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For the first time ever, the International Union for Conservation of Nature Red List Index for habitat types was calculated for an entire country, Finland. The RLIs were based on species threat assessments from 2000 and 2010 and included habitat definitions for all 10,131 species of 12 organism groups. The RLIs were bootstrapped to track statistically significant changes. The RLI changes of species grouped by habitats were negative for all habitat types except for forests and rural biotopes which showed a stable trend. Trends of beetles and true bugs were positive in rural and forest habitats. Other 16 observed trends of species group and habitat combinations were negative. Several trends observed were in accordance with studies focusing on particular taxa and habitats, and drivers for their change. This study demonstrates the usefulness of the RLI as a tool for observing habitat change based on species threat assessment data.  相似文献   
Drosophila littoralis overwinters in the adult stage in a reproductive diapause. During the warm season there are one or two generations in Finland. The diapause appears to be a prolongation of the post-eclosion immaturity of young females. The termination of diapause is controlled by a combination of adequate temperature and sufficiently long photophases. The diapausing status of females is ascertained by inspecting the developmental stage of their ovaries. In laboratory experiments the maturity of ovaries is not closely correlated with the receptivity of females.  相似文献   
Thirty-five honey-bee colonies, originally free fromVarroa jacobsoni (Oudemans) were monitored approximately every third week for the presence of the mite during 16 months following an initial introduction of five to eight adultVarroa females in early July. Investigations of hive debris detected the presence ofV. jacobsoni in 22 colonies (63%) within three months of the mite introduction. During the first winter period (October–April), mites were found in the hive debris of 13 colonies (37%). In terms of detectingVarroa during the summer in colonies with sealed brood, investigations of hive debris were more effective than sampling of brood. Brood sampling was more effective than sampling of live bees. In colonies without sealed brood, investigations of hive debris or of live bee samples seemed approximately equally efficient. The highest correlation between sampling methods was found between daily mite downfall and mites per live bee (r=0.81) in colonies with sealed brood. During the winter, investigations of dead bees and hive debris were approximately equally efficient in detectingVarroa.  相似文献   
Cellular origin of fibronectin in interspecies hybrid kidneys   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
The cellular origin of fibronectin in the kidney was studied in three experimental models. Immunohistochemical techniques that use cross-reacting or species-specific antibodies against mouse or chicken fibronectin were employed. In the first model studied, initially avascular mouse kidneys cultured on avian chorioallantoic membranes differentiate into epithelial kidney tubules and become vascularized by chorioallantoic vessels. Subsequently, hybrid glomeruli composed of mouse podocytes and avian endothelial-mesangial cells form. In immunohistochemical studies, cross-reacting antibodies to fibronectin stained vascular walls, tubular basement membranes, interstitium, and glomeruli of mouse kidney grafts. The species-specific antibodies reacting only with mouse fibronectin stained interstitial areas and tubular basement membranes, but showed no reaction with hybrid glomeruli and avian vascular walls. In contrast, species-specific antibodies against chicken fibronectin stained both the interstitial areas and the vascular walls as well as the endothelial-mesangial areas of the hybrid glomeruli, but did not stain the mouse-derived epithelial structures of the kidneys. In the second model, embryonic kidneys cultured under avascular conditions in vitro develop glomerular tufts, which are devoid of endothelial cells. These explants showed fluorescence staining for fibronectin only in tubular basement membranes and in interstitium. The avascular, purely epithelial glomerular bodies remained unstained. Finally, in outgrowths of separated embryonic glomeruli, the cross-reacting fibronectin antibodies revealed two populations of cells: one devoid of fibronectin and another expressing fibronectin in strong fibrillar and granular patterns. These results favor the idea that the main endogenous cellular sources for fibronectin in the embryonic kidney are the interstitial and vascular cells. All experiments presented here suggest that fibronectin is not synthesized by glomerular epithelial cells in vivo.  相似文献   
Exogenous fibronectin is not required for organogenesis in vitro   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The biological effect of plasma fibronectin on the differentiation of embryonic mouse kidney and tooth was studied in organ cultures. Transferrin (50 micrograms/ml) was a strong mitogen for kidney cells, whereas the addition of soluble fibronectin (50 to 250 micrograms/ml) had no detectable effect on differentiation or proliferation. The same serum-free, transferrin-containing medium did not support tooth differentiation. However, fibronectin was not a necessary serum component because fibronectin-free serum supported tooth development. It was demonstrated with antibodies specific for human fibronectin that the exogenously added human fibronectin at 50 micrograms/ml did not become incorporated to the cultured organs. Only minimal incorporation to the kidney basement membrane area was observed when fibronectin concentration was 250 micrograms/ml. The mesenchymal stroma and the basement membranes of the kidney and tooth rudiments cultured in fibronectin-free media stained intensely with conventional fibronectin antibodies, indicating endogenous production of fibronectin. Outgrowing epithelial cells from isolated kidney tubules produced fibronectin as well as laminin. The results suggest that the fibronectin found in the stroma and basement membranes is an endogenous product of the developing tissues and that plasma fibronectin is not required for in vitro organogenesis. The results also indicate that it is difficult to study the effect of fibronectin on morphogenetic processes because it may not penetrate the organ explants in vitro.  相似文献   
Certain strains of Bradyrhizobium japonicum form a previously unknown polysaccharide in the root nodules of soybean plants (Glycine max (L.) Merr.). The polysaccharide accumulates inside of the symbiosome membrane—the plant-derived membrane enclosing the bacteroids. In older nodules (60 days after planting), the polysaccharide occupies most of the symbiosome volume and symbiosomes become enlarged so that there is little host cytoplasm in infected cells. The two different groups of B. japonicum which produce different types of polysaccharide in culture produce polysaccharides of similar composition in nodules. Polysaccharide formed by group I strains (e.g., USDA 5 and USDA 123) is composed of rhamnose, galactose, and 2-O-methylglucuronic acid, while polysaccharide formed by group II strains (e.g., USDA 31 and USDA 39) is composed of rhamnose and 4-O-methylglucuronic acid. That the polysaccharide is a bacterial product is indicated by its composition plus the fact that polysaccharide formation is independent of host genotype but is dependent on the bacterial genotype. Polysaccharide formation in nodules is common among strains in serogroups 123, 127, 129, and 31, with 27 of 39 strains (69%) testing positive. Polysaccharide formation in nodules is uncommon among other B. japonicum serogroups, with only 1 strain in 18 (6%) testing positive.  相似文献   
Microspore culture is a very important and useful tool in plant breeding for haploid production and has been developed for many years.Brassica campestris (Brassica rapa L. ssp.oleifera) is an important oilseed crop, but it is relatively recalcitrant in tissue culture including microspore culture. The microspore culture in our laboratory is based on the Canadian protocol. Thirty genotypes ofB. campestris were included in this study; twenty produced embryos. The highest yield was 5930 embryos per 100 buds from Canadian genotype Cv-2, this result was one of the best that had been reported in microspore culture inB. campestris. The buds measuring 2.0 mm to 3.9 mm in length responded best to produce embryos, the optimum timing for microspore culture was confirmed to be during the mid-late to very-late uninucleate stage. The buds could be removed from either the main raceme or lateral racemes. Activated charcoal (150 mg l-1) was added to the liquid NLN medium, it promoted embryogenesis significantly; embryo development was faster and the embryo yield was significantly higher than those cultures without activated charcoal. The donor plant condition was considered an important factor influencing embryogenesis; older donor plants (older than five weeks) and a cold treatment are recommended.  相似文献   
Local production of catecholamines in the stomach of the rat was studied by immunohistochemical demonstration of tyrosine hydroxylase (TH), dopamine--hydroxylase (DBH) and phenylethanolamine-N-methyltransferase (PNMT), the enzymes catalyzing the formation of dopamine, noradrenaline and adrenaline, respectively. A rich innervation of TH- and DBH-immunoreactive nerve fibers was seen in the muscular layers and the myenteric plexus, in the submucosa and in the walls of submucosal blood vessels and in the lamina propria at the base of the epithelial layer. In addition, TH-, but not DBH-immunoreactive nerve fiber networks surrounding ganglion cells in the myenteric plexus were frequently observed, indicating dopaminergic preganglionic innervation of the myenteric plexus. In the oxyntic epithelium, single TH- and DBH-immunoreactive fibers extended in the strands of lamina propria as far as the middle portion of the gastric glands. A small population of single angulate cells in the oxyntic epithelium showed TH-, but not DBH-immunoreactivity. No specific PNMT immunoreactivity was observed.  相似文献   
Summary The rate of calcium extraction with EDTA (ethylenediamine tetraacetic acid) from thin bone slices (300 m-2mm thick) was determined by aid of an atomic absorption spectrophotometer. A 0.5 mm thick bone slice was completely decalcified with 15% (0.40 M), 8% (0.22 M), and 4% (0.11 M) EDTA in 24 h, 3 days, and 5 days, respectively (vol. 15 ml, temp. 4° C, pH 7.4). At 37 and 60° C the speed of demineralization was slightly increased as compared with that at 20° C, while no difference was observed between 4 and 20° C. Bone slices with a thickness of 0.3, 0.5, 1 and 2 mm were decalcified-in the same order-in 24 h, 2, 3, and 5 days (8% EDTA, 4° C, pH 7.4). At pH 7.4, the decalcification rate was a little slower than at pH 5.0 and 8.5. Agitation did not affect the decalcifying velocity, nor did the volume of the agent, except when the volume was very small. The demineralization of ordinary bone, containing both compact and spongy bone, was found to be more rapid than that of homogeneous bone reported earlier. The acidic buffers and New Decalc®, which served as reference substances, exerted a more vigorous decalcifying effect than EDTA. K formate/formic acid buffer, pH 3.15, demineralized a 1 mm thick bone slice in 24 h, and 2 days was needed with Na lactate/lactic acid buffer, pH 3.70. With New Decalc®, pH 0.9, the corresponding demineralization was accomplished in 1.5 h. Atomic absorption spectrophotometer proved to be a useful tool in the evaluation of calcium extraction velocity from bone slices.  相似文献   
We have recently described a cell type-specific surface (SF) antigen that is deleted in chick fibroblasts transformed by Rous sarcoma virus. SF antigen is a major surface component and makes up about 0.5% of the total protein on normal cultured fibroblasts. The antigen is shed from normal cells and is present in circulation (serum, plasma), and in vivo, also, in tissue boundary membranes. The molecular equivalents of both cellular and serum SF antigen are distinct, large polypeptides, one of which (SF210, MW 210,000) is glycosylated and, on the cell surface, highly susceptible to proteases and accessible to surface iodination. Immunofluorescence and scanning electron microscopy have indicated that the antigen is located in fibrillar structures of the cell surface, membrane ridges, and processes. Human SF antigen is present in human fibroblasts and in human serum. We have recently shown that human SF antigen is identical to what has been known as the “cold-insoluble globulin” and that it shows affinity toward fibrin and fibrinogen. Our results also indicate that loss of the transformation-sensitive surface proteins is due not to loss of synthesis but to lack of insertion of the protein in the neoplastic cell surface. Both normal and transformed cells produce the SF antigen, but the latter do not retain it in the cell surface. The loss of SF antigen, a major cell surface component, from malignant cells creates an impressive difference between the surface properties of normal and malignant cells. The possible significance of SF antigen to the integrity of the normal membrane and its interaction to surrounding structures is discussed.  相似文献   
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