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We have analyzed Ca2+ currents in two neuroblastoma-motor neuron hybrid cell lines that expressed normal or glutamine-expanded human androgen receptors (polyGln-expanded AR) either transiently or stably. The cell lines express a unique, low-threshold, transient type of Ca2+ current that is not affected by L-type Ca2+ channel blocker (PN 200-110), N-type Ca2+ channel blocker (-conotoxin GVIA) or P-type Ca2+ channel blocker (Agatoxin IVA) but is blocked by either Cd2+ or Ni2+. This pharmacological profile most closely resembles that of T-type Ca2+ channels [1-3]. Exposure to androgen had no effect on control cell lines or cells transfected with normal AR but significantly changed the steady-state activation in cells transfected with expanded AR. The observed negative shift in steady-state activation results in a large increase in the T-type Ca2+ channel window current. We suggest that Ca2+ overload due to abnormal voltage-dependence of transient Ca2+ channel activation may contribute to motor neuron toxicity in spinobulbar muscular atrophy (SBMA). This hypothesis is supported by the additional finding that, at concentrations that selectively block T-type Ca2+ channel currents, Ni2+ significantly reduced cell death in cell lines transfected with polyGln-expanded AR.  相似文献   
The effect of angiotensin II (Ang II) on the T- and L-type calcium currents (I(Ca)) in single ventricular heart cells of 18-week-old fetal human and 10-day-old chick embryos was studied using the whole-cell voltage clamp technique. Our results showed that in both, human and chick cardiomyocytes, Ang II (10(-7)M) increased the T-type calcium current and decreased the L-type I(Ca). The effect of Ang II on both types of currents was blocked by the AT1 peptidic antagonist, [Sar1, Ala8] Ang II (2 x 10(-7)M). Protein kinase C activator, phorbol 12,13-dibutyrate, mimicked the effect of Ang II on the T- and L-type calcium currents. These results demonstrate that in fetal human and chick embryo cardiomyocytes Ang II affects the T- and L-type Ca2+ currents differently, and this effect seems to be mediated by the PKC pathway.  相似文献   
L-type Ca2+ channels are essential in triggering the intracellular Ca2+ release and contraction in heart cells. In this study, we used patch clamp technique to compare the effect of two pure enantiomers of L-type Ca2+ channel agonists: (+)-CGP 48506 and the dihydropyridine (+)-SDZ-202 791 in cardiomyocytes from rats 2-5 days old. The predominant Ca2+ current activated by standard step pulses in these myocytes was L-type Ca2+ current. The dihydropyridine antagonist (+)-PN200-110 (5 microM) blocked over 90% of Ca2+ currents in most cells tested. CGP 48506 lead to a maximum of 200% increase in currents. The threshold concentration for the CGP effect was at 1 microM and the maximum was reached at 20 microM. SDZ-202 791 had effects in nanomolar concentrations and a maximum effect at about 2 microM. The maximal effect of (+)-SDZ-202 791 was a 400% increase in the amplitude of Ca2+ currents and was accompanied by a 10-15 mV leftward shift in the voltage dependence of activation. CGP 48506 increased the currents equally at all voltages tested. Both compounds slowed the deactivation of tail currents and lead to the appearance of slowly activating and slowly deactivating current components. However, SDZ-202 791 had larger effects on deactivation and CGP 48506 had larger effect on the rate of Ca2+ current activation. The effect of SDZ-202 791 was fully additive to that of CGP 48506 even after maximum concentrations of CGP. This observation suggests that the two Ca2+ channel agonists may act at two different sites on the L-type Ca2+ channel. We suggest that CGP 48506 would be a potential cardiotonic agent without the deleterious proarrhythmic effects attributable to the dihydropyridine agonists.  相似文献   
In the present study, the whole-cell voltage clamp technique was used in order to record the T- and L-type Ca2+ currents in single heart cells of newborn and young normal and hereditary cardiomyopathic hamsters. Our results showed that the I/V relationship curve as well as the kinetics of the L-type Ca2+ currents (ICa(L)) in both normal and cardiomyopathic heart cells were the same. However, the proportion of myocytes from normal heart hamster that showed L-type ICa was less than that of heart cells from cardiomyopathic hamster. The I/V relationship curve of the T-type ICa (ICa(T)) was the same in myocytes of both normal and cardiomyopathic hamsters. The main differences between ICa(T) of cardiomyopathic and normal hamster are a larger window current and the proportion of ventricular myocytes that showed this type of current in cardiomyopathic hamster. The high density of ICa(T) as well as the large window current and proportion of myocytes showing ICa(T) may explain in part Ca2+ overload observed in cardiomyopathic heart cells of the hamster.  相似文献   
Membrane slow inward currents of 3-day-old embryonic chick single heart cells were investigated using the whole-cell patch clamp technique. In a solution containing only Na+ ions and in the presence of tetrodotoxin and Mn2+, the inward current-voltage relationship presented two maxima, confirming the existence of two different voltage-dependent slow inward currents. The first type, a fast transient slow inward current (Isi (ft], was activated from a holding potential of -80 mV and showed fast activation and inactivation. This current was highly sensitive to melittin (10(-8) M) and insensitive to low concentrations of desmethoxyverapamil [-)D888, 10(-9)-10(-6) M). Depolarizing voltage steps from a holding a potential of -50 mV activated two components of the slow inward current, i.e., a slow and a sustained current (Isi(sts] that showed a slow inactivation followed by a slow inactivation and a sustained component. Melittin at a high concentration (10(-4)M) completely blocked the slow transient component (Isi(st] and left unblocked the sustained component (Isi(s]. Both components (Isi(st) and Isi(s] were blocked by verapamil (10(-5)M) and low concentrations of (-)D888 (10(-8)-10(-6)M).  相似文献   
We used patch clamp recording techniques to determine if muscarinic signaling mechanisms are present in dissociated autonomic neurons obtained from the major pelvic ganglion, which provides the cholinergic innervation of the urinary bladder and other pelvic organs. The M1 specific agonist, McN-A-343 (2–30 M) enhanced Ca2+ currents in approximately 37% of neurons (by 50–80%). This enhancement was reduced by atropine (5–10 M) or a PKC inhibitor (bisindolylmaleimide, 50–200 nM). In responsive neurons Ca2+ currents were also enhanced by the phorbol ester, phorbol-12, 13-dibutyrate (50–300 nM) and the dihydropyridine agonist Bay K 8644 (5 M) and had kinetics of activation and inactivation as expected for L-type Ca2+ channels. We conclude that in a subpopulation of MPG neurons, M1-mediated activation of PKC phosphorylates and enhances L-type Ca2+ channel activities. This muscarinic facilitatory mechanism in MPG neurons may be the same as the M1-mediated facilitation of transmitter release reported previously at the nerve terminals in the urinary bladder.  相似文献   
Pathological alterations of ion channel activity result from changes in modulatory mechanisms governing receptor biology. Here we describe a conditional herpes simplex virus (HSV) replication-based strategy to discover channel modulators whereby inhibition of agonist-induced channel activation by a vector-expressed modulatory gene product prevents ion flux, osmotic shock and cell death. Inhibition of channel activity, in this case, the rat vanilloid (Trpv1 or the glycine receptor (GlyRalpha1), can allow selection of escape vector plaques containing the 'captured' modulatory gene for subsequent identification and functional analysis. We validated this prediction using mixed infections of a wild-type Trpv1 expression vector vTTHR and a nonfunctional 'poreless' Trpv1 subunit-expressing vector, vHP, wherein vHP was highly selected from a large background of vTTHR viruses in the presence of the Trpv1 agonist, capsaicin. The approach should be useful for probing large libraries of vector-expressed cDNAs for the presence of ion channel modulators.  相似文献   
Summary The whole-cell voltage clamp technique was used to study the slow inward currents and K+ outward currents in single heart cells of embryonic chick and in rabbit aortic cells. In single heart cells of 3-day-old chick embryo three types of slow inward Na+ currents were found. The kinetics and the pharmacology of the slow INa, were different from those of the slow Ica in older embryos. Two types of slow inward currents were found in aortic single cells of rabbit; angiotensin 11 increased the sustained type and d-cAMP and d-cGMP decreased the slow transient component. Two types of outward K+ currents were found in both aortic and heart cells. Single channel analysis demonstrated the presence of a high single K+ channel conductance in aortic cells. In cardiac and vascular smooth muscles, slow inward currents do share some pharmacological properties, although the regulation of these channels by cyclic nucleotides and several drugs seems to be different.  相似文献   
The whole-cell voltage clamp technique was used to study the slow inward currents and K+ outward currents in single heart cells of embryonic chick and in rabbit aortic cells. In single heart cells of 3-day-old chick embryo three types of slow inward Na+ currents were found. The kinetics and the pharmacology of the slow INa were different from those of the slow ICa in older embryos. Two types of slow inward currents were found in aortic single cells of rabbit; angiotensin II increased the sustained type and d-cAMP and d-cGMP decreased the slow transient component. Two types of outward K+ currents were found in both aortic and heart cells. Single channel analysis demonstrated the presence of a high single K+ channel conductance in aortic cells. In cardiac and vascular smooth muscles, slow inward currents do share some pharmacological properties, although the regulation of these channels by cyclic nucleotides and several drugs seems to be different.  相似文献   
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