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A gene, sts14, coding for a highly expressed mRNA in pistils of Solanum tuberosum, was isolated. Northern blot and in situ analyses demonstrated that the gene was expressed throughout pistil development in both the stylar cortex and the stigma. The deduced STS14 protein displays similarity to the pathogenesis-related PR-1 proteins. A possible function for protection or guidance of the pollen tubes through the pistil is discussed.  相似文献   
Total Ca content and that fraction of Ca sensitive to removal by the chelator ethylene glycol-bis(β-aminoethyl ether)N,N,N',N'-tetraacetate (EGTA) have been investigated in the mouse 3T3 cell as a function of growth stage, transformation with SV40 virus, and serum levels of the media. Cells were allowed to grow through several doublings in media containing (45)Ca. The cellular content of (45)Ca was used to access total cell Ca. That fraction of (45)Ca removed by EGTA was presumed to represent primarily surface-localized Ca. The data are expressed on a per cell volume basis to compensate for size differences as a function of growth stage and transformation. During exponential growth phase, the 3T3 cell contains 525pmol Ca/μl cell volume. Of this, approx. 457 pmol/μl is not removable by EGTA and, presumably, is cytoplasmically located. This value is in close agreement with previous studies on the HeLa cell (470 pmol Ca/μl cell water after the removal of the surface Ca). The low level of EGTA- removable Ca present in the 3T3 cell during early exponential growth (68 pmol Ca/μl cell volume) increases progressively with increasing cell density, and upon quiescence it is sevenfold greater. In contrast, SV40- transformed 3T3 cells growing exponentially possess total levels of Ca which are approximately two-thirds the levels of the normal 3T3 cell. However, their EGTA-sensitive Ca is not significantly different from that of exponentially growing, normal 3T3 cells. As the transformed cells continue to grow at high density, their total ca and their sensitivity to EGTA do not change, in contrast to the normal 3T3 cell. Thus, an increase in Ca associated with the cell surface appears to be correlated with growth inhibition. This has been investigated further by regulating growth of the normal and transformed cell with alterations in the serum level of the media. In 4 percent calf serum the normal cell is stopped from continued proliferation. Growth stoppage under these conditions is characterized by a nearly fourfold increase in EGTA-removable Ca, similar to the increase observed upon quiescence in depleted 10 percent serum. Similar treatment of the transformed cell does not reduce its growth rate, nor does it significantly alter Ca distribution. However, at 0.5 percent medium serum levels, the SV40 3T3 growth rate is substantially reduced and, under these conditions, EGTA-removable Ca increases twofold.  相似文献   
Summary Using a Clark micro electrode the actual oxygen tension at various places in a style can be measured. Within the unpollinated, ripe style of Hippeastrum a pO2 gradient occurs. In the upper part, possibly with a little increase in the stigmatic branches, a very high oxygen tension is found; in the lower part, about 5 mm from the ovary, a sudden decrease occurs. In the ovary itself the oxygen tension is extremely low. After pollination, passage of the mass of pollen tube tips can be followed by a fairly sharp drop of the oxygen tension, which shifts down the style with progressive growth. This oxygen tension depression seems to be sharply limited to the region of pollen tube tips and the amount of decrease is dependent on the growth rate of the tubes. After passage of the pollen the original high level of oxygen tension is not fully restored in the upper style. This suggests that the metabolic activity of the pollen tube is strongly linked with the metabolic condition in the style. It seems that tubes grow most of their way to the egg under aerobic conditions; only at the base of the style, just before entering into the ovary, does the pollen have to switch over to an anaerobic pathway. For most of the style oxygen tension does not form a tropic gradient for tube growth.
Zusammenfassung Unter Benutzung einer Clark-Mikro-Elektrode konnte die aktuelle Sauerstoffspannung an verschiedenen Stellen in einem Griffel in situ gemessen werden. Dabei wurde im reifen, unbestäubten Griffel von Hippeastrum ein pO2-Gradient gefunden: Im oberen Griffelabschnitt, wahrscheinlich mit einer kleinen Depression in den Narbenästen, wurde eine sehr hohe Sauerstoff-Spannung gefunden; im unteren Teil, etwa 5 mm über dem Fruchtknoten beginnend, nimmt der pO2-Wert plötzlich schnell ab. Im Fruchtknoten selber ist die Sauerstoffspannung extrem niedrig.Nach Bestäubung kann das Durchwachsen der Masse der Pollenschlauchspitzen an Hand einer scharfen Depression der Sauerstoffspannung verfolgt werden, welche mit fortschreitendem Wachstum im Griffel nach unten zu verschoben wird. Diese Depression des pO2-Wertes scheint streng lokalisiert zu sein auf den Bereich der Pollenschlauchspitzen; die Größe der Depression ist abhängig von der Wachstumsgeschwindigkeit der Pollenschläuche. Nach dem Durchwachsen der Pollenschläuche wird die ursprünglich hohe Sauerstoffspannung in den oberen Griffelabschnitten nicht vollständig wiederhergestellt.Aus den Meßergebnissen kann der Schluß gezogen werden, daß die Stoffwechselaktivität der Pollenschläuche in hohem Maße abhängt von den Stoffwechselbedingungen im Innern des Griffels. Es scheint, daß die Pollenschläuche auf dem größten Teil ihres Weges zu den Eizellen unter aeroben Bedingungen wachsen; lediglich an der Basis des Griffels, kurz vor dem Eintritt in das Ovarium, muß der Pollenschlauch umschalten auf einen anaeroben Energiestoffwechsel. Ein Zusammenhang mit der Öffnung der Pollenschlauchspitzen bei der Entleerung des Schlauchinhaltes in den Embryosack wird diskutiert.Die Sauerstoffspannung scheint für den größten Teil des Griffels nicht die Funktion eines tropischen Gradienten für das orientierte Pollenschlauchwachstum zu haben.
Human metapneumovirus (HMPV) encodes a small hydrophobic (SH) protein of unknown function. HMPV from which the SH open reading frame was deleted (HMPVΔSH) was viable and displayed similar replication kinetics, cytopathic effect and plaque size compared with wild type HMPV in several cell-lines. In addition, no differences were observed in infection efficiency or cell-to-cell spreading in human primary bronchial epithelial cells (HPBEC) cultured at an air-liquid interphase. Host gene expression was analyzed in A549 cells infected with HMPV or HMPVΔSH using microarrays and mass spectrometry (MS) based techniques at multiple time points post infection. Only minor differences were observed in mRNA or protein expression levels. A possible function of HMPV SH as apoptosis blocker, as proposed for several members of the family Paramyxoviridae, was rejected based on this analysis. So far, a clear phenotype of HMPV SH deletion mutants in vitro at the virus and host levels is absent.  相似文献   


Leber's congenital amaurosis (LCA) is a severe form of retinal dystrophy. Mutations in the RPE65 gene, which is abundantly expressed in retinal pigment epithelial (RPE) cells, account for approximately 10–15% of LCA cases. In this study we used the high turnover, and rapid breeding and maturation time of the Rpe65 -/- knockout mice to assess the efficacy of using rAAV-mediated gene therapy to replace the disrupted RPE65 gene. The potential for rAAV-mediated gene treatment of LCA was then analyzed by determining the pattern of RPE65 expression, the physiological and histological effects that it produced, and any improvement in visual function.  相似文献   
Approximately half of congenital hearing impairment cases are inherited, with non-syndromic hearing impairment (NSHI) being the most frequent clinical entity of genetic hearing impairment cases. A family from Cameroon with NSHI was investigated by performing exome sequencing using DNA samples obtained from three family members, followed by direct Sanger sequencing in additional family members and controls participants. We identified an autosomal dominantly inherited novel missense variant [NM_001174116.2:c.918G>T; p.(Q306H)] in DMXL2 gene (MIM:612186) that co-segregates with mild to profound non-syndromic sensorineural hearing impairment . The p.(Q306H) variant which substitutes a highly conserved glutamine residue is predicted deleterious by various bioinformatics tools and is absent from several genome databases. This variant was also neither found in 121 apparently healthy controls without a family history of hearing impairment , nor 112 sporadic NSHI cases from Cameroon. There is one previous report of a large Han Chinese NSHI family that segregates a missense variant in DMXL2. The present study provides additional evidence that DMXL2 is involved in hearing impairment etiology, and we suggest DMXL2 should be considered in diagnostic hearing impairment panels.  相似文献   
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    Délka pra?ník? není uLilium henryi ukazatelem uvnit? v pra?nících probíhajících stadií meiose a tvorby pylu. Existují signifikantní rozdíly mezi délkou pra?ník? tého? cytologického stadia v r?zných obdobích vegeta?ní periody.  相似文献   
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