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Infection of susceptible strains of mice with Daniel's (DA) strains of Theiler's murine encephalomyelitis virus (DAV) results in virus persistence in the central nervous system (CNS) white matter and chronic demyelination similar to that observed in multiple sclerosis. We investigated whether persistence is due to the immune system more efficiently clearing DAV from gray than from white matter of the CNS. Severe combined immunodeficient (SCID) and immunocompetent C.B-17 mice were infected with DAV to determine the kinetics, temporal distribution, and tropism of the virus in CNS. In early disease (6 h to 7 days postinfection), DAV replicated with similar kinetics in the brains and spinal cords of SCID and immunocompetent mice and in gray and white matter. DAV RNA was localized within 48 h in CNS cells of all phenotypes, including neurons, oligodendrocytes, astrocytes, and macrophages/microglia. In late disease (13 to 17 days postinfection), SCID mice became moribund and permitted higher DAV replication in both gray and white matter. In contrast, immunocompetent mice cleared virus from the gray matter but showed replication in the white matter of their brains and spinal cords. Reconstitution of SCID mice with nonimmune splenocytes or anti-DAV antibodies after establishment of infection demonstrated that both cellular and humoral immune responses decreased virus from the gray matter; however, the cellular responses were more effective. SCID mice reconstituted with splenocytes depleted of CD4+ or CD8+ T lymphocytes cleared virus from the gray matter but allowed replication in the white matter. These studies demonstrate that both neurons and glia are infected early following DAV infection but that virus persistence in the white matter is due to preferential clearance of virus from the gray matter by the immune system.  相似文献   
In bridging the knowledge gap on stress physiology of Nigerian indigenous chickens, this study investigated the effect of exogenous corticosterone (eCORT) as stress inducing agent on the testicular function and mating behavior of Nigerian indigenous cocks. Twenty-four (24) cocks and one hundred and forty four (144) hens (mating ratio of 1 cock: 6 hens) were grouped into four and assigned to each of the four eCORT treatments (0, 2, 4 and 6 mgeCORT/KgBW) daily for 14 days. Semen samples were collected on days 0, 7 and 14 and analyzed for semen volume (SV), progressive sperm motility (PSM), membrane integrity (MI) and sperm abnormality (SA). Mating behaviors were monitored on days 3, 5 and 8. Blood samples, for hormonal (Luteinizing Hormone (LH), Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH) Testosterone (TEST) and stress analysis (heterophil/lymphocyte ratio, H/L) were collected from brachial vein on days 7 and 14. On day 15, cocks were euthanized and testes harvested for histomorphometry. Data were analyzed using multivariate analysis, one–way ANOVA and Kruskal-Wallis tests all in SPSS 23. Administration of 4 mgeCORT/KgBW declined (P<0.05) PSM while 4 mgeCORT/KgBW and 6 mgeCORT/KgBW cocks had reduced (P<0.05) SV and MI with increased SA. Compared to baseline values, progressive sperm motility of cocks administered 6 mgeCORT for 7 and 14 days decreased (P<0.05) by 57.5% and 52.4%, respectively. Exogenous CORT had no significant (P>0.05) influence on the mating behaviors, H/L ratio, FSH and TEST. However, 2 mgeCORT/KgBW enhanced LH levels. Administration of eCORT did not affect the testicular epithelial height and seminiferous tubular diameter. In conclusion, optimal stress induced by eCORT impaired semen quality but with less impact on reproductive hormones, H/L and mating behaviors of intensively raised Nigerian indigenous cocks.  相似文献   
C57BL/6 mice mount a cytotoxic T-lymphocyte (CTL) response against the Daniel's strain of Theiler's murine encephalomyelitis virus (TMEV) 7 days after infection and do not develop persistent infection or the demyelinating syndrome similar to multiple sclerosis seen in susceptible mice. The TMEV capsid peptide VP2121-130 sensitizes H-2Db+ target cells for killing by central-nervous-system-infiltrating lymphocytes (CNS-ILs) isolated from C57BL/6 mice infected intracranially. Db:VP2121-130 peptide tetramers were used to stain CD8(+) CNS-ILs, revealing that 50 to 63% of these cells bear receptors specific for VP2121-130 presented in the context of Db. No T cells bearing this specificity were found in the cervical lymph nodes or spleens of TMEV-infected mice. H-2(b) mice lacking CD4, class II, gamma interferon, or CD28 expression are susceptible to persistent virus infection but surprisingly still generate high frequencies of CD8(+), Db:VP2121-130-specific T cells. However, CD4-negative mice generate a lower frequency of Db:VP2121-130-specific T cells than do class II negative or normal H-2(b) animals. Resistant tumor necrosis factor alpha receptor I knockout mice also generate a high frequency of CD8(+) CNS-ILs specific for Db:VP2121-130. Furthermore, normally susceptible FVB mice that express a Db transgene generate Db:VP2121-130-specific CD8(+) CNS-ILs at a frequency similar to that of C57BL/6 mice. These results demonstrate that VP2121-130 presented in the context of Db is an immunodominant epitope in TMEV infection and that the frequency of the VP2121-130-specific CTLs appears to be independent of several key inflammatory mediators and genetic background but is regulated in part by the expression of CD4.  相似文献   
We determined the complete nucleotide sequence of the chloroplast genome of wild rice, Oryza nivara and compared it with the corresponding published sequence of relative cultivated rice, Oryza sativa. The genome was 134,494 bp long with a large single-copy region of 80,544 bp, a small single-copy region of 12,346 bp and two inverted repeats of 20,802 bp each. The overall A+T content was 61.0%. The O. nivara chloroplast genome encoded identical functional genes to O. sativa in the same order along the genome. On the other hand, detailed analysis revealed 57 insertion, 61 deletion and 159 base substitution events in the entire chloroplast genome of O. nivara. Among substitutions, transversions were much higher than transitions with the former even more frequent than the latter in the coding region. Most of the insertions/deletions were single-base but a few large length mutations were also detected. The frequency of insertion/deletion events was more in the coding region within inverted repeats. In contrast, a very few substitution events were identified in the coding region. Polymorphism was observed among rice cultivars at loci of large insertion/deletion events. This is the first report describing comparative and genome wide chloroplast analysis between a wild and cultivated crop.  相似文献   
We investigated the role of the immune system in protecting against virus-induced demyelination by generating lines of transgenic B10 (H-2(b)) congenic mice expressing three independent contiguous coding regions of the Theiler's murine encephalomyelitis virus (TMEV) under the control of a class I major histocompatibility complex (MHC) promoter. TMEV infection of normally resistant B10 mice results in virus clearance and development of inflammatory demyelination in the spinal cord. Transgenic expression of the viral capsid genes resulted in inactivation of virus-specific CD8(+) T lymphocytes (class I MHC immune function) directed against the relevant peptides, but it did not affect production of virus capsid-specific antibodies or lymphocyte proliferation to the virus antigen (class II MHC immune functions). Following intracerebral infection with TMEV, all three lines of mice survived the acute encephalitis but transgenic mice expressing VP1 (or the cluster of virus capsid proteins [VP4, VP2, and VP3] mapping to the left of VP1 in the TMEV genome) developed virus persistence and subsequent demyelination in spinal cord white matter. Transgenic mice expressing noncapsid proteins mapping to the right of VP1 (2A, 2B, 2C, 3A, 3B, 3C, and 3D) cleared the virus and did not develop demyelination. These results are consistent with the hypothesis that virus capsid gene products of TMEV stimulate class I-restricted CD8(+) T-cell immune responses, which are important for virus clearance and for protection against myelin destruction. Presented within the context of self-antigens, inactivation of these cells by ubiquitous expression of relevant virus capsid peptides partially inhibited resistance to virus-induced demyelination.  相似文献   


Procalcitonin (PCT) is closely correlated with parasite burden and clinical outcome in falciparum malaria. The role of PCT in tertian malaria has not previously been investigated.

Patients and methods

PCT serum levels in 37 patients with tertian malaria were analysed. Clinical and laboratory parameters were assessed and statistically correlated both to the initial PCT levels and during the course of the disease.


PCT levels rose for one day after commencing treatment and declined thereafter. However, there was no significant correlation with parasite burden, clinical parameters, laboratory values, or the presence of semi-immunity. Before treatment, the majority of patients showed normal or slightly elevated PCT levels (< 2.5 ng/ml), but PCT was markedly elevated (4.8 – 47 ng/ml) in one third of the population. The two groups did not differ by any other of the assessed parameters. Thus, while the post-treatment course of PCT resembles falciparum malaria, the lack of correlation between disease severity and even high PCT levels in a large proportion of patients is intriguing.


There is a fundamental difference in the relationship of PCT with tertian malaria not seen in other infectious diseases in which elevated PCT levels have been observed. This suggests distinct pathophysiological pathways in malaria.  相似文献   
Several rodent-associated Bartonella species are human pathogens but little is known about their epidemiology. We trapped rodents and shrews around human habitations at two sites in Kenya (rural Asembo and urban Kibera) to determine the prevalence of Bartonella infection. Bartonella were detected by culture in five of seven host species. In Kibera, 60% of Rattus rattus were positive, as compared to 13% in Asembo. Bartonella were also detected in C. olivieri (7%), Lemniscomys striatus (50%), Mastomys natalensis (43%) and R. norvegicus (50%). Partial sequencing of the citrate synthase (gltA) gene of isolates showed that Kibera strains were similar to reference isolates from Rattus trapped in Asia, America, and Europe, but that most strains from Asembo were less similar. Host species and trapping location were associated with differences in infection status but there was no evidence of associations between host age or sex and infection status. Acute febrile illness occurs at high incidence in both Asembo and Kibera but the etiology of many of these illnesses is unknown. Bartonella similar to known human pathogens were detected in small mammals at both sites and investigation of the ecological determinants of host infection status and of the public health significance of Bartonella infections at these locations is warranted.  相似文献   
From March 1999 through August 2000, 511 stool samples collected from 11 different primate species in 10 geographically distinct locations in Kenya, East Africa, were screened for the presence of Cyclospora spp. oocysts. Positive samples (43/102, 42%) were identified in vervet monkeys (Cercopithecus aethiops) in 4 of 4 locations; 19/206 (9%) in yellow and olive baboons (Papio cynocephalus, P. anubis, respectively) in 5 of 5 locations; and 19/76 (25%) in black and white colobus monkeys (Colobus angolensis, C. guereza, respectively) from 2 of 3 locations. DNA sequences obtained from 18 S rRNA coding regions from respective subsets of these positive samples were typed as Cyclospora cercopitheci (samples from Cercopithecus aethiops). Cyclospora papionis (samples from Papio cynocephalus and P. anubis), and Cyclospora colobi (samples from Colobus angolensis and C. guereza). Cyclospora oocysts were not detected in samples collected from patas, highland sykes, lowland sykes, blue sykes, DeBrazza, or red-tailed monkeys. A coded map showing the geographic location of the collected samples is given. Stool samples from 1 troop of vervet monkeys were collected over a 12-mo period. Positive samples ranged between 21 and 63%. These results suggest that there is no strongly marked seasonality evident in Cyclospora infection in monkeys as has been noted in human infection. This is further confirmed by the recovery of positive samples collected from vervet monkeys, baboons, and colobus monkeys at all times of the year during this survey. This absence of seasonality in infection is especially notable because of the extreme weather patterns typical of Kenya, where marked rainy and dry seasons occur. A second noteworthy observation is that the striking host specificity of the Cyclospora species initially described was confirmed in this survey. Baboons were only infected with C. papionis, vervet monkeys with C. cercopitheci, and colobus monkeys with C. colobi, despite geographic overlaps of both the monkey and parasite species and wide geographic distribution of each parasite and monkey host.  相似文献   
Like tumor cells, DNA viruses have had to evolve mechanisms that uncouple cellular replication from the many intra- and extracellular factors that normally control it. Here we show that adenovirus encodes two proteins that activate the mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) for viral replication, even under nutrient/growth factor-limiting conditions. E4-ORF1 mimics growth factor signaling by activating PI3-kinase, resulting in increased Rheb.GTP loading and mTOR activation. E4-ORF4 is redundant with glucose in stimulating mTOR, does not affect Rheb.GTP levels and is the major mechanism whereby adenovirus activates mTOR in quiescent primary cells. We demonstrate that mTOR is activated through a mechanism that is dependent on the E4-ORF4 protein phosphatase 2A-binding domain. We also show that mTOR activation is required for efficient S-phase entry, independently of E2F activation, in adenovirus-infected quiescent primary cells. These data reveal that adenovirus has evolved proteins that activate the mTOR pathway, irrespective of the cellular microenvironment, and which play a requisite role in viral replication.  相似文献   
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