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The physiological ecology of Prasiola stipitata was examined in situ from two supralittoral sites in the Bay of Fundy (Nova Scotian, Canada) during November 2011, when the population was undergoing major expansion. Photosynthetic parameters (effective quantum yield, ΦPSII, maximum quantum yield, Fv/Fm, and relative electron transport rate, rETR) were evaluated using chlorophyll fluorescence of PSII. A largely shaded and continuously moist population showed no change in ΦPSII from one hour after sunrise to sunset in which natural irradiance varied between 3 and 300 μmol photons m?2 s?1. High irradiance (up to 1800 μmol photons m?2 s?1) had no apparent negative impacts on either quantum yield or rETR, but high desiccation in the field reduced quantum yield to almost zero. When thalli were brought into the laboratory, no change in Fv/Fm was observed up to 60% dehydration; however, there was a steep decline in Fv/Fm between 60% and 85% dehydration. Thalli showed complete recovery of Fv/Fm within one hour of reimmersion in seawater after 2 days of desiccation. After 15 days of desiccation full recovery required 24 h and after 30 days of desiccation thalli showed only partial recovery. These observations confirm the adaptation to photosynthesis in high irradiances and the rapid recovery following extreme desiccation observed in other Prasiola species.  相似文献   
We present a model predicting how the species richness and diversity within benthic functional groups should vary across the full environmental stress gradient across which a regional biota from marine rocky shores can occur. Built upon previous models, our model makes predictions for sessile species (macroalgae and filter feeders), herbivores, and carnivores. We tested some of its predictions by surveying vertical (intertidal elevation) and horizontal (wave exposure and ice scour) stress gradients in northern Nova Scotia, Canada. Because of harsh winter conditions, these coasts only depict approximately intermediate‐to‐high yearly levels of stress that the cold‐temperate, rocky intertidal biota from the northwestern Atlantic can experience. The observed trends matched predictions for sessile species in 75% of the studied gradients, and showed a moderate agreement for herbivores and carnivores only when they were combined as mobile consumers. Agreement meant that both richness and diversity increased from the most stressful to the most benign habitats that can be found in northern Nova Scotia. Also as predicted, sessile species generally showed a faster rate of increase in richness than mobile consumers. Our model also predicted a higher overall richness for sessile species than for mobile consumers, which was true by a factor of 3. Therefore, our model may constitute a useful tool to understanding community composition as a function of abiotic stress, which may in turn facilitate studies on community functioning. Model predictions for lower stress ranges could be tested on more southern shores where the same regional biota occurs.  相似文献   
Environmental stress affects species richness and diversity in communities, but the precise form of the relationship is unclear. We tested an environmental stress model (ESM) that predicts a unimodal pattern for total richness and diversity in local communities across the full stress gradient where a regional biota can occur. In 2008, we measured richness and diversity (considering all macrobenthic species) across the entire intertidal range on three rocky shores on Helgoland Island, Germany. Intertidal elevation is known to be positively related to abiotic stress. Since Helgoland is between the northern and southern biogeographic boundaries for the cold-temperate NE Atlantic intertidal biota, it exhibits low stress levels for this biota at low elevations and high stress at high elevations because of long (>6 h) emersion times. Thus, we predicted a unimodal trend for richness and diversity across elevation. On all three shores, richness increased from high to middle elevations, but remained similar between middle and low elevations. Diversity followed the same trend on one shore and different trends (although also non-unimodal) on the other two. Evenness explained the trend differences between richness and diversity. Overall, our study yielded little support for the ESM. Reasons for richness and diversity not decreasing at low elevations may be related to influences of mostly subtidal species, Helgoland’s intertidal range, or sampling resolution. Our study also suggests that the ESM must be developed further to differentiate between richness and diversity. We offer recommendations to improve future ESM research using intertidal systems.  相似文献   
Mathematical modelling is useful in population ecology and resource management. Logistic models have traditionally been applied to unitary organisms, but it is unclear whether they could be used at the frond (ramet) level for clonal seaweeds. This study shows that frond dynamics for the clonal seaweed Mazzaella parksii (=M. cornucopiae) can be described by a discrete-time logistic model. The model is realistic in that it includes density-dependence, which was previously demonstrated experimentally for this species, and only necessitates data on frond density measured at discrete time intervals. This may constitute a useful tool for the management of clonal seaweeds of economic importance that occur in dense stands. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   
Little is known about the dynamics and the ecological interactions among ramets (fronds) from populations of clonal red seaweeds. Small ramets are very difficult to tag, so their growth cannot be monitored directly. The temporal variation of the relationship between stand biomass and ramet density offers information on ramet performance. We calculated this relationship for an intertidal population of Pterocladiella capillacea (Gmelin) Santelices et Hommersand (Gelidiales) from Baja California, Mexico. Biomass and density were positively correlated on an annual basis, indicating that biomass accumulated without involving self-thinning among ramets. This contrasts with nonclonal seaweeds, for which self-thinning among individuals occurs during growth, but agrees with other clonal red seaweeds, such as Chondrus crispus Stackhouse and Mazzaella cornucopiae (Postels et Ruprecht) Hommersand (both Gigartinales). The growth pattern for these members of the Gelidiales and of the Gigartinales holds despite differences in holdfast morphology and ramet branching degree and despite differences in the capacity of coalescence during early stages, known only for the Gigartinales. The positive slope for the dynamic biomass–density relationship, on a bilogarithmic scale, was statistically steeper for M. cornucopiae than for P. capillacea and for C. crispus. This suggests that the addition of new ramets during the growth season may be relatively more beneficial for biomass accumulation rates for M. cornucopiae. This would be expected for high-intertidal species subjected to strong abiotic stress, for which ramet crowding constitutes a key protection. Pterocladiella capillacea occurs at the mid-intertidal zone and C. crispus at the subtidal zone, so ramets would be relatively less important in that respect.  相似文献   
Ecological models relating biomass and density are relatively simple to calculate and offer information on, for example, the interactions among organisms and size constraints. Biomass‐density relationships have mostly been studied for terrestrial plants, but recently they have also been increasingly investigated for seaweeds. Unfortunately, a number of misconceptions have limited the overall contribution of algal studies to biomass‐density theory in general. Aiming to improve this situation, the present paper first summarizes the current knowledge on biomass‐density theory, particularly focusing on the main concepts that, with varying degrees of validity, exist in the published literature: the self‐thinning rule (in its boundary and dynamic interpretations), the interspecific biomass‐density relationship, and the ultimate biomass‐density line. Afterwards, the present paper provides a critical review of past biomass‐density studies on seaweeds. The main contributions of studies on clonal and unitary species are discussed, while the misconceptions that persist to these days are identified in order to help future studies to be based on solid grounds.  相似文献   
In populations of the Gigartinaceae (Rhodophyta), gametophytes often predominate numerically over tetrasporophytes. Several hypotheses have been proposed to explain this dominance, based on the usually implicit assumption that the stable ratio between gametophytes and tetrasporophytes (G:T ratio) should be 1 if both reproductive phases are ecologically similar. We developed demographic models to test this assumption, for which we considered that both phases are ecologically similar. Defining ecologic similarity for most demographic rates is relatively straightforward, except for rates of spore output. The first set of models considered the same spore output per thallus of both phases as representing ecologic similarity. Model iterations led to stable G:T ratios of 1 for triennial and for perennial thalli, regardless of the initial G:T ratio, but not for annual thalli with initial G:T ratios different from 1. However, equal spore output may not represent ecologic similarity, due to size differences between carpospores and tetraspores. The second set of models considered the lowest possible spore output for each phase, according to the life history of this family: only one carposporangium, with one carpospore, is produced from every two gametophytes and only one tetrasporangium, with four tetraspores, is produced by every tetrasporophyte. Model iterations led to stable G:T ratios of 2.8 for most cases, a ratio of 1 being obtained only every 2 years for annual thalli with an initial G:T ratio of 1. Increasing absolute spore output, without altering the relative output between phases and incorporating density-independent mortality through a matrix model, given the same mortality rate for both phases, did not modify results. We suggest that the combination of both modeling and field research may uncover more rapidly than otherwise the most relevant ecologic differences between phases, if any, that underlie the G:T ratio observed for a given population.  相似文献   
Understanding epiphyte distribution in coastal communities is important because these organisms affect many others directly or indirectly. Yet, their distribution has been considerably less studied than that of their hosts and other primary‐space holders. Identifying major sources of variation in epiphyte abundance is thus still a need. Environmental gradients help predict species distribution and are pervasive on marine shores. In this study, we test the notion that environmental gradients across intertidal elevation, throughout host canopies, and along host fronds explain a large variation in the abundance of sympatric epiphytes. Our model system was the assemblage of Ascophyllum nodosum (L.) Le Jol. and its epiphytes Vertebrata lanosa (L.) T. A. Chr. [= Polysiphonia lanosa (L.) Tandy], Elachista fucicola (Velley) Aresch., and Pylaiella littoralis (L.) Kjellm. On the coast of Nova Scotia (Canada), we found evidence of a spatial segregation among these species at almost all scales. While the red epiphyte V. lanosa was more common at high‐ and midintertidal elevations (peaking at midelevations) and on middle segments of host fronds, the brown epiphytes E. fucicola and P. littoralis were more common at low elevations and restricted to distal segments of host fronds. Canopy habitat affected abundance only for V. lanosa, which was more common within the host canopy than on its periphery at midelevations. Since the studied gradients are related to predictable changes in abiotic factors, the identification of likely causes behind the observed patterns was facilitated. Our study ends by proposing abiotic and biotic factors that deserve priority in the experimental testing of the forces structuring this assemblage.  相似文献   
The importance that frond crowding represents for the survival of fronds of the clonal intertidal alga Mazzaella cornucopiae (Postels et Ruprecht) Hommersand (Rhodophyta, Gigartinaceae) was investigated in Barkley Sound, British Columbia, Canada. Frond density is high for this species, up to 20 fronds·cm?2 in the most crowded stands. Frond crowding imposes a cost in the form of reduced net photosynthetic rates when fronds are fully hydrated as a result of reduced irradiance compared with experimental (not found naturally) low-density stands. However, the interaction between desiccation and irradiance alters this relationship between net photosynthetic rates and frond density. During a typical daytime low tide in spring, irradiance is 10–30 μmol·m?2·s?1 below the canopy of fronds, and frond desiccation (relative to total water content) can reach 43% at the end of the low tide. In contrast to natural stands, fronds from experimentally thinned stands are subjected to irradiances up to 2000 μmol·m?2·s?1 because of the spatial separation among fronds and can desiccate up to 81% at the end of the same low tide. Laboratory experiments showed that negative net photosynthetic rates occur between 40% and 80% desiccation at an irradiance of 515 μmol·m?2·s?1, and the literature suggests that strong bleaching could occur as a result. At 20 μmol·m?2·s?1 of irradiance and desiccation levels up to 40%, simulating understory conditions of natural stands, net photosynthetic rates are never negative. Experimental thinning of stands of M. cornucopiae done during spring effectively resulted in a stronger extent of frond bleaching compared with natural stands. Therefore, the cost of reduced net photosynthetic rates at high frond densities when fronds are fully hydrated is counterbalanced by the protective effects of frond crowding against extensive bleaching, essential for survival at the intertidal zone. Future research will have to demonstrate the possible relationship between the frequency and duration of negative net photosynthetic rates and the extent of frond bleaching.  相似文献   
Scrosati 《Ecology letters》2000,3(3):191-197
For crowded stands of terrestrial plants, ranging from mosses to trees, plant (or ramet, for clonal plants) density is negatively related to stand biomass. Stand biomass and ramet density were determined for Mazzaella cornucopiae and for Pterocladiella capillacea , two morphologically distinct intertidal clonal red seaweeds, to compare them with terrestrial plants. For these seaweeds, ramet densities were similar to the highest values reported for terrestrial plants (mosses, specifically). Stand biomass was higher than average values expected from the terrestrial interspecific biomass–density relationship, but lower than the limits expected from the terrestrial ultimate biomass–density line. These seaweeds show unexpectedly low ramet slenderness and high biomass packing per unit of volume, compared with the trend observed for terrestrial plants. Possible explanations for these differences are related to the particular physiology and habitat of intertidal clonal seaweeds.  相似文献   
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