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Emerging evidence suggests that metformin, a widely used anti-diabetic drug, may be useful in the prevention and treatment of different cancers. In the present study, we demonstrate that metformin directly inhibits the enzymatic function of hexokinase (HK) I and II in a cell line of triple-negative breast cancer (MDA-MB-231). The inhibition is selective for these isoforms, as documented by experiments with purified HK I and II as well as with cell lysates. Measurements of 18F-fluoro-deoxyglycose uptake document that it is dose- and time-dependent and powerful enough to virtually abolish glucose consumption despite unchanged availability of membrane glucose transporters. The profound energetic imbalance activates phosphorylation and is subsequently followed by cell death. More importantly, the “in vivo” relevance of this effect is confirmed by studies of orthotopic xenografts of MDA-MB-231 cells in athymic (nu/nu) mice. Administration of high drug doses after tumor development caused an evident tumor necrosis in a time as short as 48 h. On the other hand, 1 mo metformin treatment markedly reduced cancer glucose consumption and growth. Taken together, our results strongly suggest that HK inhibition contributes to metformin therapeutic and preventive potential in breast cancer.  相似文献   
Human Dual-specificity tyrosine (Y) Regulated Kinase 1A (DYRK1A) is encoded by a dosage dependent gene whereby either trisomy or haploinsufficiency result in developmental abnormalities. However, the function and regulation of this important protein kinase are not fully understood. Here, we report proteomic analysis of DYRK1A in human cells that revealed a novel role of DYRK1A in DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) repair, mediated in part by its interaction with the ubiquitin-binding protein RNF169 that accumulates at the DSB sites and promotes homologous recombination repair (HRR) by displacing 53BP1, a key mediator of non-homologous end joining (NHEJ). We found that overexpression of active, but not the kinase inactive DYRK1A in U-2 OS cells inhibits accumulation of 53BP1 at the DSB sites in the RNF169-dependent manner. DYRK1A phosphorylates RNF169 at two sites that influence its ability to displace 53BP1 from the DSBs. Although DYRK1A is not required for the recruitment of RNF169 to the DSB sites and 53BP1 displacement, inhibition of DYRK1A or mutation of the DYRK1A phosphorylation sites in RNF169 decreases its ability to block accumulation of 53BP1 at the DSB sites. Interestingly, CRISPR-Cas9 knockout of DYRK1A in human and mouse cells also diminished the 53BP1 DSB recruitment in a manner that did not require RNF169, suggesting that dosage of DYRK1A can influence the DNA repair processes through both RNF169-dependent and independent mechanisms. Human U-2 OS cells devoid of DYRK1A display an increased HRR efficiency and resistance to DNA damage, therefore our findings implicate DYRK1A in the DNA repair processes.  相似文献   
Heat shock cognate protein 70 is involved in rotavirus cell entry   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
In this work, we have identified the heat shock cognate protein (hsc70) as a receptor candidate for rotaviruses. hsc70 was shown to be present on the surface of MA104 cells, and antibodies to this protein blocked rotavirus infectivity, while not affecting the infectivity of reovirus and poliovirus. Preincubation of the hsc70 protein with the viruses also inhibited their infectivity. Triple-layered particles (mature virions), but not double-layered particles, bound hsc70 in a solid-phase assay, and this interaction was blocked by monoclonal antibodies to the virus surface proteins VP4 and VP7. Rotaviruses were shown to interact with hsc70 at a postattachment step, since antibodies to hsc70 and the protein itself did not inhibit the virus attachment to cells. We propose that the functional rotavirus receptor is a complex of several cell surface molecules that include, among others, hsc70.  相似文献   
ADAMTS (a disintegrin and metalloproteinase with thrombospondin motifs) family is known to play an important role in the pathogenesis of osteoarthritis (OA), working on aggrecan degradation or altering the integrity of extracellular matrix (ECM). Thus, the main purpose of our study was to define the role of vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP) and corticotrophin‐releasing factor (CRF), as immunoregulatory neuropeptides, on ADAMTS production in synovial fibroblasts (SF) from OA patients and healthy donors (HD). OA‐ and HD‐SF were stimulated with pro‐inflammatory mediators and treated with VIP or CRF. Both neuropeptides decreased ADAMTS‐4, ‐5, ‐7 and ‐12 expressions, aggrecanase activity, glycosaminoglycans (GAG), and cartilage oligomeric matrix protein (COMP) degradation after stimulation with fibronectin fragments (Fn‐fs) in OA‐SF. After stimulation with interleukin‐1β, VIP reduced ADAMTS‐4 and ‐5, and both neuropeptides decreased ADAMTS‐7 production and COMP degradation. Moreover, VIP and CRF reduced Runx2 and β‐catenin activation in OA‐SF. Our data suggest that the role of VIP and CRF on ADAMTS expression and cartilage degradation could be related to the OA pathology since scarce effects were produced in HD‐SF. In addition, their effects might be greater when a degradation loop has been established, given that they were higher after stimulation with Fn‐fs. Our results point to novel OA therapies based on the use of neuropeptides, since VIP and CRF are able to stop the first critical step, the loss of cartilage aggrecan and the ECM destabilization during joint degradation.  相似文献   
In 2015, Zika virus (ZIKV; Flaviviridae; Flavivirus) emerged in the Americas, causing millions of infections in dozens of countries. The rapid spread of the virus and the association with disease outcomes such as Guillain-Barré syndrome and microcephaly make understanding transmission dynamics essential. Currently, there are no reports of vector competence (VC) of American mosquitoes for ZIKV isolates from the Americas. Further, it is not clear whether ZIKV strains from other genetic lineages can be transmitted by American Aedes aegypti populations, and whether the scope of the current epidemic is in part facilitated by viral factors such as enhanced replicative fitness or increased vector competence. Therefore, we characterized replication of three ZIKV strains, one from each of the three phylogenetic clades in several cell lines and assessed their abilities to be transmitted by Ae. aegypti mosquitoes. Additionally, laboratory colonies of different Culex spp. were infected with an American outbreak strain of ZIKV to assess VC. Replication rates were variable and depended on virus strain, cell line and MOI. African strains used in this study outcompeted the American strain in vitro in both mammalian and mosquito cell culture. West and East African strains of ZIKV tested here were more efficiently transmitted by Ae. aegypti from Mexico than was the currently circulating American strain of the Asian lineage. Long-established laboratory colonies of Culex mosquitoes were not efficient ZIKV vectors. These data demonstrate the capacity for additional ZIKV strains to infect and replicate in American Aedes mosquitoes and suggest that neither enhanced virus replicative fitness nor virus adaptation to local vector mosquitoes seems likely to explain the extent and intensity of ZIKV transmission in the Americas.  相似文献   
Trait‐response effects are critical to forecast community structure and biomass production in highly diverse tropical forests. Ecological theory and few observation studies indicate that trees with acquisitive functional traits would respond more strongly to higher resource availability than those with conservative traits. We assessed how long‐term tree growth in experimental nutrient addition plots (N, P, and N + P) varied as a function of morphological traits, tree size, and species identity. We also evaluated how trait‐based responses affected stand scale biomass production considering the community structure. We found that tree growth depended on interactions between functional traits and the type or combination of nutrients added. Common species with acquisitive functional traits responded more strongly to nutrient addition, mainly to N + P. Phosphorous enhanced the growth rates of species with acquisitive and conservative traits, had mostly positive effects on common species and neutral or negative effects in rare species. Moreover, trees receiving N + P grew faster irrespective of their initial size relative to trees in control or to trees in other treatment plots. Finally, species responses were highly idiosyncratic suggesting that community processes including competition and niche dimensionality may be altered under increased resource availability. We found no statistically significant effects of nutrient additions on aboveground biomass productivity because acquisitive species had a limited potential to increase their biomass, possibly due to their generally lower wood density. In contrast, P addition increased the growth rates of species characterized by more conservative resource strategies (with higher wood density) that were poorly represented in the plant community. We provide the first long‐term experimental evidence that trait‐based responses, community structure, and community processes modulate the effects of increased nutrient availability on biomass productivity in a tropical forest.  相似文献   
The crystallographic structures of functional fragments of ErbBs have provided excellent insights into the geometry of growth factor binding and receptor dimerization. By placing together receptor fragments to build structural models of entire receptors, we expect to understand how these enzymes are allosterically regulated; however, several predictions from these models are inconsistent with experimental evidence from cells. The opening of this gap underlines the need to investigate intact ErbBs by combining cellular and structural studies into a full picture.  相似文献   
Arboviruses (arthropod-borne viruses) represent quintessential generalists, with the ability to infect and perform well in multiple hosts. However, antagonistic pleiotropy imposed a cost during the adaptation to persistent replication of vesicular stomatitis virus in sand fly cells and resulted in strains that initially replicated poorly in hamster cells, even when the virus was allowed to replicate periodically in the latter. Once a debilitated strain started replicating continuously in mammalian cells, fitness increased significantly. Fitness recovery did not entail back mutations or compensatory mutations, but instead, we observed the replacement of persistence-adapted genomes by mammalian cell-adapted strains with a full set of new, unrelated sequence changes. These mammalian cell-adapted genomes were present at low frequencies in the populations with a history of persistence for up to a year and quickly became dominant during mammalian infection, but coexistence was not stable in the long term. Periodic acute replication in mammalian cells likely contributed to extending the survival of minority genomes, but these genomes were also found in strictly persistent populations.  相似文献   
Some derivatives of trans-anethole [1-methoxy-4-(1-propenyl)-benzene] (1) were synthesized, by introducing hydroxyl groups in the double bond of the propenyl moiety. Two types of reactions were performed: (i) oxymercuration/demercuration that formed two products, the mono-hydroxyl derivative, 1-hydroxy-1-(4-methoxyphenyl)-propane (2) and in lesser extent the dihydroxyl derivative, 1,2-dihydroxy-1-(4-methoxyphenyl)-propane (3) and (ii) epoxidation with m-chloroperbenzoic acid that also led to the formation of two products, the dihydroxyl derivative (3) and the correspondent m-chloro-benzoic acid mono-ester, 1-hydroxy-1(4-methoxyphenyl)-2-m-chlorobenzoyl-propane (4). The structures of these compounds were confirmed mainly by mass, IR, 1H and 13C NMR spectral data. The activity of anethole and hydroxylated derivatives was evaluated using antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and gastroprotector tests. Compounds (2) and (3) were more active antioxidant agents than (1) and (4). In the anti-inflammatory assay, anethole showed lower activity than hydroxylated derivatives. Anethole and in lesser extent its derivatives 2 and 4 showed significant gastroprotector activity. All tested compounds do not alter significantly the total number of white blood cells.  相似文献   

Biodegradation of phenolic compounds in bioreactors is well documented, but the changes in the bacterial populations dynamics during degradation were not that often. A glass bubble column used as reactor was inoculated with activated sludge, spiked with 2-chlorophenol, phenol and m-cresol after 28 days and maintained for an additional 56 days, while the 16S rRNA gene from metagenomic DNA was monitored. Proteobacteria (68.1%) dominated the inoculum, but the bacterial composition changed rapidly. The relative abundance of Bacteroidetes and Firmicutes decreased from 4.8 and 9.4 to <0.1 and 0.2% respectively, while that of Actinobacteria and TM7 increased from 4.8 and 2.0 to 19.2 and 16.1% respectively. Phenol application increased the relative abundance of Proteobacteria to 94.2% (mostly Brevundimonas 17.6%), while that of Bacteroidetes remained low (1.2%) until day 42. It then increased to 47.3% (mostly Leadbetterella 46.9%) at day 84. It was found that addition of phenolic compounds did not affect the relative abundance of the Alphaproteobacteria initially, but it decreased slowly while that of the Bacteroidetes increased towards the end.

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