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Antibodies were elicited in rabbits to the dinucleotide, dpTpA, conjugated to a carrier protein. Among a few deoxyribomono- and oligonucleotides tested for binding to the antibodies by nitrocellulose tilter binding assay, only dpTpA and dpTpA containing oligonucleotides showed binding. The inhibition of the binding of 3H-dpTpA to the antibodies by various nonradioactive mono- and oligonucleotides showed that the antibodies were sequence specific and recognized the whole molecule of dpTpA. dpTpA specific antibodies were purified by a two step affinity chromatography. By competition studies, it was found that the purified antibodies bound denatured DNA at dpTpA sequences. The antibodies did not bind RNA.  相似文献   
A set of broad-host-range vectors allowing direct selection of recombinant DNA molecules to facilitate subcloning and expression analyses of Pseudomonas genes was constructed using Bg/II lacZ alpha cassette. Controlled expression vectors pVDtac39 and pVDtac24 were shown to be useful for determination of enzymatic activities encoded by the cloned DNA fragments and Mr determination of the corresponding polypeptides. A set of Pseudomonas putida xylE gene cassettes truncated at the 5' end was constructed for translational (protein) fusion studies. A protein fusion of the Pseudomonas aeruginosa algD gene, coding for GDPmannose dehydrogenase, and the truncated xylE gene cassette was used to verify the putative coding region and translational signals predicted from the algD nucleotide sequence.  相似文献   
A series of benzoxazole compounds containing oxamic acid were synthesized and screened for the PTP1B inhibition. Compound 31d showed best biochemical potency (Ki) of 6.7 μM. Structure–activity relationship were explained with the help of molecular modeling approach.  相似文献   
The region of chromosome 2 encompassed by the polymorphic markers D2S378 (centromeric) and D2S391 (telomeric) spans an approximately 10-cM distance in cytogenetic bands 2p15-p21. This area is frequently involved in cytogenetic alterations in human cancers. It also harbors the genes for several genetic disorders, including Type I hereditary nonpolyposis colorectal cancer (HNPCC), familial male precocious puberty (FMPP), Carney complex (CNC), Doyne's honeycomb retinal dystrophy (DHRD), and one form of familial dyslexia (DYX-3). Only a handful of known genes have been mapped to 2p16. These include MSH2, which is responsible for HNPCC, FSHR, the gene responsible for FMPP, EFEMP-1, the gene mutated in DHRD, GTBP, a DNA repair gene, and SPTBN1, nonerythryocytic beta-spectrin. The genes for CNC and DYX-3 remain unknown, due to lack of a contig of this region and its underrepresentation in the existing maps. This report presents a yeast- and bacterial-artificial chromosome (YAC and BAC, respectively) resource for the construction of a sequence-ready map of 2p15-p21 between the markers D2S378 and D2S391 at the centromeric and telomeric ends, respectively. The recently published Genemap'98 lists 146 expressed sequence tags (ESTs) in this region; we have used our YAC-BAC map to place each of these ESTs within a framework of 40 known and 3 newly cloned polymorphic markers and 37 new sequence-tagged sites. This map provides an integration of genetic, radiation hybrid, and physical mapping information for the region corresponding to cytogenetic bands 2p15-p21 and is expected to facilitate the identification of disease genes from the area.  相似文献   
The genes for two of the hematopoietic growth factors, interleukin-4 and interleukin-5, are located on a small segment of chromosome 5 (q23-31), which is frequently deleted in myeloid disorders. Using pulsed-field gel electrophoresis, we demonstrate physical linkage of these two genes and present a long-range restriction map of the locus. The two genes are closely linked (maximum separation, 310 kb) and appear to be separated by an HTF island. We were unable to physically link these genes to two other closely related hematopoietic growth factor genes, interleukin-3 and granulocyte/macrophage colony-stimulating factor, which also map to this region of the genome. The clustering of these and other growth-related genes suggests that a higher order of genetic organization exists in this region of the chromosome.  相似文献   
Lateral inhibition, mediated by Notch signaling, leads to the selection of cells that are permitted to become neurons within domains defined by proneural gene expression. Reduced lateral inhibition in zebrafish mib mutant embryos permits too many neural progenitors to differentiate as neurons. Positional cloning of mib revealed that it is a gene in the Notch pathway that encodes a RING ubiquitin ligase. Mib interacts with the intracellular domain of Delta to promote its ubiquitylation and internalization. Cell transplantation studies suggest that mib function is essential in the signaling cell for efficient activation of Notch in neighboring cells. These observations support a model for Notch activation where the Delta-Notch interaction is followed by endocytosis of Delta and transendocytosis of the Notch extracellular domain by the signaling cell. This facilitates intramembranous cleavage of the remaining Notch receptor, release of the Notch intracellular fragment, and activation of target genes in neighboring cells.  相似文献   
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