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Guaraná (Paullinia cupana) is a woody vine or sprawling shrub native to the central Amazon Basin. The seeds are commercially produced on some 6,000 ha in the state of Amazonas near Manaus. The principal article of commerce is an amber-colored, carbonated soft drink. It is also widely used as a high caffeine stimulant and in local medicines. The plant is monoecious and is damaged by a number of diseases, the most severe being anthracnose. Prospects are excellent for greatly expanded international markets.  相似文献   
The binding of medroxyprogesterone acetate (MPA) with cytosol androgen receptors from rat pituitary and hypothalamus was studied. The pituitary and hypothalamic cytosol androgen receptors from adult castrated female rats were in vitro labeled using 3H natural (testosterone (T) and 5 alpha-dihydrotestosterone (DHT] and [3H]synthetic (methyltrienolone) androgens as radioligands. The [3H]androgen-receptor complexes sedimented with a coefficient of 8S in linear sucrose gradients. When incubated with an excess of radioinert MPA, specific binding was abolished indicating interaction of MPA with androgen receptors. Furthermore specific [3H]MPA-androgen cytosol receptor complexes could be identified in these neuroendocrine tissues when a post-gradient receptor labeling technique was used in the absence or presence of radioinert MPA, DHT, and triamcinolone acetonide. A study of binding kinetics disclosed that the equilibrium dissociation constant and saturation binding capacity for the MPA binder, were similar to those exhibited by DHT binding to androgen receptors in both studied tissues under identical experimental conditions. The overall results were interpreted as demonstrating that MPA interacts with cytosol steroid receptors other than those of progesterone in the rat hypothalamus and anterior pituitary. The data are consistent with MPA binding to androgen receptors.  相似文献   
Nine oral morphologic characters were investigated. Their frequencies are compared with those published for other populations. The possibility of using such characters to estimate genetic distance between populations is discussed and the conclusion is reached that, although previous studies have suggested this to be a valid approach, further studies testing this subject are needed.  相似文献   
The Fab fragment of an antibody, made against an E2-specific feline infectious peritonitis virus neutralizing antibody, has been crystallized in a form suitable for X-ray diffraction analysis from PEG 4000 using vapor diffusion methods. The Fab fragment crystals diffract to about 2.9 A resolution and are of triclinic space group P1. Unit cell dimensions, by which the reciprocal lattice can be indexed, are a = 57.16 A, b = 70.85 A, c = 75.81 A, alpha = 85.11 degrees, beta = 121.28 degrees and gamma = 116.33 degrees. There are two Fab fragments comprising the asymmetric unit of the crystals. The presence of a pseudo-mirror plane in the diffraction pattern suggests the presence of at least an approximate dyad axis relating the two Fab fragments within the asymmetric unit.  相似文献   
A heterologous RIA system is described for the determination of TSH in rat plasma. The antibody was obtained by us in guinea-pigs and directed against bovine-TSH (B-TSH). It was chosen from several antisera as the one showing the greatest potency in vivo against rat TSH, using the McKenzie bioassay. Two different antigens were tried for radioiodination: B-TSH (B-TSH) and a purified mouse tumour TSH (M-TSH). The choice of labeled antigen proved to be critical. It was not possible to develop a reliable RIA with B-TSH. Using M-TSH, however, a RIA was developed which is sensitive enough to detect differences between normal and lower than normal plasma TSH levels. The reproducibility, sensitivity and specificity of the RIA are described, as well as several procedures which shorten the time spent on a given assay, and at the same time decrease inter and intra-assay variations. Some of the results obtained with experimental plasmas were compared to the in vivo potency of the samples in the McKenzie bioassay. The results obtained with the present RIA have also been validated physiologically by carrying out the determinations on plasmas obtained from rats submitted to situations known to decrease (hypophysectomy, treatment with thyroid hormones, ether anaesthesia) or increase (injection of TRH, thyroidectomy, treatment with goitrogens) circulating TSH levels. The circulating TSH levels of normal rats found with the present RIA compare well with values obtained with the homologous immunoreactants available from NIAMDD at NIH (U.S.A.).  相似文献   
Previous biochemical, cardiovascular and behavioral work has given evidence for the existence of antagonistic galanin receptor-5-HT1A receptor interactions in the brain. In this study we investigated the existence of GalR1-5-HT1A receptor heteromers and their functional characteristics. In mammalian cells transfected with GFP2-tagged 5-HT1A receptor and YFP-tagged GalR1 receptor, a proximity-based fluorescence resonance energy transfer technique was used and it has been demonstrated that GalR1-5-HT1A receptors heteromerize. Furthermore, signaling by either the mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) or adenylyl cyclase (AC) pathways by these heteromers indicates a trans-inhibition phenomenon through their interacting interface via allosteric mechanisms that block the development of an excessive activation of Gi/o and an exaggerated inhibition of AC or stimulation of MAPK activity. The presence of these heteromers in the discrete brain regions is postulated based on the existence of GalR-5-HT1A receptor-receptor interactions previously described in the brain and gives rise to explore possible novel therapeutic strategies for treatment of depression by targeting the GalR1-5-HT1A heteromers.  相似文献   
Different experiments using Mucor miehei CBS 370.65 were carried out to study the effect of agitation speed on the production of the mold acid protease. The experiments were conducted in shake flasks at a fixed substrate concentration of 58 g l−1 of total carbohydrates and at shaker speeds from 80 to 380 rev min−1. Enzyme production was found to be directly proportional to the shaker speeds, with the highest concentration of enzyme of 1,400 Soxhlet Rennet units (SU) ml−1 obtained at 380 rev min−1. The yield of product to substrate at 380 rev min−1 was determined to be 27,081.0 SU g−1 substrate and the productivity of the process was 221 SU g−1 h−1. Enzyme production was partially growth associated, and glucose supported both cell growth and enzyme production. Product formation and cell concentration were directly related to the rate of substrate consumption. The rate of product formation decreased when product started to accumulate, suggesting that the process was affected by feedback repression.  相似文献   
ObjectivesTo estimate the prevalence of obesity and overweight in children and adolescents in our city and to investigate the associated factors.Subjects and methodsA cross-sectional study of 1317 children and adolescents aged 2-16 years. Multistage probability sampling was used to select three groups of subjects: 411 aged 12 to 16 years, 504 aged 6 to 12 years, and 402 aged 2 to 6 years. Body mass index was calculated, and obesity and overweight were diagnosed using the threshold levels of the International Obesity Task Force for children and adolescents. Parents were asked about eating habits, health, social, and demographic aspects. Results are given as percentages (95% confidence interval). The relationship between obesity and overweight and the different variables was studied using multiple logistic regression. The adjusted odds ratio (OR) was calculated.ResultsAmong children and adolescentes aged 2-16 years, 9.5% (8.0%-11.0%) were obese and 22.4% (23.3%-24.6%) were overweight. Of subjects aged 12-16 years, 8.5% (5.9%-11.2%) were obese and 20.5% (16.7%-24.3%) were overweight. In the groups aged 6-12 years and 2-6 years, rates of obesity and overweight were 11.6% (8.9% -14.3%) and 31.0% (27.0-35.0) and 8.0% (5.4%-10.6%) and 13.6% (10.3%-16.9%) respectively. Obesity or overweight was associated to age (OR 1.21; P< 0.001), maternal obesity (OR 10.99; P= 0.008), a birthweight higher than 4 kg (OR 2.91; p 0.002), and formula feeding (OR 1.82; P= 0.005).ConclusionObesity and overweight in children and adolescents are highly prevalent problems in our city.  相似文献   
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