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Agapophytinae subf.n. is a highly diverse lineage of Australasian Therevidae, comprising eight described and two new genera: Agapophytus Guérin‐Méneville, Acupalpa Kröber, Acraspisa Kröber, Belonalys Kröber, Bonjeania Irwin & Lyneborg, Parapsilocephala Kröber, Acatopygia Kröber, Laxotela Winterton & Irwin, Pipinnipons gen.n. and Patanothrix gen.n. A genus‐level cladistic analysis of the subfamily was undertaken using sixty‐eight adult morphological characters and c. 1000 base pairs of the elongation factor‐1α (EF‐1α) protein coding gene. The morphological data partition produced three most parsimonious cladograms, whereas the molecular data partition gave a single most parsimonious cladogram, which did not match any of the cladograms found in the morphological analysis. The level of congruence between the data partitions was determined using the partition homogeneity test (HTF) and Wilcoxon signed ranks test. Despite being significantly incongruent in at least one of the incongruence tests, the partitions were combined in a simultaneous analysis. The combined data yielded a single cladogram that was better supported than that of the individual partitions analysed separately. The relative contributions of the data partitions to support for individual nodes on the combined cladogram were investigated using Partitioned Bremer Support. The level of support for many nodes on the combined cladogram was non‐additive and often greater than the sum of support for the respective nodes on individual partitions. This synergistic interaction between incongruent data partitions indicates a common phylogenetic signal in both partitions. It also suggests that criteria for partition combination based solely on incongruence may be misleading. The phylogenetic relationships of the genera are discussed using the combined data. A key to genera of Agapophytinae is presented, with genera diagnosed and figured. Two new genera are described: Patanothrix with a new species (Pat. skevingtoni) and Pat. wilsoni (Mann) transferred from Parapsilocephala, and Pipinnipons with a new species (Pip. kroeberi). Pipinnipons fascipennis (Kröber) is transferred from Squamopygia Kröber and Pip. imitans (Mann) is transferred from Agapophytus. Agapophytus bicolor (Kröber) is transferred from Parapsilocephala. Agapophytus varipennis Mann is synonymised with Aga. queenslandi Kröber and Aga. flavicornis Mann is synonymised with Aga. pallidicornis (Kröber).  相似文献   
We present a time‐calibrated phylogeny of the charismatic green lacewings (Neuroptera: Chrysopidae). Previous phylogenetic studies on the family using DNA sequences have suffered from sparse taxon sampling and/or limited amounts of data. Here we combine all available previously published DNA sequence data and add to it new DNA sequences generated for this study. We analysed these data in a supermatrix using Bayesian and maximum likelihood methods and provide a phylogenetic hypothesis for the family that recovers strong support for the monophyly of all subfamilies and resolves relationships among a large proportion of chrysopine genera. Chrysopinae tribes Leucochrysini and Belonopterygini were recovered as monophyletic sister clades, while the species‐rich tribe Chrysopini was rendered paraphyletic by Ankylopterygini. Relationships among the subfamilies were resolved, although with relatively low statistical support, and the topology varied based on the method of analysis. Greatest support was found for Apochrysinae as sister to Nothochrysinae and Chrysopinae, which is in contrast to traditional concepts that place Nothochrysinae as sister to the rest of the family. Divergence estimates suggest that the stem groups to the various subfamilies diverged during the Triassic‐Jurassic, and that stem groups of the chrysopine tribes diverged during the Cretaceous.  相似文献   
SUMMARY: MIAH is a WWW server for the automatic alignment of new eukaryotic SSU rRNA sequences to an existing alignment of 1500 sequences. AVAILABILITY: http://chah.ucc.ie/MIAH Contact :  相似文献   
Fluctuations in marine populations often relate to the supply of recruits by oceanic currents. Variation in these currents is typically driven by large‐scale changes in climate, in particular ENSO (El Nino Southern Oscillation). The dependence on large‐scale climatic changes may, however, be modified by early life history traits of marine taxa. Based on eight years of annual surveys, along 150 km of coastline, we examined how ENSO influenced abundance of juvenile fish, coral spat, and canopy‐forming macroalgae. We then investigated what traits make populations of some fish families more reliant on the ENSO relationship than others. Abundance of juvenile fish and coral recruits was generally positively correlated with the Southern Oscillation Index (SOI), higher densities recorded during La Niña years, when the ENSO‐influenced Leeuwin Current is stronger and sea surface temperature higher. The relationship is typically positive and stronger among fish families with shorter pelagic larval durations and stronger swimming abilities. The relationship is also stronger at sites on the coral back reef, although the strongest of all relationships were among the lethrinids (r = .9), siganids (r = .9), and mullids (r = .8), which recruit to macroalgal meadows in the lagoon. ENSO effects on habitat seem to moderate SOI–juvenile abundance relationship. Macroalgal canopies are higher during La Niña years, providing more favorable habitat for juvenile fish and strengthening the SOI effect on juvenile abundance. Conversely, loss of coral following a La Niña‐related heat wave may have compromised postsettlement survival of coral dependent species, weakening the influence of SOI on their abundance. This assessment of ENSO effects on tropical fish and habitat‐forming biota and how it is mediated by functional ecology improves our ability to predict and manage changes in the replenishment of marine populations.  相似文献   
A soil isolate of Rhizobium leguminosarum bv. trifolii was marked with a lux CDABE gene cassette to enable the expression of bioluminescence. The suitability of the bacterium as a soil pollution biosensor was assessed using acute and chronic assays. Bacterial bioluminescence responded sensitively to the metals studied. The order of sensitivity was found to be Cd > Ni = Zn > Cu for the acute test and Cd > Ni = Zn = Cu for the chronic test. The sensitive response of the biosensor highlighted its potential for use as an indicator of soil pollution.  相似文献   
A heterologous radioreceptor assay was developed to follow the purification of an EGF-like polypeptide from bovine kidney. Purification of the growth factor was facilitated by the use of a novel affinity column using fixed A431 cells attached to sephadex beads. The mol. wt. of the purified EGF-LP was estimated to be 5480 from the amino acid composition. The purified EGF-like polypeptide stimulated the proliferation of bovine mammary epithelial cells and appeared to be equipotent to mouse EGF. Available evidence suggests that the purified molecule is distinct from bovine TGF-alpha.  相似文献   
Previous studies have shown that the development of multi-drug resistance in cell lines treated with chemotherapeutic agents is closely associated with the overexpression of a 170-180 kilodalton surface membrane glycoprotein (P-glycoprotein). In the present study a monoclonal antibody against the P-glycoprotein was used to determine if this protein is overexpressed in multi-drug resistant HL60 cells. Using either indirect immunofluorescent staining or immunoblot analysis P-glycoprotein could not be detected in HL60 cells isolated for resistance to adriamycin. In contrast HL60 cells isolated for resistance to vincristine contain the P-glycoprotein and the amount of this material increases with increasing levels of resistance. These studies thus demonstrate adriamycin resistance in P-glycoprotein negative HL60 cells. Furthermore adriamycin and vincristine are found to have distinct effects in inducing overexpression of P-glycoprotein in the HL60 cell line. This information could be useful in the development of therapeutic strategies for the treatment of certain forms of cancer.  相似文献   
The median effective dose for capture (ED50) and the median lethal dose (LD50) of alpha-chloralose given orally to domestic chickens (Gallus domesticus) were determined by probit analysis to be 45 mg/kg and 300 mg/kg, respectively. The therapeutic index (TI = LD50/ED50) was 6.7. This indicates that alpha-chloralose is only a marginally safe capture agent in domestic species and particularly in field applications involving other wild avian species in which the amount of the drug ingested by an individual bird is not controlled.  相似文献   
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