBR322 restriction fragment showed NETGA binds to 5'-AAAT like netropsin. It causes enhanced cleavage by MPE, particularly at G-C rich sequences and remote from the preferred binding sites. Viscometry measurements provided evidence for biphasic modes of the two binding portions of NETGA. Fluorescence polarization and linear dichroism measurements were in accord with distinct modes of interaction of the acridine (intercalation) and oligopeptide (minor groove binding) portions of NETGA. LD measurements on NETGA indicate that the oligopeptide moiety (netropsin-like) has an orientation typical of minor groove binders, whereas the degree of intercalation of the acridine group is decreased by association of the oligopeptide moiety.  相似文献   
RNA molecules were found to separate into numerous metastable conformational forms upon non-denaturing gel electrophoresis. The equilibration of the conformations was accelerated by heating or mild denaturing conditions. Single-base substitutions in the sequence of the RNAs caused changes in the conformational patterns, including mobility shifts of major and minor conformations, appearance of new conformations and loss of other conformations. This sequence-dependent RNA conformational polymorphism was used to detect point mutations in p53 and, dihydrofolate reductase genes. Sense and anti-sense RNA strands corresponding to the same segment of the p53 gene gave entirely different conformational patterns. To generate the RNA, short regions of the target genes (up to about 250 bp) were amplified by the polymerase chain reaction and the resulting DNA segments transcribed to RNA by T7 RNA polymerase. The method is rapid, simple, amenable to non-radioactive visualization and was successful in several cases when DNA single-strand conformational polymorphism analysis (Orita et al. (1989) Genomics 5, 874-879) failed to detect the point mutation.  相似文献   
Two analogs of rat atrial natriuretic factor, rANF7-28-NH2 and [Mpr7,Ala20,D-Arg27]rANF7-27-NH2, were prepared by the solid-phase method. These peptides had 2-fold and 7-fold less affinity, respectively, than rANF1-28 in binding to membranes prepared from cultured aortic smooth muscle cells, and both peptides were 5-fold less potent than rANF1-28 in relaxing serotonin-contracted rabbit aortic rings. rANF7-28-NH2 was rapidly degraded by rat kidney homogenates but [Mpr7,Ala20,D-Arg27]rANF7-27-NH2 had enhanced stability against rat kidney homogenate degradation. However, this in vitro stability did not translate into an extended duration of action in vivo.  相似文献   
Quantitation of apoB-48 and apoB-100 by gel scanning or radio-iodination   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In this presentation, we have validated two procedures for the separation and quantitation of apoB-48 and apoB-100 by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE): 1) gamma counting of radio-iodinated lipoproteins and 2) scanning of stained gels. Total apoB in SDS solutions was determined by absorbance at 220 nm, and validated by amino acid analysis. The absorbance at 220 nm, in contrast to the Lowry procedure, could be used with BSA as a standard without correction factors. At relative apoB-48 concentrations higher than 10% of total apoB, both scanning and radio-iodination gave reliable results. At lower relative apoB-48 concentrations, the radio-iodine method appeared to be superior, but at low total apoB concentrations, the efficiency of radio-iodination was low.  相似文献   
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