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Thrombocyte substitution is an essential prerequisite for intensive cytoreductive therapy in acute leukemia. Evaluating 228 thrombocyte transfusions in 17 patients shows that the clinical effectiveness of thrombocyte concentrates can be increased by making the coordination of HLA antigens of donor and receiver as good as possible. When measured in the corrected increment (CI) 24 hours after transfusion, the effectiveness of A3/B1 match preparations (CI = 7.0 +/- 1.6) is significantly higher than that of random preparations (CI = 3.0 +/- 0.5). With the presence of HLA antibodies an effective substitution (CI24 greater than or equal to 4.5) can only be achieved by A3/B1 match thrombocytes. This can only be realized by applying the fourfold thrombapheresis of single donors.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung In der Frucht vonPoncirus trifoliata liegen in der Außenschale Drüsenzellkomplexe, die ein monoterpenreiches ätherisches Öl mit geringem Anteil an Sesquiterpenen und O-haltigen Substanzen produzieren. Ähnlich aussehende Exkretzellkomplexe aus den Saftschläuchen enthalten hauptsächlich Sesquiterpenkohlenwasserstoffe (STKW) und O-haltige Komponenten und sehr wenig Monoterpenkohlenwasserstoffe (MTKW). Im Schalenöl konnten nach gaschromatographischer Trennung mit Hilfe der Massenspektrometrie 19 Komponenten identifiziert werden, im Saftschlauchöl 25.Elektronenmikroskopische Aufnahmen der jüngsten Drüsenzellen beider Drüsenkomplexe lassen erkennen, daß beide Terpenklassen wahrscheinlich hauptsächlich bzw. ausschließlich plastidär entstehen.Exogen angebotenes14CO2 wird zunächst überwiegend in die MTKW eingebaut, erst später nimmt die Markierung der STKW und O-haltigen Komponenten stark zu. Über den Ferntransportweg angebotenes14C-Leucin führt anfangs zu einer starken Markierung der STKW und O-haltigen Komponenten, erst später verschiebt sich der Einbau etwas mehr in Richtung MTKW. Als Hauptursache für den differenten Einbau wird das Vorhandensein zweier Typen von Drüsenzellkomplexen mit unterschiedlichen Syntheseleistungen angesehen.Die aus dem14CO2 in der Außenrinde gebildeten Assimilate werden zuerst in das MTKW-reiche Öl der Schalenexkretbehälter eingebaut. Die überwiegend STKW erzeugenden Saftschlauchbehälter werden erst später beliefert. Beim Leucinangebot über die Fruchtstiele scheint es gerade umgekehrt zu verlaufen. Die aufeinanderfolgenden Maxima der Ölproduktion in den beiden Drüsenzellkomplex-Typen und die Änderung des Komponentenspektrums ihres ätherischen Öls im Verlauf der Vegetationsperiode tragen ebenfalls zu einem je nach Jahreszeit unterschiedlichen Einbau in die MTKW und STKW bei.
Compartmentation of mono- and sesqui-terpene biosynthesis of the essential oil inPoncirus trifoliata
Summary The fruit ofPoncirus trifoliata shows glandular cell complexes in the exocarp, which produce a volatile oil rich in monoterpenes but poor in sesquiterpenes and oxigenated compounds. The juice vesicles of the endocarp possess similar cell complexes mainly containing sesquiterpenes and oxigenated compounds, whereas monoterpenes only occur in small amounts. By the use of combined gas chromatography-mass spectrometry 19 components of the rind oil and 15 compounds of the endocarp oil could be identified.As demonstrated by electron microscopy the terpenes most probably are synthesized predominantly, if not exclusively in plastids. As shown by gasradiochromatography radioactive precursors (14CO2 and14C-leucine) are incorporated into mono- and sesqui-terpenes to a different extent.This is due to two gland types producing essential oils of different composition with regard to their mono- and sesqui-terpene percentage. In fruit development the exocarp glands differentiate earlier than the endocarp glands do. The activity of exogenously applied14CO2 first reaches the peripheral glands and later on appears in the interior glands. Depending upon the growth season, labelled leucine transported by the conducting tissues from lower plant parts leads to a high specific activity of the sesqui-terpenes and oxigenated compounds. It could be argued that in this instance the glands of the pulp are better provided with precursors than the exocarp glands. The successive maxima of essential oil production in both glandular complexes, and the changes in the concentration of individual oil constituents during the ontogeny of the fruit also contribute to different incorporation ratios of radioactive precursors into mono- and sesqui-terpenes.
Abstract. The FLM method, modified by double labelling with [3H]- and [14C]-thymidine, has been applied to the 4-day old JB-1 ascites tumour of the mouse. It results in well separated waves of purely [3H]- and purely [14C]-labelled mitoses, which show a remarkable asymmetry with long tails to the right. The following values for the mean transit times of the cells have been derived from this FLM curve, for a tumour age of 4–6 days: TC= 32.5 hr, TS= 16.7 hr, TG1= 3.7 hr, TG1= 11.0 hr and TM= 1.1 hr. A further evaluation of the FLM curve, however, is difficult, due to the non-stationary growth of the tumour. A number of other experimental findings (growth curve, decrease of the labelling and mitotic index with increasing tumour age, two single-labelled FLM curves starting 4 and 6 days after tumour inoculation) indicate that the cell cycle time increases during the experimental period of the double-labelled FLM curve (about 2 days). A lengthening of the cycle time should result in an increasing enlargement of the areas under the waves of the modified FLM curve. However, such an increase in area has not been found; the areas are constant. All the results of the present cell kinetic studies would be consistent if it were postulated that the cell cycle time lengthens with increasing tumour age up to about 4 days after inoculation, then remains relatively constant at between 4 and 6 days and thereafter increases again. Short-term double labelling experiments suggest that this is actually the case. Under the assumption of nearly constant phase durations during the 5th and 6th day of tumour growth further conclusions can be drawn from the modified FLM curve. In particular, it follows that the transit times of the cells through successive cycle phases are uncorrelated and the variances of the transit times through a cycle phase are proportional to the duration of this phase.  相似文献   
Mean transit times as well as variances of the transit times through the individual phases of the cell cycle have been determined for the crypt epithelial cells of the jejunum of the mouse. To achieve this the fraction of labelled mitoses (FLM) technique has been modified by double labelling with [3H] and [14C]thymidine. Mice were given a first injection of [3H]thymidine, and 2 hr later a second injection of [14C]thymidine. This produces a narrow subpopulation of purely 3H-labelled cells at the beginning of G2-phase and a corresponding subpopulation of purely 14C-labelled cells at the beginning of the S-phase. When these two subpopulations progress through the cell cycle, one obtains FLM waves of purely 3H- and purely 14C-labelled mitoses. These waves have considerably better resolution than the conventional FLM-curves. From the temporal positions of the observed maxima the mean transit times of the cells through the individual phases of the cycle can be determined. Moreover one obtains from the width of the individual waves the variances of the transit times through the individual phases. It has been found, that the variances of the transit times through successive phases are additive. This indicates that the transit times of cells through successive phases are independently distributed. This statistical independence is an implicit assumption in most of the models applied to the analysis of FLM curves, however there had previously been no experimental support of this assumption. A further result is, that the variance of the transit time through any phase of the cycle is proportional to the mean transit time. This implies that the progress of the crypt epithelial cells is subject to an equal degree of randomness in the various phases of the cycle.  相似文献   


Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is an autoimmune disease characterized by inflammation of the joints and the presence of autoantibodies directed against proteins containing the non-standard arginine-derived amino acid citrulline. The protein fibrinogen, which has an essential role in blood clotting, is one of the most prominent citrullinated autoantigens in RA, particularly because it can be found in the inflamed tissue of affected joints. Here, we set out to analyze the presence of citrullinated endogenous peptides in the synovial fluid of RA and arthritic control patients.


Endogenous peptides were isolated from the synovial fluid of RA patients and controls by filtration and solid phase extraction. The peptides were identified and quantified using high-resolution liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry.


Our data reveal that the synovial fluid of RA patients contains soluble endogenous peptides, derived from fibrinogen, containing significant amounts of citrulline residues and, in some cases, also phosphorylated serine. Several citrullinated peptides are found to be more abundantly present in the synovial fluid of RA patients compared to patients suffering from other inflammatory diseases affecting the joints.


The increased presence of citrullinated peptides in RA patients points toward a possible specific role of these peptides in the immune response at the basis of the recognition of citrullinated peptides and proteins by RA patient autoantibodies.  相似文献   
The vertebral centra of Hiodon, Elops, and Albula are direct perichordal ossifications (autocentra) which enclose the arcocentra as in Amia. An inner ring of ovoid cells forms in late ontogeny from the intervertebral space inside the autocentrum. The chordacentrum is reduced or completely absent in centra of adult Elops, whereas it forms an important portion of the centra in adult Hiodon. The posterior portion of the compound ural centrum 3+4+5 is partially (Hiodon) or fully formed by the chordacentrum (Elops, Albula). The haemal arches and hypurals are fused medially by cartilage or bone trabecles of the arcocentrum with the centra, even though they appear autogenous in lateral view in Elops and Albula. The composition of the caudal skeleton of fossil teleosts and the ontogeny of that of Hiodon, Elops, and Albula corroborate a one-to-one relationship of ural centra with these dorsal and ventral elements. The first epural (epural 1) of Elops relates to ural centrum 1, whereas the first epural (epural 2) of Hiodon and Albula relates to ural centrum 2. In Albula, the first ural centrum is formed by ural centrum 2 only. With 4 uroneurals Hiodon has the highest number within recent teleosts. Juvenile specimens of Hiodon have eight, the highest number of hypurals within recent teleosts; this is the primitive condition by comparison with other teleosts and pholidophorids. Reduction of elements in the caudal skeleton is an advanced feature as seen within elopomorphs from Elops to Albula. Such reductions and fusions occur in osteoglossomorphs also, but the lack of epurals and uroneurals separates most osteoglossomorphs (except Hiodon) from all other teleosts.  相似文献   
The peroxisomal proliferator-activated receptor γ (PPARγ) is a nuclear receptor that controls inflammation and immunity. Innate immune defense against bacterial infection appears to be compromised by PPARγ. The relevance of PPARγ in myeloid cells, that organize anti-bacterial immunity, for the outcome of immune responses against intracellular bacteria such as Listeria monocytogenes in vivo is unknown. We found that Listeria monocytogenes infection of macrophages rapidly led to increased expression of PPARγ. This prompted us to investigate whether PPARγ in myeloid cells influences innate immunity against Listeria monocytogenes infection by using transgenic mice with myeloid-cell specific ablation of PPARγ (LysMCre×PPARγ(flox/flox)). Loss of PPARγ in myeloid cells results in enhanced innate immune defense against Listeria monocytogenes infection both, in vitro and in vivo. This increased resistance against infection was characterized by augmented levels of bactericidal factors and inflammatory cytokines: ROS, NO, IFNγ TNF IL-6 and IL-12. Moreover, myeloid cell-specific loss of PPARγ enhanced chemokine and adhesion molecule expression leading to improved recruitment of inflammatory Ly6C(hi) monocytes to sites of infection. Importantly, increased resistance against Listeria infection in the absence of PPARγ was not accompanied by enhanced immunopathology. Our results elucidate a yet unknown regulatory network in myeloid cells that is governed by PPARγ and restrains both listeriocidal activity and recruitment of inflammatory monocytes during Listeria infection, which may contribute to bacterial immune escape. Pharmacological interference with PPARγ activity in myeloid cells might represent a novel strategy to overcome intracellular bacterial infection.  相似文献   
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