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Globally, the most widely used wetland classification is that adopted by the contracting parties of the Ramsar Convention, which is the Convention on Wetlands of International Importance especially as Waterfowl Habitat. A review of the Inland Wetland component of this system shows that mixed criteria are used to separate the wetlands, and that not all natural inland wetlands have been addressed. A classification system using landform and hydro-period, which results in 13 primary geomorphically non-emergent types for natural wetlands, is proposed to describe the full variety of wetlands at a primary level around the globe, and is suggested to be incorporated as the first-tier of the Ramsar classification.The proposed classification has been designed so wetlands can be described, classified and compared systematically. This paper attempts to reconcile the Ramsar Classification system with the proposed approach. The intention in this paper is not to displace the Ramsar Classification, but rather to indicate its inherent underlying geomorphic structure, and hence re-order its hierarchical framework. This adjustment to the existing classification system would highlight underlying similarities between wetlands so that global comparisons can be more readily made. It also has considerable advantages for a staged, systematic discrimination and classification of the vast array of differing wetlands globally.The use of geomorphic and hydrologic elements as the primary and secondary divisions with the more commonly used Ramsar Classification terms as a tertiary division, provides a logical structure to compare and contrast wetlands globally.  相似文献   
Seeds of 5 rose species, Rosa multiflora Thunb. ‘Cathayensis,’ R. × reversa Waldst. & Kit., R. setigera Michx. ‘Beltsville,’ R. setigera Michx. ‘Serena,’ and R. wichuraiana Crepin, varied in after-ripening requirement from 30 days at 4.4 C for R. multiflora to 90 days for R. setigera ‘Serena.’ The compensating temperature varied from near 12.8 C for R. × reversa to a value near 29.4 C for R. setigera ‘Beltsville.’ In this report compensating temperature is used to describe that temperature at which mature, moist seed does not germinate, after-ripening does not take place, and dormancy does not change. Seed germination was reduced by interruption of the after-ripening period with intervals at temperatures above the compensating temperature. The interruptions were more effective in reducing germination when more frequent and when the temperature during the interval was higher. Species differed in their sensitivity to high-temperature reduction of germination. Those having the longest after-ripening requirement were most sensitive. Germination of seeds which had the minimum after-ripening treatment was repressed more by high temperature than germination of those seeds which had an excess of after-ripening. The decrease in germination resulted from imposition of a secondary dormancy of the embryo, and probably also from reversal of the after-ripening effect upon the primary dormancy imposed by the seed coat.  相似文献   
In species with indeterminate growth, differential growth rates can lead to animals adopting alternative reproductive tactics such as sneak–guard phenotypes, which is partially predicted by variation in growth during the juvenile life‐history stage. To investigate sources of growth variation, we examined the independent and joint effects of paternal reproductive tactic (G) and rearing environment (E) on juvenile growth in Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha), hypothesizing G and E effects are partially mediated through differences in behaviour such as aggressive interactions and resulting foraging behaviours. We created maternal half‐sibling families with one‐half of the female's eggs fertilized by the milt of a sneaker “jack” and the other half by a guarder “hooknose”. At the exogenous feeding stage, each split‐clutch family was then divided again and reared in a rationed diet or growth‐promotion diet environment for approximately 6 months, during which growth parameters were measured. Before saltwater transfer at 9 months of age, social interactions were observed in groups of six fish of various competitor origins. We found ration restricts growth rate and juvenile mass, and evidence of genetic effects on growth depensation, where jack‐sired individuals grew less uniformly over time. These growth‐related differences influenced an individual's level of aggression, with individuals raised on a restricted diet and those whose families experienced greatest growth being most aggressive. These individuals were more likely to feed than not and feed most often. Jack‐sired individuals were additionally aggressive in the absence of food, and when raised on a rationed diet outcompeted others to feed most. These results show how individuals may achieve higher growth rates via intrinsic (G) or induced (E) aggressive behavioural phenotypes, and eventually attain the threshold body size necessary during the saltwater phase to precociously sexually mature and adopt alternative reproductive phenotypes.  相似文献   
A recombinant scFv antibody against human spleen ferritin was expressed as a barstar-fused protein in Escherichia coli and in Nicotiana tabacum plants and suspension cell cultures. As demonstrated by immunoblotting with antibarstar antibodies, direction of the recombinant protein to the endomembrane system of plant cells ensured its stability and solubility. Production of the recombinant protein did not differ between parental transgenic plants and their first-generation progeny. Fusion with barstar allowed not only immunochemical detection of the recombinant scFv antibody, but also their purification from the plant material by affinity chromatography with barnase-His6 immobilized on a metal-affinity carrier.  相似文献   
The content of malonyl dialdehyde, one of the final products of lipid peroxidation, was determined at different stages after zymosan stimulation of mononuclear phagocyte system in the rat liver. The gradual increase (with the maximum on day 7) of colloidal carbon clearance from the blood and the number of nonparenchymal cells, especially their nonphagocytic fraction, was noted in the rat liver after zymosan injection. A considerable reduction of hepatic malonyl dialdehyde was observed after the initial (on day 1) rising of its level. The distinct antioxidant effect developed by day 7 and coincided with maximal activity of hepatic macrophages.  相似文献   
Human activity helps prey win the predator-prey space race   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Predator-prey interactions, including between large mammalian wildlife species, can be represented as a "space race", where prey try to minimize and predators maximize spatial overlap. Human activity can also influence the distribution of wildlife species. In particular, high-human disturbance can displace large carnivore predators, a trait-mediated direct effect. Predator displacement by humans could then indirectly benefit prey species by reducing predation risk, a trait-mediated indirect effect of humans that spatially decouples predators from prey. The purpose of this research was to test the hypothesis that high-human activity was displacing predators and thus indirectly creating spatial refuge for prey species, helping prey win the "space race". We measured the occurrence of eleven large mammal species (including humans and cattle) at 43 camera traps deployed on roads and trails in southwest Alberta, Canada. We tested species co-occurrence at camera sites using hierarchical cluster and nonmetric multidimensional scaling (NMS) analyses; and tested whether human activity, food and/or habitat influenced predator and prey species counts at camera sites using regression tree analysis. Cluster and NMS analysis indicated that at camera sites humans co-occurred with prey species more than predator species and predator species had relatively low co-occurrence with prey species. Regression tree analysis indicated that prey species were three times more abundant on roads and trails with >32 humans/day. However, predators were less abundant on roads and trails that exceeded 18 humans/day. Our results support the hypothesis that high-human activity displaced predators but not prey species, creating spatial refuge from predation. High-human activity on roads and trails (i.e., >18 humans/day) has the potential to interfere with predator-prey interactions via trait-mediated direct and indirect effects. We urge scientist and managers to carefully consider and quantify the trait-mediated indirect effects of humans, in addition to direct effects, when assessing human impacts on wildlife and ecosystems.  相似文献   
Echocardiograms have been assessed only at 56 days in mice overexpressing calcineurin (CN mice). Age-dependent echocardiographic changes were evaluated because the development of sudden death is time dependent. Because cyclosporin A (CsA) reverses hypertrophy in CN mice, its effects on the time course of the development of sudden death and cardiac dysfunction were assessed. In wild-type (WT) mice, the left ventricular (LV) internal end-diastolic dimension (LVIDd) increased and the LV mass index (LVMI) decreased with age. In CN mice, two distinct phases of pathophysiology were found. After 14 days, in CN mice, the LVIDd and LVMI were significantly increased, but sudden death had not occurred. After 28 days, in CN mice, relative dilation of the left ventricle occurred, whereas the LVMI decreased. Sudden death developed during progressive dilation associated with systolic and diastolic dysfunction. CsA treatment reversed hypertrophy in CN mice but did not reverse systolic and diastolic dysfunction and exaggerated sudden death. Sudden cardiac death was associated with systolic and diastolic dysfunction but was not related to isolated cardiac hypertrophy in CN mice.  相似文献   
Mucins have been shown to be aberrantly overexpressed in various diseases including cystic fibrosis, asthma, and cancer. Recent studies have uncovered the roles of these mucins in the pathogenesis of cancer. The presence of MUC-1 has also been detected on the cell surface of multiple myeloma (MM) cells in peripheral blood and showed direct correlation with tumor mass. In this study, we evaluated the levels of soluble MUC-1 (sMUC-1) in 50 new MM patients and correlated this with the levels of sMUC-1 after treatment. High levels of sMUC-1 were found in 20/50 (40%) MM patients, and in 2/50 (4%) healthy individuals (p = 0.001). According to the ISS, we found significant differences of mean sMUC-1 levels between the first stage of the disease (0.63 ± ± 0.26) and the third (0.93 ± 0.24; p = 0.03), but not with the second stage (0.80 ± 0.22; p = 0.08). Our study confirmed the correlation between elevated sMUC-1 and high elevated lactate dehydrogenase (p = 0.03) and the level of IgG in groups of patients with MM IgG at every stage of disease (p = 0.001). We showed for the first time that levels of sMUC-1 after treatment, in a group of patients with initially elevated levels of MUC-1, were statistically lower than in a group of patients with initially lower levels of sMUC-1 (21% vs. 42,6%; p = 0.05). At 37 months median of follow-up, we found a statistically significant difference between patients with normal versus elevated sMUC-1 in terms of progression-free survival (median 12 months vs. 8.1 months; p = 0.03).  相似文献   
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