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Electrophoretic studies have been made of the protein composition and isozymic pattern of the creatine kinase from muscles of the cod. It was shown that this enzyme constitutes up to 40% of total water-soluble proteins of muscle tissue. Isolation and purification procedures were suggested for the creatine kinase from cod muscles which allow to obtain the enzyme with the specific activity 250-350 IU/mg. Comparative enzymic analysis of creatine kinases from muscle tissue of the cod, lake frog, and rabbit was also made. Studies were carried out on temperature dependence of the reaction, kinetic constants at temperatures 5 and 30 degrees C were determined together with other physicochemical properties of the enzymes. The revealed species specific differences are discussed in relation to the structure and function of the enzymes in lower vertebrates in vivo.  相似文献   
Defensins are a family of antimicrobial cationic peptides localized mainly in neutrophile granulocytes. The defensins are known to display corticostatic activity by means of suppression of stress- and ACTH-induced rise in corticosterone level in the blood. The present study examines influence of defensin fractions with different corticostatic activity on suppressor functions of T-lymphocytes. It was shown that corticostatic effects of defensins are revealed under an increased level of glucocorticoids in the blood after hydrocortisone application. Defensins were found to limit the inhibitory action of glucocorticoids on the suppressor functions of T-lymphocytes. After adrenalectomy this phenomenon was not observed.  相似文献   
Cationic antimicrobial peptides (AMP) of mammals (defensins, cathelicidins, protegrins and many others) are regarded as important components of congenital immunity. AMP are multifunctional molecules, capable of killing microorganisms directly by acting as endogenic, natural antibiotics ("immediate immunity"); in addition, they may take part in congenital and adaptive immune reactions (immunoregulation) and function as signal molecules, involved into tissue reparation, inflammation (including sepsis), blood coagulation and other important processes in the body. The molecular mechanisms of the direct antimicrobial action of AMP are considered. In addition to antimicrobial and immunoregulating action, AMP have influence on immunoneuroendocrine interactions, taking part in the pathogenesis of stress reactions (corticostatic action), as well as play the role of regulatory peptides of adaptogenic action. The many-sided character of the action of AMP opens prospects to the creation of new medicinal remedies on their basis. Such requirements are met by the Russian preparation "Superlymph" (a complex of natural cytokines), containing protegrin-like AMP.  相似文献   
To understand the emergence and evolutionary selection of the efficient mechanisms of innate immunity it is necessary to accumulate knowledge about the structural and functional properties of antimicrobial peptides in different animal species. The cationic antimicrobial peptides, α-defensins, were isolated from leukocytic extracts of the lower narrow-nosed monkey, hamadryas baboon Papio hamadryas, using ultrafiltration, preparative electrophoresis and reverse-phase highperformance liquid chromatography. Analysis of the antimicrobial properties of α-defensins showed that they display a wide spectrum of antimicrobial activity, comparable with that of human α-defensin HNP1, and exert bactericidal and fungicidal effects at micromolar concentrations. A study of the influence of different medium conditions on antimicrobial activity of α-defensins revealed that a higher ionic strength or the presence of blood serum leads to a marked decrease in antimicrobial activity of α-defensins, while pH has no appreciable effect on it. We found that hamadryas baboon α-defensins are able to increase the permeability of the outer and inner membranes of E. coli, suggests that the bacterial membrane is one of the major targets of the antimicrobial effects of these peptides. The revealed differences in antimicrobial activity of α-defensins may result from their structural heterogeneity, which reflects different pathways of evolution of α-defensins in primates and underlies the selectivity of their antimicrobial effect.  相似文献   
Abstract: Many articulated brachiopods experience marked life habit variations during ontogeny because they experience their fluid environment at successively higher Reynolds numbers, and they can change the configuration of their inhalant and exhalant flows as body size increases. We show that the extant brachiopod Terebratalia transversa undergoes a substantial ontogenetic change in reorientation governed by rotation around the pedicle. T. transversa′s reorientation angle (maximum ability to rotate on the pedicle) decreases during ontogeny, from 180 degrees in juveniles to 10–20 degrees in individuals exceeding 5 mm, to complete cessation of rotation in individuals larger than 10 mm. Rotation ability is substantially reduced after T. transversa achieves the adult lophophore configuration and preferred orientation with respect to ambient water currents at a length of 2.5–5 mm. We hypothesize that the rotation angle of T. transversa is determined mainly by the position of ventral and dorsal points of attachment of dorsal pedicle muscles relative to the pedicle. T. transversa shows a close correlation between the ontogenetic change in reorientation angle and ontogeny of morphological traits that are related to points of attachment of dorsal pedicle muscles, although other morphological features can also limit rotation in the adult stage. The major morphological change in cardinalia shape and the observed reduction of rotation affect individuals 2.5–10 mm in length. The position of ventral insertions of dorsal pedicle muscles remains constant, but contraction of dorsal pedicle muscles is functionally handicapped because dorsal insertions shift away from the valve midline, rise above the dorsal valve floor, and become limited by a wide cardinal process early in ontogeny (<5 mm). The rate of increase of cardinal process width and of distance between dorsal pedicle muscle scars substantially decreases in the subadult stage (5–10 mm), and most of the cardinalia shell traits grow nearly isometrically in the adult stage (>10 mm). T. transversa attains smaller shell length in crevices than on exposed substrates. The proportion of small‐sized individuals and population density is lower on exposed substrates than in crevices, indicating higher juvenile mortality on substrates prone to grazing and physical disturbance. The loss of reorientation ability can be a consequence of morphological changes that strengthen substrate attachment and maximize protection against biotic or physical disturbance (1) by minimizing torques around the pedicle axis and/or (2) by shifting energy investments into attachment strength at the expense of the cost involved in reorientation.  相似文献   
We carried out a study of the effects of two structurally different cationic antimicrobial peptides of cathelicidin family, porcine protegrin 1 (PG1) and caprine Bac5 on selected tumor and normal mammalian cells in vitro. Protegrins are amphiphilic β-hairpin molecules having broad-spectrum antimicrobial activity due to their marked membranolytic effects. Bac5 belongs to a group of proline-rich peptides, which adopt a polyproline type II extended helix and kill microorganisms rather by a nonlytic mechanism. We have shown that while PG1 exerted distinct and fast cytotoxic effects towards most of used tumor cells being in a lesser degree toxic for nontransformed host cells; the proline-rich peptide Bac5 possessed modest cytotoxic activity for all tested cells. The toxic effects of PG1 were partially declined in the presence of 10% fetal calf serum. It was revealed that PG1 was able to interact with proteins of serpin family (as was previously established for human defensins by Panyutich at al., 1995). Pre-incubation of PG1 with α1-antitrypsin caused the decrease of the cytotoxic activity of the peptide and, on the other hand, the antiprotease activity of α1-antitrypsin was reduced after the interaction of the serpin with PG1 (while Bac5 did not affect the antiprotease activity of α1-antitrypsin). We used BODIPY FL-tagged PG1 and Bac5 to study the internalization of the labeled peptides into target cells and their intracellular distribution by confocal microscopy. Bac5-BODIPY (at 5 μ M) was rapidly taken into the cells. PG1-BODIPY at non-toxic concentrations (1—3 μM) was also able to enter the cells without their damaging. By using flow cytometry we showed that lowering a temperature to 4°C caused a significant decrease in the uptake into K562 and U937 cells for both Bac5-BODIPY and PG1-BODIPY. A decline of target cells metabolism also diminished the process of both peptides internalization but for a lesser degree. In the presence of endocytosis inhibitors the penetration of Bac5-BODIPY and PG1-BODIPY into K562 cells was also reduced, but not completely abolished, suggesting that along with endocytosis process some direct penetration of the peptides across cell membranes takes place. The ability of the peptides to internalize into eukaryotic cells may contribute to the idea of participation of AMPs in varied intracellular events, occurring in normal or malignant host cells, for instance, in the modulation of intracellular serpins activity.  相似文献   
Spring oilseed rapeBrassica napus L. ssp.oleifera cv. HM-81 was transformed with TL-DNA of the Ri plasmid of the agropine strainAgrobacterium rhizogenes 15834. Selfed progenies (R2 and R3 generations) were studied for changes in values of growth characteristics and fatty acids contents. Transformants are ‘homozygous’ for TL-DNA. Both generations of transformants differed significantly from the nontransformed control plants in reduced length, lower number of pods per plant, lower total mass of seeds and the higher number of branches. The contents of palmitic, linoleic and linolenic acids were significantly higher in transformants when compared with the control. On the contrary, the contents of both stearic and oleic acids were in most of transformants significantly lower. Only traces of erucic acid (less than 0.05 % ) were found, both in transformed and nontransformed plants.  相似文献   
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