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A fusion of human lymphocytes released from regional lymph nodes of papillary adenocarcinoma of lung cancer with mouse myeloma P3-X63-Ag8-U1 cells resulted in a stable hybridoma-secreting human IgM antibody (NCC-1004) that reacts with a large proportion of squamous cell carcinomas of lung and esophagus as well as carcinoma of thyroid glands. However, the antibody also reacts with normal red blood cells, B lymphocytes, and a few other limited loci in normal tissues such as the basal cells of bronchial epithelium and the basal cell layer of stratified squamous epithelium, as well as endothelium and alveolar lining epithelium. The antigen defined by NCC-1004 has been characterized as blood group i antigen on the basis of the following results. The antibody preferentially agglutinates cord erythrocytes in contrast to adult erythrocytes. The agglutination was obvious at 4 degrees C, but diminished greatly at 37 degrees C, and was enhanced after sialidase treatment. The antibody specifically reacts with lacto-norhexaosylceramide (nLc6) and sialosyllacto-norhexaosylceramide (IV3NeuAcnLc6), but does not react with lacto-neotetraosylceramide (nLc4), sialosyllacto-neotetraosylceramide (IV3NeuAcnLc4), lacto-isooctaosylceramide (IV6Gal beta 1----4GlcNAcnLc6; I antigen), and other standard glycolipids so far tested. The properties of the antibody and its antigen are identical to those previously described for the i blood group system. Inasmuch as the hybridoma was established by hybridization of lymphocytes derived from regional lymph nodes of lung cancer, and the antigen was found in the patient's lung cancer tissue, the i antigen in lung cancer is probably recognized as a tumor-associated antigen by the host's immune cell system.  相似文献   
Summary The tryptophan synthase genes,trpA andtrpB, from a moderate thermophile,Bacillus stearothermophilus IFO13737, were expressed efficiently inEscherichia coli. The recombinant tryptophan synthase amounted to 22% of the soluble cellular protein, and was purified to homogeneity by three steps. The enzyme is more thermostable thanE.coli tryptophan synthase, especially the subunit. The enzyme is also more resistant to sodium dodecylsulfate and methanol thanE.coli enzyme.  相似文献   
Bacteriological and serological characteristics of three Bacillus thuringiensis isolates obtained in Japan were investigated. They formed typical rhomboidal parasporal inclusions but flagellar (H) antigens of these isolates were different from those of the known 17 H serotypes of B. thuringiensis. The three isolates were divided into two new serotypes (serotypes 18 and 19). The serotype 18 isolate (3–71) produced thermostable exotoxin and the inclusions of this isolate were toxic to larvae of the silkworm, Bombyx mori, but nontoxic to larvae of the mosquito, Aedes aegypti. The other isolate (119-72) belonging to serotype 18 produced inclusions nontoxic to larvae of B. mori and A. aegypti and did not produce thermostable exotoxin. However, other bacteriological properties of the isolate 119-72 were similar to those of the isolate 3–71. The serotype 19 isolate (117-72) produced inclusions nontoxic to larvae of B. mori and A. aegypti and did not produce thermostable exotoxin. Acid production from saccharose and the production of brownish purple pigment were observed in the two serotype 18 isolates, while neither of them was observed in the serotype 19 isolate. In other 29 biochemical properties tested, there was no difference among the three isolates. Based on these characteristics, the following two subspecies names are proposed: Bacillus thuringiensis subsp. kumamotoensis (serotype 18) for the type strain 3–71 and Bacillus thuringiensis subsp. tochigiensis (serotype 19) for the type strain 117-72.  相似文献   
D-manno-3-Heptulose (5) was synthesized by dimethyl sulfoxide-phosphorus pentaoxide oxidation of 1,2:3,4:6,7-tri-O-isopropylidene-D-glycero-D-manno-heptitol (3, prepared from volemitol), followed by hydrolysis. D-ido-3-Heptulose (8) was synthesized similarly by oxidation of 1,2:4,5:6,7-tri-O-isopropylidene-D-glycero-l-galacto-heptitol (7, prepared from D-glycero-l-galacto-heptitol, 6). Another tri-O-isopropylidene derivative (11), having a free primary hydroxyl group, was produced in larger amount than 7, and 11 yielded D-glycero-l-galacto-heptose (14). Compound 8 was also synthesized by way of 1,2:4,5.6,7-tri-O-isopropylidene-D-glycero-l-gulo-heptitol (15). The production of 15 from D-glycero-l-gulo-heptitol (13) was accompanied by a larger amount of 2,3:4,5:6,7-tri-O-isopropylidene-D-glycero-D-ido-heptitol (17) which, upon oxidation followed by hydrolysis, yielded D-glycero-D-ido-heptose (18). One of the two tri-O-isopropylidene derivatives obtained by acetonation of perseitol, 2,3:4,5:6,7-tri-O-isopropylidene-D-glycero-D-galacto-heptitol (19), yielded D-glycero-D-galacto-heptose (20).  相似文献   
Sensitive and specific radioimmunoassay for substance P was developed using synthetic substance P and 125I-Nalpha-tyrosyl-substance P. Substance P-human alpha-globulin conjugate was used for production of anti-substance P antisera in rabbits. Synthetic substance P was used as a standard and the dextran-coated charcoal method was employed to separate the free peptide from that bound to antibodies. No cross-reactions by physalaemin and eledoisin observed in this system proved its high specificity to substance P. Nalpha-Tyrosyl-substance P and [Tyr1]-substance P showed the displacement curves indistinguishable from that of the standard substance P. Neither substance P5-11 nor substance P6-11 competed with the tracer at the concentration used. The minimum measurable dose of substance P by the assay system was 2.5-5 pg/incubate. Utilizing the system, human plasma samples from 42 healthy volunteers of both sexes were shown to contain immunoreactive substance P in amounts that averaged 298 pg/ml in male and 251 pg/ml in female. Substance P-like immunoreactivity was also demonstrated in hot-water extracts of porcine duodenum, jejunum, ileum, cecum, middle colon, rectum, pancreas, stomach and pituitary. The highest concentration (379 ng/g wet weight of organ) was found in the pituitary, and the ileum (7.9 ng/g wet weight of organ) and jejunum (1.9 ng/g wet weight of organ) were rich in the contents.  相似文献   
Bolus-administered intracerebroventricular (ICV) relaxin-3 has been reported to increase feeding. In this study, to examine the role of relaxin-3 signaling in energy homeostasis, we studied the effects of chronically administered ICV relaxin-3 on body weight gain and locomotor activity in rats. Two groups of animals received vehicle or relaxin-3 at 600 pmol/head/day, delivered with Alzet osmotic minipumps. In animals receiving relaxin-3, food consumption and weight gain were statistically significantly higher than those in the vehicle group during the 14-day infusion. During the light phase on days 2 and 7 and the dark phase on days 3 and 8, there was no difference in locomotor activity between the two groups. Plasma concentrations of leptin and insulin in rats chronically injected with relaxin-3 were significantly higher than in the vehicle-injected controls. These results indicate that relaxin-3 up-regulates food intake, leading to an increase of body weight and that relaxin-3 antagonists might be candidate antiobesity agents.  相似文献   
We developed an integrated platform consisting of machinery and software modules that can apply vast amounts of data generated by nanoflow LC-MS to differential protein expression analyses. Unlabeled protein samples were completely digested with modified trypsin and separated by low speed (200 nl/min) one-dimensional HPLC. Mass spectra were obtained every 1 s by using the survey mode of a hybrid Q-TOF mass spectrometer and displayed in a two-dimensional plane with m/z values along the x axis, and retention time was displayed along the y axis. The time jitter of nano-LC was adjusted using newly developed software based on a dynamic programming algorithm. The comprehensiveness (60,000-160,000 peaks above the predetermined threshold detectable in 60-microg cell protein samples), reproducibility (average coefficient of variance of 0.35-0.39 and correlation coefficient of over 0.92 between duplicates), and accurate quantification with a wide dynamic range (over 10(3)) of our platform warrant its application to various types of experimental and translational proteomics.  相似文献   
We have proposed a mathematical model for the transmission of Plasmodium vivax malaria quantitatively, which is adjusted to the infected region, Guadalcanal, in the Solomon Islands. The simulation of a transmission model will be instrumental in planning the malaria control strategy. A characteristic of the life cycle of P. vivax is that a sporozoite injected into the blood stream by a mosquito bite may sometimes stay in a hepatocyte as a hypnozoite. Therefore, we have incorporated a phenomenon of renewed infections caused by a relapse into the transmission model. Also through the simulations we have attempted to evaluate the decline in prevalence caused by the programs of selective mass drug administration (MDA) and vector control such as the distribution of permethrin-treated bednets. The simulations have indicated that the concentrated repetition of MDA at 1-week intervals would reduce the prevalence of vivax malaria swiftly in the beginning and would keep the parasite rate below 1% for a few years but the prevalence would increase thereafter. In contrast, the parasite rate would remain below 1% for a long time if a trial of 1 or 2 times MDA is accompanied with some reduction of the vectorial capacity by the enforcement of vector control. In any case, it is important to beware of relapse cases because even after the execution of MDA it takes a long time to decrease the proportion of hypnozoite carriers.  相似文献   
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