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The fine structure of the oxyntic cell from the gastric glands of the bullfrog was studied in lead hydroxide—stained sections of gastric mucosa fixed in buffered osmium tetroxide and embedded in n-butyl methacrylate. The oxyntic cell in non-acid-secreting stomachs (gastric juice pH, 7.4–7.8) is characterized by: (a) numerous closely packed smooth surfaced vesicular and tubular profiles disposed randomly in the cell; some of these elements show interconnections making it possible to identify this component with smooth surfaced endoplasmic reticula of certain other cell types, (b) a small percentage of rough surfaced profiles characteristic of endoplasmic reticula possessing RNP particles on the outer membrane surfaces, (c) a Golgi complex consisting of multiple isolated non-polarized arrays of smooth surfaced parallel elongated profiles and associated vesicular elements, (d) a sparse granular component (140 A) scattered freely in the cytoplasmic matrix, (e) numerous mitochondria with a dense matrix and containing an unusually large number of closely approximated cristae, (f) a number of zymogen granules consisting of either a dense body limited by a membrane or surrounded by a halo of less dense material which is in turn limited by a membrane, and (g) a number of granules (~260 A) containing several smaller granules (~80 A) identified presumably as glycogen. Intracellular canaliculi were not observed. Instead the free surface of the oxyntic cell facing the lumen of the gastric gland shows a complicated plication of the plasma membrane. Intercellular canaliculi are seen frequently between adjacent oxyntic cells. The walls of these canaliculi are made up of folded and ruffled cell membranes. The basal surface of the cell also exhibited this type of configuration. Occasional smooth surfaced profiles are seen communicating with the free surface, the wall of an intercellular canaliculus, or the basal surface of the cell. Although nerve endings were not found in association with oxyntic cells, unmyelinated nerves were observed in the vicinity of the gastric glands.  相似文献   
The fine structure of the parietal (oxyntic) cell in the gastric glands (corpus of the stomach) of the dog was examined under conditions of active gastric acid secretion and compared with cellular structure in the non-acid-secretory (basal) state. Animals, in both acute and chronic experiments, were equipped with gastric fistulae so that gastric juice could be collected for analysis of total acidity, free acidity, volume, and pH prior to biopsy of the gastric mucosa. The specimens of mucosa were fixed in buffered OsO4 and embedded in n-butyl methacrylate and the thin sections were stained with lead hydroxide before examination in the electron microscope. A majority of parietal cells showed an alteration of fine structure during stimulation of gastric acid secretion by a number of different techniques (electrical vagal stimulation, histamine administration, or insulin injection). The changes in fine structure affected mainly the smooth surfaced vesicular elements and the intracellular canaliculi in the cytoplasm of the cell. The mitochondria also appeared to be involved to some extent. During acid secretion a greater concentration of smooth surface profiles is found adjacent to the walls of the intracellular canaliculi; other parietal cells exhibited a marked decrease in number of smooth surfaced elements. Intracellular canaliculi, always present in non-acid-secreting oxyntic cells, develop more extensively in cells of acid-secreting gastric glands. The surface area of these canaliculi is greatly increased by the elaboration of a large number of closely approximated and elongated microvilli. Still other parietal cells apparently in a different stage of the secretory cycle exhibit non-patent canaliculi lacking prominence; such cells have very few smooth surfaced vesicular elements. These morphological findings correlated with the acid-secretory state of the stomach provide evidence that the parietal cell participates in the process of acid secretion.  相似文献   
Billingen (Lower Arenig/Lower Ordovician) sediments of the St. Petersburg region, northwest Russia and the Leba area, northern Poland of the East European Craton yield acritarch assemblages, which are largely homogenous though displaying minor compositional differences that probably reflect a gradient from inner to outer shelf environments. Comparison with coeval acritarch microflora from the Yangtze Platform, South China, shows an overall similarity between Baltoscandian and South Chinese phytoplankton. The widespread uniformity in the fossil microphytoplankton may be related to the extensive global 'evae' sea-level transgression, which characterized the Billingen time. This suggests that during the Tremadoc through early Arenig times, acritarch assemblages displayed essentially an undifferentiated cold-water and oceanic character along the whole margin of Perigondwana in the South, as well as on the South Chinese and Baltic platforms, at middle latitudes (Mediterranean oceanic Realm). Despite this overall similarity, however, some typical taxa of the high-latitude Mediterranean Province (Arbusculidium, Coryphidium and Striatotheca) occur in South China, but are absent in Baltica. This discrepancy is explained as caused by differences in climatic and physiographic conditions that prevailed at the two palaeocontinents at this time. The inferred pattern of oceanic circulation during the Lower Ordovician is consistent with the palynological evidence of a prevailing warmer climate in Baltica than in South China, although the two palaeocontinents occupied the same palaeolatitudinal position.  相似文献   
Abstract: A systematic account of highly diverse cyrtocrinid faunules from Upper Jurassic strata of ?tramberk type (Oxfordian–Tithonian) in southern Poland (Polish Carpathians) is presented. Fourteen taxa (Phyllocrinus malbosianus, Ph. stellaris, Ph. sp., Psalidocrinus armatus, Sclerocrinus compressus, Spolonicus sp. nov., Hemicrinus aff. kabanovi, Ancepsicrinus parvus gen. et sp. nov., Tetracrinus baumilleri sp. nov., Eugeniacrinites alexandrowiczi, E. cf. moravicus, E. sp., Eudesicrinus gluchowskii sp. nov. and Hemibrachiocrinus tithonicus sp. nov. are described and illustrated. Representatives of the genus Eudesicrinus, previously recorded only from the Lower Jurassic, are here shown to extend into the uppermost Jurassic. Other cyrtocrinids considered are common in Jurassic/Cretaceous strata across Europe. In the present faunules, isocrinid (Isocrinida), comatulid (Comatulida) and roveacrinid (Roveacrinida sensu Rasmussen, inclusive of Saccocoma) crinoids are associated.  相似文献   
Fine structure of the stimulated oxyntic cell   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Selective predation of Esox lucius on Gasterosteus aculeatus in a natural assemblage of fish of a stream in Central Poland is described and analysed. The number of lateral plates, the standard length and four size-dependent traits were significantly smaller for sticklebacks from stomach samples than for those from population samples. Thc remaining three metric traits were not significantly different among the samples. The regressions of five metric features (out of seven) on the standard length were significantly different between the sample of caten sticklebacks and that from the free-living population. This supports the supposition that the selectivity of pikc predation with respect to metric traits is not attributable to selection on body size of the prey. Thus, it is reasonable to claim that the sample of caten sticklebacks is selectively taken from the natural population. It justifies the selective predation assumption of some hypotheses of the causes of the pattern of geographic variation in the three-spined stickleback.  相似文献   
The physiological condition of nestling altricial birds depends on the quantity and quality of food delivered to them by parents. One indicator of the condition of Great Tit Parus major nestlings is the haemoglobin concentration in their blood. The present study demonstrates the influence of weather conditions (temperature and rainfall) on nestling haemoglobin concentrations during two consecutive breeding seasons in two different habitat types (parkland vs. woodland) in the city of Łódź in Central Poland. This influence probably results from the effects of weather on the trophic base of the Tits. Dry, hot weather strongly affected bush and herbal foliage later in the breeding season (mid-June to mid-July) in 2006, presumably by interfering with the development of herbivorous arthropod populations. This in turn caused food shortages for second broods of Great Tits, which resulted in nestlings having low haemoglobin levels. In the following year, temperature was on average lower, and rainfall was regular but not very heavy. These conditions enabled the development of arthropod assemblages, and the trophic base for birds was much richer. Haemoglobin concentrations in the blood of nestlings from second broods were significantly higher than those of first broods and, unexpectedly, second-brood nestlings in 2007 were on average in better physiological state than first-brood nestlings in 2006 in both habitats. The relationship between haemoglobin concentration, brood category and year was very similar to that for nestling body mass. However, it was independent of both body mass and brood size. In some years and under certain conditions, second broods can be more successful than first broods.  相似文献   
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