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Stressful treatments of cells provoke broad, transient, changes in cellular physiology and gene expression. In addition to these effects, DNA-damaging agents often induce permanent change in the form of mutations. Mutational patterns in target genes typically show hotspots and coldspots, the molecular basis of which appears to lie in the sequence context of the particular site. We determined the mutational pattern in an ultraviolet light-modified (in vitro) marker gene in a shuttle vector passaged through repair deficient (xeroderma pigmentosum) cells and compared it with patterns obtained from cells exposed to stress imposed by a DNA-damaging agent or a calcium ionophore. We found that the mutational hotspot pattern was altered by both stress treatments. We conclude that the cellular environment can influence the probability of mutagenesis at specific sites and propose that some of these effects on mutagenesis are mediated by alterations in cellular calcium levels.  相似文献   
The cloverleaf stem segments of the suppressor gene of bacteriophage T4 tRNA(Gln) contain ten G.C and ten A.U base-pairs. To gain a better appreciation of the G.C base-pair requirement, we isolated multiple mutants of this suppressor gene in which base-pairs of G.C were replaced by A.U. One active suppressor gene contained only A.U base-pairs on the anticodon stem, indicating that G.C base-pairs in this region of tRNA(Gln) are not essential for function. In contrast, replacement was not possible at two base-pairs on the D stem and at one base-pair on the T stem.  相似文献   
Reaction of acrylic acid (AA) at pH 7.0 and 37 degrees C for 40 days with 2'-deoxyadenosine (dAdo), 2'-deoxycytidine (dCyd), 2'-deoxyguanosine (dGuo) and thymidine (dThd) resulted in the formation of 2-carboxyethyl (CE) adducts via Michael addition. The alkylated 2'-deoxynucleoside adducts isolated (percent yield after 40 days) were 1-CE-dAdo (5%), N6-CE-dAdo (11%) (via Dimroth rearrangement of 1-CE-dAdo), 3-CE-dCyd (7.5%), 7-CE-Gua (4%), 7,9-bis-CE-Gua (0.9%) (formed by reaction of AA with depurinated 7-CE-Gua during the course of the reaction) and 3-CE-dThd (0.5%). The products isolated following in vitro reaction of AA with calf thymus DNA at pH 7.0 and 37 degrees C for 40 days were (nmol/mg DNA) 1-CE-Ade (9.9), N6-CE-Ade (8.2), 7-CE-Gua (7.2) and 3-CE-Thy (1.9). Compound 3-CE-Cyt was not detected. Thus the adducts formed following in vitro reaction of AA with DNA are identical to those formed by in vitro reaction of the carcinogen beta-propiolactone (BPL) with DNA as reported in an earlier paper. Structures were assigned on the basis of identical UV spectra, Rf values on paper chromatograms and Rt values on HPLC as marker compounds prepared from reactions of BPL with 2'-deoxynucleosides and 2'-deoxynucleotides-5'-monophosphoric acids. AA was assayed for carcinogenic activity by s.c. injection (20 mumol, once a week for 52 weeks) in female Hsd: (ICR)Br mice. Two mice with sarcomas at the site of application were observed out of 30 mice. Malignancies were not observed in solvent and no-treatment controls. The bioassay results reported in this paper and elsewhere in the same strain of mice suggest that AA is a weak carcinogen in female Hsd:(ICR)Br mice.  相似文献   
M Seidman 《Mutation research》1989,220(2-3):55-60
Shuttle-vector plasmids would appear to provide a powerful technology for studying mutagenesis in mammalian (including human) cells. Recently, as described in this and other papers in this volume, several shuttle-vector systems have been described and applied. The development of the first shuttle vectors for these purposes was hindered by two major problems. The first of these was the 'poison' sequence present in many pBR322 based vectors. The second was the problem of spontaneous mutagenesis associated with transfection of the plasmids into mammalian cells. Effective solutions for both problems have been devised, and it is now possible to experimentally address a variety of questions concerning mutagenesis and repair in mammalian cells.  相似文献   
To study the polymorphism of human cholinesterases (ChEs) at the levels of primary sequence and three-dimensional structure, a fragment of human butyrylcholinesterase (BuChE) cDNA was subcloned into the pEX bacterial expression vector and its polypeptide product analyzed. Immunoblot analysis revealed that the clone-produced BuChE peptides interact specifically with antibodies against human and Torpedo acetylcholinesterase (AChE). Rabbit polyclonal antibodies prepared against the purified clone-produced BuChE polypeptides interacted in immunoblots with denatured serum BuChE as well as with purified and denatured erythrocyte AChE. In contrast, native BuChE tetramers from human serum, but not AChE dimers from erythrocytes, interacted with these antibodies in solution to produce antibody-enzyme complexes that could be precipitated by second antibodies and that sedimented faster than the native enzyme in sucrose gradient centrifugation. Furthermore, both AChE and BuChE dimers from muscle extracts, but not BuChE tetramers from muscle, interacted with these antibodies. To reveal further whether the anti-cloned BuChE antibodies would interact in situ with ChEs in the neuromuscular junction, bundles of muscle fibers were microscopically dissected from the region in fetal human diaphragm that is innervated by the phrenic nerve. Muscle fibers incubated with the antibodies and with 125I-Protein A were subjected to emulsion autoradiography, followed by cytochemical ChE staining. The anti-cloned BuChE antibodies, as well as anti-Torpedo AChE antibodies, created patches of silver grains in the muscle endplate region stained for ChE, under conditions where control sera did not. These findings demonstrate that the various forms of human AChE and BuChE in blood and in neuromuscular junctions share sequence homologies, but also display structural differences between distinct molecular forms within particular tissues, as well as between similarly sedimenting molecular forms from different tissues.  相似文献   
Keratoacanthomas (KAs) are rapidly growing cutaneous lesions that frequently look much like well-differentiated squamous cell carcinomas (SCCs) but spontaneously regress. It is uncertain whether KA is a reactive hyperplastic lesion that mimics a neoplasm or a true (but defective) neoplasm that cannot sustain progressive growth. To address this question, we performed DNA flow cytometric analysis on 14 KAs and 10 cutaneous SCCs for comparison. By multiparameter DNA flow cytometry using forward scatter and orthogonal scatter, 10 KAs and 4 SCCs had peridiploid DNA aneuploid populations (DNA indices of 1.03-1.14), and 2 SCCs had grossly aneuploid populations (DNA index, 1.69 and 2.33). Our data thus support aneuploidy in KAs. It is argued that KA is a true neoplasm.  相似文献   
Ultraviolet mutagenesis of the shuttle vector plasmid pZ189 in Xeroderma Pigmentosum cells yields a mutational pattern marked by hotspots at photoproduct sites on both strands of the supF marker gene. In order to test the influence of strand orientation on the appearance of hotspots the mutagenesis study was repeated on a vector with the supF gene in the inverted orientation. We recovered a pattern the same as that in the earlier work and conclude that the nature of the DNA polymerase involved in the replication of specific strands is not a primary determinant of hotspot occurrence in this system. One of the hotspots lies in an 8 base palindrome while the corresponding site on the other strand was not a hotspot. These results were obtained with calcium phosphate transfection of the UV treated vector. When DEAE dextran was used as a transfection agent both sites in the palindrome were hotspots. In a mixing experiment the calcium phosphate pattern was recovered. Our data suggest that the sequence determinants of mutational probability at these two sites lie outside the 8 bases of the palindrome and that mutagenesis at one, but not the other, site is sensitive to perturbation of cellular calcium levels.  相似文献   
The gene for the alpha i1 subunit of human guanine nucleotide binding (G) protein was mapped by in situ hybridization to chromosome 7 at band q21. The regional chromosomal location of the human alpha i1 gene was confirmed using human/mouse somatic-cell hybrid lines containing portions of human chromosome 7. Because the alpha i1 gene mapped near the cystic fibrosis locus and because an abnormal G protein might be expected to contribute to the pathophysiology of this disease, the alpha i1 gene was mapped with respect to the cystic fibrosis locus as defined by the Met oncogene and anonymous DNA marker pJ3.11. The location of the alpha i1 gene proved to be distinct from that of the cystic fibrosis locus.  相似文献   
Induction of 6-thioguanine (TG) resistance by chemical mutagens was examined in a line of cells derived from a human epithelial teratocarcinoma cell clone. The cells, designated as P3 cells, have a stable diploid karyotype with 46(XX) chromosomes, including a translocation between chromosomes 15 and 20. Efficient recovery of TG-resistant mutants induced by the direct-acting mutagens: N-methyl-N'-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine (MNNG); 7 beta, 8 alpha-dihydroxy-9 alpha, 10 alpha-epoxy-7,8,9,10 -tetrahydrobenzo[a]pyrene (BPDE); and benzo[a]pyrene (B[a]P); activated in a cell-mediated assay, required an expression time of 7 days and a saturation density of 2 X 10(4) cells/60-mm petri dish. The TG-resistant mutant cells induced by MNNG and BPDE maintained their resistant phenotype 4-6 weeks after isolation. This mutant phenotype was associated with a more than 10-fold reduction in hypoxanthine-guanine phosphoribosyl transferase (HGPRT) activity relative to that of the parental P3 cell line, which was shown to catalyze the formation of 4.6 pmoles inosine-5'-monophosphate (IMP)/min/microgram protein. Induction of TG resistance was also observed in P3 cells cocultivated in a cell-mediated assay with human breast carcinoma cells, which are capable of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) metabolism, after treatment with the carcinogenic PAHs: B[a]P, chrysene, 7,12-dimethylbenz[a]anthracene (DMBA), and 3-methylcholanthrene (MCA). The degree of mutant induction in this assay was related to the carcinogenic potency of these PAHs in experimental animals. The most potent mutagen was DMBA, followed in decreasing order by MCA, B[a]P, and chrysene. DMBA, at 0.4 microM, increased the frequency of mutants for TG resistance from 2 for the control to about 200 TG-resistant mutants/10(6) colony-forming cells (CFC). Benzo[e]pyrene (B[e]P) and pyrene, which are not carcinogenic, were not effective in the assay. None of the PAHs was mutagenic in the P3 cells cultivated in the absence of the PAH-metabolizing cells. These results indicate that the P3 cells can be useful for the study of mutagenesis at the HGPRT locus by direct-acting chemical mutagens, as well as by chemicals activated in a cell-mediated assay.  相似文献   
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