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Penetration of glucose into cells of several extremely halophilic archaebacteria of the Halobacterium and Haloferax genera (Halobacterium saccharovorum and Halobacterium salinarium, Haloferax volcanii and Haloferax mediterranei) has been studied. Some characteristics of transport systems of carbohydrate-utilizing halobacteria Halobacterium saccharovorum, Haloferax mediterranei and Haloferax volcanii (pH and temperature optima, stereospecificity, kinetic parameters) have been determined. Inability of H. salinarium cells for active glucose transport has been shown. The dependence of glucose transport on the Na+ ions gradient (on the whole cells and membrane vesicles) has been demonstrated. Cells or membrane vesicles of carbohydrate-utilizing halobacteria grown in media containing this sugar indicated the activation of glucose transport, whereas cells grown in media without sugars did not. This fact has allowed us to conclude that corresponding transport systems are inducible.  相似文献   
1. Direct measurement of the electric current generation by cytochrome oxidase has been carried out. To this end, two procedures were used. The simpler one consists in formation of planar artificial membrane from the mixture of decane solution of soya bean phospholipids and beef heart cytochrome oxidase. Addition of cytochrome c and ascorbate to one of the two compartments separated by the cytochrome oxidase-containing planar membrane was found to result in a transmembrane electric potential difference being formed (plus on cytochrome c side of the membrane). Maximal values of potential differences obtained by this method were about 40 mV. Much higher potentials were observed when another ("photeoliposome-planar membrane") method was applied. In this case cytochrome oxidase was reconstituted with phospholipid to form proteoliposomes which adhered to planar phospholipid membrane in the presence of Ca2+ ions. Addition of cytochrome c and ascorbate to the proteoliposome-containing compartment gives rise to generation of an electric potential difference across the planar membrane, which reached 100 mV at a current of about 1 X 10(-11) A (minus in the proteoliposome-free compartment). The electromotive force of this generator was estimated as being about 0.2 V. If ascorbate and proteoliposomes were added into different compartments, a penetrating hydrogen atom carrier (phenazine methosulfate, (PMS) or tetramethyl-p-phenylenediamine (TMPD)) was required for a membrane potential to be formed. Generation of an electric potential difference of the opposite direction (plus in the proteoliposome-free compartment) was revealed in experiments with cytochrome oxidase proteoliposome containing cytochrome c in their interior. In this case, addition of PMS or TMPD was necessary. 2. In the suspension of cytochrome oxidase proteoliposome the uptake of a cationic penetrant (tetraphenyl phosphonium cation) was found to be coupled with electron transfer via external cytochrome c. Electron transfer via intraproteoliposomal cytochrome c induced the uptake of anionic penetrants (tetraphenyl borate and phenyldicarbaundecaborane anions). 3. All the above effects were sensitive to cyanide and protonophorous uncouplers. 4. In proteoliposomes containing both cytochrome oxidase and bacteriorhodopsin, the light- and oxidation-dependent generations of membrane potential have been revealed. 5. The data obtained are in agreement with Mitchell's idea of transmembrane electron flow in the cytochrome oxidase segment of the respiratory chain.  相似文献   
1. Generation of a transmembrane electric potential difference by oligomycin-sensitive ATPase complex, incorporated into spherical or planar phospholipid membrane, has been demonstrated. To this end, penetrating anion probe and direct voltmeter measurement of electric potential across phospholipid membrane were used. It was found that ATP-induced electric response is sensitive to oligomycin and protonophorous uncouplers. 2. The effect of variations in the phospholipid component of proteoliposomes on the electric generation was studied. It was revealed that the usage of mitochondrial phospholipids and phosphatidylethanolamine allows the highest values of membrane potential to be obtained in the case of ATPase proteoliposomes. In the case of cytochrome oxidase and bacteriorhodopsin proteoliposomes, phosphatidylserine was also shown to be quite suitable. Phosphatidylcholine was absolutely ineffective in all cases. 3. In proteoliposomes, containing both ATPase and bacteriorhodopsin, ATP and light induced generation of the electric field of the same direction. 4. In ATPase + cytochrome oxidase proteoliposomes, ATP hydrolysis and ascorbate oxidation was found to support electric generation of the same direction if cytochrome c was inside vesicles. Oxidation via external cytochrome c resulted in formation of electric field of the direction, opposite to that induced by ATP hydrolysis. 5. The data obtained in experiments with proteoliposomes of different types are discussed. The conclusion is made that conversion of energy of different resources into electric form is a common feature of membraneous energy transducers, which is in agreement with the Mitchellian principle of cellular energetics.  相似文献   
Two new dibenzoxazepinones have been isolated from the leaves of Carex distachya, an herbaceous plant growing in the Mediterranean area. The structures have been elucidated on the basis of their spectroscopic properties. Bidimensional NMR (DQ-COSY, TOCSY, NOESY, ROESY, HSQC, and HMBC) furnished important data useful for the characterization of the molecules. The compounds have been assayed, for the antioxidant activity, by measuring its capacity to scavenge the DPPH, the superoxide anion, and nitric oxide radicals.  相似文献   
Seven neo-clerodanes (teupolins VI–XII) and eleven known compounds were isolated and characterized from leaf extracts of Teucrium polium L., a medicinal plant used in traditional and herbal medicine for its hypolipidemic, hypoglycemic, antioxidant and antiproliferative properties. The structures of these compounds were elucidated by 1D (1H, 13C and DEPT) and 2D (COSY, TOCSY, HSQC, HMBC) NMR experiments and by mass spectrometry analysis. The complete stereostructure of each compound was defined with a NOESY experiment. Because the overexploitation of herbal remedies containing T. polium extracts has resulted in several cases of hepatitis, the hepatotoxic activity of pure metabolites against the human hepatoblastoma cancer cell line HepG2 was assessed by the MTT (3-(4,5-dimethyl-2-thiazolyl)-2,5-diphenyl-2H-tetrazolium bromide) test. All of the compounds showed low toxicity values at the highest concentration tested (200 μM).  相似文献   
Renalase is a recently discovered secretory protein, which plays a certain (still poorly understood) role in regulation of blood pressure. The review summarizes own and literature data on structure and catalytic properties of renalase accumulated since the first publication on this protein (2005). Initial reports on FADdependent amine oxidase activity were not confirmed in independent experiments performed in different laboratories. In addition, proposed amine oxidase activity of circulating extracellular renalase requires the presence of FAD, which has not been detected either in blood or urinary renalase. Moreover, renalase excreted into urine lacks its N-terminal peptide, which is ultimately needed for accommodation of the FAD cofactor. Results of the Aliverti’s group on NAD(P)H binding by renalase and weak diaphorase activity of this enzyme stimulated further studies of renalase as NAD(P)H oxidase catalyzing reaction of catecholamine co-oxidation. However, physiological importance of such extracellular catecholamine-metabolizing activity remains unclear due to existence of much more active enzymatic systems (e.g., neutrophil NAD(P)H oxidase, xanthine oxidase/xanthine) in circulation, which can perform such co-oxidation reactions. Recently α-NAD(P)H oxidase/anomerase activity of renalase, which also promotes oxidative conversion of β-NADH isomers inhibiting activity of NAD-dependent dehydrogenases, has been described. However, its possible contribution to the antihypertensive effect of renalase remains unclear. Thus, the antihypertensive effect of renalase still remains a phenomenon with unclear biochemical mechanim(s) and functions of intracellular and extracellular (circulating) renalases obviously differ.  相似文献   
Taking into account the rising trend of the incidence of cancers of various organs, effective therapies are urgently needed to control human malignancies. However, almost all chemotherapy drugs currently on the market cause serious side effects. Fortunately, several studies have shown that some non‐toxic biological macromolecules, including algal polysaccharides, possess anti‐cancer activities or can increase the efficacy of conventional chemotherapy drugs. Polysaccharides are characteristic secondary metabolites of many algae. The efficacy of polysaccharides on the normal and cancer cells is not well investigated, but our investigations proved a cell specific effect of a newly isolated extracellular polysaccharide from the red microalga Porphyridium sordidum. The investigated substance was composed of xylose:glucose and galactose:manose:rhamnose in a molar ratio of 1:0.52:0.44:0.31. Reversible electroporation has been exploited to increase the transport through the plasma membrane into the tested breast cancer tumor cells MCF‐7 and MDA‐MB231. Application of 75 µg/mL polysaccharide in combination with 200 V/cm electroporation induced 40% decrease in viability of MDA‐MB231 cells and changes in cell morphology while control cells (MCF10A) remained with normal morphology and kept vitality.  相似文献   
Inna I. Severina 《BBA》1982,681(2):311-317
Proteoliposomes were reconstituted from bacteriorhodopsin sheets, asolectin and cholesterol with or without nystatin. Bacteriorhodopsin-mediated electrogenesis was monitored using (1) a proteoliposome suspension and phenyldicarbaundecaborane (PCB?) probe or (2) proteoliposomes associated with planar bilayer membrane and orthodox electrometer techniques. In the light, PCB? was shown to be taken up by proteoliposomes. The PCB? uptake was inhibited by addition of nystatin to an incubation mixture with proteoliposomes if they were reconstituted in the presence of nystatin. Extraproteoliposomal nystatin was without influence if nystatin was omitted from the reconstitution mixture. The nystatin-containing proteoliposomes were associated with a planar bilayer asolectin membrane in the presence of Ca2+. It was found that in such a system, bacteriorhodopsin generated a photocurrent charging the proteoliposome-containing (cis-side) compartment negatively and the trans-side compartment positively. The photoresponse was shown to be increased several-fold by addition of nystatin to the trans-side solution. Nystatin addition was ineffective if proteoliposomes were reconstituted without nystatin. Taking into account that nystatin forms ion-permeable pores in a membrane only if present on both sides of the membrane and that this membrane is bilayer, one can explain the above data assuming that (1) the intraproteoliposomal solution does not mix with the extraproteoliposomal one when proteoliposomes are attached to a planar black membrane and (2) the attached proteoliposomes are separated from the trans-side bathing solution by a bimolecular membrane. If this is the case, nystatin in the trans-side bathing solution and inside the attached proteoliposome can form pores across that part of the planar membrane which separates the proteoliposome interior from the trans-side solution. Through these pores, H+ (pumped by bacteriorhodopsin from the cis-side solution into the proteoliposome interior) or some other intraproteoliposomal ions can be equilibrated with those in the trans-side solution. As a result, the bacteriorhodopsin-generated photocurrent increases.  相似文献   
Patients with type 1 diabetes, aged 18 to 42 years, were compared to those aged 11 to 22 years. Activities of endothelial vasoactive factors and endothelial and leukocyte adhesion molecules were studied at different stages of development diabetes complications: nephropathy and retinopathy. The findings reveal role of the vasoactive factors in microangiopathy course.  相似文献   
The molecular mechanism of the participation of carnosine in the functioning of soluble guanylate cyclase is discussed. It is shown that carnosine inhibits the activation of soluble guanylate cyclase by sodium nitroprusside and a derivative of furoxan--1,2,5-oxadiazolo-trioxide (an NO donor). However, carnosine has no effect on stimulation of the enzyme by a structural analog of the latter compound, a furazan derivative (1,2,5-oxadiazolo-dioxide) that is not an NO donor; nor was carnosine involved in the enzyme activation by protoporphyrin IX, whose stimulatory effect is not associated with the guanylate cyclase heme. The inhibition by carnosine of guanylate cyclase activation by an NO donor is due to the interaction of carnosine with heme iron with subsequent formation of a chelate complex. It was first demonstrated that carnosine is a selective inhibitor of NO-dependent activation of guanylate cyclase and may be used for suppression of activity of the intracellular signaling system NO-soluble guanylate cyclase-cGMP, whose sharp increase is observed in malignant tumors, sepsis, septic shock, asthma, and migraine.  相似文献   
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