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Intraventicular injection of beta-endorphin (beta LPH61?91) in urethane anesthetized male rats led to a dose dependent increase of plasma prolactin levels. Intravenous injection of apomorphine completely abolished the stimulatory effect of beta-endorphin. Animals treated with 6-hydroxydopamine (6-OHDA) and 6-OHDA plus desmethylimipramine showed inhibition of beta-endorphin induced prolactin release. These results suggest that beta-endorphin presynaptically inhibits the activity of dopaminergic neurones, leading to the stimulation of plasma prolactin levels.  相似文献   
Plasma concentrations of somatostatin-like immunoreactivity (SLI) were determined in uremic patients on maintenance hemodialysis. Plasma SLI levels were significantly (p less than 0.001) elevated in 26 diabetic uremic patients (67.1 +/- 6.8 pg/ml, mean +/- SE) and in 24 non-diabetic uremic patients (43.5 +/- 7.2 pg/ml), when compared with 60 healthy subjects (5.0 +/- 0.7 pg/ml). Paired pooled plasma from uremic patients before and after hemodialysis was subjected to a reverse-phase octadecasilyl-silica (C-18) cartridge and then the extract was gel filtered on a Sephadex G-25 column (1.6 X 90 cm). Both elution profiles showed two peaks of SLI which coeluted with synthetic somatostatin (SS)-28 and SS-14 markers, respectively. The SS-28-like immunoreactivity (LI) peak, which was estimated by using SS-14 as a reference standard, was 3-fold larger than that for SS-14 LI. On the basis of immunoequivalency of the two components in the present assay, SS-28 LI constitutes approximately 75% of circulating somatostatin. In conclusion, plasma SLI is substantially high in uremic patients of both diabetic and non-diabetic etiology and the SS-28 is a predominant form of circulating SLI in these patients, probably, in part, for a lower clearance of this molecule.  相似文献   
In order to examine the effects of alpha-human atrial natriuretic polypeptide (alpha-hANP) on the basal plasma concentrations of GH, TSH, LH, FSH and PRL in humans, synthetic alpha-hANP was infused into 10 normotensive, euvolemic, healthy volunteers. There were observed marked hypotensive, diuretic and natriuretic effects during the alpha-hANP infusion. The basal plasma concentrations of GH, TSH, LH and FSH, showed no significant change following the alpha-hANP infusion. However, significant suppression of the plasma PRL concentration was observed with the alpha-hANP administration. The mean plasma PRL concentration tended to be decreased during 20 min of alpha-hANP infusion, however, there the differences were not statistically significant. A significant reduction in the mean plasma PRL concentration (-20%, P less than 0.5) was observed 10 min after the end of infusion, following the reversion to the preinfusion level at 70 min after the end of infusion. Such a significant and delayed suppression was not seen in the case of placebo infusion. The data suggest that the circulating hANP may reduce the release of PRL.  相似文献   
To examine the effects of chronic dehydration and starvation on plasma levels of human atrial natriuretic polypeptide (hANP) in human subjects, the basal level and saline-induced rise of plasma hANP in 7 patients with anorexia nervosa were compared with those in age-matched healthy subjects. The unstimulated level of plasma hANP was markedly high in the patients with anorexia nervosa (patients vs. control; 55.4 +/- 9.0 pg/ml vs. 11.4 +/- 6.1 pg/ml, P less than 0.01). However, no significant increase of plasma hANP in the anorectic patients was observed in response to saline-infusion, while a 3-fold increase over the basal level of plasma hANP was noted in the saline-infused normal young subjects. These results show that hANP may be secreted to an inadequate extent, hence the release would be resistant to volume-loading. The pathophysiological meaning of such a high plasma concentrations of hANP in anorexia nervosa is the subject of ongoing studies.  相似文献   
Human corticotropin-releasing hormone (hCRH) test was performed in 57 normal volunteers and 102 patients with hypothalamic, pituitary and adrenocortical diseases. Intravenous bolus injection of synthetic hCRH, 100 micrograms for adults or 1.5 micrograms/kg for children, increased plasma ACTH and cortisol levels in about 90% of normal subjects. In 47 patients with Cushing's disease, plasma ACTH tended to show an exaggerated response to hCRH and peak ACTH was the most frequent abnormal component among the several reaction parameters. Poor responders among normal subjects and patients with Cushing's disease had significantly higher plasma cortisol levels before CRH administration. Patients with hypothalamic hypopituitarism showed exaggerated response, whereas patients with primary pituitary lesion, isolated ACTH deficiency or adrenal Cushing's syndrome showed no ACTH response. These differences in the response of patients suggest the value of the hCRH test in their differential diagnosis.  相似文献   
In order to clarify the diurnal pattern of secretion of plasma immunoreactive (IR) proopiomelanocortin (POMC)-derived peptides, IR-N-terminal peptide (Nt), IR-beta-endorphin (Ep), IR-beta-lipotropin (LPH), and IR-ACTH (ACTH) in normal subjects and in patients with Addison's disease and Cushing's disease, we measured these 4 peptides in the same plasma obtained at 0900 h and then every three hours until 0600 h at the next day. All four peptides showed diurnal rhythms with the peaks at 0600 h, and the nadirs of ACTH, LPH, Ep and Nt were at 0000 h, 0000 h, 1800 h and 0300, respectively in normal subjects. In patients with Addison's disease, these four peptides also showed diurnal rhythms with the peaks at 0600 h for ACTH and Ep and at 0900 h for LPH and Nt, and the nadirs at 2100 h for ACTH and Ep and at 0000 h for LPH and Nt. The molar ratios of Ep/ACTH, LPH/ACTH and Nt/ACTH in plasma also presented diurnal variations in normal subjects and in patients with Addison's disease. On the other hand, in patients with Cushing's disease, ACTH, LPH and Nt showed no rhythmicity or change in molar ratios of Ep/ACTH, LPH/ACTH or Nt/ACTH. Only Ep showed diurnal variation. The molar ratios of Ep/ACTH, LPH/ACTH and Nt/ACTH in patients with Cushing's disease were significantly higher than those in normal subjects and in patients with Addison's disease at 0000 h.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   
Sperm entry into the oocyte of the starfish, Asterina pectinifera, was prevented when the membrane potential of the oocyte was held more positive than −10 to −5 mV, and multiple sperm entries were induced when the potential was held more negative. Based on this potential-dependent fertilization block mechanism, it was demonstrated that an activation potential (AVP) which is induced immediately after the attachment of the first sperm to the egg surface plays the role of a fast polyspermy block. The AVP-mediated polyspermy block mechanism develops as the oocyte matures and deteriorates as it ages. AVPs of mature oocytes exceeded −5 mV (the critical potential level for fertilization block) within 1 sec, and the potential stayed at +12 mV even after the initiation of fertilization membrane elevation. Consequently, the entry of a second sperm is prevented. In contrast, AVPs of overripe oocytes took about 15 sec to attain −5 mV, or they did not attain −5 mV at all. In overripe oocytes multiple sperm entries were associated with “step depolarization(s)” in the rising phase of the AVPs before membrane elevation took place. Immature oocytes generated AVPs associated with sperm entries, but without membrane elevation. AVPs in immature oocytes were characterized by the step depolarization(s) in the rising phase, and an AVP could be evoked again by a second insemination 20 min after the first insemination. These findings indicate that immature oocytes lack both fast and slow polyspermy block mechanisms.  相似文献   
We investigated the serial expression of c-myc oncogene during differentiation of normal human burst-forming unit, erythroid (BFU-E), in vitro, together with the replating efficiency and the expression of transferrin receptors. We found that the c-myc oncogene was expressed in the early progeny of BFU-E and that this expression decreased during erythroid differentiation. This change of the c-myc expression was well correlated to changes in the replating efficiency and the expression of transferrin receptors. These observations indicate that the c-myc oncogene probably has a physiological role in normal human hematopoiesis as well as leukemic hematopoiesis.  相似文献   
Using a specific radioimmunoassay, we measured concentrations of plasma 7B2 (a novel pituitary polypeptide) immunoreactivity (7B2-IR) in normal human subjects, patients with chronic renal failure and those with liver cirrhosis. Mean (+/- SEM) values of plasma 7B2-IR in normal healthy men and women were 55.8 +/- 1.2 pg/ml (n = 266) and 56.1 +/- 0.9 pg/ml (n = 408), respectively. The elevation of plasma 7B2-IR showed a relationship with age of the subjects, in both men (r = 0.39, t = 6.86, p less than 0.001) and women (r = 0.35, t = 7.44, p less than 0.001). Plasma 7B2-IR concentrations were elevated in patients with chronic renal failure (536 +/- 45 pg/ml, Mean +/- SEM, n = 10) as well as those in liver cirrhosis (95 +/- 10 pg/ml, Mean +/- SEM, n = 15) compared to values in normal subjects, suggesting that 7B2 is mainly eliminated through the kidney and is partly metabolized in the liver.  相似文献   
The volume of carbon dioxide evolved in a shaking apparatus was measured at fixed intervals, and it was confirmed that the fermentation of dry yeast generally depends on three factors and that they are represented with an initial fermenting activity, a power which recovers fermenting activity, and a maximum fermenting activity. This expression of fermenting power was compared with usual expressions and it was proved to be more reasonable, particularly, for deciding the initial fermenting activity.  相似文献   
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