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Islet transplantation has become a promising treatment in the therapy of type 1 diabetes. Its function improvement, after isolation and before transplantation, is crucial because of their loss both in number and function of islets after isolation procedures. Trace elements sodium orthovanadate (SOV) and sodium molybdate (SM), as well as medicinal plant Teucrium polium L. (TP), showed and possessed high beneficial antioxidative potential and even hypoglycemic properties via their effect on islets. We evaluated the effect of these components in combination on cultured islet function in order to improve pancreatic islet transplantation. Rat pancreatic islets were cultured for 24 h then incubated with different concentrations of TP (0.01 and 0.1 mg/mL) alone and in combination with SOV (1 mM) or SM (1 mM). Insulin concentration in buffer media was measured as islet secretory function. Administration of TP (0.01 mg/mL), SM, and SOV alone or in combination with each other significantly increased insulin secretion at high glucose concentration (16.7 mM); insulin secretion was significantly greater in the group containing both TP and SM than other treated groups (p < 0.05). The combination of the mentioned trace elements especially molybdate with TP could improve islet cells function before transplantation.  相似文献   

Plant nutrition management is known as an efficient strategy to control environmental constraints. This experiment was conducted in a climate control greenhouse with a hydroponic system. The high temperature (36 °C?±?1) was imposed on the pots after fruit formation. The studied factors were silicon in 2 concentrations (0 and 4 parts per thousand (ppt)) and salicylic acid in 3 concentrations (0, 0.5, and 1 mM). They were sprayed on cucumber plants 3 times and under high-temperature conditions to evaluate if they can regulate and improve the yield and quality of cucumber fruit under high-temperature conditions or not. The results showed that all treatments significantly improved the nutritional status, total yield, and fruit quality (including marketable yield (i.e., fruits that can be sold due to their good shape) and nitrate content). Under high-temperature conditions, foliar application of silicon had the highest effect on the increase of total yield and marketable fruit yield (respectively, 36.14% and 40.29% increase compared to the control treatment). Micro-nutrients concentrations in the leaf were significantly increased by Si but a reverse status happened for salicylic acid. Under high temperatures, both treatments also significantly decreased the nitrate content of the fresh matter of fruit but silicon was the superior treatment. Silicon and salicylic acid, respectively, had positive effects on mitigation of adverse effects of high temperature on cucumber plants. These findings suggest the use of these treatments under high-temperature conditions in greenhouse cucumber production.

Graphical Abstract

N–No3 content in dry matter of leaf (left) and fresh matter of fruit (right) affected by different treatments. *SaA0–SiA4: 4 ppt Si; SaA0.5–SiA0: 0.5 mM SA; SaA0.5–SiA4: 0.5 mM SA?+?4 ppt Si; SaA1–SiA0: 1 mM SA; SaA1–SiA4: 1 mM SA?+?4 ppt Si; control: without any SA and Si applications. Means in the same column followed by the same letter are not significantly different according to DMRT at (P?≤?0.05)

OBJECTIVE--To ascertain whether the membership examination for the Royal College of General Practitioners (MRCGP) discriminates against doctors of Indian subcontinent ethnic origin ("Asian doctors"). DESIGN--Retrospective analysis of data from five administrations of the MRCGP examination (December 1988-December 1990). SETTING--United Kingdom national examination body. SUBJECTS--3686 doctors taking the examination for the first time, 244 of whom were classified as Asian, the remainder as non-Asian. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES--Comparison of performance in each of the written and oral components of the examination between Asian doctors, identified by their names and classified into subgroups by countries of birth and primary medical training from data provided at registration, and non-Asian doctors. RESULTS--On written components of the examination (multiple choice paper mean score Asians versus non-Asians 42.3 v 48.6, modified essay paper 40.9 v 48.9, practice topic/critical reading paper 41.5 v 48.7, all p less than 0.001 by t testing). But analysis by countries of birth and primary training showed that these differences were due largely to poor performance by certain groups of Asian doctors, especially those born and trained in the Indian subcontinent or elsewhere outside the United Kingdom. Asian doctors born and trained in the United Kingdom and those born in Africa or the West Indies and trained in the United Kingdom performed similarly to the non-Asian doctors. CONCLUSIONS--The examination does not systematically discriminate against Asian doctors, but the poor performance of the two subgroups of Asians is cause for serious concern and requires investigation.  相似文献   
Immunoaffinity purified Sm/RNP antigens from buffalo and goat liver were studied to determine the role of RNA and proteins towards the antigenicity of Sm and RNP antigens. A more direct approach using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay on nylon beads has been utilized to look into the problem. The effect of enzyme treatment and the role of RNA and protein fractions in influencing antigenicity have been described. RNA seems to be involved in the maintenance of RNP specific polypeptides in suitable conformation so as to keep them in solution. Removal of RNA leads to insolubilization of RNP specific polypeptides. Antibodies to Sm and RNP antigens have been shown to cross react with poly A containing heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein with no cross reactivity with thymus RNA or DNA.  相似文献   
We have analyzed the relationship between autonomously replicating sequence (ARS) structure and function for three ARS (ARS605, ARS607 and ARS609) from chromosome VI of Saccharomyces cerevisiae by systematic XhoI-linker mutation in the ARS consensus sequence (ACS) and flanking sequences. All mutations that encroached upon the ACS destroyed ARS activity. DNA sequences stimulative for ARS function were identified on either side of the ACS of ARS605 and only on the 3'-side of the ACS of ARS607. In ARS609, however, no such stimulative sequences were observed. Base substitutions complementary to the wild-type sequence of those stimulative regions, in ARS605 and ARS607, that did not change the AG of unwinding nor affected ARS activity suggests that these regions have, at least, a function as DNA-unwinding elements (DUE). ARS605, ARS607 and ARS609 DNA are of low AG value and showed hypersensitivity to single-strand-specific nuclease when inserted in negatively supercoiled plasmid. Linker mutations inhibitory for ARS activity (5L11 and 7L14) also caused significant changes in local nucleotide (nt) sensitivity within the ACS and its adjoining regions. Complementary base substitutions, however, did not affect these changes in local nt sensitivity. These results imply that the stimulative regions flanking the ACS are necessary to produce an optimum conformation around the ACS which may be important for full ARS activity.  相似文献   
Naturally-derived drugs have drawn much attention in recent decades. Efficiency, lower toxicity, and economic reasons are some of their advantages that justify this broad range of administration for different diseases, including cancer. If we can find a specific combination that boosts the effects of their single therapy, leading to synergism effect, increased efficiency, and decreased toxicity, they can act even better. Quercetin and fisetin, two well-known flavonoids, have been used to fight against various cancers. In this study, we investigated their possible synergism quercetin and fisetin on MCF7, MDA-MB-231, BT549, T47D, and 4T1 breast cancer cell lines. Then the optimum combined dose was used to study their impacts on wound healing abilities and clonogenic properties. The real-time qPCR was used to study the expression of their validated downstream effectors in predicted pathways. A significant synergism effect (p < .01, combination index: <1) was observed for all cell lines. Combination therapy was significantly more effective in colony formation (p < .0001) and wound healing assays (p < .001) compared to single therapies. The expression level of potential effectors was also showed a greater change. In vivo study confirmed the in vitro results and showed how significantly (p < .001) their synergism promotes their singular function in inhibiting cancer progression. The breast cancer mouse models receiving combined therapy lived longer with higher average body weight and smaller tumor sizes. These results exhibit that quercetin and fisetin inhibit cancer cell proliferation, migration and colony formation synergistically, and matrix metalloproteinase signaling and apoptotic pathways are relatively responsible for inhibitory activities.  相似文献   


The breadth of ecological niches and dispersal abilities have long been discussed as important determinants of species' range sizes. However, studies directly comparing the relative effects of both factors are rare, taxonomically biased and revealed inconsistent results.



Time Period


Major Taxa

Butterflies, Lepidoptera.


We relate climate, diet and habitat niche breadth and two indicators of dispersal ability, wingspan and a dispersal tendency index, to the global range size of 369 European-centred butterfly species. The relative effects of these five predictors and their variation across the butterfly phylogeny were assessed by means of phylogenetic generalized least squares models and phylogenetically weighted regressions respectively.


Climate niche breadth was the most important single predictor, followed by habitat and diet niche breadth, while dispersal tendency and wingspan showed no relation to species' range size. All predictors together explained 59% of the variation in butterfly range size. However, the effects of each predictor varied considerably across families and genera.

Main Conclusions

Range sizes of European-centred butterflies are strongly correlated with ecological niche breadth but apparently independent of dispersal ability. The magnitude of range size–niche breadth relationships is not stationary across the phylogeny and is often negatively correlated across the different dimensions of the ecological niche. This variation limits the generalizability of range size–trait relationships across broad taxonomic groups.  相似文献   
A simple, sensitive, accurate and more informative assay for determining the number of modified groups during the course of carboxyl group modification is described. Monomeric carboxymethylcellulase (CMCase) from Aspergillus niger was modified by 1-ethyl-3(3-dimethylaminopropyl)carbodiimide (EDC) in the presence of glycinamide. The different time-course aliquots were subjected to non-denaturing PAGE and the gel stained for CMCase activity. The number of carboxyl groups modified are directly read from the ladder of the enzyme bands developed at given time. This method showed that after 75 min of modification reaction there were five major species of modified CMCases in which 6 to 10 carboxyls were modified.  相似文献   
1. The mechanism of acetylcholine-stimulated breakdown of phosphatidyl-myo-inositol 4,5-bisphosphate and its dependence on extracellular Ca(2+) was investigated in the rabbit iris smooth muscle. 2. Acetylcholine (50mum) increased the breakdown of phosphatidylinositol bisphosphate in [(3)H]inositol-labelled muscle by 28% and the labelling of phosphatidylinositol by 24% of that of the control. Under the same experimental conditions there was a 33 and 48% increase in the production of (3)H-labelled inositol trisphosphate and inositol monophosphate respectively. Similarly carbamoylcholine and ionophore A23187 increased the production of these water-soluble inositol phosphates. Little change was observed in the (3)H radioactivity of inositol bisphosphate. 3. Both inositol trisphosphatase and inositol monophosphatase were demonstrated in subcellular fractions of this tissue and the specific activity of the former was severalfold higher than that of the latter. 4. The acetylcholine-stimulated production of inositol trisphosphate and inositol monophosphate was inhibited by atropine (20mum), but not tubocurarine (100mum); and it was abolished by depletion of extracellular Ca(2+) with EGTA, but restored on addition of low concentrations of Ca(2+) (20mum). 5. Calcium-antagonistic agents, such as verapamil (20mum), dibenamine (20mum) or La(3+) (2mm), also abolished the production of the water-soluble inositol phosphates in response to acetylcholine. 6. Release of inositol trisphosphate from exogenous phosphatidylinositol bisphosphate by iris muscle microsomal fraction (;microsomes') was stimulated by 43% in the presence of 50mum-Ca(2+). 7. The results indicate that increased Ca(2+) influx into the iris smooth muscle by acetylcholine and ionophore A23187 markedly activates phosphatidylinositol bisphosphate phosphodiesterase and subsequently increases the production of inositol trisphosphate and its hydrolytic product inositol monophosphate. The marked increase observed in the production of inositol monophosphate could also result from Ca(2+) activation of phosphatidylinositol phosphodiesterase. However, there was no concomitant decrease in the (3)H radioactivity of this phospholipid.  相似文献   
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