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ELISA is used for detecting the soluble staphylococcal antigen in patients with purulent septic infections. The optimum conditions for the assay have been established: the dose of staphylococcal gamma globulin for plate sensitization should be 5.0-10.0 micrograms/ml, the pH of the buffer solution 9.6-10.0, the time and temperature of incubation 18-20 hours at 4 degrees C or 5 hours at 37 degrees C. The possibility of using plates manufactured in the USSR has been shown. The sensitivity of the above diagnostic test system is 0.005 microgram/ml.  相似文献   
The variability of mtDNA in four Far Eastern endemic species of the genus Tribolodon was studied in the significant part of their areas. There was no close relationship between the lifetime and the level of mtDNA variability. The relation between the population genetic structure and the level of amphidromic species was revealed. The presence of mtDNA phylogroup differed in three of the four species shows that there was a long period of independent intraspecific divergent evolution in the history of these species. This period falls on aproximately the same historical age, and, apparently, is caused by one and the same factors. The period was not enough long and ended in the integration of genetically independent units into a single species.  相似文献   
The data are presented on the stimulatory effect of interleukin-2 on the formation of spleen exocolonies from bone marrow irradiated in vitro with doses of 0.5 to 2.5 Gy. It is suggested that the effect observed is associated with the increased proliferation of CFUs survived after irradiation.  相似文献   
A study was made of the influence of gamma-radiation on the growth of human larynx squamous cell carcinoma transplanted under the capsule of the kidney of immunocompetent mice. The transplants were shown to increase in size 6 days after transplantation. Irradiation of animals 24 h after transplantation inhibited considerably the tumor growth. However, the preirradiation (24 h before operation) inhibited the growth of nonirradiated transplants to the same extent as the exposure of mice with the transplanted tumor fragments did: the radiation dose that induced 50% inhibition of the growth was 4.5 Gy and 5.3 Gy, respectively. Preliminary data indicate that tumor fragment of patients with the unfavourable prognosis increase in size and respond to radiation to a lesser extent.  相似文献   
Formation of microflora in the large intestine of 5-day old infants was studied in one of the Moscow maternity homes. The up-to-date procedures for isolation and identification of aerobic and anaerobic organisms were used in the study and the findings were processed on a computer. In the newborns of the maternity home of the "mother-infant" type there was observed colonization of the large intestine with aerobic and anaerobic organisms. A wave-like dynamics in the formation of the symbiotic microflora was revealed. It reflected the phenomenon of the microbial succession in the infants. The attempts to detect microbial interference between the species colonizing the large intestine showed that it was extremely rare in the 5-day old infants. This was likely the reason of the low intestine resistance to the colonization in the newborns which in its turn defined the frequent colonization of the intestine mucosa with S. aureus and the organisms of the Klebsiella, Enterobacter and Citrobacter group.  相似文献   
We have evaluated the 4q25-4q26 region where the autosomal dominant disorder Rieger syndrome has been previously mapped by linkage. We first excluded epidermal growth factor as a candidate gene by carrying out SSCP analysis of each of its 24 exons using a panel of seven unrelated individuals with Rieger syndrome. No evidence for etiologic mutations was detected in these individuals, although four polymorphic variants were identified, including three that resulted in amino acid changes. We next made use of two apparently balanced translocations, one familial and one sporadic, to identify a narrow physical localization likely to contain the gene or to be involved in regulation of gene function. Somatic cell hybrids were established from individuals with these balanced translocations, and these hybrids were used as a physical mapping resource for, first, preliminary mapping of the translocation breakpoints using known sequence tagged sites from chromosome 4 and then, after creating YAC and cosmids contigs encompassing the region, for fine mapping of those breakpoints. A cosmid contig spanning these breakpoints was identified and localized the gene to within approximately 150 kb of D4S193 on chromosome 4. The interval between the two independent translocations is approximately 50 kb in length and provides a powerful resource for gene identification.  相似文献   
A method of rapid freezing in supercooled Freon 22 (monochlorodifluoromethane) followed by cryoultramicrotomy is described and shown to yield ultrathin sections in which both the cellular ultrastructure and the distribution of diffusible ions across the cell membrane are preserved and intracellular compartmentalization of diffusabler ions can be quantitated. Quantitative electron probe analysis (Shuman, H., A.V. Somlyo, and A.P. Somlyo. 1976. Ultramicros. 1:317-339.) of freeze-dried ultrathin cryto sections was found to provide a valid measure of the composition of cells and cellular organelles and was used to determine the ionic composition of the in situ terminal cisternae of the sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR), the distribution of CI in skeletal muscle, and the effects of hypertonic solutions on the subcellular composition if striated muscle. There was no evidence of sequestered CI in the terminal cisternae of resting muscles, although calcium (66mmol/kg dry wt +/- 4.6 SE) was detected. The values of [C1](i) determined with small (50-100 nm) diameter probes over cytoplasm excluding organelles over nuclei or terminal cisternae were not significantly different. Mitochondria partially excluded C1, with a cytoplasmic/ mitochondrial Ci ratio of 2.4 +/- 0.88 SD. The elemental concentrations (mmol/kg dry wt +/- SD) of muscle fibers measured with 0.5-9-μm diameter electron probes in normal frog striated muscle were: P, 302 +/- 4.3; S, 189 +/- 2.9;C1, 24 +/- 1.1;K, 404 +/- 4.3, and Mg, 39 +/- 2.1. It is concluded that: (a) in normal muscle the "excess CI" measured with previous bulk chemical analyses and flux studies is not compartmentalized in the SR or in other cellular organelles, and (b) the cytoplasmic C1 in low [K](0) solutions exceeds that predicted by a passive electrochemical distribution. Hypertonic 2.2 X NaCl, 2.5 X sucrose, or 2.2 X Na isethionate produced: (a) swollen vacuoles, frequently paired, adjacent to the Z lines and containing significantly higher than cytoplasmic concentrations of Na and Cl or S (isethionate), but no detectable Ca, and (b) granules of Ca, Mg, and P = approximately (6 Ca + 1 Mg)/6P in the longitudinal SR. It is concluded that hypertonicity produces compartmentalized domains of extracellular solutes within the muscle fibers and translocates Ca into the longitudinal tubules.  相似文献   
Results of two controlled epidemiological tests evaluating the prophylactic effect of gamma globulin of Monogolian and Soviet production against meningococcal infection are presented. Observations were carried out on children aged 3 months to 4 years, not attending children's establishments. The results of the observation revealed the following prophylactic effect of gamma globulin of Mongolian production in the first two months after administration: index of efficiency--5.0, coefficient of efficiency--80%, P greater than 0.01. The efficiency of the prophylactic effect of Soviet gamma globulin was limited to one month: the index of efficiency amounted to 5.3, the coefficient of efficiency to 82.2%, P greater than 0.01. The course of meningococcal infection in the children who had received gamma globulin was less severe than in the children of the control group. Lethal outcome was recorded only in the group of children who had not received gamma globulin. The duration of the prophylactic effect of gamma globulin was found to depend on the height of the titres of specific antibodies in the preparation. The preparations are recommended as prophylactic means for children aged from 3 months to 4 years in doses of 1.5 ml (one dose) in the foci of meningococcal infection.  相似文献   
It is found that dinitrophenol, octanol and toluene produce similar effects on pH-dependence of ATPase of myosin and heavy meromyosin (HMM), i.e. they decrease or remove the neutral suppression of ATPase activity. The appearance of pH-dependence curves is simplified and approaches the form, which is characteristic for the ionisation curve of one; in the last resort two groups, participating in the enzyme activity. The activity of HMM is higher and the zone of the neutral suppression is diminished at low ionic strength, the activation by the modifiers being observed at the significantly lesser degree. CaATPase activation by dinitrophenol, octanol and toluene is suggested to be of the same nature and is accounted for the masking of "the inhibiting" ionizable group of the enzyme with near to neutral pK. This masking may be the result of the conformational changes occuring at the deformation of hydrofobic regions. The ionization of "the activity inhibiting" group of the enzyme depends directly or indirectly on the concentration of potassium chloride and the increase of KCl concentration bring to the inhibition of ATPase activity.  相似文献   
To solve some systematic questions as well as to study genetic variability and evolutionary relationships in two groups of fish belonging to the Mugilid (Mugilidae) and Cyprinid (Cyprinidae) families, we have used restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) fragments amplified in polymerase chain reaction. The analysis of three mtDNA fragments of 7220 bp total length of six Mugilid species has shown that Mediterranean Liza aurata, L. ramada, L. saliens, and Chelon labrosus form a common cluster, L. aurata and C. labrosus being the closest relatives, whereas L. haematocheilus (syn. C. haematocheilus) of the Sea of Japan forms a sister group to the Mediterranean cluster. It was found that Chelon and Liza genera are paraphyletic, and therefore their division into two genera is unnatural and they should be synonymized. According to priority, Liza species should be ascribed to Chelon genus. Mugil cephalus is the most distant compared to the rest of the species studied. The level of genetic divergence between allopatric samples of M. cephalus from the Sea of Japan and the Mediterranean Sea has proved to be very high—4.5% of nucleotide substitutions. The analysis of four mtDNA fragments of 9340 bp total length of six Cyprinid species has shown that L. waleckii is the most genetically distant. Pseudaspius leptocephalus is a sister group to Tribolodon species. All Tribolodon species form a common cluster with T. sachalinensis as a root. The remaining species form two branches, one of which includes T. nakamurai and T. brandtii, another one combines T. hakonensis and a new form of Tribolodon revealed that is close to T. hakonensis by its mtDNA (2.4% of nucleotide substitutions). This new form might be an independent species. Published in Russian in Biokhimiya, 2007, Vol. 72, No. 12, pp. 1651–1658.  相似文献   
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