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Coral Reefs - A correction to this paper has been published: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00338-021-02121-x  相似文献   
The increase in species richness with area is known as the species–area relationship (SPAR). Although several mutually non-exclusive processes may produce the SPAR, the null, often ignored, hypothesis states that a SPAR can be generated by random placement alone. The log–log-transformed SPAR of coral reef fishes on small patch-reefs revealed a steep slope of 0.55. However, this slope was dependent on the cumulative area of the reef examined and was therefore affected by random placement. After statistically removing the contribution of random placement from the SPAR, the slope was estimated to be 0.21. This is consistent with estimates from other, mostly terrestrial, systems. Furthermore, a randomization procedure, where the probability of fishes to reach a patch was proportional to reef area, showed that the field measured SPAR did not differ from random placement. In addition, fish assemblages on species poor reefs did not form subsets of species rich reefs (i.e., no nestedness) beyond that expected from random placement. Steep log–log-transformed SPARs can be formed by random placement alone, indicating that caution should be used when assigning an ecological meaning to SPARs generated from small spatial scales.  相似文献   
Cephalopods behaviorally respond to polarized light. Electrophysiology experiments with the squid, Loligo pealeii, demonstrated that spike responses from individual photoreceptors are a cosine2 function of the e-vector orientation of a polarized stimulus. The discrimination limit to this polarization sensitivity depended upon the difference between the orientation of a polarized stimulus with a preferred e-vector. The limit ranged from 2 degrees to 9.2 degrees with a direct stimulus in the dark or 4.8 degrees -22.1 degrees with non-directed background illumination and the cells were least discriminative at the preferred orientations. This limit can be explained partly by the variability in anatomical alignment of microvilli in the photoreceptors around a dominant axis. A few light-sensitive retinal fibers showed no polarization sensitivity. The coding of polarization information suggests that light intensity is transformed into an average spike rate. This average results from silent periods interspersed between bursts of spikes, each burst possessing a consistent interspike interval. The variations in the length and frequency of silent periods depend upon the difference between the polarization e-vector and a preferred e-vector orientation. The minimal discriminated orientation of a squid photoreceptor agrees well with the minimum behavioral discrimination of polarized light by another cephalopod, the octopus.  相似文献   
The redhead goby Paragobiodon echinocephalus lives exclusively within the branching coral Stylophora pistillata . While in the Great Barrier Reef fish occupation rate of large coral is higher than that of small coral, an opposite pattern exists in the northern Red Sea. It is suggested that this pattern is caused by a limitation on the adult body size of fish in the northern Red Sea.  相似文献   
Man-made submerged structures, including shipwrecks, offering substrata for fouling organisms and fish, have been classified secondarily as artificial reefs (ARs). The current approach in AR design is that of low-profile structures placed on the seabed and attempting to mimic natural reef (NR) communities with the aim of mitigating degraded marine ecosystems. To examine the validity of this concept, a long-term comparison of the developing AR fouling communities to those of nearby NRs is required. A survey of the fouling reefal organisms was conducted on seven shipwrecks (Red Sea, Egypt), comprising three young (ca 20 years old) and four old (>100 years old) unplanned ARs, in comparison to nearby NR communities. The hypothesis tested was that the age of the ARs shapes the structure of their fouling coral communities. The results demonstrated distinct differences between ARs and NRs and between young and old ARs. While the species composition on ARs may resemble that of NRs after approximately 20 years, obtaining a similar extent of coral cover may require a full century. Moreover, differences in structural features between ARs and NRs may lead to differences in species composition that persist even after 100 years.  相似文献   
Cuttlefish possess the complex ability to identify approaching threats and then to selectively express the appropriate defense. We examined the visual cues used by Sepia officinalis cuttlefish during predator detection and the responses they selected. Using computer-generated stimuli, we set out to quantitate the deimatic responses to artificial looming stimuli of different shapes and contrasts. Defensive behavior gradually intensified as geometrical shapes resembled an image of a fish. Therefore, in addition to an object’s size or its sudden increase in size, cuttlefish use form recognition to identify a threat. Cuttlefish demonstrated equal performance in predator detection trough clear water when presented with intensity versus polarization contrasts. However, when the water turbidity increased, the cuttlefish still detected looming fish shapes based on polarization contrast even when intensity information alone did not suffice. These results demonstrate the interplay between intensity and polarization information transmission and processing in the spatial domain. As nectobenthic organisms, cuttlefish probably experience low visibility conditions on a regular basis. The ability to see further into turbid water and to better detect an approaching object would be beneficial for their survival.  相似文献   
Polarization sensitivity is documented in a range of marine animals. The variety of tasks for which animals can use this sensitivity, and the range over which they do so, are confined by the visual systems of these animals and by the propagation of the polarization information in the aquatic environment. We examine the environmental physical constraints in an attempt to reveal the depth, range and other limitations to the use of polarization sensitivity by marine animals. In clear oceanic waters, navigation that is based on the polarization pattern of the sky appears to be limited to shallow waters, while solar-based navigation is possible down to 200-400 m. When combined with intensity difference, polarization sensitivity allows an increase in target detection range by 70-80% with an upper limit of 15 m for large-eyed animals. This distance will be significantly smaller for small animals, such as plankton, and in turbid waters. Polarization-contrast detection, which is relevant to object detection and communication, is strongly affected by water conditions and in clear waters its range limit may reach 15 m as well. We show that polarization sensitivity may also serve for target distance estimation, when examining point source bioluminescent objects in the photic mesopelagic depth range.  相似文献   
A unique advantage for giant eyes in giant squid   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Giant and colossal deep-sea squid (Architeuthis and Mesonychoteuthis) have the largest eyes in the animal kingdom [1, 2], but there is no explanation for why they would need eyes that are nearly three times the diameter of those of any other extant animal. Here we develop a theory for visual detection in pelagic habitats, which predicts that such giant eyes are unlikely to evolve for detecting mates or prey at long distance but are instead uniquely suited for detecting very large predators, such as sperm whales. We also provide photographic documentation of an eyeball of about 27 cm with a 9 cm pupil in a giant squid, and we predict that, below 600 m depth, it would allow detection of sperm whales at distances exceeding 120 m. With this long range of vision, giant squid get an early warning of approaching sperm whales. Because the sonar range of sperm whales exceeds 120 m [3-5], we hypothesize that a well-prepared and powerful evasive response to hunting sperm whales may have driven the evolution of huge dimensions in both eyes and bodies of giant and colossal squid. Our theory also provides insights into the vision of Mesozoic ichthyosaurs with unusually large eyes.  相似文献   
Pregnancy worsens renal function in females with chronic renal failure (CRF) through an unknown mechanism. Reduced nitric oxide (NO) generation induces renal injury. Arginine transport by cationic amino acid transporter-1 (CAT-1), which governs endothelial NO generation, is reduced in both renal failure and pregnancy. We hypothesize that attenuated maternal glomerular arginine transport promotes renal damage in CRF pregnant rats. In uremic rats, pregnancy induced a significant decrease in glomerular arginine transport and cGMP generation (a measure of NO production) compared with CRF or pregnancy alone and these effects were prevented by l-arginine. While CAT-1 abundance was unchanged in all experimental groups, protein kinase C (PKC)-α, phosphorylated PKC-α (CAT-1 inhibitor), and phosphorylated CAT-1 were significantly augmented in CRF, pregnant, and pregnant CRF animals; phenomena that were prevented by coadministrating l-arginine. α-Tocopherol (PKC inhibitor) significantly increased arginine transport in both pregnant and CRF pregnant rats, effects that were attenuated by ex vivo incubation of glomeruli with PMA (a PKC stimulant). Renal histology revealed no differences between all experimental groups. Inulin and p-aminohippurate clearances failed to augment and renal cortical expression of hypoxia inducible factor-1α (HIF-1α) significantly increased in CRF pregnant rat, findings that were prevented by arginine. These studies suggest that in CRF rats, pregnancy induces a profound decrease in glomerular arginine transport, through posttranslational regulation of CAT-1 by PKC-α, resulting in attenuated NO generation. These events provoke renal damage manifested by upregulation of renal HIF-1α and loss of the ability to increase glomerular filtration rate during gestation.  相似文献   
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