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5S rRNA genes of Neurospora crassa are generally dispersed in the genome and are unmethylated. The xi-eta region of Oak Ridge strains represents an informative exception. Most of the cytosines in this region, which consists of a diverged tandem duplication of a 0.8-kilobase-pair segment including a 5S rRNA gene, appear to be methylated (E. U. Selker and J. N. Stevens, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 82:8114-8118, 1985). Previous work demonstrated that the xi-eta region functions as a portable signal for de novo DNA methylation (E. U. Selker and J. N. Stevens, Mol. Cell. Biol. 7:1032-1038, 1987; E. U. Selker, B. C. Jensen, and G. A. Richardson, Science 238:48-53, 1987). To identify the structural basis of this property, we have isolated and characterized an unmethylated allele of the xi-eta region from N. crassa Abbott 4. The Abbott 4 allele includes a single 5S rRNA gene, theta, which is different from all previously identified Neurospora 5S rRNA genes. Sequence analysis suggests that the xi-eta region arose from the theta region by duplication of a 794-base-pair segment followed by 267 G.C to A.T mutations in the duplicated DNA. The distribution of these mutations is not random. We propose that the RIP process of N. crassa (E. U. Selker, E. B. Cambareri, B. C. Jensen, and K. R. Haack, Cell 51:741-752, 1987; E. U. Selker, and P. W. Garrett, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 85:6870-6874, 1988; E. B. Cambareri, B. C. Jensen, E. Schabtach, and E. U. Selker, Science 244:1571-1575, 1989) is responsible for the numerous transition mutations and DNA methylation in the xi-eta region. A long homopurine-homopyrimidine stretch immediately following the duplicated segment is 9 base pairs longer in the Oak Ridge allele than in the Abbott 4 allele. Triplex DNA, known to occur in homopurine-homopyrimidine sequences, may have mediated the tandem duplication.  相似文献   
The process designated RIP (repeat-induced point mutation) alters duplicated DNA sequences in the sexual cycle of Neurospora crassa. We tested whether non-Neurospora sequences are susceptible to RIP, explored the basis for the observed immunity to this process of a diverged tandem duplication that probably arose by a natural duplication followed by RIP (the Neurospora zeta-eta region), and investigated whether RIP extends at all into unique sequences bordering a duplicated region. Bacterial sequences of the plasmid pUC8 and of a gene conferring resistance to hygromycin B were sensitive to RIP in N. crassa when repeated in the genome. When the entire 1.6-kb zeta-eta region was duplicated, it was susceptible to RIP, but was affected by it to a lesser extent than other duplications. Only three of 62 progeny from crosses harboring unlinked duplications of the region showed evidence of changes. We attribute the low level of alterations to depletion of mutable sites. The stability of the zeta-eta region in strains having single copies of the region suggests that the 14% divergence of the tandem elements is sufficient to prevent RIP. DNA sequence analysis of unduplicated pUC8 sequences adjacent to a duplication revealed that RIP continued at least 180 bp beyond the boundary of the duplication. Three mutations occurred in the 200-bp segment of bordering sequences examined.  相似文献   
Duplicate DNA sequences in the genome of Neurospora crassa can be detected and mutated in the sexual phase of the life cycle by a process termed RIP (repeat-induced point mutation). RIP occurs in the haploid nuclei of fertilized, premeiotic cells before fusion of the parental nuclei. Both copies of duplications of gene-sized sequences are affected in the first generation at frequencies of approximately 50-100%. We investigated the extent to which sequences altered by RIP remain susceptible to this process in subsequent generations. Duplications continued to be sensitive to RIP, even after six generations. The fraction of progeny showing evidence of RIP decreased rapidly, however, apparently as a function of the extent of divergence of the duplicated sequences. Analysis of the stability of heteroduplexes of DNA altered by RIP and their native counterpart indicated that linked duplications diverged further than did unlinked duplications. DNA methylation, a common feature of sequences altered by RIP, did not seem to inhibit the process. A sequence that had become resistant to RIP was cloned and reintroduced into Neurospora in one or more copies to investigate the basis of the resistance. The altered sequence regained its methylation in vegetative cells, indicating that the methylation of sequences altered by RIP observed in vegetative cells is a consequence of the mutations. Duplication of the sequence restored its sensitivity to RIP suggesting that resistance to the process was due to loss of similarity between the duplicated sequences. Consistent with this, we found that the resistant sequence did not trigger RIP of the native homologous sequences of the host, even when no other partner was available. High frequency intrachromatid recombination, which is temporally associated with RIP, was more sensitive than RIP to alterations in the interacting sequences.  相似文献   
Dispersed 5S RNA genes in N. crassa: structure, expression and evolution   总被引:29,自引:0,他引:29  
The 5S RNA genes (5S genes) in N. crassa are not tandemly arranged or tightly clustered as in other eucaryotes that have been examined. 55 RNA or cloned 5S DNA hybridizes to at least 30 different restriction fragments of Neurospora DNA. Of 34 5S DNA clones examined, each contains a single 5S gene. Saturation hybridization analyses indicate that there are about 100 copies of 5S genes in the genome of this organism. We have partially or completely sequenced the 5S region of 15 clones. Both identical and highly divergent 5S coding regions were found. Nine are of one type (alpha). The other six include four different types (beta, beta', gamma and delta) which differ from each other and from the alpha genes to various degrees. Eleven of 15 genes have distinct flanking regions. Analysis of Neurospora 5S RNA showed that it consists of one principal species which matches the alpha-type gene sequence. Additional 5S species corresponding to the less abundant 5S gene types were also detected. The pattern of nucleotide substitutions between the predicted Neurospora 5S RNAs and between these and S. cerevisiae 5S RNA suggests that a particular 5S RNA secondary structure occurs in vivo and is conserved.  相似文献   
Repeat-induced point mutation (RIP) is a homology-based process that mutates repetitive DNA and frequently leads to epigenetic silencing of the mutated sequences through DNA methylation. Consistent with the hypothesis that RIP serves to control selfish DNA, an analysis of the Neurospora crassa genome sequence reveals a complete absence of intact mobile elements. As in most eukaryotes, the centromeric regions of N. crassa are rich in sequences that are related to transposable elements; however, in N crassa these sequences have been heavily mutated. The analysis of the N. crassa genome sequence also reveals that RIP has impacted genome evolution significantly through gene duplication, which is considered to be crucial for the evolution of new functions. Most if not all paralogs in N. crassa duplicated and diverged before the emergence of RIP. Thus, RIP illustrates the extraordinary extent to which genomes will go to defend themselves against mobile genetic elements.  相似文献   
New mutations are found among approximately 20% of progeny when one or both parents carry eas allele UCLA191 (eas(UCLA), easily wettable, hydrophobin-deficient, linkage group II). The mutations inactivate the wild-type allele of cya-8 (cytochrome aa3 deficient, linkage group VII), resulting in thin, "transparent" mycelial growth. Other eas alleles fail to produce cya-8 mutant progeny. The recurrent cya-8 mutations are attributed to repeat-induced point mutation (RIP) resulting from a duplicated copy of cya-8+ that was inserted ectopically at eas when the UCLA191 mutation occurred. As expected for RIP, eas(UCLA)-induced cya-8 mutations occur during nuclear proliferation prior to karyogamy. When only one parent is eas(UCLA), the new mutations arise exclusively in eas(UCLA) nuclei. Mutation of cya-8 is suppressed when a long unlinked duplication is present. Stable cya-8 mutations are effectively eliminated in crosses homozygous for rid, a recessive suppressor of RIP. The eas(UCLA) allele is associated with a long paracentric inversion. A discontinuity is present in eas(UCLA) DNA. The eas promoter is methylated in cya-8 progeny of eas(UCLA), presumably by the spreading of methylation beyond the adjoining RIP-inactivated duplication. These findings support a model in which an ectopic insertion that created a mutation at the target site acts as a locus-specific mutator via RIP.  相似文献   
Gene silencing: repeats that count   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
Selker EU 《Cell》1999,97(2):157-160
The mechanisms that establish DNA methylation in eukaryotes are poorly understood. In principle, methylation in a particular chromosomal region may reflect the presence of a "signal" that recruits methylation, the absence of a signal that prevents methylation, or both. Experiments were carried out to address these possibilities for the 1.6 kb zeta-eta (zeta-eta) region, a relict of repeat-induced point mutation (RIP) in the fungus Neurospora crassa. The zeta-eta region directs its own de novo methylation at a variety of chromosomal locations. We tested the methylation potential of a nested set of fragments with deletions from one end of the zeta-eta region, various internal fragments of this region, chimeras of eta and the homologous unmutated allele, theta (theta), and various synthetic variants, integrated precisely in single copy at the am locus on linkage group (LG) VR or the his-3 locus on LG IR. We found that: (1) the zeta-eta region contains at least two non-overlapping methylation signals; (2) different fragments of the region can induce different levels of methylation; (3) methylation induced by zeta-eta sequences can spread far into flanking sequences; (4) fragments as small as 171 bp can trigger methylation; (5) methylation signals behave similarly, but not identically, at different chromosomal sites; (6) mutation density, per se, does not determine whether sequences become methylated; and (7) neither A:T-richness nor high densities of TpA dinucleotides, typical attributes of methylated sequences in Neurospora, are essential features of methylation signals, but both promote de novo methylation. We conclude that de novo methylation of zeta-eta sequences does not simply reflect the absence of signals that prevent methylation; rather, the region contains multiple, positive signals that trigger methylation. These findings conflict with earlier models for the control of DNA methylation, including the simplest version of the collapsed chromatin model.  相似文献   
The SET domain is an evolutionarily conserved domain found predominantly in histone methyltransferases (HMTs). The Neurospora crassa genome includes nine SET domain genes (set-1 through set-9) in addition to dim-5, which encodes a histone H3 lysine 9 HMT required for DNA methylation. We demonstrate that Neurospora set-2 encodes a histone H3 lysine 36 (K36) methyltransferase and that it is essential for normal growth and development. We used repeat induced point mutation to make a set-2 mutant (set-2(RIP1)) with multiple nonsense mutations. Western analyses revealed that the mutant lacks SET-2 protein and K36 methylation. An amino-terminal fragment that includes the AWS, SET, and post-SET domains of SET-2 proved sufficient for K36 HMT activity in vitro. Nucleosomes were better substrates than free histones. The set-2(RIP1) mutant grows slowly, conidiates poorly, and is female sterile. Introducing the wild-type gene into the mutant complemented the defects, confirming that they resulted from loss of set-2 function. We replaced the wild-type histone H3 gene (hH3) with an allele producing a Lys to Leu substitution at position 36 and found that this hH3(K36L) mutant phenocopied the set-2(RIP1) mutant, confirming that the observed defects in growth and development result from inability to methylate K36 of H3. Finally, we used chromatin immunoprecipitation to demonstrate that actively transcribed genes in Neurospora crassa are enriched for H3 methylated at lysines 4 and 36. Taken together, our results suggest that methylation of K36 in Neurospora crassa is essential for normal growth and development.  相似文献   
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