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Coral Reefs - In spite of the paramount ecological and socioeconomic relevance of tropical reef ecosystems, the dynamics of their meroplankton abundance remain poorly characterized. The small-scale...  相似文献   
Ingestion rates of zoeae of Aratus pisonii Milne Edwards (Brachyura: Grapsidae) were determined offering natural plankton-detritus mixtures in laboratory food selection experiments. The food mixtures were sampled in the Itamaracá estuary, north-eastern Brazil, and standardised to a size range of 50–200 μm. Zoeae ingested significant amounts of large centric diatoms (Coscinodiscus spp.), mangrove detritus, tintinnids (Favella ehrenbergi) and adult copepods during feeding experiments. Diatoms were positively selected by A. pisonii zoeae in all three experiments, with ingestion rates of 3.3–21.3 cells zoea−1 day−1. Detritus particles were always more abundant than phytoplankton and zooplankton in the particle size spectrum offered. Detritus was ingested in two of three experiments, with ingestion rates of up to 34.1 particles zoea−1 day−1, being the most important food item during one experiment. Adult copepods (up to 1.8 ind. zoea−1 day−1) and tintinnids (up to 0.4 ind. zoea−1 day−1) were ingested by A. pisonii zoeae during one experiment each. In spite of a wide range of zoeal density, food particle composition, and density, zoeae of A. pisonii displayed a consistent pattern of food selectivity. This hints at a consistent sensory and behavioural mechanism related to capture and handling of food particles, that most likely also affects larval feeding under natural conditions. Although detritus showed to be quantitatively ingested under estuarine conditions, zoeae of A. pisonii preferred large diatoms and ingested zooplankton only occasionally.  相似文献   
In the adult mammalian brain, neural stem cells in the subventricular zone continuously generate new neurons for the olfactory bulb. Cell fate commitment in these adult neural stem cells is regulated by cell fate-determining proteins. Here, we show that the cell fate-determinant TRIM32 is upregulated during differentiation of adult neural stem cells into olfactory bulb neurons. We further demonstrate that TRIM32 is necessary for the correct induction of neuronal differentiation in these cells. In the absence of TRIM32, neuroblasts differentiate slower and show gene expression profiles that are characteristic of immature cells. Interestingly, TRIM32 deficiency induces more neural progenitor cell proliferation and less cell death. Both effects accumulate in an overproduction of adult-generated olfactory bulb neurons of TRIM32 knockout mice. These results highlight the function of the cell fate-determinant TRIM32 for a balanced activity of the adult neurogenesis process.  相似文献   
The development of a polarised morphology with multiple dendrites and a single axon is an essential step in the differentiation of neurons. The establishment of neuronal polarity is directed by the sequential activity of the GTPases Rap1B and Cdc42. Rap1B is initially present in all neurites of unpolarised neurons, but becomes restricted to the tip of a single process during the establishment of neuronal polarity where it specifies axonal identity. Here, we show that the ubiquitin ligases Smad ubiquitination regulatory factor-1 (Smurf1) and Smurf2 are essential for neurite growth and neuronal polarity, respectively, and regulate the GTPases Rho and Rap1B in hippocampal neurons. Smurf2 is required for the restriction of Rap1B to a single neurite. Smurf2 ubiquitinates inactive Rap1B and initiates its degradation through the ubiquitin/proteasome pathway (UPS). Degradation of Rap1B restricts it to a single neurite and thereby ensures that neurons extend a single axon.  相似文献   
Adult neurogenesis within the subgranular zone (SGZ) of the hippocampal dentate gyrus and the subventricular zone (SVZ) of the lateral ventricle (LV) has been most intensely studied within the brains of rodents such as mice and rats. However, little is known about the cell types and processes involved in adult neurogenesis within primates such as the common marmoset (Callithrix jacchus). Moreover, substantial differences seem to exist between the neurogenic niche of the LV between rodents and humans. Here, we set out to use immunohistochemical and autogradiographic analysis to characterize the anatomy of the neurogenic niches and the expression of cell type-specific markers in those niches in the adult common marmoset brain. Moreover, we demonstrate significant differences in the activity of neurogenesis in the adult marmoset brain compared to the adult mouse brain. Finally, we provide evidence for ongoing proliferation of neuroblasts within both the SGZ and SVZ of the adult brain and further show that the age-dependent decline of neurogenesis in the hippocampus is associated with a decrease in neuroblast cells.  相似文献   
Asymmetric stem cell division is thought to require precise orientation of the mitotic spindle. However, a recent study in Cell (Yingling et al., 2008) analyzes the role of LIS1 in the developing mouse brain and shows that spindle orientation is more important during early, symmetric progenitor cell divisions than for later asymmetric divisions.  相似文献   
Length-based methods are the cornerstone of many population studies and stock assessments. This study tested two widely used methods: the Powell–Wetherall (P–W) plot and the Lmax approach (i.e., estimating L directly from Lmax). In most simulations, P–W estimates of the ratio total mortality/growth (Z/K ratio) were biased beyond acceptable limits (bias?>?30%). Bias in Z/K showed a complex behavior, without possible corrections. Estimates of asymptotic length (L) were less biased than Z/K, but were very sensitive to intra-cohort variability in growth and to changes in the occurrence of large individuals in the sample. Exclusion of the largest size classes during the regression procedure or weighing by abundance does not solve these issues. Perfect linearization of the data and extremely narrow confidence intervals for Z/K will lead users to erroneous overconfidence in outputs. Clearly, the P–W method is not suitable for the assessment of Z/K ratios of natural populations. Estimation of L may be tentatively possible under very specific conditions, with necessary external verifications. Also, this study demonstrates that there is no way to estimate L directly from Lmax, since there is no particular relationship to expect a priori between L and Lmax. Errors in estimating L directly affect the estimate of the growth constant K and all other subsequent calculations in population studies, stock assessments and ecosystem models. New approaches are urgently needed for length-based studies of body growth (e.g., unconstrained curve fit with subsequent bootstrapping), that consider the inherent uncertainty regarding the underlying data and processes.  相似文献   
The three main Lena Delta terraces were formed during different stages of the late Quaternary. While only the first floodplain terrace is connected with active deltaic processes, the second and third terraces, which dominate the western part of the delta, are erosional remnants of arctic paleolandscapes affected by periglacial processes. The landscape dynamics of the second and the third terraces, and their relationship to each other, are of particular importance in any effort to elucidate the late Quaternary paleoenvironment of western Beringia.Multidisciplinary studies of permafrost deposits on the second terrace were carried out at several sites of the Arga Complex, named after the largest delta island, Arga–Muora–Sise. The frozen sediments predominantly consist of fluvial sands several tens of meters thick, radiocarbon-dated from > 52 to 16 kyr BP. These sands were deposited under changing fluvial conditions in a dynamic system of shifting river channels, and have been additionally modified by synsedimentary and postsedimentary cryogenesis. Later thermokarst processes affected this late Pleistocene fluvial landscape during the Lateglacial and the Holocene. In addition, eolian activity reworked the fluvial sands on exposed surfaces at least since the Lateglacial, resulting in dune formation in some areas. Contrary to the Arga Complex, the third terrace is mainly composed of polygenetic alluvial and proluvial ice-rich permafrost sequences (Ice Complex deposits) radiocarbon-dated from 50 to 17 kyr BP which cover older fluvial sand units luminescence-dated to about 100–50 kyr BP. Paleoecological records reflect tundra-steppe conditions that varied locally, depending on landscape dynamics, during the Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 4 and 3 periods, and a persistent change to shrub and arctic tundra during Lateglacial and Holocene periods.The study results indicate a continuous fluvial sedimentation environment for the Laptev Sea shelf in the region of the second Lena Delta terrace during the late Pleistocene, and confirm the presence of a dynamic channel system of the paleo-Lena River that flowed at the same time as the nearby subaerial Ice Complex deposits were being formed.  相似文献   
Stable carbon isotope ratios were measured for the muscle tissue of blue musselMytilus edulis, eelgrassZostera marina, macroalgaeFucus vesiculosus, and phytoplankton in two areas in Kiel Fjord, Germany. Carbon isotope evidence is presented to show the predominance of phytoplanktonic production as a carbon source forM. edulis tissue carbon. Via decomposition processes for both eelgrass and macroalgal primary production, each contributed 0.5–6.5% to mussel carbon.  相似文献   
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