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The sesquiterpene lactones isolated from species in the genus Artemisia have been reviewed in an attempt to better understand the phylogeny and systematics of the four sections (subgenera), Abrotanum, Absinthium, Dracunculus and Seriphidium, proposed by Besser in 1829. The absence of hair on the receptacle is the only morphological characteristic separating species of Abrotanum from the species of Absinthium. There are no chemical characteristics segregating the species in these two subgenera since both produce eudesmanolides and guaianolides that are identical or biosynthetically similar. This suggests that the two subgenera could be combined into one (Artemisia) as proposed by Poljakov. The subgenus Seriphidium is composed of two geographical groups, one in the Old World and the other in the New World. The Old World species almost exclusively produce sesquiterpene lactones in the eudesmanolide class whereas the New World species (section Tridentatae) produce eudesmanolides and guaianolides, many of the latter being identical or structurally related to the sesquiterpene lactones in New World Abrotanum species. The chemical data in conjunction with geographic distributions suggest that the subgenus Seriphidium is polyphyletic and that the section Tridentatae originated from Abrotanum. Consequently, the Tridentate should be recognized as a subgenus separate and distinct from the Old World Seriphidium. There was insufficient information from the subgenus Dracunculus for interpretation.  相似文献   
It has been shown that simultaneous attrition of cellulose in an attritor containing stainlesssteel beads results in a substantial enhancement of the enzymatic hydrolysis. The attrition exerts two opposing effects, continuous delamination and comminution of the substrate with formation of new reactive sites and a gradual denaturation and inactivation of the enzyme. Consequently, the hydrolysis proceeds very rapidly at first and levels off at about 70% saccharification of the substrate. Accumulation of hydrolysis products is also responsible for inhibition of the enzyme. The attrition method is effective for the saccharification of cottonwood in which the cellulosic microfibrils are embedded in a matrix of lignin and hemicelluloses. A comparison between the saccharification of wood, lignocellulose, holocellulose, and cellulose with simultaneous attrition showed that the lignin component provided more hindrance toward the saccharification process than hemicelluloses, which are themselves subject to enzymatic hydrolysis.  相似文献   
It has been shown that the rate of enzymatic saccharification of cellulosic materials including “pure” cellulose (Whatman CF?11 cellulose), newsprint, lignocellulose (prehydrolyzed to remove hemicelluloses), and wood can be substantially increased by simultaneous wet milling. An enhanced hydrolysis rate was sustained above that observed for ball milling: providing a more extensive saccharification. The cellulosic substrates were wet milled with a variety of grinding elements, such as sand, glass beads, and stainless-steel beads, agitated in a shaker bath. Simultaneous hydrolysis was achieved with a 2% substrate slurry in a 0.1M acetate buffer at 45°C and pH 5. The effectiveness of this process was dependent upon the lignified matrix of the cellulose microfibrils, the grinding elements, and the oscillation frequency of the shaker bath. Wet milling “pure” cellulose for 48 hr, with 3.5 mm glass beads and 200 oscillations/min (opm), yielded 1031 mg reducing sugar/g substrates (93% saccharification) as compared to 483 mg (44%) for the ball-milled sample and 253 mg (23%) for the unmilled material. With the lignified substrates stainless-steel beads (3.5 mm) were more effective than glass. For lignocellulose 529 mg sugar/g substrate (93% saccharification) could be obtained by wet milling with cellulase for 24 hr. This was about three times greater than that of the ball milled (169 mg, 30%) and 10 times greater than that of the unmilled (52 mg, 9%) substrates. The method was also effective for wood particles (60 mesh) giving 143 mg sugar/g wood (approximately 38% saccharification) in 48 hr, whereas the ball-milled sample gave only 79 mg (21%) and the unmlilled substrate 38 mg (10%). These observations can be explained on the basis of the current crystalline theory for the morphology of the cellulosic microfibrils. The advantage of wet milling and simultaneous hydrolysis apparently depends on a continuous generation of accessible sites and sustained rapid hydrolysis rate as the saccharification proceeds, where in the pretreated substrates the hydrolysis rate slow down as the active sites are reduced.  相似文献   
The sesquiterpene lactones and chromosome numbers for three chemical races of Artemisia tridentata ssp. vaseyana have been examined from four populations in western Montana. TLC analysis of the sesquiterpene lactones in the seeds and seed producing parents demonstrated that genetic exchange does occur between sympatric sesquiterpene lactone chemical races. However, other evidence suggests that introgression between these races is restricted to zones of sympatry. There appears to be no correlation between chromosome numbers and sesquiterpene lactone races.  相似文献   
Molecular Biology Reports - Peri-implantitis (PI) is a multifactorial condition caused by the interactions of pathogens and the host immune response. Previous studies have demonstrated a...  相似文献   
In Prince Edward Island, Canada, widespread intensive potato production has contributed to elevated nitrate concentrations in groundwater and streams, and eutrophic or anoxic conditions occur regularly in several estuarine systems. In this research, the stable isotopes of nitrogen and oxygen in nitrate in intertidal groundwater discharge and stream water were used, in conjunction with water quality and quantity data and land use information, to better understand the characteristics of nitrate delivered to two small estuaries with contrasting land use in their contributory catchments. Most of the water samples collected during the two-year study had isotopic signatures that fell in the range expected for nitrate derived from ammonium-based fertilizers (26.5 % of the samples) or in the overlapping range formed between ammonium-based fertilizers and nitrate derived from soil (64 % of the samples). Overall, isotopic signatures spanned over relatively narrow ranges, and correlations with other water quality parameters, or catchment characteristics, were weak. Nitrate in groundwater discharge and surface water in the Trout River catchment exhibited significantly different isotopic signatures only for the nitrogen isotope, while in the McIntyre Creek catchment groundwater discharge and surface water had similar isotopic signatures. When the isotopic results for the waters from the two catchments were compared, the surface waters were found to be similar, while the isotopic signatures of nitrate in groundwater were distinct only for the nitrogen isotope. Denitrification in the two study catchments was not evident based on the isotopic results for nitrate; however, in the case of the Trout River catchment, where a small freshwater pond exists, an average nitrate load reduction of 14 % was inferred based on a comparison of nitrate loads entering and leaving the pond. Overall, it appears that natural attenuation processes, occurring either in the streams or groundwater flow systems, do not significantly reduce nitrate loading to these estuaries.  相似文献   
Heating levoglucosenone in aqueous triethylamine gives a dimer and two trimers in yields of 8, 18, and 56%, respectively. These compounds have been isolated crystalline, and their structures and stereochemistry have been investigated by 13C- and 1H-n.m.r. and other spectroscopic methods. These data indicate that the dimer is apparently formed by Michael addition to provide a C-3-C-4 linkage. Similar reactions provide a non-olefinic, C-3-C-4-linked, cyclic trimer and an olefinic, cyclic trimer containing two C-3-C-4 linkages and one C-2-C-3 linkage.  相似文献   
A single-crystal, X-ray diffraction study was performed on a nonalkenic, cyclic trimer (C18H18O9, 4) of levoglucosenone, in order to confirm its chemical structure. Crystals of 4 are orthorhombic, with unit-cell parameters of a = 792.20, b = 1874.35, c = 2383.02 pm, space group P212121, and z = 8. The structure was solved by direct methods, and refined by least-squares to R = 0.032, based on 2990 unique reflections. Each asymmetrical unit contains two symmetry-independent molecules of 4 and one of acetone. The previously assigned chemical structure and stereochemistry of 4 were found to be correct.  相似文献   
Intracellular cytokine staining combined with flow cytometry is one of a number of assays designed to assess T-cell immune responses. It has the specific advantage of enabling the simultaneous assessment of multiple phenotypic, differentiation and functional parameters pertaining to responding T-cells, most notably, the expression of multiple effector cytokines. These attributes make the technique particularly suitable for the assessment of T-cell immune responses induced by novel tuberculosis vaccines in clinical trials. However, depending upon the particular nature of a given vaccine and trial setting, there are approaches that may be taken at different stages of the assay that are more suitable than other alternatives. In this paper, the Tuberculosis Vaccine Initiative (TBVI) TB Biomarker Working group reports on efforts to assess the conditions that will determine when particular assay approaches should be employed. We have found that choices relating to the use of fresh whole blood or peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) and frozen PBMC; use of serum-containing or serum-free medium; length of stimulation period and use of co-stimulatory antibodies can all affect the sensitivity of intracellular cytokine assays. In the case of sample material, frozen PBMC, despite some loss of sensitivity, may be more advantageous for batch analysis. We also recommend that for multi-site studies, common antibody panels, gating strategies and analysis approaches should be employed for better comparability.  相似文献   
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