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The effect of filamentous (F) actin on the channel-forming activity of syringomycin E (SRE) in negatively charged and uncharged bilayer lipid membranes (BLM) was studied. F-actin did not affect the membrane conductance in the absence of SRE. No changes in SRE-induced membrane conductance were observed when the above agents were added to the same side of BLM. However, the opposite side addition of F-actin and SRE provokes a multiple increase in membrane conductance. The similar voltage dependence of membrane conductance, equal values of single channel conductance and the effective gating charge of the channels upon F-actin action suggests that the actin-dependent increase in BLM conductance may result from an increase in the number of opened SRE-channels. BLM conductance kinetics depends on the sequence of SRE and F-actin addition, suggesting that actin-dependent rise of conductance may be induced by BLM structural changes that follow F-actin adsorption. F-actin exerted similar effect on membrane conductance of both negatively charged and uncharged bilayers, as well as on conductance of BLM with high ionic strength bathing solution, suggesting the major role for hydrophobic interactions in F-actin adsorption on lipid bilayer.  相似文献   
A cyclic lipodepsipeptide, syringomycin E (SME), incorporated into planar lipid membranes forms two types of channels ("small" and "large") different in their conductance by approximately a factor of six (Biophys. J. 74:2918-2925 (1998)). We analysed the dynamics of the SME-induced transmembrane current under voltage-clamp conditions to clarify the mechanisms of formation of these channels. The voltage-dependent opening/closure of SME channels in lipid bilayers are interpreted in terms of transitions between three types of clusters including 6-7 SME molecules and some lipid molecules. The initial cluster, the precursor of the other two, was in equilibrium with SME monomer molecules at the membrane surface. The other two types of clusters (State 1 and State 2) were formed from the precursor and also during their interconversions (the consecutive-parallel mechanism of transitions). State 1 was a non-conducting state in equilibrium with small channels, which partially determined the ionic conductance of lipid bilayers modified by SME. State 2 corresponded to large SME channels, major contributors to the conductance of a bilayer. The results of the theoretical analysis based on the chemical kinetics concepts were consistent with experimental observations. Such properties of the SME-induced channels as cluster organisation, voltage dependence and the existence of a non-conducting state are all features shared by many ion channels in biological membranes. This makes it possible to use SME channels as a model to study naturally occurring ion channels.  相似文献   
Simultaneous studies were carried out of isotope and electric parameters of spheric bilayer membranes modified with gramicidin A and its analog O-pyromellithylgramicidin (PG) having three negative charges on the N-end of the molecule. The relationship between the electric coefficients of permeability and the isotope ones PG/P* = n was determined by two independent methods. It has been found that for the membranes modified with gramicidin A in RbCl concentrations from 2.2 x 10(-3) to 10(-1) M the value n is constant and approximates 2 and with RbCl concentration 1 M, n = 1.6. For the membranes modified with PG in 0.1 M solutions of PbCl n = 2. The results obtained in terms of the model of unilinear ion diffusion in a narrow pore indicate that in a gramicidin channel there are two sites of cation binding which are located near the channel mouth.  相似文献   
The effect of membrane dipole potential (? d ) on the properties of ion channels formed in bilayer lipid membranes by syringomycin E (SRE), a toxin produced by Pseudomonas syringae, has been studied. It has been shown that ? d affects the conductance and lifetime of elementary SRE channels as well as their cluster organization, in particular, the number of elementary channels synchronously opened in the cluster and the lifetime of these clusters. The channel-forming activity of SRE was found to be ? d -dependent. The analysis of experimental data has revealed that (i) the mechanisms of the observed effects involve the dipole-dipole and charge-dipole interactions responsible for the cooperative functioning of the elementary SRE channels; (ii) about 95% of membrane dipole potential is shielded in the SRE pore; and (iii) the channel-forming activity of SRE is mainly determined by the gating charge of the SRE channels. At the same time, the partition coefficient for the toxin distribution between the membrane and aqueous phase as well as the chemical component of the channel formation work are also responsible for the ? d -dependence of the SRE channel forming activity.  相似文献   
We studied effects of toxins produced by a bacterium Pseudomonas syringae pv. syringae on the conductance of bilayer lipid membranes (BLM). The used toxins were as follows: syringopeptin 22A (SP22A), syringomycin E (SPE), syringostatin A (SSA), syringotoxin B (STB), and methylated syringomycin E (CH3-SRE). All toxins demonstrated channel-forming activity. The threshold sequence for toxin activity was SP22A > SRE approximately equal to SSA > STB > CH3-SRE, and this sequence was independent of lipid membrane composition, and NaCl concentration (pH 6) in the membrane bathing solution (in the range of 0.1-1.0 M). This sequence correlated with relative bioactivities of toxins. In addition, SRE demonstrated a more potent antifungal activity than CH3-SRE. These findings suggest that ion channel formation may underlie the bioactivities of the above toxins. The properties of single ion channels formed by the toxins in BLMs were found to be similar, which points to the similarity in the channel structures. In negatively charged membranes, bathed with diluted electrolyte solutions (0.1 M NaCl), the channels were seen to open with positive transmembrane potentials (V) (from the side of toxin addition), and close with negative potentials. In uncharged membranes the opposite response to a voltage sign was observed. Increasing the NaCl concentration up to 1 M unified the voltage sensitivity of channels in charged and uncharged membranes: channels opened with negative V, and closed with positive V. With all systems, the voltage current curves of single channels were similarly superlinear in the applied voltage and asymmetric in its sign. It was found that the single channel conductance of STB and SSA was higher than that of other toxin channels. All the toxins formed at least two types of ion channels that were multiple by a factor of either 6 or 4 in their conductance. The results are discussed in terms of the structural features of toxin molecules.  相似文献   
The effect of the membrane dipole potential (Phid) on a conductance and a steady-state number of functioning channels formed by cyclic lipodepsipeptide syringomycin E (SRE) in bilayer lipid membranes made from phosphocholine and bathed in 0.4 M solution of sodium salts of aspartate, gluconate and chloride was shown. The magnitude of Phid was varied with the introduction to membrane bathing solutions of phloretin, which reduces the Phid, and RH 421, increasing the Phid. It was established that in all studied systems the increase in the membrane dipole potential cause a decrease in the steady-state number of open channels. In the systems containing sodium salts of aspartate (Asp) or gluconate (Glc), changes in the number of functioning channels are in an order of magnitude smaller than in systems containing sodium chloride. At the same time, the conductance (g) of single SRE-channels on the membranes bathed in NaCI solution increases with the increase in Phid, and in the systems containing NaAsp or NaGlc the conductance of single channels does not depend on the Phid. The latter is due to the lack of cation/anion selectivity of the SRE-channels in these systems. The different channel-forming activity of SRE in the experimental systems is defined by the gating charge of the channel and the partition coefficient of the dipole modifiers between the lipid and aqueous phases.  相似文献   
As shown earlier, phytotoxins produced by Pseudomonas syringae pv. syringae form ion channels of "small" and "large" conductance when incorporated into planar lipid membranes. The multilevel conductance is due to cluster organization of the channels (Kaulin et al., 1998; Gurnev et al., 2002). In this study the kinetic parameters of syringomycin E (SRE) and syringostatin A (SSA) channels in negatively charged bilayer lipid membranes were estimated. The average time of open state of the small channels (t(s)(open)) did not depend on transmembrane voltage (in the range of +/- 200 mV). The channel characteristics differed between two phytotoxins: the t(s)(open) for the SRE-channels was much larger than that for SSA-channels. An energetic diagram with two non-conducting states illustrating the formation of the small channel is proposed to explain the voltage independence of the kinetic parameters. The probability for synchronous functioning of small channels with SSA was higher than that with SRE. To analyse the role of the clusters in the biological activities of SRE and SSA, we estimated the cluster contribution to a net transmembrane currents to be 60 and 90%, respectively.  相似文献   
Hereditary motor and sensory neuropathy type 1X (HMSN 1X) is the second most frequent form of demyelinating polyneuropathies and is caused by mutations in the gene for connexin 32 protein (Cx32, GJB1). The contribution of HMSN 1X to the structure of HMSN in the Republic of Bashkortostan was determined. The GJB1 mutations were detected in 18 out of 131 unrelated patients, which constituted 13.7%. The four missense mutations identified were represented by: p.Pro87Ala (c.259C > G) with the frequency of 10%; p.Arg22Gln (c.65G > A) (2.98%); p.Arg15Gln (c.44G > A); and p.Thr86Ile (c.257C > T) (0.8%). The latter mutation was never described before. The frequent mutation p.Pro87Ala was tested for linkage disequilibrium with the alleles of five polymorphic microsatellite DNA loci associated with the GJB1. It was demonstrated that 10 out of 13 chromosomes carrying the mutation mentioned had common DXS8111-DXS983-DXS8107-DXS8052 haplotype. This finding suggested the distribution of this mutation on the territory of the Republic of Bashkortostan as a result of the founder effect. The mutational spectrum of GJB1 and mutation frequencies observed in the HMSN 1X patients examined were characterized by ethnic heterogeneity. This finding will provide development of most optimal algorithm of the HMSN DNA diagnostics in the region.  相似文献   
Using the planar lipid bilayer technique, the dependence of properties of ion channels formed by syringomycin E on bath ion composition (electrolyte concentration and pH) and on the applied potential was studied. Time courses of the membrane current in field reversal experiments with 1M NaCl, pH 6 in the bathing solution were similar to the time courses observed with a bathing solution of 0.1 M NaCl, pH 2: there was no increase (decrease) of the membrane current at positive (negative) values of the transmembrane potential. However, kinetic curves were different at 0.1 M. NaCl, pH 6 and pH 9. At pH 6 there was an abrupt increase (decrease) of the membrane current over the time at the positive (negative) values of the applied potential. At pH 9 there was a reversed current response. The results indicate that charged groups are likely to be responsible for opening or closing the channel facing the water phase. Based on these data, a model is proposed describing the potential dependent opening and closing of ion channels formed by syringomycin E.  相似文献   
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