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Phospholipase A2 has been purified from the venom of Horned viper (Cerastes cerastes) by gel permeation chromatography followed by reverse-phase HPLC. The primary structure was established by sequence analysis of the intact protein and its enzymic peptides. The structure has 120 residues, properties like other group IIB phospholipases, but only 45-55% identity with the enzyme from other viperid species, and large variations even within the species (26% residue differences at known positions in another form).  相似文献   
Palladium(II) complexes with triphenylphosphine (PPh3) and thioamides of the general formulae, [Pd(L)2(PPh3)2]Cl2 and [Pd(L)2(PPh3)2] have been prepared and characterized by elemental analysis, IR and NMR (1H, 13C and 31P) methods, and two of them (trans-[Pd(PPh3)2(Dmtu)2]Cl2·(H2O)(CH3OH)0.5 (1) and trans-[Pd(PPh3)2(Mpy)2] (2)) by X-ray crystallography; where L = thiourea (Tu), methylthiourea (Metu), N,N′-dimethylthiourea (Dmtu), tetramethylthiourea (Tmtu), 2-mercaptopyridine (Mpy), 2-mercaptopyrimidine (Mpm) and thionicotinamide (Tna). The spectral data of the complexes are consistent with the sulfur coordination of thioamides to palladium(II). The crystal structures of the complexes show that (1) has ionic character consisting of [Pd(PPh3)2(Dmtu)2]+2 cations and uncoordinated Cl ions, while (2) is a neutral complex with Mpy behaving as anionic thiolate ligand. The coordination environment around palladium in (2) is nearly regular square-planar, while in (1) the trans angles show significant distortions from 180°. The complexes were screened for antibacterial effects, brine shrimps lethality bioassay and antitumor activity. These complexes showed significant activities in most of the cases against the tested bacteria as compared to that of a standard drug. Their antitumor activity against prostate cancer cells (PC3) is comparable with doxorubicin, together with no cytotoxic effects in brine shrimps lethality bioassay study.  相似文献   
Hypocryphalus mangiferae Stebbing is one of the most destructive insect pests of mango trees and is found to be associated with the transmission of causal organisms of mango sudden death disease. The present study was carried out to evaluate the toxicity of deltamethrin, bifenthrin, chlorpyrifos, emamectin benzoate, imidacloprid and spinosad in laboratory and field trials. Bioassay results showed that the toxicity of chlorpyrifos was significantly higher than deltamethrin but similar to bifenthrin. Deltamethrin and bifenthrin toxicity, however, increased significantly (P < 0.01) from day 1 to day 3. Spinosad was the least toxic compound while emamectin was the most toxic among new chemical insecticides tested, but its toxicity increased significantly from day 1 to day 5. Comparison of the efficacies of the insecticides using lethal times to produce 50% mortality (LT50) and 90% mortality (LT90) showed that the relative potencies of chlorpyrifos, emamectin, imidacloprid and spinosad were greater than bifenthrin and deltamethrin. The results of field trials showed the highest number of beetles emerged from the control twigs while significantly fewer beetles emerged from the twigs treated with bifenthrin (P < 0.05), which accounted for 12% for bifenthrin compared to that of the control. The present study demonstrated increased toxicities of systemic insecticides and chlorpyrifos compared to toxicities of deltamethrin and bifenthrin, suggesting these insecticides could be an alternative tool in a comprehensive H. mangiferae management program to eradicate the beetles from mango orchards.  相似文献   
Sweetpotato whitefly, Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius) (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae), is a devastating pest that can cause severe damage to a range of crops by direct feeding and by plant virus transmission. Because of indiscriminate use of insecticides, this whitefly has developed resistance to several insecticides, including neonicotinoids. Our objectives were to determine fitness components affected by acetamiprid resistance in B. tabaci. Assay results showed that selection with acetamiprid had removed heterozygotes from the field population because the survival rate of the resistant population was significantly greater than that of the field population at a very high dose. Comparison of various life traits between the acetamiprid-selected (Aceta-SEL) population and three other populations showed that the numbers of eggs laid by acetamiprid Aceta-SEL population were significantly lower compared with that of other populations but that the proportions of eggs hatched were significantly higher. However, the time taken by nymphal stages of the Aceta-SEL population to develop was significantly higher than that of the susceptible populations. The intrinsic rate of increase, net reproductive rate, mean generation time, and doubling time of Aceta-SEL was significantly higher than Lab-PK and UNSEL populations, but the growth index was similar for all populations. The growth index and high intrinsic value of Aceta-SEL population suggest that the resistance allele may not have detrimental impact. The lack of fitness costs in B. tabaci could promote the rapid development of resistance to acetamiprid and other neonicotinoids. This resistance could threaten the sustainability of whitefly management program on genetically engineered cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) where neonicotinoids are being sprayed to manage sucking pests in the field.  相似文献   
Bioassays (at generation G2) with a newly collected field population (designated MN) of Plutella xylostella (L.) (Lepidoptera: Plutellidae) from Multan, Pakistan, indicated resistance to spinosad, indoxacarb, deltamethrin, abamectin, and acetamiprid. At G2 the field-derived population was divided into two subpopulations, one was selected (G2 to G11) with spinosad (Spino-SEL), whereas the second was left unselected (UNSEL). A significant reduction in the resistance ratio for each compound was observed in UNSEL at G12, indicating that the observed resistance to each insecticide was unstable. For Spino-SEL, bioassays at G12 found that selection with spinosad gave a resistance ratio of 283 compared with MN at G2. The resistance to indoxacarb and acetamiprid in the Spino-SEL population increased to 13- and 67-fold, respectively, compared with MN at G2. The toxicity of deltamethrin to Spino-SEL was similar to its toxicity to the MN population at G2. This suggests that spinosad selection maintained the otherwise unstable resistance to the compound. In contrast, resistance to abamectin decreased significantly from G2 to G12 in Spino-SEL. Logit regression analysis of F1 reciprocal crosses between Spino-SEL and the susceptible Lab-UK indicated that resistance to spinosad was inherited as an autosomal, incompletely recessive trait. The spinosad resistance allele significantly delays the developmental time, reduced pupal weight, number of eggs laid, and number of eggs hatched compared with Lab-UK. Further analysis suggests Spino-SEL exhibited a significantly lower intrinsic rate of population increase (r(m)) to all other populations tested.  相似文献   
Onion (Allium cepa L.) is protandrous in nature and requires cross‐pollination to avoid inbreeding. The pollination potential of native bees (Hymenoptera) and true flies (Diptera) was assessed in the perspective of finding the best pollinators for onion cross‐pollination and seed multiplication. The community of pollinators was composed of four bee species and twelve true fly species. Episyrphus balteatus, Eupeodes sp., Musca domestica and Eristalinus aeneus were the most abundant pollinators. The maximum pollinator activity was observed from 12 to 24 days after opening of the flowers. The pollination effectiveness of tested bees (Apis dorsata and Apis florea) was greater than true flies (E. balteatus, Eupeodes sp., M. domestica, E. aeneus and Callihoridae sp.) in terms of Spears values.  相似文献   
为确定虹鳟(Oncorhynchus mykiss)是否能将日投放两次食物的不同时间和地点联系起来,在30天内,于09:00-10:00将食饵投放在水族箱一侧,于15:00-16:00将食饵投放在水族箱另一侧.在第21天和28天,不放食饵以确定虹鳟对时间-地点的学习记忆.结果表明,虹鳟将不同时间和地点联系起来以获取食物,并且在水族箱两个投放食饵之处均表现出预取食活动,提示该物种具有控制时间-地点学习任务的内在机制.  相似文献   
The role of insecticidal application and host plant resistance in managing Spodoptera exigua has been well documented, but the effect of different host plants, on which the pest cycles its population in the field, has seldom been investigated. Therefore, we have studied the vulnerability of S. exigua against commonly used insecticides (cypermethrin, chlorpyrifos, lufenuron, and emamectin benzoate) with different mode of actions when it switches its generations from natal to auxiliary hosts and vice versa. Different field populations being established on different host plants including castor, cauliflower, cotton, okra, and spinach were collected and reared in the laboratory before insecticidal bioassays. The role of larval diet and host plant switching on their response to tolerate applied insecticides was studied using leaf‐dip bioassay methods. Host switching demonstrated a significant role in altering the vulnerability of S. exigua populations to tested insecticides. Spodoptera exigua sourced from castor, when switched host to okra and spinach, exhibited 50% higher mortality when treated with emamectin benzoate. This trend in mortality was consistent upon complete host switch cycle (natal—auxiliary—natal host). However, the highest increase (92%) in vulnerability was recorded when the larvae were shifted to spinach from cotton. In general, chlorpyrifos and lufenuron had highest efficacies in terms of larval mortality. The findings of present studies provide insights to a better understanding the behavior of polyphagous pests and the role of different host plants in altering the susceptibility of these pests against applied insecticides. Ultimately the results warrant that due consideration should be given to cropping patterns and time of host switching by pest population during planning and executing chemical control.  相似文献   
Plutella xylostella is an important pest of cruciferous crops worldwide. However, information regarding the age‐stage, two‐sex life parameters of P. xylostella, which is vital for designing more effective control methods, is currently lacking. The present study reports age‐stage, two‐sex life table parameters for P. xylostella on napa cabbage (Brassica oleracea var. napa), white cabbage (B. oleracea var. capitata), and cauliflower (B. oleracea var. botrytis) under laboratory conditions at 25 ± 2°C, 50–60% relative humidity, and a 16‐h light : 8‐h dark photoperiod. The time for development from an egg to a male or female adult P. xylostella on white cabbage (mean [± SE] 41.15 ± 0.54 and 39.50 ± 0.54 days, respectively) was significantly longer than that on cauliflower and napa cabbage. Furthermore, P. xylostella fecundity on cauliflower (261.90 ± 4.53 eggs female) was significantly highest than on napa cabbage and white cabbage. Intrinsic rate of increase (r) and finite rate of increase (λ) were highest on cauliflower 0.182 day?1 and 1.199 day?1 respectively as comparison to napa cabbage and white cabbage. The highest gross reproductive rate (GRR) and net reproductive rates (R0) of P. xylostella 65.87 and 52.58 respectively on cauliflower then those of other hosts. The findings of the present study indicate that cauliflower is the most suitable cultivar (host) for the development of P. xylostella. Based on these findings, crops like cauliflower can be used as trap crops when napa cabbage and white cabbage are the main crops.  相似文献   
A cytotoxin-like basic protein has been isolated from the venom of the nominate race of cobra (Naja naja naja from Pakistan) by a single step of high-performance liquid chromatography. The primary structure was determined and consists of 62 amino acid residues in a single polypeptide chain. It is highly similar to that of the cytotoxin-like basic proteins isolated from other Naja species, but differs in two of the SS-loop structures from that of cytotoxins.  相似文献   
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