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Agapophytinae subf.n. is a highly diverse lineage of Australasian Therevidae, comprising eight described and two new genera: Agapophytus Guérin‐Méneville, Acupalpa Kröber, Acraspisa Kröber, Belonalys Kröber, Bonjeania Irwin & Lyneborg, Parapsilocephala Kröber, Acatopygia Kröber, Laxotela Winterton & Irwin, Pipinnipons gen.n. and Patanothrix gen.n. A genus‐level cladistic analysis of the subfamily was undertaken using sixty‐eight adult morphological characters and c. 1000 base pairs of the elongation factor‐1α (EF‐1α) protein coding gene. The morphological data partition produced three most parsimonious cladograms, whereas the molecular data partition gave a single most parsimonious cladogram, which did not match any of the cladograms found in the morphological analysis. The level of congruence between the data partitions was determined using the partition homogeneity test (HTF) and Wilcoxon signed ranks test. Despite being significantly incongruent in at least one of the incongruence tests, the partitions were combined in a simultaneous analysis. The combined data yielded a single cladogram that was better supported than that of the individual partitions analysed separately. The relative contributions of the data partitions to support for individual nodes on the combined cladogram were investigated using Partitioned Bremer Support. The level of support for many nodes on the combined cladogram was non‐additive and often greater than the sum of support for the respective nodes on individual partitions. This synergistic interaction between incongruent data partitions indicates a common phylogenetic signal in both partitions. It also suggests that criteria for partition combination based solely on incongruence may be misleading. The phylogenetic relationships of the genera are discussed using the combined data. A key to genera of Agapophytinae is presented, with genera diagnosed and figured. Two new genera are described: Patanothrix with a new species (Pat. skevingtoni) and Pat. wilsoni (Mann) transferred from Parapsilocephala, and Pipinnipons with a new species (Pip. kroeberi). Pipinnipons fascipennis (Kröber) is transferred from Squamopygia Kröber and Pip. imitans (Mann) is transferred from Agapophytus. Agapophytus bicolor (Kröber) is transferred from Parapsilocephala. Agapophytus varipennis Mann is synonymised with Aga. queenslandi Kröber and Aga. flavicornis Mann is synonymised with Aga. pallidicornis (Kröber).  相似文献   
Summary N2-fixing cyanobacteria occur in symbiotic associations with fungi (ascomycetes) as lichens and with a few green plants. The associated cyanobacterium is always a species ofNostoc orAnabaena. Only a small number of plant genera are involved but there is a remarkable range of host diversity. Associations occur with several bryophytes (e.g.Anthoceros, Blasia, Cavicularia), a pteridophyte (Azolla), cycads (nine genera includingMacrozamia andEncephalartos) and an angiosperm (Gunnera). Except forGunnera, where the cyanobacterium penetrates the plant cells, the cyanobacteria are extracellular with specialized morphological modifications and/or structures of the host plant organs providing an environment which facilitates interaction with the prokaryote.Salient aspects of current knowledge pertaining to the establishment, perpetuation, and functioning of the individual symbioses are summarized. Where possible this includes information concerning recognition and specificity, mode(s) of infection, morphological modifications/adaptations of the host plant and a synopsis of morphological, physiological and biochemical changes common to the symbiotic cyanobacteria. The latter encompasses heterocyst frequencies, enzymes involved in ammonia assimilation, photosynthetic capability and metabolic interaction with the host.TheAzolla-Anabaena symbioses, which have potential agronomic significance as an alternative nitrogen source and maintain continuity with the endophyte through the sexual cycle, are emphasized.  相似文献   
A panel of monoclonal antibodies to neurofilaments have been investigated with regard to the location of their respective epitopes on neurofilament polypeptides and their ability to label the neurofibrillary tangles and paired helical filaments (PHF) which are characteristic of Alzheimer's disease. All of the neurofilament monoclonal antibodies that label tangles and PHF are directed against epitopes in the side arm domains of the two larger neurofilament polypeptides, NF-H and NF-M, and do not recognise the alpha-helical rod domains of these proteins. Immuno-electron microscopy demonstrates that the neurofilament antibodies label the constituent PHF per se and do not simply stain neurofilaments that might be admixed with PHF. These neurofilament epitopes are differentially retained by PHF, following isolation. Thus, antibody labelling of PHF is not simply due to the presence of normal neurofilament polypeptides. We propose that in tangle-bearing neurons, neurofilaments are degraded by proteases and that it is fragments of the side arms which contribute to the composition of PHF.  相似文献   
1. The effects of varying the plasma insulin concentration by infusion while maintaining euglycaemia by infusion of glucose on nutrient arterio-venous differences across the hind-limb and mammary gland in lactating and non-lactating sheep were investigated. 2. Insulin infusion increased the glucose arterio-venous difference across the hind-limb; this effect of insulin was decreased by lactation, suggesting that lactation induces insulin resistance in skeletal muscle. 3. Lactation increased but insulin infusion decreased the plasma concentrations of acetate, beta-hydroxybutyrate and non-esterified fatty acids. 4. Insulin infusion decreased the arterio-venous differences of acetate and hydroxybutyrate across the hind-limb; this effect of insulin is probably indirect, resulting from the decrease in plasma concentrations of these metabolites. 5. Infusion of insulin had no effect on the glucose arterio-venous difference across the mammary gland, but did decrease the oxygen arterio-venous difference. 6. The results suggest that lactation results in insulin resistance in skeletal muscle, at least with respect to glucose utilization; this should facilitate the preferential utilization of glucose by the mammary gland.  相似文献   
Early experience has been found to have long-term effects on behaviour such as social imprinting and song learning. In this paper we investigate whether early experience with particular types of food can lead to long-term feeding preferences in canaries. For 8 wk following the onset of independent foraging, two groups of naive fledgling canaries were reared on different diets. One group had a choice of four seed types, while individuals in the other group received only one type of seed. After this training period, all the birds were given a mixed seed diet for a further 15 wk, and then their preference for the original seeds was tested. All six birds that had been given four seeds during the training period showed the same preference, namely: hemp > niger > millet > linseed. However, all the birds that had been trained on one seed type only, still preferred the seed on which they had been trained. After a further 23 wk on a mixed-seed diet, birds from the restricted early diet group showed no further preference for the seed on which they were trained, and their seed choice at this stage was similar to the birds that had received four seeds. We conclude that early experience can affect food choice in canaries for at least 15 wk, but is subordinate to other influences in the longer term.  相似文献   
An X-ray structural analysis of bis-2,2′,N,N′-bipyridyl ketone cobalt(III) nitrate dihydrate, CoC22H20N4O4+· NO3·2H2O,Mr=559.38 g/mol, P , a=8.862(2), b=16.195(3), c=8.772(2) Å, α=103.54(2), β=95.74(3), γ=105.07°, V=1164.4(4) Å3, Z=2, Dx=1.595 g/cm3, Mo Kα radiation (λ=0.71073 Å), μ=7.8 cm−1 and R=0.079, revealed a Co(III) cation in a slightly distorted octahedral environment. The structure reveals that the ligand di-2-pyridyl ketone (dpk) has undergone a hydration reaction across the ketone double bond and one of the hydrate oxygen atoms coordinated to the metal forming a tridentate chelate. This new Co(dpk-hydrate)2+ complex displays the least distorted geometry yet reported for either 1:1 or 1:2 (metal:ligand) complexes. A geometry optimization using the INDO model Hamiltonian as implemented in the program ZINDO was performed on the title complex with the Co3+ modeled as a singlet. The result of the computation corroborates the geometry of the title complex as that expected for Co3+.  相似文献   
Using the technique of allele-specific priming of the polymerase chain reaction (PCR), the C-T substitution in codon 39 was identified as the cause of -thalassaemia in an Irish family. Analysis of the restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLPs) in the -globin gene cluster established linkage of the -thalassaemia mutation to a particular -haplotype but indicated that a recombinational event had occurred in the paternal chromosome in the younger of two affected children. Non-paternity was excluded by DNA fingerprinting analysis with hypervariable minisatellite probes. This is the fourth case of recombination in the -globin gene cluster to be reported. The event has occurred 5 of the polymorphic RsaI site at position-550 bp upstream of the -globin gene mRNA Cap site, within the 9.1-kb region that has been shown to be a hot spot for recombination in the -globin gene cluster.  相似文献   
Summary A previously undescribed receptor in the coxo-trochantinal region of the metathoracic leg of the cockroach Periplaneta americana was found to have central cell bodies. This cockroach stretch receptor is the second sensory receptor in insects reported to possess somata in the CNS and its remarkable similarity to a locust proprioceptor suggests it to be homologous.  相似文献   
Summary In order to study the establishment of regional differences in brush border enzymic activities during the development of fetal mouse small intestine we have followed (1) the differentiation of microvilli by morphometry, and (2) the developmental pattern of three brush border enzymes (lactase, glucoamylase and alkaline phosphatase). From day 16 to day 19 of gestation, the height of duodenal microvilli increases 2.4 times on the absorptive cells located near the tip of the villi. During the same period in the upper half of the duodenal villi, the number of microvilli per square m rises by a factor of 2.4 and the microvillous surface area increases by a factor of 5.2. The differentiation of ileal microvilli follows a similar pattern but they are always shorter and less numerous than those of the duodenum. Lactase activity appears at 18 days of gestation; the other two brush border enzymes are first detected at 16 days of gestation. Afterwards all three enzyme activities increase rapidly and a decreasing gradient of activity is established from the proximal to the distal segment of the small intestine. Hence, the structural development of the microvilli and the appearance of brush border enzyme activities occur simultaneously and a proximo-distal gradient is already established at 16 days of gestation.Supported by MRC of Canada research grant MA-6069Mr. D. Malka was supported by a studentship from the F.C.A.C.Dr. D. Ménard is a chercheur boursier du Conseil de la Recherche en Santé du Québec  相似文献   
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