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Summary Certain populations of arginine vasopressin (AVP) neurons in the magnocellular paraventricular nucleus became immunoreactive for neuropeptide Y (NPY) when rats were treated with colchicine or monosodium glutamate (MSG). The co-storage of these peptides was examined by empooying a post-embedding electron-microscopic immunohistochemistry technique using goldlabeled antibodies to the two peptides. In colchicinetreated rats, the neuronal perikarya contained numerous secretory granules showing co-storage of the two peptides. The cells of the MSG-treated rats were characterized by having well-developed Golgi bodies with the granular structures also co-storing the two peptides, although the secretory granules in the perikarya were rather fewer than in the colchicine-treated rats. It is concluded that the destruction of the arcuate nucleus by MSG-treatment may potentiate the synthesis of NPY in AVP neurons, the synthesis of which is latent in intact animals.  相似文献   
Three distinct subtypes of vesicular glutamate transporters (VGLUTs) have been identified to date that are expressed basically in a cell type-specific manner. We have found a splice variant of VGLUT1 mRNA that is expressed almost exclusively in photosensitive tissues, i.e. the retina and the pineal gland. The variant mRNA, termed VGLUT1v, contains an additional 75 base pair sequence derived from part of a second intron (designated as exon IIa) between exons 2 and 3. The variant accounted for approximately 70% and 25%of VGLUT1 mRNA in the adult retina and pineal gland, respectively. The expression of VGLUT1v was developmentally regulated in both tissues. Organ culture showed that expression of the variant in the retina increased in association with the development of rod cells, suggesting that VGLUT1v is expressed in rod cells. In situ hybridization with variant-specific probes showed expression of VGLUT1v in the inner segment layer of photoreceptor cells. On the other hand, variant expression did not parallel the development of rhodopsin-positive cells in the pineal gland. As rod cells and pinealocytes are known to release glutamate continuously at ribbon synapses, it is possible that the variant has some functional advantage over the wild-type transporter in such a specialized manner of glutamate release.  相似文献   
The ontogeny of the somatostatin-containing neuron system was investigated by light-microscopic immunohistochemistry. During development, immunoreactive somatostatin-containing neurons arise from three discrete regions of the neuroepithelium of the third ventricle and show a chronological difference. The neurons are first evident within the third ventricle floor on day 12.5 of gestation; they move thereafter to the arcuate nucleus. The second generation occurs in the dorsal region of the arcuate nucleus during days 17.5-19.5; these neurons migrate sequentially into the arcuate-ventromedial nuclear region. The third generation is recognized in the neuroepithelial cell layer of the rostral hypothalamus on day 17.5 of gestation; these cells move to the periventricular area. This latter generation is most prominent during days 3-6 after birth, and some of the cells are seen sporadically even up to day 20. The first two generations give rise to the somatostatin neuron system in the arcuate-ventromedial nuclear region, while the latter gives rise to that in the rostral periventricular region in the adult rat hypothalamus.  相似文献   
Summary Ultrastructural appearances of axonal terminals containing corticoliberin (CRF) were examined in the rat median eminence prepared by a freeze-drying procedure. Immunolabeling was performed by using 5-, 8-, or 15-nm gold-antibody complexes for CRF, arginine vasopressin (VP) and methionine-enkephalin-octapeptide (Enk-8), singly or in combination. In intact animals, the CRF-containing secretory granules were only slightly labeled with goldanti-VP or -Enk-8. In adrenalectomized rats, granules within single axons appeared to be labeled with all the immunogold complexes. This intragranular colocalization of the three antigens was confirmed by using three neighboring sections of the same axon terminals which were stained separately with each one of the antibodies and visualized with the avidin-biotin-peroxidase complex method. The granules labeled for CRF had decreased 9 days after adrenalectomy but had increased again by day 21, while those labeled for VP steadily increased after adrenalectomy. However, this did not correspond with the appearances of cell bodies in the paraventricular nucleus; the cell bodies labeled for both CRF and VP steadily increased in number and in stainability. By contrast, Enk-8 immunoreactivity in the axonal terminals and cell bodies was not affected by adrenalectomy. These findings suggest that although the three peptides could be released simultaneously from the axonal terminals, VP may play some special role in the expression of CRF activity.  相似文献   
Summary The topographical localization of substance P (SP) and methionine-enkephalin-octapeptide (Enk-8) was examined immunohistochemically in the surface layer of the dorsal horn of rat cervical spinal cord. Although a few neurons were immunoreactive for Enk-8 in the intact animals, after an intracisternal administration of colchicine, immunoreactive Enk-8 neurons were numerous, and half of them indicated immunoreactivity also for SP. Some immunoreactive SP neurons appeared to show no immunoreactivity for Enk-8. Immuno-reactive nerve fibers, on the other hand, were numerous, and many of them contained both peptides. Electron-microscopic examination of the nerve fibers in tissue prepared by a freeze-drying procedure and stained by a postembedding procedure, revealed the costoring of both peptides in the same cored vesicles. The physiological significance of this costoring is discussed.  相似文献   
Summary In early postnatal rats, immunoreactive LHRH perikarya in the preoptic area were studied by light and electron microscopy. Synaptic junctions were found between the immunoreactive perikaryon or its process, and the immunonegative nerve fibers. The significance of these synapses is discussed in relation to possible mechanisms by which the activities of LHRH neurons are regulated.  相似文献   
Summary A preembedding dual immunolabeling technique and electron microscopy were utilized to demonstrate the localization of immunoreactive substance P and methionine-enkephalin-octapeptide (Enk-8) in ultrathin sections of the surface layer (laminae I and II) of rat spinal dorsal horn. The immunoreaction of Enk-8 was visualized as goldtoned silver particles and that of substance P as diaminobenzidine reaction products. Axonal terminals with immunoreactive substance P, and also unlabeled axonal terminals, formed synaptic junctions with the perikarya and dendritic processes of Enk-8-containing neurons. Dendritic profiles immunolabeled for substance P were synaptically linked with unlabeled axons but not with Enk-8-positive ones. Furthermore, it was found that Enk-8 axons and substance P axons terminated synaptically in juxtaposition to one another on the same immunonegative dendrites. Among the Enk-8-containing neurons axonal profiles also appeared to be synaptically associated with immunoreactive Enk-8 dendritic processes.  相似文献   
Summary The development of immunoreactive (ir) somatostatin-containing nerve terminals in the rat median eminence (ME) has been examined electron-microscopically. Nerve fibers containing ir particles scattered throughout the axoplasm are first seen in the external layer of the ME on day 18.5 of gestation, and, on day 21.5 appear to terminate on the basement membrane of the perivascular space of the portal vessels. After birth, the fiber terminals contain several membrane-limited granules, which are labeled with ir PAP particles. Ultrathin, Epon-embedded sections of ME, treated by the protein A gold-labeling method for somatostatin, demonstrate positively labeled granules in the nerve fibers in the postnatal ME, but in the prenatal tissue, no specific gold-labeling is found. These findings show that, in the external layer of the ME, somatostatin storing occurs in the granules in the axonal terminals after birth.  相似文献   
Summary Two types of neurosecretory fibers, designated as Type 5 and Type 6 axons, in the sinus gland of the freshwater prawn, Palaemon, establish contact with other neurosecretory axons by means of synaptic junctions. This finding strongly supports the view that release of some neurohormones from the eyestalk may be regulated by neurosecretory neurons through synaptic transmission.The author wishes to express his sincere appreciation to Prof. T. Aoto for his invaluable advice during the course of this study, to Mr. S. Kubota for collecting the material, and to Mr. Y. Takakuwa for his excellent assistance in electron microscopy  相似文献   
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